• Member Since 21st Sep, 2013
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I'm a Portuguese author who wants to share his stories.


  • TThe Light Kingdom
    When an envoy of a fallen kingdom appears, a quest to restore the kingdom will begin, whart will make Twilight and her friends enter in a race against time to retrieve the star seeds of the six Generals of the Order to find what might raise it.
    Rakoon1 · 61k words  ·  48  4 · 3.1k views

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Young Colt

When Twilight spend a few days with Cadance and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire with her friends, she meets with somepony from her past: an old love. However, it happens that old love is Shining Armor's best friend and right hoof. But, despite her efforts, she ends up becoming truly in love for him. But everything gets worse when Shining Armor discovers everything. How will it all end? Will the relationship between the two brothers be as it was before? And the relationship between the two old friends?

Note: This story tells how Twilight met Blue Sword again and how their love began. This is a parallel story in relation to Bloom's New Life and the true sequel of The Life of a Young Colt. Its sequel is The Light Kingdom.

First story: The Life of a Young Colt
Third story: The Light Kingdom
Fourth story: The Taking of Tartarus
Fifth story: Star Knight and the Nine-Tailed Fox
Sixth story: The Island of Tambelon
Seventh story: Light and Darkness - The Shadow of Midnight
Eighth story: The Hidden Prince
Nineth story: Aventures in the Bermikun Triangle
Tenth story: The Elements of Virtue
Eleventh story: The Prince of the Cursed Kingdom

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 83 )

YEAH!!! The SEQUEL. I am sooo happy. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Yeah!!! Now we get to the crystal Empire next. Now what will happen if Rarity tries to flirt with Blue as well. Never mind. Your story. Best of luck.

4311650 Yes, I could do it, but I prefer do it myself because I want to improve my English.

Nice chapter. I really liked it. I can't wait to see how the plot develops.

Nice chapter. I can't wait for the next one.

They will be. I would say only a few things further would screw up things more. Shinning finding out about Blue. Rarity's and Cadences involvement, and the changelings. If all those things happened within 24 hours. Man that would break anyone. Great chapter.

4363293 Maybe, but you must not forget that he is an overprotective brother and that even if the his sister's coltfriend is his best friend, he can not react very well.

Well, so far nothing has caught ablaze. Lets see what happens in the next chapter.

Cadence got off way to easy. I would have yelled at her. I wouldn't care if she was a princess. Good chapter by the way.

Nice chapter. I do like how they are now an official couple. I can't wait for the next chapter.

4401068 There are still a few chapters.

That was a very sweet date. I love how you should how much attention Blue gave to Twilight. I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope it comes out soon.

That was a great chapter. Man. I love how Cadence ran interference with Shinning. Let the secret romance continue.

I hope they used protection, or else Blue is going to face the wrath of Shinning Armor. Not even Cadence can save him if Twilight gets pregnant. I can't wait for the next chapter. Good luck.

4424912 Don't worry about that. I'm not thinking in making Twilight getting pregnant right now. Maybe later or in the sequel.

4426348 You're really impacient. Be patient, we are almost there.

Oh boy. I wonder what is going to happen up at the crystal empire. This could end up very badly.

Well the inevitable happen. Now lets have Cadence put Shinning in the dog house. That is going to be fun. I don't think I ever read Cadence using the Canterlot voice.

It's a bucking shame that the number of views is so low. Can't wait for the next chapter

Go Cadence. Good job with the way Cadence is talking to the foal. It makes this story seem more realistic.

ok we shall see where this goes

The two brothers embraced themselves and then Shining took off his helmet, saying:

ummm so suddenly twilight is a dude ? :twilightoops:

"It's so good to see you, sis."

ok now I am really confused

love this story but just one word GRAMMAR !!
but other than that very good story

Well it looks like a villain is now going to appear. I can't wait to see what happens next. Great job with this chapter.

Yeah!!! We got a wedding to plan now. This is going to be great.

Oh boy. We got Changlings in the house. I guess Discord isn't going to making the biggest blunder that the wedding.

Of course they would not check the guards.

... This is one of the reasons I hate women friends. They are creepy when it comes to romance.

Also, reread it, some stuff doesn't make sense and some spelling mistakes (Don't use auto-correct, its bad.)

You didn’t tried yet nor a disguise since we arrived


I feel an emphasis on responsibility in this story, perhaps a moral? Also, less spelling and gramma errors! *applause*

Oh boy. Now two stallions down. I hope Someone notices soon enough what is going on.

4506710 expect the unexpected, I sense some wedding crashers :trixieshiftright:

*Sigh* lets hope that there is more behind this wedding, because I sense copy and paste of ideas, he's gonna lose anyway. It's in changeling blood. :moustache:

This was awesome. Great job with this chapter. I enjoyed it. Now we need to know who are these two lords, and what is Twilight's and Blue's positions in their game.

4533463 The Lord of Order is the one who send Bloom, aka Cherry Blossom, to Equestria (see my story Bloom's New Life). He is the one who created all what is good and benign. The Lord of Chaos is the one who corrupt Sky when he came to Equestria to see Bloom (see my story Apple Wedding) and is the one who turn Fire Punch into a Changeling (see my story Fire Punch's Reborn). He created all what is evil and malignant.

Off to the next story. Great job with this one. Good luck.

hmmm.... this is good, but that does not appeal to me, moreover, have already a favorite ship :twilightoops: ... with twilight :ajbemused: ... but it is a good story :twilightsmile:

second book? please.... this was one of the most romantic fanfic ive ever read and its so sweat i allmost cried! please continu i will give you as much suport as needed this was apsalutly amazing!

Ridiculous. Why would Celestia send off a newly wed pony on a mission?

It makes absolutely no sense. If it was important, then Celestia must have been aware of it prior to wedding. She would have planned around having to dislodge somepony from their honeymoon. If it was urgent, then Celestia would have more then enough more suitable ponies to send. If it was both, she would`ve sent them both.

I added the image of Gleaming Shield. I hope you enjoy.

Huh... Didn't know you made a sequel... *reads description* :ajbemused: :facehoof: Greeeaaat... Good to see your grammar is as sterling as ever... And dat "Sex" tag...... Please tell me it's not going to be explicit... Or at least give a signal so I know when to turn my head.

Anyway, so I figured, since I reviewed one story, why not review the whole series? Yes, that means you'll have to deal with all three getting mercilessly ripped into.

You know the drill. If you can't remember, check my review style from your previous story.
And as for the grammar corrections, I'll just highlight the changes in the usual light blue.

Well, without any further delay: let's get started!

(Warning: The following reviews may contain sarcastic, serious, joking, thoughtful, or downright unnecessary commentary and/or flutter-censored swearing. Viewer discretion is advised.)

So we start this out at sunrise in the Crystal Empire. So this means we're in Season 3 and forward MLP. I wonder, does this have Alicorn Twilight in it?

