• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 3,088 Views, 22 Comments

Observer - Superdale33

I'm someone that doesn't stay in one Universe for very long, because that would be boring. One Universe in particular is quite memorable, what with six ponies, two princesses, and two Wastelanders. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke...

  • ...

Chapter Three

Chapter Three

I was bored. The Lone Wanderer, the Courier, and Garrus were fighting an aggressive mutant enemy force - and winning - and I was bored. Who would have thought bullets and energy weapons whizzing by would be so bland? Of course, I was standing on the sidelines, so to speak. As were Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Celestia, though they seemed a bit more worried, watching the three heroes duke it out like any modern battle.

I needed to shake things up. I needed to make it interesting. I needed…

To intervene.

The good kind of intervention. Not the ‘Louis, you have a problem’ kind.


“Where the hell did these things even come from?” the Courier growled from behind his pillar, reloading his revolver with haste. The aliens, or Chimera as the Observer had called them, were firing on their position from their own row of pillars, tearing up the heroes’ cover fairly quickly.

“From what I’ve learned so far,” the Lone Wanderer said, shooting his laser rifle a few times before facing the Courier. “Magic.”

“Now that’s just a cop out,” Garrus commented with a shake of his head, before shooting another one of the Chimera’s body tanks, which were located on their backs. It caught fire, and the Chimera waved its arms around, attempting to reach it. Then the tank exploded, killing the Chimera instantly. The details would be far too grim to put into words. “Also, aim for their tanks. They’re quite sensitive about them.”

The Courier stepped out of cover, firing his revolver and hitting a Chimera in the groin, who reacted as one should: kneeling on the ground in pain, clutching it like a life line. The Courier turned his head to Garrus, his helmet hiding his shit eating grin perfectly. Garrus simply gave an exaggerated huff, “Well if you want to be unimaginative, that works too.”

“He’s got a point,” Observer said, popping up as he rubbed his chin beside Garrus, who recoiled in shock, “Garrus is pretty smart when it comes to shooting. The Chimera can’t handle the heat, so it makes you wonder why they're in the kitchen.”

“We’re not in a kitchen, dumbass,” the Courier replied harshly, his previous happiness dropped instantly.

“Which is a shame,” Observer said with a idle lift of his hand, “I think this fire fight would be a lot more interesting if it were in a kitchen.”

“Are you just here to provide commentary?” the Lone Wanderer questioned, retrieving a plasma grenade - not the blue sticky kind - from a pocket. With a quick toss, he lobbed it over to the Chimera in an arc before it bounced off a pillar and landed where there was nobody at all. At least the explosion was pretty.

“Goddamn explosive skill,” he muttered afterwards.

“And it goes left field!” Observer shouted, putting a hand on his head as he seemed to hold an invisible microphone under his helmet. “Who was he even throwing it to!?”

“I think that answers your question,” Garrus remarked, making the Lone Wanderer slowly aim his rifle at Observer, looking down the sights.

“Oh, that’s right!” Observer exclaimed, his body shifting suddenly like an idea had literally hit him, “I forgot what I was supposed to do for a moment.”

Then he took off towards the Chimera, their yellow plasma shots missing miraculously. The Lone Wanderer lowered his weapon as he watched, and the Courier leaning towards him slightly. “You missed your chance, you know,” he announced.

“I know…” the Lone Wanderer moped, his body visibly sagging.

Celestia, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, meanwhile, watched the exchange take place from behind their own pillar. With a bit of reluctance, Rainbow faced Celestia, a mildly confused expression on her face. “And we’re trusting these guys to protect us, Princess?”

Celestia sighed exasperatedly, “Yes, unfortunately.”


Considering I didn’t want to feel like hot plasma was melting through my skin, I avoided the Chimera’s shots like bullets, because that was basically what they were. A few sideways dodges here, a couple twisted flips there, and I was at the line of Chimera. They weren’t the least bit awestruck by my excellent evasions, which was disappointing really. It wasn’t like I learned those moves overnight!

Regardless, I jumped up to a pillar and pushed off of it, making it easily over the Chimera who watched me do so. When I landed behind them, they whipped their weapons towards me, taking aim as I stood with my back to them.

With a quick spin, I pointed my index finger at one with my thumb pointed up and said, “Bang!”

The Chimera were not amused.

