• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 18,105 Views, 444 Comments

Within and Without - Cloudy Skies

Luna takes the Elements of Harmony on a journey in more ways than one.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Twilight Sparkle had read and re-read the letter three times now. Only when she realized this did she become aware that Rarity was trying to get her attention. How long had she been gone?

"-that I don't sympathize with your priorities, but it is a little rude to ignore your guests, especially when we had a date, so to say," Rarity finished, fidgeting with her mane. Spike stood at her side, the purple baby dragon's brow furrowed with concern.

"Um, hey, Equestria to Twilight. What's in the letter?" Spike tried. Twilight finally managed to tear her attention off the letter completely.

"It's from the Princess," Twilight said very carefully and slowly, as if afraid her voice would betray her and crack.

"I inferred as much from the fact that it came via dragonfire, dear. What does Princess Celestia say that's left you so dishevelled? Is everything alright? We can postpone this for another day." While she couldn't fault Rarity for her assumption, Twilight shook her head at her friend's words.

"Wrong princess," the purple unicorn said numbly.

Rarity blinked, stared, and blinked again for good measure. "Whatever do you mean?" she asked.

"The other princess. Princess Luna sent me a letter. She's coming to Ponyville tomorrow."

"Zuh?" Rarity gracefully blurted, eyes still wide and head askew.

"Princess Luna! Formerly Nightmare Moon, freed by the Elements of Harmony? That being you and the gang?" Spike helpfully provided, indicating the two unicorns with a pair of claws. Rarity composed herself and frowned at the diminutive dragon.

"I know, Spike. It is just terribly, well, out of the blue. And why would she send this message to you, Twilight? I mean, no offense, but isn't this the sort of thing that Mayor Mare deals with? Why is she coming to Ponyville, exactly?" Rarity's eye for detail was as sharp as ever, and Twilight had asked herself the very same questions as she’d read the letter.

Twilight levitated the letter over to hover it in front of Rarity. It was stamped with the royal seal and written in heavily curved letters that were both quite hard to read and unfathomably beautiful all at the same time. "Oh my, this must have been penned by the princess personally," the fashionista said with an appreciative nod to herself.

"She's not so much coming to Ponyville as she's coming to see us. She wishes to meet you, me, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy," Twilight explained, trotting over to a bookshelf more out of habit than anything else. It was pretty obvious that no book would help her explain this, but brainlessly scanning the titles brought her a measure of calm. She absentmindedly put a book by Hemingneigh back in its proper place. Spike's alphabetizing was lazy sometimes.

"I know we'd planned this sleepover for a long time, Rarity, but I should start preparing. There's so much I have to do. I'm really sorry." Twilight frowned at the whole situation. She'd spent a lot more time with Rarity ever since the gala, the normally-independent fashionista having become nervous and wary of being alone. Twilight worried, and had hoped to ask her about it tonight.

"No, that's quite alright. I think this is wonderful," Rarity said brightly, making Twilight start. She'd evidently finished the letter, and was smiling ear to ear.

"You do? I- I mean, not that it isn't, but..."

"Twilight, darling, Princess Luna hasn't made a public appearance since that whole Nightmare Moon debacle. If she wishes to mingle for whatever reason, we owe it to her to be good hosts, yes?" Rarity was all smiles, and Twilight felt a little ashamed that her first reaction had been to gallop straight for panicville. A couple of deep breaths later, the bookish unicorn nodded in agreement, trying to get back in the saddle of her brain.

"You're right, Rarity. I'm just a little nervous," Twilight admitted, still wishing that the letter had actually told them the reason for the visit. Somehow, she doubted that the princess of the night sky had just decided to end her self-imposed house arrest with a visit to see their little group of friends for tea and cupcakes.

"Twilight dearest, she explicitly states that this is an informal visit with no duties attached, and that we shouldn't make any effort on her behalf. A simple request, she says." Rarity emphasized her point by telekinetically tapping the very letter that Twilight levitated. The latter of the two sighed and carefully placed the letter in question on a nearby desk. She would have to decide whether to catalogue it under L for 'Luna, Princess' or put it the album with the letters from Princess Celestia.