At the train station near the entrance of the empire, a train had just arrived. It stopped, making smoke filling the platform. The doors of the passenger carriages opened and ponies started coming out and others were entering in them.
However, our attentions are focused on a particular stallion who came out of the train, landing his coatless violet-blue hooves on the platform, carrying a bag which was levitating in the air with a cobalt blue aura surrounding it. A fedora hat was placed on his electric ultramarine mane with midnight blue streaks, hiding his horn. The sun's rays were focused on his imperial blue coat, making note of his Cutie Mark: two crossed swords over a shield with two shades of purple. He then observed the Crystal Empire with his glaucous eyes. A smile appeared on his lips and then he started moving, making his bag follow him on his side.

Wow... While your grammar may be atrocious at times, your vocabulary is certainly the opposite, particularly in those color words. (I decided to try and use an online pony generator to get a whole visual of Blue Sword here using this paragraph for description, and I now realize...that's a lot of blue...)

We change scenes to Princess Cadence actually doing her job (other than saving the world).

"Is that all?"
"Yes, Princess" she replied. "This is all for now."
"Very well. You may go." Cadance said.

Then Shining Armor comes in, looking rather exhausted. I wonder why?

"Wow, honey, you look exhausted" Cadance commented, leaving the throne and going to her husband.

I just said that! Oh, whatever....

So it seems that Shining Armor, while being Prince of the Crystal Empire, hasn't resigned as Captain of the Royal Guard in Canterlot.

"Even if I abdicated the position and Princess Celestia appointed a temporary captain to replace me until Blue Sword’s return, I would only get a few hours to rest" Shining replied.

Well, it is an improvement. I'd say getting a few hours to rest is better than going without any sleep at all------ Wait...so Blue Sword's been absent this whole time? *DING* Wait...*checks final chapter of previous story* Oooohh.... Blue Sword hadn't returned from his trip until today. speaking of which, where did he go?

So Cadence suggests he gets a right-hand pony to help him with his duties and...

Then they heard the door of the throne room opening again and one of the guards came in and said:
"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but there's someone here to see you, Captain Shining Armor, sir."
"Please, say I don’t want to see anyone" he said. "I'm too tired for visitors."
So the same pony of the train station entered and asked:
"Not even for an old friend?"
Shining, hearing that voice, turned to the newcomer pony and said:
"It cannot be. Blue Sword, is it you?"

Cliched response to a voice a character hasn't heard in so long.

So the three of them have a short moment of reunion and exposition.

"We have so much to talk about" Shining said, putting a hoof around his friend’s shoulders. "I want to know all about your travels."
"And I also want to know what I missed while I was gone" Blue said. "I know a lot of things that happened, like the reappearance of the Crystal Empire. Hey, by the way, how's your sister? I heard she became a princess."

To Shining: So does the audience. We don't know anything about that trip! What was it about?
To Blue: Oh. So this takes place after "Magical Mystery Cure." We're actually in Season 4.

And Blue Sword volunteers to be Shining's right-hoof pony, which - for some reason - Shining takes some convincing to accept.

He turned to Blue Sword and asked:
"When do you want to start?"
"Do you really have to ask?" Blue asked back. "Don’t you know me well enough to know the answer?"
"So, let me guess: now?"

You expected anything less?

So Shining goes to show Blue Sword around the Crystal Palace, leaving Cadence in the throne room.

Now she was alone, Cadance returned to her throne and, using her magic, she took a parchment that was there, a quill and ink and began to write something.
When she saw Blue Sword, Cadance realized she had to do it when she had a chance. Of course she had to do without Shining or Blue knew or distrusted. It was her duty as princess of love.
She finished the letter she was writing, rolled it up and sent it magically for its addressee.
"I just hope she accepts" Cadance said for herself. "I'm sure, if she accepts, her life will take a new direction, a direction that I already took and that made me immensely happy."

Do what? Write to who? My guess: Twilight, but...I could be wrong.

Not a bad start to a sequel, but the grammar is still bad in several places. You need an editor.

So we find Twilight sleeping at her desk. (Exactly where is she, the library? Or her friendship castle from the end of "Twilight's Kingdom"?) And there's a lot of paperwork on said desk. Okay, my response to this will depend on where she's at because it will determine what time this takes place.

So Spike comes in and she wakes up rather abruptly...

She sighed and then said, wearily:
"Sorry, Spike, but I'm too tired."
"You've been working all night?" Said Spike.

Well, that's nothing new.

So Spike suggests she take a vacation from her "Princess Duties" - I'll get to that in a minute - when he receives a letter via the usual Dragon Fax Machine, and it's the letter Cadence wrote earlier.

Dear Twilight,
I know you must have a lot of work on your hooves right now and, as I know you quite well, I know you must be giving one hundred and ten percent of you, or more, to do it. However, life cannot be all work.
Why don’t you come spend a few days here at the Crystal Empire. We haven't seen each other for a long time and we're and your brother misses you a lot too. Don’t worry about the work. I'll talk with Celestia and ask her to give you some vacation for you. If you want, you can also bring your friends.
Answer when you can, please.
With love,

Hello, plot convenience.

So Spike is all for her taking the vacation, but Twilight isn't so sure.

"I don’t know, Spike" she said. "Even if Celestia gives me a vacation, there is so much to do here in the library."

:rainbowderp: Alright, so she's still at the library....and this gives me the right to complain. You know why? Because, until the season 4 finale, Twilight never had a real job as princess! Sure, the season 4 pilot gives her some stuff to do, but that was just a to-do list for that year's summer sun celebration! Twilight never had anything else to do once the Celebration was over. So where did all that paperwork come from!? Are they unfinished friendship letters? Nope. Twilight wouldn't leave letters unfinished and unsent. So, why are they just there?
plot-hole mender: plot convenience; giving Twilight an excuse to want to take a break. But she would be just as eager to come to the Crystal Empire if she didn't have anything to do - in fact, she'd be even more enthusiastic to see her brother and sister-in-law with no overzealous-perfectionist-stuff holding her back.

"Hey, I can handle it" Spike answered. "After all, I'm your number one assistant, remember?”
Twilight laughed and then replied:
"Yes, you're right. I think I deserve a vacation. Are you sure you don’t mind staying here?"
"Of course not" Spike replied. "It's not the first time you leave me alone in the library."

I love how just about every fanfic that isn't centered around Spike conveniently keeps the little guy out of the main plot.

So Twilight goes to ask her friends if they want to come with her and...

"Sorry, Twilight, but we have a rainstorm scheduled in Ponyville in the next few days and I will be busy coordinating everything. I will not be able to go."

"Ah can’t, Twilight, Ah'm sorry" she replied while bucking apple trees. "Ah have tah get these apples bafor it starts rainin'."