Well, that is until a bullet ripped through the one I was pointing at, slumping to the floor, dead. That caused the others to look over to it, backing away slowly. It was too late for a retreat, suckers! With both hands, I used my finger guns to point at each Chimera while shouting other interjections like a loony. Each time I did so, however, a Chimera died by either a bullet, a blue laser, or a red laser. I was quite lucky that these Chimera were that stupid.

At last, only one was left, who frantically turned left and right at his fallen brethren. For this little fella, I gave him a thumbs up… before turning it upside down! That’s when a large yellow magical beam incinerated him completely, leaving a nasty black mark on the ground. Celestia didn’t mess around when it came to killin’.

Everyone stepped out of cover, and the Lone Wanderer charged forward holding his weapon like it was a club. When he got to the closest corpse of a Chimera, he started bashing on it like a piñata, though instead of candy popping out, it was something that shouldn’t be described in detail.

All of us stared at him as he went at the Chimera, but eventually he stopped, or more like freezed like Bambi in a spotlight, as he looked up to me. I just stared at him, and when he turned to the others, he saw them looking at him with wide eyes.

He chuckled nervously, putting his weapon away, “I, uh, really don’t like aliens.”

Garrus took a good step back.

“Now that was gruesome,” the Courier commented, looking between Celestia and the Lone Wanderer, who both looked a bit ashamed, “And I had my heart, spine, and brain removed.”

“I could have lived my whole life without hearing that,” Garrus grumbled, his rifle already back where it belonged as he rubbed his forehead.

“Well I had to live it,” the Courier said casually, making the ponies gag. Even Celestia. Apparently, over a thousand years of living never prepared you for forced organ surgery.

Wanting to quickly change the subject, Rainbow hovered over the dead Chimera as she tilted her head at them. “What were these things anyway?” she questioned.

“The Chimera,” I answered, hands in my pockets as I stared at the body closest to me. “They take the dead corpses of humans to change them and recreate their own army.”

“Kinda like Super Mutants?” the Lone Wanderer asked, crouching down and retrieving one of their weapons.

“Sounds more like Reapers,” Garrus interjected, walking over to the Lone Wanderer and examining the rifle as well.

“Or zombies!” I added, making everyone face me.

“Now you’re just making up words,” Rainbow said, pointing a hoof at me.

“Rick Grimes said the same thing to me…” I muttered thoughtfully.

“Regardless,” Celestia said, catching all of our attention, “They only meant us harm and are gone now. I’ll have the servants clean up the…” She trailed off, lifting a hoof as she gazed around the room. “Mess.”

“Did I mention that you should give your maids a raise?” I asked, and Celestia rolled her eyes before nodding reluctantly. “Ah, jolly good then.”

A silence fell in the room, with each of us looking at each other blankly. “Well, what do y’all reckon we do now?” Applejack asked.

“Heh, ‘y’all’,” the Lone Wanderer chuckled before the Courier slapped the back of his head. The Lone Wanderer rubbed where he was hit - which was really quite odd when you think about it - before facing the Courier. “What was that for?”

“Respect the cowgirl, virgin,” the Courier said, with a cross of his arms, and the Lone Wanderer shook his head, not making sense of his actions

Applejack blinked before she turned to Rainbow, “Did he insult me after defending me?”

Rainbow only shrugged, and Garrus stifled a laugh as he put his hand over his mouth. “You’re a virgin?” he questioned, his voice failing to hide the humor in it. The Lone Wanderer didn’t even bother replying, turning away in a big huff. For a guy that survived in a harsh, violent environment, he sure was childish. I wasn’t one to speak, but that was besides the point.

That’s when a brilliant revelation came me.

“Hey here’s a crazy idea!” I announced at last, holding my hands out in front of me, “How about we head back to the other ponies, hmm?”

“Ah shut the fu-” the Courier started before I threw my hand in front of of his head piece… I had to wonder how that stopped him from talking.

“Not in front of the ponies!” I whispered loudly, glancing over to the ponies in question, who were all tilting their head in the same direction, their faces pure confusion. Yes, let their innocence run free! May they never be tainted!

The Courier knocked my hand out of the way before saying slowly, “Fuck. You.”

Well, so much for that.

Celestia shook her head, composing herself, “Observer is right. We must gather in the throne room once again.”

“Just like in every other Universe,” I said with a shrug, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

“Don’t start getting philosophical on me,” the Lone Wanderer said angrily as everyone began walking away from the carnage of the room. “I already got enough of that from dad.” He sighed, “Rest in peace.”