"She's a princess, Rarity. I'm not sure what is considered more rude, ignoring her request for informality, or heeding it! Did you catch the part where she asked that I prepare a room for her here at the library? I'm expected to play host to a princess in a library!" Twilight was whining and she knew it; she just gave up altogether and lay down on the floor, legs every which way.

Undaunted, Rarity moved up to Twilight's side and insistently began headbutting her repeatedly, growling in annoyance. "Up! It's all going to be fine. Now. Get. Up!"

Twilight flopped over to her side and groaned dramatically. Rarity rubbed her own face with a hoof and and let her be, sitting down on the floor only after sweeping the area with her tail.

"Twilight, you are simply being ridiculous. I will head by Sugarcube Corner to let Pinkie Pie know before I abed. You tell Rainbow Dash to let Applejack and Fluttershy know, and we'll all come over early tomorrow to help you clean the place up a little.” She narrowed her eyes at Twilight. “You are Princess Celestia's personal protegé! Out of all of us, you are the one who should have the least to worry about. You've spent more time with Princess Celestia than anypony else in Equestria save for her sister!"

"Exactly!" Twilight said, flailing. "What if Princess Luna doesn't like me? What if I say the wrong thing at the wrong time? They're sisters!"

Rarity's shook her head in a simple show of disagreement, though her voice was softer now. "She will, you won't, and, well, yes they are."

Twilight wanted to ask how Rarity could be so certain, but she was fully aware that she was, as she had been told, being ridiculous. She held her silence for a few seconds before her curiosity got the better of her. Raising her head off the ground she squinted at Rarity with grave suspicion. "Why aren't you, though?"

"Why aren't I what?" Rarity asked as Twilight slowly got back on her hooves.

"Why aren't you worrying and freaking out over this?" Twilight clarified. Rarity should be thrilled and mortified at the idea of meeting Princess Luna, the lesser known part of the royal duo, surely?

"Oh I am. I just thought I'd calm you down first. I mean, the possibility of a tête-à-tête
with Princess Luna!" Rarity's voice was reverent and bordering on hysterics, suddenly. Twilight couldn't quite hold back the laughter. Though it looked at first as if Rarity might take offense, the mirth was infectious, and the two friends were still laughing even as Spike rolled his eyes and left them in favour of his bed.

Early next morning, the six friends were gathered at the ground floor of the library that was Twilight's home. Once the last of their number arrived, five pairs of eyes were trained expectantly on Twilight Sparkle, but she was ready now. She was armed. She had made a list.

Applejack looked a little annoyed as she spoke up. The orange mare had been the first to arrive and she had been more than a little frustrated when Twilight insisted they wait for everypony to arrive before she explained. "Right, Twi'. Rainbow Dash's been tellin' me that both Princesses are arriving to 'party hard' with us tonight, an’ Ah figure that's a load of hooey. Mind tellin' me what's really up?"

Rainbow Dash snorted and broke into a fit of laughter.

"OooOOo," Pinkie Pie said, her eyes wide with wonder as the trigger word was spoken. Fluttershy for her part looked mortified, the pegasus prudently but passively protesting to partying with the princesses.

"No, Applejack, and Pinkie for that matter, there's no party," Twilight sighed, nipping the impending riot in the bud. "But yes, as some of you might know, specifically those who weren't relying on Rainbow Dash to give them the scoop-" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at this, but still grinned at her own prank, "we are getting a royal visit by Princess Luna. She made it sound very unofficial and relaxed, so no need to panic." She automatically glanced over at Fluttershy who looked like she disagreed with the very last notion.

Applejack whistled and scratched her withers with a hoof. "Weeell, alrighty then. Guess this meeting ain't a waste of time after all. What's the plan?"