"Oh, Twilight, I'd love to go with you to the Crystal Empire. Unfortunately, my bear friend is sick and I have to take care of him."

Convenient! (Okay, since the Rainbow Dash letter coloring is light blue, I changed my editing color to purple for that segment alone.)

She finally has some luck with Rarity.

"Oh, Twilight, I'd love to go with you."
"But let me guess" Twilight said. "You have things to do."
"What? Of course not. Things have been pretty calm. Going on vacation is always better than staying here dyeing of boredom. Moreover, I never miss an opportunity to go to the Crystal Empire."

Yeah, so you can go all :raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry: over the Crystal Ponies. We all remember how you acted in the season 3 opener.

Alright, so all that leaves is---

She was prepared to depart, when Pinkie appeared in front of her and saying:
"Here’s Pinkie!"

:derpyderp1::rainbowderp::twilightoops: WHOA!!! Jeez, girl! How do you----- Wait, wait...it's Pinkie Pie; don't question it.

"Pinkie, how many times I have told you to not do this?" Twilight asked angrily.
"About one hundred and fifty-two times" said Pinkie. "Oh, wait... one hundred fifty-three. But, hey, it's very funny."
"Not for me" Twilight answered, still recovering from the shock. "My heart was almost jumping out of my chest."
"Oh, silly, that's impossible" Pinkie said, laughing. "That only happens in cartoons.

Okay, because of the irony of that last statement, THAT was funny! (Humor: +1)

And Pinkie Pie says she'll go with Twilight to the Crystal Empire - perhaps the Cakes gave her the weekend off or something? I dunno... - Twilight returns to the library to write her letter to Cadence and then we skip ahead to Twilight ready to leave and being the bookworm worry wart we all know her to be.

"Don’t forget to clean the dust of all shelves."
"Yes, Twilight."
"And Owlowiscious has to have his feathers brushed at least once per day."
"Yes, Twilight."
"And don’t forget too..."
"Twilight, I know everything I need to know" Spike said as Twilight reached the door. "Don’t worry, everything will be fine."

Yeah, seriously, Twilight; you trust Spike, don't you? And besides, you're going to the Crystal Empire so you can unwind, so don't just wind yourself up so much before you go; it'll make it that much harder to calm down once you're there.

Twilight heads off to the train station to find Pinkie and Rarity already there, Rarity having only just arrived, and Pinkie....well....

"And I've been here since morning" Pinkie said.

Say what? You've been here since this morning? Okay, first off: it's an evening train. Secondly: What've you been eating? We all know you have an insatiable sweet tooth, Pinkie Pie! You can't go five minutes without eating some kind of sweet.

"That's easy" Pinkie Pie answered. "I have cakes stashed all over Ponyville, in case of cake emergency."

.......Of course......

"Please, don’t tell me you have battery-powered refrigerators to preserve the cakes."
"Okay, so I won't say it" Pinkie Pie said, going after that hopping around.

............*groan* :facehoof: Pinkie, Pinkie, Pinkie.........

Changing topic, Rarity is packing a surprisingly small amount of luggage. Why is that?

"Oh, Twilight, I hardly think it necessary bring a lot of luggage behind me for a simple trip to the Crystal Empire" Rarity said.
But then she noticed Twilight’s look---

BS Detector!

---and then admitted:
"Besides, my bags were for cleaning. Sweety Belle and her friends had the bright idea to try painting my bags with ink just to get the Cutie Mark of bag decoration."

:twilightsmile: Children. The CMC just aren't going to learn, are they?

So they board the train and are on their way to the Crystal Empire.

Things I want to say:
1 - I'm noticing an improvement in your grammar. (the errors are still there, though.)
2 - I wonder how the reunion is going to go? I hope Rarity doesn't start flirting with Blue Sword...... And how is Blue going to react to the randomness of Pinkie?
All things that will have to wait for the next chapter.

So the train arrives at the Crystal Empire.

"Ah, it feels so good return to the Crystal Empire" Rarity said, as they passed through the entrance. "I love how it is bright and perfectly polished. And the crystal ponies... Well, there are no words!"

Calm yourself, Rarity. We don't want another episode like---

"Of course there are words, Rarity" Pinkie Pie said, while she was hopping when walking, as usual, pausing as she spoke. "If it were not so, how could we talk? And if we couldn't speak, then what would we do? We could not even hear our own voices!"

...............No comment.

Then the three of them go over the times Twilight and Cadence tried to spend quality time and ended up doing other things...

"I'm happy to go back to see my brother and Cadance and spend quality time with them, in their spare time" Twilight said.
"I could not agree more with you, darling" Rarity said. "It’s not for nothing, but you always tend to join in times of great stress, like the wedding or King Sombra’s threat or the evaluation of the Equatria Games inspector."

"A Canterlot Wedding", "The Crystal Empire", "Equestrian Games"...

"Yeah, not to mention that time in which you had to go on mission to that strange world to retrieve your crown, going through that magical and glittering mirror" Pinkie Pie continued.

"Equestria Girls"...

"And when Cadance came to visit you, you two had to put up with Discord all day" Rarity added.

and "Three's a Crowd."
Total number of Princess Cadence appearances before "Twilight's Kingdom": 4 Episodes and one Movie!

So they head to the Crystal Palace and learn from the guards that Shining Armor is overseeing in specting the guards at another location and Cadence is in the throne room dealing with affairs of ruling an empire.

They entered the castle, starting to head to the throne room with Twilight saying:
"Maybe we should go to greet Cadance and then we let her work and we can explore a bit. Knowing my brother as I know, his inspection to the guards might take a while..."

BONK! She runs into a guard.

"I'm so sorry" she said, rubbing her head. "I didn't see where I was going."
"Never mind" the guard said. "I'm also a bit clumsy."
When she heard that voice, Twilight petrified. She knew that voice from somewhere, but she hoped it was not possible. She began to feel her heart beating fast as she stared at the face of the stallion she had just bumped into and was shocked to see that he was...
"Blue Sword?" she asked.


Then we have an awkward moment of reminiscing, reunion, and introduction. And I'm surprised Pinkie is being as cool as she does in this scene.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" she said. "Blue, these are two great friends of mine, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Girls, this is Blue Sword, Shining Armor’s oldest and best friend and also his right hoof."
"Hello" Rarity and Pinkie Pie greeted at the same time.
"Nice to meet you" Blue Sword said, bowing his head to each of them. "If you are friends of Twilight, so you should have as much sympathy as beauty."

:rainbowhuh: ...I'm not sure what he was trying to say there, but I think he was flirting with them like he always does with mares. So it would be better worded as something like this:
"If you are friends of Twilight, then it's no wonder you both radiate such beauty." Though, that is in question in terms of Pinkie Pie, with her I-have-no-idea-what-to-say-about-it mane.

“Oh, what a gentlecolt!" Rarity exclaimed. "It's really nice of you saying that."