I froze in place, which wasn’t caught on by anyone as they continued on. Giving a long sigh, I turned my gaze to the floor. “Yeah,” I whispered solemnly, “Rest in peace.”

I didn’t bother trying to catch up with the others as I trailed along, my hands sliding into my pockets. My duster blew through the breeze that had made its way through the castle as my mind drifting to thoughts I would rather not dwell on.


Princess Luna didn’t feel good letting Celestia run off after Observer and the Lone Wanderer. She had wanted to chase them too, maybe see a bit more action - since she actually had some fun in the last battle - but Celestia said no. She was the oldest, so she was the one who laid down the law. It may seem dominating from an uneducated point of view, but it was simply a sibling rule.

The oldest one was in charge.

Sweetie Belle understood Luna’s pain pretty well. If it could be called pain. Nevertheless, Luna sat in her throne watching as Pinkie hopped around like Pinkie does as Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy fretted over the others' safety. It actually got quite annoying for her.

“Oh, I hope everypony’s okay,” Fluttershy said predictably, staring at the door that was opposite the thrones.

“Those humans seemed like they could handle themselves,” Twilight noted, standing beside her doing the exact same thing. “I’m sure they’re fine.”

“It’s fiiiiine,” Pinkie said, hopping over the three other ponies, “If Observer said they’re fine, then they must be fine, right?”

“Pinkie logic,” Rarity muttered quietly, her hoof finding her face.

Luna had to sigh; there was the appearance of a new species, with a dimension hopping mad man, and she was stuck here foalsitting. What she wouldn’t give to have something happen.

Apparently, she didn't learn from Twilight’s wish that she made a while ago. Though, there was really no way she could have known about it.

It started with a small hiss, one that made Luna wonder when Celestia had a snake in the castle. Then came an explosion, a bizarrely blocky explosion. The detonation was confined to a wall, opposite of the stained glass windows, but the suddenness of the blast was enough to make Luna and other other ponies look away in case of flying debris. Since there was none, they all turned back to where the hole had appeared, seeing how perfectly square the explosion was. It was at that moment that these strange creatures came running through.

They were green in color, with no arms and four stubby legs to carry its tall body. The face of the creature was fairly frightening, at least in the eyes of Fluttershy, who was scared of everything. For Luna, Twilight, and Rarity they were simply creepy. And to top it all off, they were all perfectly square.

Luna had never seen an attack such as this.

In fact, she was so shocked that she could only stay still as she watched them approach the four other ponies. Twilight and Rarity had the insight to back away from the bizarre creatures, and Pinkie was already far enough away somehow. However, Fluttershy had taken the defensive option of lying down, covering her eyes, and shivering. It was a tactic that didn’t pay off, as the creatures headed straight for her.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight exclaimed, “You’ve got to move!”

They were approaching so fast, and Luna knew she had to act quickly. Shaking off her shock, she spread her wings to fly over to assist. Or at least she would have, had there not been a sudden loud thud from the other side of the double doors.


As Forrest Gump had put it, I was not a smart man. I had started a race with the others to distract my mind about the earlier depressing thoughts, and lo and behold, I was suddenly at the throne room entrance, alone.

I should have probably clarified where we were racing to. Granted, Rainbow was the only one to accept my challenge. She was probably halfway to Ponyville, knowing her.

Either way, I had run as fast as my legs could carry me, straight at the door. But I failed to learn which way the doors opened - they always seemed to change every time in each Universe. So, running head first into the door was how I had ended up on the floor. And I thought I had gotten over the headshot pain that Garrus had so graciously provided.

As I rolled around on the floor, I had to wonder why I hadn’t asked Garrus his reason for shooting me repeatedly. Probably for fun, he’d done it many, many times before. Too many times if you ask me.

With another groan, I pushed myself to my feet, rubbing my forehead as I pulled open the doors, revealing an interesting scene.

Many Creepers. Surprised Luna. Scared Rarity. Frightened Twilight. Pink Pinkie. Endangered Fluttershy…

“I leave you kids alone for ten minutes...!” I yelled jokingly. My voice was the only indicator for Rarity to growl as she closed her eyes in anger. As for Luna, she turned her attention to me, her eyes furrowing as her gaze landed on me.