"Um, Twilight, you know you're the only one who panicked when Celestia came over to Ponyville for tea that one time?" Rainbow Dash sniped, earning a scowl and a nudge from Rarity, both of which promptly went ignored.

Twilight conceded with a nod and a light blush, having to actually think a bit on that. Dash was right, of course. All the same, she didn't know whether Luna was as forgiving with regard to her friends' eccentricities. Said friends were staring at her now though, and even Fluttershy looked like she felt Rainbow Dash had a point, though she was of course far too kind to ever give voice to that.

"Uh, anyways, she'll be here at noon, and I figured we could all be here to greet her, if you have the time. She sounded eager to meet us," Twilight said, verbally sidestepping. "Spike and I will be cleaning up the library. I don't expect you to help, but-"

"'Course we'll help," Applejack said. "Since somepony left me a bit confused, Ah got Big Mac to cover most of the morning chores at the farm today anyway." She glared over at Rainbow Dash not for the first time. The pegasus had the grace to look a little sorry this time.

"I'm on cloud detail today, so as long as I peek out the window every hour, I'm cool. No stress. Dash out, kick a few clouds, back in to wash the books or whatever it is we're doing," Rainbow Dash said, not wanting to be left in the metaphorical dust where actual dusting was concerned.

"Housecleaning party!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "We could even mess it up a little with a proper party-party before we clean it, because this isn't really that messy! You should've seen Sugarcube Corner after I tried my new muffin recipe yesterday!" The pink earth pony sobered up momentarily, her voice suddenly flat. "If you can barely fit a muffin in the oven when you put it in, just say no. The Cakes weren't very happy. But on the bright side, I got the day off!"

There was a brief pause in the conversation, as was often the case after Pinkie Pie spoke.

"Ahem. Anyway, I really need to mind the Boutique. I'm expecting somepony from Hoity Toity to come by and pick up the last dresses for the season," Rarity admitted with a sigh. "I really should be there, especially if I am to close at noon to attend when the princess arrives. Will you manage without me?"

"I'm sure we'll be fine, Rarity. Thank you, everypony. Between all of us, this should be quick. I think the biggest problem is point number two – neatening up the outside area. I really haven't minded the flowers outside recently," Twilight said, brandishing her list and already deep in thought as Rarity said her goodbyes and left the five of them.

"You okay there, sugarcube?" Twilight heard Applejack say, looking up to find the orange mare standing near Fluttershy, who had been conspicuously quiet for a long time now.

"I think so. Oh. Sorry, Twilight. I can help, but, um, do you think I have to be here when Princess Luna comes by?" Her voice was barely audible, diminishing with each pony that turned to listen.

"Well, she didn't really say that she expected a full welcoming party or anything, only that she'd like to meet us." Twilight admitted with a cocked brow. "Why, are you busy?"

"Oh yes. Um, that. Busy, with, um, the animals. That I love. Very busy," Fluttershy managed. It was pitiful to watch her try to lie, and Twilight sighed inwardly. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and groaned rather audibly instead, and Pinkie Pie was even less subtle. The pink earth pony bounced right over to Fluttershy and giggled.

"She's not black snooty any more, you silly filly! She's a princess now, I'm sure she's not all that scary!"

"Fluttershy, you're not afraid of Celestia, are you?" Applejack asked, her voice gentle. Fluttershy hung her head and looked away.

"Princess Celestia is... nice," Fluttershy admitted. It was amazing what stealing somepony’s treasured pet could do for your relationship in the end, Twilight thought.

"Well, it'd be a bit rude to assume that Princess Luna isn't every bit as nice, no?" Applejack's words were of course sensible, but Twilight feared for a moment that all she'd accomplish was making Fluttershy terrified of Luna and make her feel bad about it. At length, though, the yellow pegasus nodded, and Twilight seized upon the chance to change the subject.

"Well! Spike is already cleaning upstairs, so we need to dust and clean the kitchen and the library proper, neaten up the facade, and sort out some logistical issues. I've written everypony a copy of the things that need doing," Twilight happily explained, ignoring the exasperated groan that orders and lists seemed to elicit from Rainbow Dash.