"Gentlecolt"? More like a womanizer.

"But what are you doing here?" She asked to Blue. " I thought you were traveling. At least, that's what my brother told me."
"And I was, and liked it, and now I returned" he replied. "I was to return to Canterlot, after my visit to Shining and Cadance here at Crystal Empire, then I could take my place as Captain of Canterlot Royal Guard, but your brother was mired in work and I decided to use the days that left me to get back to work in the big capital to give him a hoof."

And, once again with the question: where the f:yay:k did he travel to!?

"And Shining accepted that? " Twilight asked, surprised. "I thought he was too proud to accept your help."
"He tried well, but Cadance managed to convince him to accept" he said.
Upon hearing that, Twilight’s logic soon began to work.


"Really?" she asked.
"You look surprised" Blue noted. "It seems you don’t know the power Cadance has on Shining."
"When did you come back?" Twilight asked.
"Yesterday morning" he replied.
Then it all made sense to Twilight.

What made sense?

So Blue Sword takes his leave there, and Twilight is lost in thought.

"Well, Blue is quite charming" Rarity commented.
"Yes, and did you see how his name is consistent with him?" Pinkie Pie asked. "His name is Blue, and by his coat, his mane and even his eyes are also blue."
"Yes, Pinkie, we realized it" Rarity replied, looking after that to Twilight who was looking Blue departing. "And I think there are ponies who noticed it more than others."

Hello, Lady Obvious! (I'm referring to Pinkie Pie.)

So Rarity snaps Twilight out of her stupor, and Twilight heads out to the throne room.

"Did you see how she was when she met Blue Sword?" Rarity asked to Pinkie Pie.
"Of course!" Pinkie answered. "She looked like a zombie pony, it just lacked drooling, and the lightness she had was like a Breezie the wind."
"I liked the metaphor" Rarity commented.
"Thank you, I've been working on it" Pinkie Pie answered.

You've been working on that metaphor just in case you came across a situation like this? How would you have known you'd have a situation like................. *holds hoof out dismissively* It's Pinkie Pie; don't question it.

So they follow Twilight into the throne room and we meet up with Cadence. And they.....

"Sunshine, sunshine..." the two did a trot in the same place "ladybugs awake..." they placed their hooves over their eyes and then took them like a window opening "clap you're hooves..." they clapped the forelegs' hooves "and do a little shake!"

Okay, normally, I wouldn't mind a description of their movements in a situation like this, but in this particular case, I don't think it's really necessary.

“I’m glad you could come, Twilight. And you too, girls.”
"Yes, I'm also glad I could come" Twilight said, then adopting a more serious tone. "But now I want you tell me your real intention for inviting me."

*whispers* Cadence, I think she knows.

So Cadence tries to feign ignorance, but Twilight doesn't buy it.

"Cadance, I'm not stupid. Admit that you sent that letter to me so I could meet him."
Although Cadance continue to try to do an innocence air, she realized that would not do anything and then she made a smile and said:
"It is impossible to deceive you, isn't it?"

Trying to trick Twilight? Not so much.

"Cadance, What I felt for Blue is dead and buried. I was just a little filly who didn’t know what the life was!"

Uh, bullcrap! Sure, it's been a while, but what you felt for Blue Sword back then was more than just a filly's crush! You truly admired him. In fact, the only problem I see with this relationship is the age difference. Blue Sword is at least five years older than her, so that might make it a bit weird, but I've seen worst pairings than that.

"Please, you're not seriously saying you don't feel anything for Blue Sword now, are you?" Cadance asked.
"Of course I don’t feel anything for Blue!" Said Twilight.
"She's lying!" Said Pinkie.
"What?" Said Twilight.
"Please, dear, we both saw how you looked to Blue" Rarity said. "If Pinkie Pie saw that you have still a crush by Blue, is because it's too obvious."
"Yes!" Said Pinkie, who only then realized what Rarity had said. "Hey!"

Haha! Classic.

"I don’t have a crush for Blue!" Twilight protested.
But, being hit by their stares, she sighed and ended up confessing:
"Okay, maybe I feel a little thing for Blue."

AHA! You admit it!

But Twilight doesn't think Blue feels the same way about her, and Rarity.....

"Hey, we're your friends, after all" said Rarity. "We can help change that. There is nothing I like more than a seduction game."
"Oh, we gonna play a game?" Pinkie Pie asked, starting to jump. "I love games!"

To Rarity: ...................Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh
To Pinkie: *light smiles* I'm not questioning it; why should you?

"Look, girls, I know you are trying to help me, and, because of that, thank you" Twilight said, removing Cadance’s hoof from his shoulder and began to head for the door. "But this is my problem and I don’t you involved, okay?"
"But Twilight..." all three mares started simultaneously.
"But nothing," she said, opening the door of the room. "Now, if you don’t mind, I'm going to my room tidy things up and then I go for a walk... alone."

And here we have the "Twilight tries to do things by herself" trope for MLP two-parters.

So she leaves and goes to her room, where she debates what to do next.

However, she thought in what she was feeling right now. After all, she was quite happy to see Blue again. And with her flame of passion she felt for him reignited, she felt an energy that she has not felt since she was a filly. But she had to be realistic, their relationship was virtually impossible. Not that he could not love her as she loved him, but it was because of a single variable: a pony whose reaction to her relationship with Blue would serve to moderate everything. Of course she was talking about her brother, Shining Armor.

Mmmmm.....So, your reasoning for denial is fear that he won't feel the same way (which, you won't know until you try), and that your brother might not approve? (Also something that you won't know until you try.) It's impossible to deal with either of those issues without approaching the problem directly.

So, while Twilight is off pondering, Rarity and Pinkie are talking with Cadence.

"Don’t worry about it" Cadance said. "I've known Twilight since she was a filly and I know that sooner or later she will get the courage to declare what she feels to Blue. One of our problems now is Blue Sword."
"Blue Sword?" Pinkie Pie repeated.
"I get it" Rarity said. "We don’t know if he feels the same. And if he doesn't feel it, Twilight can leave very hurt with this."

Yeah, that would definitely leave an emotional scar.

"Yes, and then there's Shining" Cadance said. "He is very overprotected toward his sister. I bet he would handle any stallion who approached Twilight. And if Blue become that stallion in question, then things will turn sour more than expected. The friendship between the two could end, a friendship that has lasted over twenty years."

...Uh, are you sure you've got your ponies right? I think Shining would be overjoyed to learn his little sister is taking a step out of her comfort zone. And seriously, would he really get that angry at his best friend liking his sister? (or, in this case, the other way around) I don't see anything wrong with it! Shining trusts Blue Sword wholeheartedly! What's there to worry about?

So they start forming a plan about how to get this relationship to work, starting with trying to get Twilight and Blue to admit their feelings.