“You were gone for half an hour, Observer,” she said with a wave of her hoof. Incorrect, it was actually forty five minutes, but it wasn’t the time to argue. The Creepers had found Fluttershy very interesting, and wanted to hug her. Since they didn’t have arms, they would explode in frustration. Creepers were a confusing lot.

“Whoop!” I said, rushing over to Fluttershy as a Creeper stood beside her, already flashing white and expanding in size. Fluttershy turned away with her eyes shut tightly, waiting for the inevitable. That inevitable better be the image of a hero like me saving her life, because that was what was going to happen!

Sprinting, I was able to approach Fluttershy very quickly. Luckily, I reached her in time to stand between her and the Creeper. Unluckily, I was in the explosion.

The force of the blast knocked me forward, right into Fluttershy who ‘eeped’ so adorably, I was sure I had diabetes, again. Thankfully, my suit had insulin. At least I think it did, I still don’t know how it works. Anyway, I clutched on to her as we tumbled away from the other Creepers, taking as many of the impacts with the ground as possible. When we finally slid to a halt near the line of mosaic picture windows - with Fluttershy on top of me - I briskly checked her over, finding nothing had harmed her.

Thank goodness for that, since I didn’t know what I would do if anything happened to her. She's too flippin’ cute to be hurt, and I would probably cry like a baby.

Sitting up, Fluttershy clinging to me like a long lost blankie, I saw that the group of Creepers was heading for Luna, Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie, which wasn’t a good thing, in case anybody was confused. I wouldn’t be able to protect them all. I may be invincible, but I wasn’t a super hero!

“Ah cupcakes,” I cursed, standing to my feet with Fluttershy still clutching to my stomach. It must have looked pretty weird, considering I wasn’t holding her up. She wasn’t light either, so my balance was going into questioning on why it wasn’t losing itself sooner. How was a guy like me supposed to defend four ponies, with one pony stuck to me like glue?

The answer was simple: I don’t, because the cavalry had arrived.

Figuratively as always, since Garrus, the Lone Wanderer, and the Courier weren’t riding on horses. How cool and ironic would that had been though? They rushed right through the doors I had opened earlier, clearly out of oxygen as they heaved heavy breaths. They were still astonished and in disbelief when they saw the Creepers walking around.

Yet they still had the capacity to turn to me with hateful glares. “Can’t you stay with us for one fucking minute!?” the Courier screamed, retrieving his shotgun.

“Well, where’s the fun in that?” I remarked. Seriously, it was like the Courier didn’t know the concept of fun. Was I out of touch? I glanced back to the Creepers, still moving towards the ponies as the three heroes got their weapons ready. No! It was the dummies who were wrong!

At any rate, the Creepers were going to get it.


With their weapons drawn, the Lone Wanderer, the Courier, and Garrus opened fire on the horde of monsters, tearing them apart in no time at all. Instead of exploding like the last one had done, they simply died. For Luna, it was far too simple. They just fell down and disappeared from the face of Equestria, leaving behind a pile of gray dirt. She would have concluded that they were incinerated, especially with the Lone Wanderer and Garrus using lasers. But with the Courier running up and shotgunning a few of the creatures in the face, it probably wasn’t the case.

Spreading her wings, Luna flew over to Observer, who watched the battle unfold, with Fluttershy strapped to his chest like a foal, shivering uncontrollably. “What are these creatures of the explosive nature?” Luna questioned, lifting an eyebrow as she landed.

“Creepers,” Observer replied nonchalantly, “They be creepin’.”

“They don’t seem like they are ‘creepy’,” Luna noted, tapping her chin with a hoof.

Just as the last Creeper was finished off by a laser shot from the Lone Wanderer, Observer gave a small chuckle. “They creep up from out of nowhere, hence the name.”

Luna nodded in understanding before her eyes shot open, briskly looking behind her.

“Exactly,” Observer said putting his hands on his hips.

“Okay, enough of this shit!” the Courier shouted, marching right up to Observer. When he was close enough, the Courier grabbed Observer’s duster collar, pulling him close. It was pretty weird with Fluttershy still attached to Observer, but luckily she wasn’t squished. “Tell me what the hell is going on. Why are random things just appearing? You know, and you’re not telling us.”

“I’m pretty sure if I knew, I would tell you,” I explained without so much as moving, “And since I don’t know, I can’t tell you. See how that works?”

“Courier,” Celestia said, finally walking through the double doors, with Rainbow and Applejack just behind her, “Calm yourself.”