A few hours later, the library was as spotless as it had ever been, this despite Pinkie Pie's attempt to liven up their lunch break with games and dancing. When and how the candy-colored pony had managed to sneak in balloons and party poppers, none of the others even wanted to know. Twilight had given up the pursuit of those secrets long ago. After the library was declared spotless, they had all split up to freshen up before they reconvened at noon when the princess was scheduled to arrive. 'Freshening up', of course, meant very different things for each of the ponies. Twilight Sparkle settled for brushing her mane and reading a book while waiting for the others.

She still didn't know what to expect. Her curious nature had led her to ask many questions about Luna in her countless letters to Celestia. The answers she got were always vague and unsatisfactory, and once, the Princess had even admitted that she didn't like speaking on her sister's behalf now that she could speak for herself. That rare, candid remark had only served to make Twilight even more curious.

Now that she stood at the precipice of maybe getting answers straight from the pony's mouth, Twilight wasn't sure what she felt. That very same intense curiosity made it hard to feel anything else. The letter she'd gotten explained essentially nothing, and Celestia hadn't sent her any letters about it either. She had briefly considered dictating a letter for Spike to send, asking Princess Celestia about the whole thing, but decided against it. If Celestia believed that her sister could and should speak for herself, then it would be rude to try to get answers from the other sister, no? She remembered how her mother would react when she went to her father for a “second opinion” on whether or not she was allowed to do something.

A series of knocks on the library door interrupted her thoughts, and she had already started opening it before she reflected on the fact that her friends usually let themselves in. Fluttershy was the only possible exception, but the pony in the doorway was most decidedly not the timid pegasus mare. A duo of royal guard pegasi nodded in concerto to Twilight and stepped aside even as they raised their voices together.

"Her Royal Highness, the Princess Luna, Ruler of Equestria, here to see Twilight Sparkle, Protegé of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria!"

Twilight stared, her ears still ringing from the point-blank sonic attack. The princess in question gingerly stepped off a gilded chariot that stood at rest outside the library. Four more pegasus guards were tethered to the chariot, and a crowd was rapidly gathering, gawking at the scene. With confident steps, Luna made her way over to stand in front of the doorway. For all their differences, the alicorn sisters' bearing was much the same, and Twilight felt very nervous very quickly.

"May I come in, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked in the same tone Twilight might ask Pinkie Pie for a cup of sugar. Twilight jolted to and bowed low to the ground so quickly she actually bruised her snout on the threshold of her door.

As Twilight stepped aside, the dark princess turned to the pegasi. "You are all dismissed, thank you for the escort." The words were spoken kindly enough, but the two guards by the door stiffened a little.

"With all due respect, princess, Princess Celestia suggested that we stay by your side." The guard to Twilight's left sounded a little reluctant and would not meet the present princess' eyes.

"She suggested. I am ordering. Thank you for your escort." Luna's smile dimmed a little, but that was enough and a half.

The guards saluted so swiftly and stiffly that Twilight idly wondered if they would have hurt themselves if they didn't wear helmets. "Hail Luna! Hail to the night!" they barked before joining the chariot crew and taking off, leaving Twilight with the princess and two dozen curious ponies.

Luna finally stepped inside, and Twilight quickly shut the door after her. The princess of the night seemed to have grown since last Twilight had seen her, though she was still easily recognizable. The dark alicorn was definitively smaller than Celestia, but she was taller than Twilight or even Big Mac, and her wings were proportionally bigger than that of most pegasi. Even if she tried to pass off as a particularly tall and lanky mare, the horn, wings and crown marked her as royalty. Royalty with a preference for arriving ahead of time instead of adhering to Rarity's "fashionably late” principle.