"There should be a fantastic and unreal place that made the ponies that are inside of it have a fantastic desire to express their greatest thrills" Pinkie Pie said. "So Twilight could confess her love for the Blue Sword and maybe then we could make him fall in love with Twilight."

:unsuresweetie: Pinkie, you're a moron.

"Pinkie, darling, you know that we love your ideas" Rarity said. "Really we loved it. But you have to learn to separate fantasy from reality."

You said it, Rarity.

"Maybe Pinkie is not so far from the truth" she said.

Wait, what?

"I think I know a place that matches that description. I don’t know if it exists, but it has been glimpsed by ponies who passed by here in Northern Equestria. It's a magical place that they say it boost the emotions of those who come within its borders."

:rainbowderp: you're kidding.... There's actually a place that does that? And..."Boosts the emotions of those who come within its borders"? Do you realize just how wrong that can go? First off, there's Twilight; if her feelings for Blue Sword are as strong as they're made out to be, then who knows what she'll do with Blue in that place!? (this paragraph put my mind in the gutter. Sue me.)
Secondly, if Blue doesn't feel anything for her, then he may outright say he hates her there!

And thirdly, there's the problem that you guys are interfering in a personal affair! Seriously, this is something you have to just let happen on its own! influencing emotions in this much of a direct manner can be disastrous! We've seen that happen in the Valentines Day episode, "Hearts and Hooves Day." As the moral of that story can be interpreted:

"But how can we know more about that place?" Rarity asked. "If it's so mysterious as you're describing it, then there should be plenty of information about it."

Actually, "Mysterious" means that hardly anything is known about it. Rarity, you fail.

And it just so happens that there's an entire book about this place. Convenient!

Cadence takes them to her study and removes the book from the bookshelf. And Rarity seems more interested in the material the cover is made of. Somepony needs to get their priorities straightened out.

"Here it is!" She said. "It's called the Oasis of the Heart. They say that it formed after the fall of a shooting star. It’s like a desert oasis, but here in the arctic. It is a place full of warmth, trees and beauty. They say it contains a spell that prevents the cold and the snow of the arctic to enter and that it can reach the hearts of ponies who enter in its borders, causing them to express their strongest feelings and emotions."

In this case, that can end either really good, or really bad. For reasons, see my aforementioned rant above.

So they come up with a plan on how to get the two of them to the Oasis. Yeah, Twilight'll be a piece of cake; she'll be more than eager to explore a new place.

But what about Blue?"
"Well, we could..." Pinkie began.
"No, Pinkie, we will not kidnap Blue" Rarity said, knowing what she would say.
"Oh, cutting-prazes!" Pinkie said. "I wanted to use my mustache."

:ajbemused: ......Need I say anything here that hasn't already been said about Pinkie? (Okay, while this is overall ramped up to eleven, I like how much you're utilizing Pinkie's character. Writing: +1)

So Cadence says that getting Blue there'll be easy as well.

"Recently there have been sightings of changelings here. Shining tightened the security and the guards are now patrolling the arctic."

Oh, I get it! With Blue Sword out there on patrol in the arctic, he could happen upon the Oasis on his own - or with some prodding.

"One thing I have not mentioned about the Oasis of the Heart is that it can attract anypony that it deems worthy to enter in it."

:rainbowderp:......... I was joking about that last part!!!

So they set off to get the two love ponies in place, and then we flash to Twilight, who is walking through the castle trying to avoid Blue Sword. Luckily she makes it outside without a hitch and goes to the gardens, where Shining Armor is inspecting the Guard. When he's done, the two embrace in a hug.

"I’m glad you accepted Cadance’s invitation to pass a few days with us" said Shining. "Although, I don’t knowing yet the reason for her to have done it."

Wow......does Shining not know about Twilight's affection towards Blue Sword? Man, he's clueless.

So they have a few exchanges before Shining has to take off to do his other duties.

Twilight then proceeded to stroll around the Empire. Shining was really happy to have Blue again at his side. She didn’t want that her crush on Blue to ruin the friendship between him and her brother. It was for that reason and a few others, she had to save to herself what she felt for him. Even if Blue liked her and asked her to a date, she wouldn’t accept it, not because she didn’t love him, but to keep the friendship of two friends that lasts long before she herself was born.

4344473 The first sentence of your comment just about sums up my feelings of the situation right now. Twilight, just talk to Blue Sword about it! And if he does in fact feel the same way, then bring it up with Shining Armor and check for his approval! Both of which, I am confident will happen! Seriously, Twilight; you're acting irrationally. AGAIN!!!

So we open up with Twilight strolling through the castle when she's stopped by Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Twilight, before you go, can we talk to you?" Rarity asked.
"As long as you two don’t speak about Blue Sword" Twilight replied.

being a bit gruff there, aren't you, Twilight?

So the girls Pinkie Promise not to talk about Blue Sword and then set their plan into motion. They tell her about the Oasis of the Heart, (they kinda left out the part about the place amplifying the inhabitant's emotions) and Twilight seems interested.

"Interesting" Twilight said, thoughtfully. "It really is something unusual. Do you know where it is?"
"A few miles to the northeast" Rarity said. "Cadance says the book says that this oasis is marvelous in the moonlight."
"Well then I know where we're going tonight" Twilight said.
"Oh, I’m sorry, Twilight, but I will not be able to go" Rarity said.

And why is that? She has to get her beauty sleep. :facehoof: Oy-vey...

"What about you, Pinkie?" Twilight asked.
"I'm sorry, Twilight, but I also want to have my beauty sleep" she replied.


"Wait, you? Having a beauty sleep?"
"Yes, I decided to try after seeing how Rarity’s coat is so soft after that."

.........Not your most persuasive argument, Pinkie. If it was me you were trying to convince, I'd call shenanigans on you immediately.

And Twilight is thinking the same thing, but decides to go to the Oasis herself.

And then she walked away. Seeing her moving away, Rarity and Pinkie smiled at each other and bumped their hooves.

I still disapprove of this plan. What they needed to do was convince her to tell Blue Sword and go for it. The worst that could happen is Blue Sword says no. But in this place, the results will most definitely be good or bad in the EXTREME! Blue says yes, they're DEFINITELY gonna tie the knot; Blue says no, they hate each other for life! Sheesh! Think ahead, girls!

So we change scenes to Cadence going to Shining's office and finds him practically buried under piles of paperwork. Sheesh...I knew being top dog had its troubles, but I never thought they could be this bad...

"Oh, my love, I'm sorry" Shining said, seeing Cadance coming in. "I'm sick of work. Don’t worry, we'll still have dinner together."

Y'know, I'm noticing Shining addresses Cadence as "my love" quite a lot. Don't you think you're overusing it? Sometimes it's okay to just call her by her name, you know.

So Shining is overworking himself because he's stressed out about these Changeling sightings. Yeah, after what happened to his grandfather and at the wedding, I wouldn't blame him.