The Courier growled but obliged, taking a few steps back. This was the moment when Garrus was finally noticed, and everyone who hadn’t met him yet stared at him. Except for Fluttershy, she was still stuck to Observer.

Feeling a bit off put, he cleared his throat intentionally before speaking, “As much fun as it is being the center of attention, I’d appreciate it if you’d not stare. I’m sensitive enough as it is.”

Twilight shook out of her stupor, taking a few steps closer as her mouth hung open slightly. “You look so birdy,” she commented, her brain not registering what she said.

“Uh, I believe the word you’re looking for is avion,” Garrus corrected reluctantly, looking off to the side, “The humans always said we looked like their birds.”

“You also look like other things that shouldn’t be mentioned,” Observer spoke up, lifting a finger in the air.

“You just love shoving your foot in your mouth, don’t you?” the Lone Wanderer said with a shake of his head.

Observer whipped his head at the Lone Wanderer, “All. The. Time.”

Ignoring his comment, which had become pretty normal for everyone at that point, Twilight blushed a bit in embarrassment. “Sorry about that,” she apologized to Garrus, “It’s just… you’re very different from the humans.”

“I’ve been getting that a lot,” Garrus said, crossing his arms.

“Let’s start over,” Celestia opted, stepping forward. “Let’s begin with your name.”

“Oh,” Rarity put in, “but what about those awful green things that attacked us?” She turned to Garrus as she added, “Uh, no offense.”

“It’s understandable,” Garrus shrugged off, “I think I would be more interested with who almost killed me too.”

“It can wait,” Celestia said, though not without a bit of hesitation, “We must first be at least a little civilized. So, if you would.”

“Right,” Garrus said, “Well, the name’s Garrus Vakarian. I’m a Turian. And… I like sniping? How does this work?”

“Maybe bring up calibrations,” Observer put in, “You always did in the Normandy.”

“I swear,” the Courier muttered, his head bowed down, “If you speak one more goddamn time, I’m going to shove my shotgun up your ass.”

“Simmer down now,” Applejack said, standing by his side, “He ain’t worth that much trouble.”

Observer silently chuckled, knowing a loud one would probably cause the Courier’s threat to come true.

“Do you remember how you got here?” Twilight asked.

“Not a clue,” Garrus sighed, “One moment I was gunning down Collectors, the next, I’m in this colorful place.” He brought a hand up to his chin, “After appearing here, this black mist came up to me. Said he was Sun-bra.”

Observer broke into hysterical laughter, throwing his head back in a guffaw. It was enough to cause Fluttershy to finally let go of him out of freight, sitting on the floor. “Oh man!” Observer wheezed before laughing some more, “Sun-bra! SUN-BRA!”

“Damn it,” Garrus said, shaking his head in slight embarrassment, “I meant Sombra. That’s what the orange and blue ones said his name was.”

“Sombra?!” Twilight exclaimed, “But I thought he was gone!”

“As did I,” Celestia said, narrowing her eyes. The other ponies had worried looks on their faces, but the heroes were completely lost. Eventually, the only sound was Observer still laughing uncontrollably, falling to the ground as he clutched his stomach.

“Oh gosh,” he said, taking a few breaths, trying to calm down, “I’m going to use that from now on.”

“If you’re done,” Luna said, glaring a bit at Observer before turning back to the three heroes, “I believe our vistors need a little explanation.”

“That would be helpful,” the Lone Wanderer agreed, with nods from the other two.


Standing there, listening to another long story about the Crystal Empire and such was so boring. Having experienced it multiple times already, one could only guess how riveted I was to the ponies' retelling. To pass the time, I messed with the name ‘Sun-bra’ for a while in my head. Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to use it on Sombra. I wondered why I hadn’t come up with that name sooner.

“...And then the Crystal Ponies were freed,” Twilight concluded, before frowning, “But that doesn’t explain how Sombra came back.”

“Maybe it has something to do with all these appearances,” Garrus said, “Like those Chimera and the tall green things.”

“Creepers,” I said, walking to the window, “and if that’s the case, then you guys came here by the same means.”

“But Sombra didn’t contact us,” the Courier said, looking to the Lone Wanderer, “We just appeared.”

“Maybe he was figuring out his powers?” Rainbow suggested, turning her gaze to the ceiling as she hovered overhead. “Like, I don’t know, testing the wind?”

“I like that theory,” I called from the window, looking out it into the beautiful scenery, “Let’s go with that theory.”