As if listening in on her thoughts, Luna spoke whilst she took in the library. "I realize it is not quite noon yet, but I, ah, had to get out." Twilight knew she should say something or else be considered rude, but she was drawing a total blank. What had Luna just said? She was staring at the princess. She probably should not be staring at the princess. Hadn't she read something on a law about that? It was a horribly old book though, and most of the laws from before-

"I am sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable, Twilight Sparkle?" The words were considerate, but Luna's face seemed entirely devoid of expression. The word 'sterile' popped into Twilight’s mind unbidden.

"Oh, uh, no, I'm just, I didn't expect you yet, and my friends aren't here, and, er." She stopped, took a deep breath, and tried again. "I don't know, I just didn't expect such a fuss."

Luna raised an eyebrow in lieu of a query. Twilight indicated with a hoof the throngs of ponies that strained to get a look at the Princess through the library's windows behind her.

"Ah," Luna said with a shrug, turning back to Twilight as if it didn't make any difference at all. "Well, that was bound to happen."

"I just thought maybe, um, Celestia sometimes uses disguise spells." Twilight realized only after she spoke that giving suggestions to a princess could be considered offensive, but if she thought so, Princess Luna gave no indication.

"Twilight Sparkle, I have worn another face for a thousand years now. I'd like to be myself from this point on." She offered the barest of smiles, gone in a second, and Twilight's jaws went slack as she realized what she had said.

"I'm sorry, Princess, I didn't mean-"

"Relax, please." Luna slowly walked around the perimeter of the ground floor and browsed the bookcases and scroll-laden shelves. Twilight found that she did, indeed, relax a little. Was this some sort of spell? She hadn't noticed any magic.

"I know my sister thinks highly of you,” Luna continued. “You and your friends. From what I have read, and given the very fact that I am here and myself, sane, hale and Nightmare-free, she is right to do so." Twilight's cheeks were burning now, and it didn't help that Luna ended her little inspection round not five hoof-breadths in front of her. "Where will I be sleeping?"

Twilight ground her brain back into gear and nodded to herself. "Right! Give me a second, and I'll show you. Let me just..." the unicorn trailed off as she trotted over to the front door of the library and opened it with a little bit of magic. She glared at the gathering of ponies of all kinds of shapes, colors, types and sizes outside. They could only be called a throng at this point, or possibly a swarm if you were generous.

"If you're not here to borrow a book, scram!" Twilight yelled, earning a slew of sheepish glances and a handful of disappointed frowns. She looked over the dispersing crowd, noting that two earth ponies had not, in fact, not cleared out.

"Oh, Pinkie! Applejack! Come on in, the Princess is here." Twilight waved her friends over, and they bounced and trotted inside, respectively.

"We kinda figured." Applejack chuckled as she paused to wipe her hooves off on the doormat before following the pink earth pony inside. Twilight sadly reflected on the fact that this had been the first time she’d seen more than four ponies take an interest in her library at the same time, aside from her friends. She almost missed the throng already.

"OooooOo, you're pretty," Pinkie Pie declared as if she'd never seen Princess Luna before. "Much prettier than black snooty ever was." There was a little pause while Pinkie Pie bounced in circles around Luna, and Twilight held her breath. Mercifully, the princess seemed to take it all in stride. When Applejack knelt before the princess, however, Pinkie Pie was quick to follow suit, even as Luna shook her head.

"I will be with you for a while, hopefully, so let us just make away with the bowing and the scraping, please. It is a waste of time and not at all appropriate for you." Applejack nodded, and Pinkie Pie resumed her bouncing, albeit with less direction this time. Twilight felt it was a slightly odd choice of words, saying “be with you” rather than “staying with you”, but nopony else seemed to have picked up on that.

It didn't take more than a few minutes before the rest of the gang arrived. Rainbow Dash looked a little worn out and had a few long pink hairs in her mouth, while Fluttershy's tail was frazzled, but when the door opened to reveal the two pegasi and Rarity, nopony offered a comment on these little details. The latter of the three was, unsurprisingly, dressed up in one of her finest of formally informal dresses, a subdued yet stylish taffeta affair. Being able to wear taffeta in a subdued and informal manner was quite a feat, Twilight thought.