Then Cadence puts her part of "Operation: Twilight+Blue Sword" into motion and suggests to Shining that Blue be put on the patrols.

"You know how he loves being in the middle of the action. Unless you have already assigned him another job."

Yeah, Blue Sword does seem kind of like the type of pony who likes to be where it's happening instead of waiting on the sidelines.

Shining thought a bit and said:
"I think you're right. Then I'll put him in the north... "
"No!" Cadance replied suddenly.
That made Shining look at her and ask:
"Why not?"


Cadance then regained her natural air and said, trying to eliminate any shade of nervousness in her voice:
"Because I know you. And I know that if you make a change, you end up doing more and so on and you end up rearranging everything again. It’s simpler to assign the empty area to Blue, don’t you think?"
Shining pondered a bit on what Cadance told and finally said:
"Yes, I think you're right. As always. What was I thinking?
"That's why I'm here" Cadance said, gently passing her hoof across his face. "I ensure that you make the right decisions."

Nice save there, Cadence.

So we skip ahead to the dinner they were talking about, and it goes smoothly.

When dinner was to end, Rarity stretched slightly, causing a fake yawn, and said:
"Well, I'm going to my room. I want to have my long ten hours of sleep."
She then looked to the corner of her eye to Pinkie and saw she was delight herself with her third dessert. Then she gave her a kick under the table which made her complain:
She then looked at Rarity who made her a warning look she realized.
"Oh, right..."
And then she stretched and said, yawning:
"Yes, I will also sleep. I'm just very tired from all the excitement today. It’s not to subtly escape to an evening stroll to...
But she didn’t finish because Rarity covered her mouth and said, laughing again:
"We're going."

"That was weird" Shining commented.
"Pinkie Pie is like that" Twilight said. "Although today she has been a little weirder than usual. And Rarity was also strange. I think they need to rest as well."

No comment.

So Twilight then gets up to go on a walk, and shoots down Shining's plea that she stay where its safe. Seriously, Shining; your sister's a fricking Alicorn now; I think she can handle a changeling or two if she encounters them.

"I know, but..." Shining began.
"Shining, let Twilight go stroll" Cadance said. "She can take care of herself."
There was a pause and then Shining said:
"Okay, but make sure you don’t come late."
"Yes, daddy" Twilight said, half laughing, making Cadance also give a laugh.

Overprotective siblings. *sigh*....You wanna slap them, but you can't help but love them.

So it's sunset right now, and Twilight heads out in search of the Oasis of the Heart.

Twilight loved exploring mysterious places. Knowing the secrets of a place was something exciting. This love for exploring unknown places may have been created by the fact that she had grown up reading Daring Doo stories her mother wrote. She was eager to find this place that was created by the fall of a shooting star and that kept the snow and the cold of the arctic outside.

BOOM! Common headcanon that has been shot out of the sky by the season 4 episode "Daring Don't." Though, if I had known that Twilight's mom was a writer when I was introduced to the Daring Doo books, I would have thought the same thing.

The snow began to appear under Twilight’s hooves and the wind was getting colder. It was then that her nostrils caught a sweet aroma. It was a tremendously sweet aroma, like a mixture of smells she loved the most: the smell of roses, the scent of her favorite sandwich, the sweet aroma of the apple pie that her grandmother made for her and Shining, the smell of freshly cut grass and... the scent of Blue’s mane.

Ah. So that's how the Oasis attracts ponies; it works kind of like the love potion from Harry Potter - that being it gives off the scent of whatever the pony is most attracted to..... Wait, what?

the scent of Blue’s mane.


So the mixes scents make her move in the snow, like some kind of mind control spell, and then we flash to Blue Sword out on his patrol.

When his best friend asked him to go on patrol, Blue became immensely happy. He hated having to stay for a long time within doors, patrolling and watching always the same room or hallway. Action was what he loved, the adrenaline rushing through his veins, the pleasure of running. It was this factor that didn’t make him aspire the position of Captain of the Royal Guard, because working in a closed office to deal with bureaucracies was not for him.

Well, then I'm going to guess that you're less than enthusiastic to return to Canterlot, since becoming Captain is exactly what's gonna happen when you do.

Blue comes across some hoof tracks in the ground, which could be Changelings, but I think we all know whose those were. Especially since Blue then picks up a scent that is very enticing to him.

It was then that his nose caught a strange scent that distracted him from his duties. It was sweet and attractive. He could distinguish each flavor of his favorite foods, also the smell of the natural dew and the salty scent of the sea. It was a perfect combination. This aroma messed with his brain propelling him to want to follow it and find out where it came from. His hooves began to advance.

Alright. The board is set, and the pieces are moving. (bad Lord of the Rings reference)

So Twilight arrives at the Oasis and.....

If she didn’t know she was alive, she would think she went to the Paradise. Beautiful and ancient trees towered proud, causing a fresh and at the same time warm shade, and their leaves radiated a reddish light, but in a pure tone, contrasting with their green color and flowers whose light was more intense and seemed to be responsible for that alluring aroma. They were fed by channels of pure water that were coursing through the trees smoothly. That might be the Oasis of the Heart.



So Twilight looks around and comes to the center of the Oasis, where she finds a massive tree on an island surrounded by an even more massive lake.

So much beauty made Twilight start looking at all sides, not knowing where to turn. It was then, while walking backward, she bumped into somepony. The two turned and Twilight saw that she just bumped with...
"Blue?" Twilight asked. "What are you doing here?"

Okay, how many times are those two going to just bump into one another?

Blue also felt strange. He didn’t know why, but he was somewhat bothered by Twilight’s presence. There wasn’t a feeling of disgust, but the opposite. He was bothered, but he liked that feeling. Also he didn’t know why, but now Twilight seemed to him more beautiful than he thought before, like a goddess.

So now we - the audience - know for sure that Blue Sword does in fact have feelings for Twilight. The love is mutual! That, or it's just the Oasis talking. Now all they need to do is confess, tell Shining, and hope for the best! And...I think there's call for new background music.

They then heard a sound from the lake and the two looked there. Stone platforms appeared floating, making a path to the island of the lake.


"Hey, since we have a path to that island, why don’t we go there?" Blue asked.
"Do you think..." Twilight began.
Blue then jumped to one of the platforms and then said, extending his hoof:
"Come on, it'll be fun."
Twilight couldn’t believe that a moment like that was happening. It was like a dream. She smirked and then asked jokingly:
"You are aware that I have wings, aren’t you?"
"Yes, but how do you prefer to cross the lake: in the easy way or in the fun way?"

.......................I have no way to retort for that. he has a very good point there.

So they hop across the rocks and get to the island, with Twilight almost falling in when she gets to the end. Luckily, Blue's there to catch her, and they almost kiss. (Note that I said "almost.")

Then the massive tree takes their interest.