“I’d have to agree,” Garrus said, “It’s like taking a few practice shots before going for the kill.”

“I like that analogy,” the Courier said, gesturing towards Garrus, “Let’s go with that analogy.”

Oh, he did not just steal my words and rearrange them to seem different!

“But if that’s the case,” Twilight said looking between the three heroes, “Then there'll be more, and they’ll try to attack us like the others.”

“But if they’re like Garrus,” Rainbow said with a bit of glee, quickly landing by his feet. “Then maybe a few of ‘em will help us out.”

“Things are about to get complicated,” I stated, “And now would be a good point for a commercial break.”

Everyone looked at me with half lidded looks, but I hardly noticed as I looked through the window and to the ground far below. “Hey, a Creeper,” I said, seeing him hang out around the train tracks below. Considering no one replied to me, I figured they were ignoring me, which wouldn’t be the first time. The Creeper itself, somehow being separated from its flock, wandered around aimlessly.

The whistle of a train caught my attention, and with as little energy as possible, I looked to see the train itself speeding along the track… and right towards the Creeper. Before I could even say Gobstopper, the Creeper saw the train coming, tried to hug it, failed, flashed white, and exploded as soon as the train was within range. Not only was the train track destroyed, but the train engine was trashed. But no train workers were harmed in the resulting explosion. I had to say that, otherwise the kiddies would be worried.

“Oh boy,” I said, my arms hanging limply by my side.

“What the hay!?” Rainbow shouted suddenly from behind, causing me to jump back and fall to the ground with a yelp. That caught everyone’s attention, whether it was the explosion or Rainbow’s voice, I would never know, nor did I actually care. I lifted myself straight up to a sitting position as everyone ran over to the window, post haste.

All of them gawking at the carnage down below made me grunt dumbly in amusement. Sometimes I wished I had a camera.

“Why didn’t you say anything, Observer?” Luna asked harshly, glaring at me.

“The thought just never occurred to me,” I sighed dejectedly, leaning my head against my hand.

Celestia hummed to herself, “That ‘Creeper’ took out the main railroad out of Canterlot. The only way out now would be through the main roads.” Sighing, she turned to Twilight, her expression one of apology, “I’m sorry, Twilight. But it seems you can’t take the train back home. You’ll have to make do with the carriages.”

“You probably don’t want to do that in the middle of the night,” I added, hopping to my feet to point towards the sun, which slowly setting in horizon. The color that shined through was a very deep orange, and the clouds around the horizon gave a very unique look. “Almost looks like the world is burning.”

Everyone did some gesture to show their feeling of annoyance towards myself; a hand or hoof to the forehead, a roll of the eyes, or a rub on the bridge of the nose. All except for the Courier, who stared at the sunset like he was in a trance.

“...World burning…” he said to himself.

“You’re a friggin’ nutjob,” I commented, chuckling to myself from an old joke that I was told a while ago. “So, what we doin’, princey-us?”

“Well, it is getting pretty late,” Celestia noted, rubbing her chin, “And all of us must be a little hungry…”

“Dinner it is!” I exclaimed, “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

Despite everyone not liking my suggestions, they seemed to like my newest one. Garrus shook his head ever so slightly as he rubbed his stomach. “I hope you ponies have dextro-amino foods,” he muttered, “Because I can’t eat any food you can all eat.”

“What do you mean?” the Lone Wanderer inquired, everyone showing the same interest as himself. Except for me.

“Turians can only eat certain foods,” Garrus explained, “All of it being foods that you can’t digest.”

“I’m sure the ponies can magic something up,” I said with roll of my hand, feigning ignorance in case they couldn’t magic something up. “Alright! It’s settled! Tonight, we feast in heck! Or at least in thy royal dining room!”

“You dare refer to the royal dining room as heck!?” Luna questioned angrily, getting up in my face.

“Oh, now you did it,” Celestia said with a small smile, “I suppose we’ll leave you two alone.”

“What do you have to say for yourself?!” Luna shouted as I watched everyone leave the room, nearly everyone having a small smile on their face. Except for Fluttershy, because why would she?

“Oh, um,” she spoke up, just outside the door, “Don’t be too hard on him.”

Then she left, leaving me alone with a peeved Luna. My luck just keeps getting better and better. “You seem very sensitive with what I call a single room in your castle,” I commented dryly.

“Do not change the subject!” she ordered. Oh boy, this was going to be a while.