"Please, none of the formalities," Luna told the new entrants from her spot by the table the gang had begun gathering around. Rarity gaped.

"It would be improper not to pay our respects, your majesty, surely?" Rarity said as the other two newly arrived ponies found seats near a table without a word. If Fluttershy was trying to avoid looking at Luna, Rainbow Dash made up for it by staring twice as much.

Luna looked mildly amused at Rarity's etiquette-fueled quandary. "If you feel you must, you may of course, but it is entirely for your own benefit, then." Taking this as permission to do what she had no doubt practiced for hours on end, Rarity made an elaborate sweeping curtsy with her head low that Twilight knew she couldn't replicate even if she tried. Her snout still hurt from the vagaries of formalities.

"I am pleased to meet you once again, Princess Luna. Your presence honors everypony," Rarity said before she got back up.

Twilight took a seat next to the perpetual eye-rolling machine that was Rainbow Dash, who was operating at full capacity at the moment.

"I am pleased to meet you, Miss Rarity," Luna replied, nodding and letting her take a seat by the table as the last pony to do so. With all the ponies thus seated, Luna continued. "As am I pleased to meet you all, this time under slightly better circumstances. I hope that my arrival has not caused you and your respective businesses undue stress, for I may take up more of your time yet. Or, at the very least, I hope so." The princess livened up a little bit when everypony was still, Twilight felt. She looked hopeful.

"We are of course always at the leisure of the royal sisters," Rarity affirmed intensely. Applejack, for her part, gave a rather obvious frown at Luna's words, no doubt letting her thoughts drift to her farm, if the way she touched her hat for reassurance was any tell. Applejack never played poker with her hat on any more, not after she realized how easy she was to read. Not that Applejack had the best poker face to begin with, anyway.

"You should totally stay so I can throw you a surprise party! Oh, but you have to forget about it first. Do you need help with that? I can mix a mean salty-sugary drink that'll make you forget – sometimes it works almost too well!" Pinkie Pie bubbled before a look of dawning horror and exasperation stole her face. "Wait, I forgot how to make it. Again!"

"We're of course glad to have you," Twilight said, looking around and wondering how many of them she spoke for. Rainbow Dash looked bored, and Fluttershy was staring intently at her own forehooves, "but I don't think I'm the only one here who's curious – I mean, if you're just here to visit, that's of course fine, though..."

Her voice trailed off as she failed to find a graceful way to continue, but the princess nodded in understanding, obviously neither unsympathetic nor oblivious.

"No, you are right, and you are right to ask, too. I may as well speak plain. I am hoping you will all join me on a journey," the princess explained, her gaze growing distant. "I've spoken with Tia- Princess Celestia, and we agreed that there are some unresolved issues that we wish to, well, resolve. Most of all I personally hope that you will want to help me, but I wish to stress that this is not an order, nor even a request by us sisters. This is an offer."

Twilight looked around at her friends, as they all did. Personally, she was conflicted. She doubted she could make herself turn down a request – an offer, she corrected herself – from one of the princesses. At the same time, she realized that her connection to Princess Celestia probably played a huge part in this. Her friends looked varying shades of unconvinced.

"How long're we talkin' 'bout, Princess Luna?" Applejack asked. "If Ah'm gone from the farm for more'n a week, there'll be all sorts of trouble."

"Before we get to that," Twilight interjected, "could we actually get to know what this is all about? I mean, it's still a little vague."

"Yeah," Dash agreed. "Flying blind blows."

"Is there evil to be vanquished?" Pinkie Pie asked, sounding almost hopeful.

"Of course, details," Luna answered, dropping her voice down a little, from speaker to storyteller. She rose and walked over to stand next to Fluttershy and Rarity, the former of which cringed a little.

"Do you remember Trixie?" she asked, earning a murmur of assent from the ponies.

"The Great and Powerful," Applejack snorted, only just catching herself before she spat on the floor in disgust. Twilight fixed her with a glare. They had just washed it.