Twilight then went to the big tree on the island, admiring it. She never saw anything like it. She didn’t know any tree or any other plant that sent a glow like that and that had own light. She passed her hoof through the trunk, feeling an immense power coming from it, a pure and mighty power.
"This tree is unique..." Twilight said. "Even more unique than all the trees of this place."
"It should be for being the oldest" Blue suppose, also passing his hoof through the tree. "I mean, she must have been the first tree of the oasis and it must have generated the others."

:facehoof: Oh, great. I'm learning!

Then an earthquake goes off and.....wait---earthquake----What? Where'd that come from? What caused it?
Plot convenience!!!
......Y'know, that's a lousy excuse.

So an earthquake goes off, and the two fall over, and land on top of each other. Convenient!

Twilight looked up and then looked at Blue. She never been so close to him. His glaucous eyes bewitched her with a look. Blue also fixed her violet eyes, those bright and fascinating eyes. So, without being able to resist, they approached their muzzles and their lips touched each other.
When she felt the touch of Blue’s lips, Twilight felt as if her greatest dream was accomplished. His kiss was soft and warm. Her heart was beating irregularly and her stomach writhing.

I believe Twilight now has her "Special Somepony."

When their finished the kiss, both seemed a bit bewildered, especially Twilight, because it was her first kiss with a stallion, and moreover with the stallion of her dreams. It was then that she realized that this stallion was also the her brother’s best friend and horror been has spread in her.
She hastened to stand up and said, trotting nervously in the same place:
"Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! This shouldn’t have happened. This shouldn’t have happened!"

Oh, COME ON, Twilight! Come the freak on! You know you love him, and now you know he loves you! So, what's wrong with that!? And don't pull the whole "Shining won't approve" excuse, because I think that he'd be overjoyed to learn that his introverted bookworm of a sister has a coltfriend!

"What was I thinking" she said hastily. "I mean, you're my brother’s best friend. You're like a brother to me. What will Shining say when he finds out what happened..."
But she didn’t finish because Blue gave her another kiss that made her stop. He then stopped the kiss and said:
"Twilight, relax. Breathe."

THANK you, Blue Sword. Though, normally that's Spike's job to reel Twilight in when she's going insane.

She did so and breathed deeply a few times and then Blue said:
"Twilight, you don’t have to be like that because of this."
"You must be joking" Twilight said.
"No. I even enjoyed it."
"Sure, you enjoyed..."
But then Twilight just realized what Blue had said.

(insert this sound effect here)

"Can you repeat that?" she asked.
"I enjoyed it" Blue repeated. "I don’t know why or how, but somehow something in me that I never felt before awakened. And I really liked it."

There. Now you two can go talk to Shining about it, and we can move on to the next issue-----

He approached her for another kiss, and although Twilight wanted that kiss, she could resist and walked away, saying:
"No, this couldn’t have happened."
And, having said that, she opened her wings and took flight.

..............I spoke too soon....AGAIN!!!

So Twilight leaves Blue Sword in the Oasis and flies out, now in denial of her own feelings.

Okay, the only real effects I can see of the Oasis is that the beautiful setting is just like any other romantic place where these awkward moments happen so often in fiction. So, really, the only magical thing about it is how it's able to keep the cold out.

Well, that and attract ponies to the paradise in the first place, but that's besides the point.

(To that initial note: So, let me guess: This is going to be like the "Love at First Sight" chapters from "Life of a Young Colt", that being that this chapter will be focusing on Twilight and the next (part 2) will focus on Blue Sword?)

So Twilight returns to the palace and runs inside as fast as she can, completely bypassing Shining Armor and Cadence along the way.

"Hello, Twilight, I see that you returned from your..." Shining began.
But she ignored him, passing by him.
"But what's wrong with her?" Shining asked. "She seemed... upset."
"I don’t know" replied Cadance although suspecting of what had happened. "I honestly don’t know."

But you're gonna go check on her, right?

"I'd better go talk with her" Shining said, starting to move forward.
But then Cadance stopped him and said:
"Maybe it is better to be me to talk with Twilight."
"Cadance, I'm her brother" Shining said. "It is my duty as such to make sure if it's all okay with her. You know I swore I would take care of Twilight. Besides, Twilight and I always shared everything. Well, almost everything."

Yeah, except for the, you know, two years straight where you never saw her or knew anything about her friends? Sheesh...

"I know, sweetheart, but you have to understand that sometimes there are issues that we would not talk to our older brother" Cadance said.
"What kind of issues, anyway?" Shining asked, frowning a little suspicious.
"You know, issues" Cadance replied.

First off, she has a point there; not everything we want to discuss with our siblings, especially if it's a girl who has problems and she has a brother, and often it's best to have another female to talk to about them. But that doesn't stop older brothers from being overprotective and wanting to know exactly what's going on. Speaking of which....
Secondly, he's a guy, Cadence! He doesn't exactly get these "issues" you're talking about. He never had to go through those kinds of issues when you two were just falling in love.

But seeing Shining’s distrust was still hovering in the air, Cadance said, to escape to that inquisitive look from her husband:
"Ok, I think I better go see what's wrong with Twilight."
And she went away hurriedly.
"Something's going on here. And I'm gonna find out what it is" he said.

And, by not giving him a minor explanation about girls only wanting to talk to other girls about their problems, you have given Shining the drive to discover what's going on by himself. And when he finds out on his own, it's going to blow up in your faces. Nice going, Cadence. Little mistakes like this can often lead to these kinds of results:

It ain't pretty, is it?

So Twilight rushes to her room and slams the door. Loud enough for Rarity and Pinkie Pie to hear in Rarity's room (This can be taken so many wrong ways by about half this fandom...)

"What was that?" Rarity asked.
"Is not it obvious, silly billy?" Pinkie said. "It was just Twilight entering in her room."

*about to respond*

"Yeah, Pinkie, I realized that" Rarity said. "But I want to know is why Twilight entered in her in that way."

..............Yeah, what she said.

Then Cadence comes along.

"Oh, Princess Cadance, thank Celestia you're here" Rarity said. "Twilight went into her room like a hurricane."
"I know" Cadance replied. "She passed by me and Shining and didn’t even notice us. I just hope that our plan has not gone wrong."
"Oh no!" Pinkie exclaimed, in her dramatic excited tone. "That would be a calamity, a disaster, a scourge, a..."

:rainbowhuh: Since when did Pinkie Pie become Volteer from "The Legend of Spyro"?

"Sorry, but I have been studying the dictionary and I memorized all the words that there is in it for, you know, have a greater and more eloquent vocabulary... and also to realize what Twilight says when she speaks in that strange way of egghead" Pinkie said. "The problem now is that I have nowhere to use the new words I know, so I take each situation to say as much I can."

Okay, I'm not even going to bother with Pinkie here...

"Wait, there's an elephant here?" Pinkie Pie asked, starting to jump and look everywhere. "Where? Where? Where? "


So they manage to refocus Pinkie and go to Twilight's room.

"Come on, tell me, what happened?"
"Oh, Cadance, something happened that should not have happened..." Twilight said.
"Come on, tell me. You know I'm here for that."
Twilight hesitated, but she knew that she could count tell to Cadance even her most secret secrets. She made a deep breath and said:
"I went to a place that Rarity and Pinkie told me. It is in the northeast of the Crystal Empire."
"You're talking about the Oasis of the Heart, don’t you?" Cadance asked.
Twilight nodded.
"And did you find it?"
Twilight nodded once more.
"And how is it?"
"Well, I don’t know how to describe it" Twilight replied, standing and sitting.

That last bit made no sense.....you might try "turning to face Cadence"?

So Twilight describes what happened in the Oasis, from the beauty of the scenery to the kiss.

Cadance then turned his attentions to Twilight and told her:
"But Twilight, that's wonderful. It was your first kiss. Unless... he didn’t like it."
"Actually... he said he liked the kiss" Twilight confessed.

And I still don't see what you find wrong with that, Twilight! Seriously, honey, what's wrong with all this?

"I'm not sure, Cadance" Twilight said. "I mean, he is my brother’s best friend. I don’t know if he really liked the kiss we gave."

So you're worried that he's lying through his teeth and is just trying to not hurt your feelings? *shakes head* Whatever....

Cadence then reveals the Oasis's powers to amplify emotions and - upon Twilight realizing something - also admits to their involvement in setting up the meeting.

"So you're saying that everything I felt when I met Blue there, all my wishes to come to the fore, it was all because of the oasis?"

No. Weren't you listening? Everything that you felt in there was your own emotions; just the Oasis was amplifying them!
And, following that logic, that means that Blue Sword has feelings for you as well. That shoots down one of your worries.

"And I don’t know if you realized, but you were not the only one to be under the oasis’ influence" Cadance said. "Twilight, if Blue liked your kiss, it's because he really liked it. It is almost impossible to hide what you feel at that oasis."

I just said that! Oh, whatever....

So Twilight says she needs more time to think on this, and they leave her to it.

Okay, this is falling under my "Twilight's Stubborn Moments" list.

Note: In this chapter we will see Blue Sword’s reaction after her first kiss with Twilight.

:ajsmug: Called it.

So we open this up with Blue Sword slowly making his way back to the Empire while having an internal debate with himself.

He always had a special affection for Twilight because she was the younger sister of his best friend and she was like his little sister too, which was great because he never had a close relationship with his older sister, Dahlia. He and Twilight had shared special moments together, like when they joined themselves to gather Cadance and Shining when they broke up years ago. But only now did he see Twilight as a beautiful and attractive mare and not as small and funny filly he had known years ago.
He had to admit that he had been enchanted when he saw Twilight after so long without seeing each other, but the fact that he saw her as the sister inhibited that hidden desire. Only when he found that unbelievable oasis did he saw her through the eyes of a stallion. And when they kissed, it was like if time had stopped. Even he, who has kissed other mares, had never felt what he had felt when he kissed Twilight, and when she ran away, he felt a great heaviness in his heart. But also he couldn’t blame her, because, if he saw her as a sister, she saw him as a brother, besides being her B.B.B.F.F.’s best friend.

......Okay, now that I think about it, Shining's foul mood coupled with the threat of Changelings would definitely alter his view on their potential relationship. And, another point I just thought of, I'm going to speculate that a Changeling is going to impersonate Blue Sword later. Just a guess.

So Blue gets back to the castle and runs into Shining Armor.

"Ah, I see now that you have returned" he said. "How'd it go?"
"What?" Blue said, distractedly.
"The patrol" Shining replied. "You know, that patrol I asked you to do to see if there were signs of Changelings."
"Oh sure" Blue said. "Well... it was okay. I found none... Changelings. But we must be vigilant. I found some... tracks that can be theirs."
Hearing him talking that way, Shining realized that something was wrong.
"Blue, is everything right?" he asked. "You look weird."

Yeah, if I didn't know any better, I'd be suspecting him of being a changeling that didn't do his homework on Blue Sword.

"Well, the ponies are weird today" Shining commented. "First my sister and now you."
"Your sister?" Blue repeated, becoming interested. "Has she come down with something? Is it something serious?"

Yeah; it's called "emotional denial."

"I don’t know" Shining replied. "She just suddenly appeared and went to her room. I wanted to talk with her, but Cadance said it was better that she talk to Twilight. I think it's one of those mare talks. However, I feel that they are hiding something from me, but I'll find out. You can bet on it. Well, I think it’s better go see the report of the others who were patrolling. See you later."

So he DOES understand that it's one of those girl talks. But he's still poking his nose in there anyway. This can only end so well...

So Blue goes to Twilight's room and runs into Cadence along the way.

"Hello, Blue" she greeted.
"Cadance, I know you were talking to Twilight" Blue said. "By changes she..."
"Are you asking if she told me about your kiss?" Cadance asked. "Yes, she did."
Blue sighed and said:
"I have to talk with her. I have to tell her..."
"If I were you, Blue, I would let she be" Cadance advised. "What happened was too much for her to handle at once."

More often than not, time is the best medicine for this kind of thing.

So Blue agrees to give Twilight her space for now and heads off.

but Cadance called him:
He turned to her she asked, getting to his border:
"Do you know what you felt when you kissed Twilight?"
"Why do you want to know?" Blue asked back.
"I want to understand what you really felt when you kissed her" she replied. "I can assure you that what you going to tell me, will not leave here."
Blue thought about it and then replied:
"It's... hard to explain. I’m not sure what I felt when... the kiss happened. But one thing I am sure: I liked that kiss and I felt things I never felt before for any mare. I felt hot and my heart sped up a lot, and I felt a sensation in my belly."

:ajsmug: Confirmed. You're in love.

"Well, it seems obvious to me" Cadance replied with a slight smile. "I think what you felt was a spark of love, something that I'm sure you never truly felt by a mare."
"Wait, are you saying that I'm in love with Twilight?" Blue asked. "Really? That is not just attraction?"
Cadance waved, saying:
“I’m one hundred per cent sure.”

Well, she is the Princess of Love. And she's married to your best friend, with the two of them having gone through the exact same feeling you just described.

So Blue Sword just smiles and says he needs time for this to sink in as well and walks off.

Seeing him walking away, Cadance smiled. Having joined Blue Sword and Twilight at the Oasis of the Heart was a great idea. The spark between the two had created a small flame. Now, it was only a matter of time before the two reflected on everything that they needed to and she hoped that they both understand each other, and feed that little flame of love.

Y'know, I think Cadence got off easy with her meddling in these personal affairs. But I guess not everypony thinks the way I do. Oh well.

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