"More like the Great and Boastful Disaster," Rainbow Dash said, crossing her forelegs.

Luna looked as impassive as ever. "Did you ever wonder what happened to her following the events here in Ponyville?" The princess' question was innocent enough.

Applejack grinned. "After Twi' beat her, y'mean!"

Twilight blushed and little and shook her head at the memory. "I'd say nopony won, really."

"Well, somepony lost at least," Rainbow Dash cackled gleefully. Rarity was suddenly focused very intently on her mane, frowning.

"It's not as simple as that, Rainbow Dash," the white unicorn muttered. Pinkie Pie was uncharacteristically quiet while Fluttershy was characteristically quiet.

"Keen eye there, Miss Rarity," Luna agreed. "Fact of the matter is, Trixie, great or no, does not have a registered address. She has no listed next of kin, and she hasn't checked in with her associates in the entertainers’ guild since she headed for Ponyville."

"Wait, so the wagon was her only home?" Twilight asked, blinking. She remembered that the wagon got crushed to splinters under the paw of the Ursa Minor, along with most of Trixie's effects.

"Indeed," Luna said, and the ponies were quiet indeed around the table now. Pinkie Pie's bottom lip was quivering ominously, but Luna did not pause. "Rarity, did you ever ask yourself what happened to Sir Blueblood after the fracas at the gala?"

"I must confess I haven't offered him a lot of thought," Rarity said, a little too quickly. "I thought it more of a debacle, personally." She looked like she wanted to say something unsavory, but restrained herself. "Is... surely he is fine? What is it you're not telling me?"

"Is Trixie okay?" Twilight asked weakly, but Luna went on, heedless.

"And after Gilda was driven out of Ponyville, where do you think she went?"

"What happened to her?!" Rainbow Dash blurted, already halfway up on the table, but Luna's calm was impenetrable.

"I'm thinking the answer is varying degrees of no, then," Luna said as she began walking in a slow circle around the table. "What I want to do is try to find the answer to those questions, and perhaps teach you something about forgiveness and acceptance in the process. It is as simple as that. Celestia would have done something like this long ago, not necessarily exactly this, but some form of journey. As she has been rather busy, I will take on the mantle of teacher this time. We have not forgotten all you have done for us." She swallowed. "I have not forgotten."

Rainbow Dash, who had been quivering with pent up anger until now, chose this moment to fly over the table and hover right in the face of Luna, arresting her slow walk around the table. Pinkie Pie stood up, and the other ponies gasped. Twilight sat paralyzed, briefly wondering what life would be like on the moon. Then again, perhaps Luna would banish ponies to the sun instead? Was either of the two preferable?

"What gives you the right to come in here and say these things, huh? Trixie got what was coming to her and Blueblood is a jerk. We didn't do anything to Gilda, she screwed everything up just fine by herself!" Rainbow Dash spat out those last words not a hoofbreadth from Princess Luna's snout.

"Dashie, stop it!" Pinkie Pie called. Applejack already had the frothing pegasus by the tail, trying to pull her back, but to no avail. The pegasus' wings were flapping frantically, countering her pull.

"You misunderstand. I am not suggesting you have done wrong. Tragedy can spring from a situation without any offenders, without anyone out to hurt anyone else. The purest of virtues and the noblest intent can still end in tears with nopony to blame." The princess' voice was laced with something else now. Was it sorrow?

"I do not blame you, Rainbow Dash. Please be calm and believe me. I am only saying that if you blame yourself, then there are two parties who need help here." As Luna spoke, Rainbow Dash swallowed hard, and she finally let herself be pulled back by Applejack. The orange earth pony looked at her as if she'd gone crazy, but she got no explanation from the suddenly morose mare. Pinkie Pie gently separated the two of them and put a hoof over Rainbow Dash’s withers.

"We may try to keep your status as Elements of Harmony hidden, but we have not forgotten you," the princess repeated. "I wish to help. While you are destined to act together as a group, you are also allowed to make your own decisions, and this is no grand journey upon which the fate of Equestria hangs, I should think. It is an opportunity to see the world, and perhaps get some... closure. Learn some things about yourselves." Surveying the range of expressions that met her, Luna brightened a little for no reason Twilight could discern.

"You do not have to answer me now. I was thinking of leaving tomorrow, along with whomever wanted to come along. Think on it. I shall go meet with Mayor Mare so she does not feel slighted that I would visit her town without even acknowledging her."

With those words, Princess Luna left the Ponyville Library. The calm before the storm lasted for exactly as long as it took Twilight to jam her hooves in her ears. Aided with a little magic, a modified number sixteen to plug her ears, the scene played itself out in almost serene silence. Silence, at any rate. The serenity would have been nice, too. Twilight tried not to think about what Luna might be thinking about them right now. Her mind felt like cotton, and that was not the doing of any of her magic.

Rainbow Dash was probably yelling very loud, given the way her mouth was moving. If Twilight had to guess, she'd put her bits on it being a string of curses that would make Celestia blush. Applejack was trying to calm her down with very little effect. Rarity was pensive, and Pinkie Pie was trying very hard to get everypony's attention, raised up on her hind legs.

Fluttershy, notably, just stared pleadingly back at Twilight, who had very little success in thinking or not-thinking about anything at all. Right, this isn't going anywhere, Twilight finally realized, giving Fluttershy a defeated nod. Watching their friends argue like this tore at her, and nopony else looked like they were going to bring about order. Hastily removing her hooves from her ears, her horn flared with magic.

There was resounding *CRACK* as the table split down the middle and along a few bonus axes for good measure, too. Twilight looked as surprised as the rest of the ponies as they shut up. Rather, as most of them shut up.

"-further indemnify the affected parties, oh! What happened to the table?" Pinkie Pie gasped. "It broke!"

"Uh. Sorry, I didn't mean to do that," Twilight said, frowning at the table even as the slain piece of furniture collapsed. Before Rainbow Dash could go back to whatever she was yelling about, Twilight raised her voice.

"We're not gonna get anywhere if this is a shouting match! Rainbow, is there a problem?"

Perhaps it was the fact that she was being asked. Perhaps it was the fact that she knew she had their undivided attention for sure. All the same, Rainbow Dash did indeed 'simmer down' half a notch, as Applejack would've said.

"You bet your flank there is a problem! What I'm saying is, who the hay does she think she is, strutting in here and dropping a bomb like that? Taking whomever wants to go with her, tomorrow? I mean, what?! She's splitting us up! Or trying to, anyway." Dash was livid, breathing through her nose as she tried to collect herself. She looked like she wanted to go on, opening her mouth, but nothing came out. Eventually, she just sat down again, offering no further comment.

"She thinks she is, and she is indeed, a princess," Rarity said, though she sounded a little unsure herself. "My only question is why she'd concern herself with us in such a direct manner. Celestia never did anything like this. I can count on my hooves the amount of times I've socialized with her. Journeying with us? Chasing down Gilda and Trixie?"

Rarity shook her head a little at the thought of it. "For her to take time off for what she makes sound like a private tutoring trip is very unseemly. And the way she wouldn't answer my question about Prince Blueblood, most rude." If anything, Rarity looked distressed, not offended, at this.

"Ah can live with Luna offering to learn us something. Straight up enough. What Ah don't understand is how she expects the farm to go 'round with a full set of hooves less to go around," Applejack said with a shrug. "If y'all are going, Ah want to do the same, but Ah'm not sure Ah can."

"Teach us. Not 'learn us' something," Twilight corrected before she could stop herself, earning a nonplussed look from the farm pony.

"S'what Ah said."

"Wait, going with her? Are you kidding me?" Rainbow Dash yelled, staring at Applejack. "Nopony here's actually thinking of going with her, right? She's trying to split us up, so what the hay is her angle, huh?" There was a moment's silence as Rainbow Dash looked around the table before settling on Twilight. The unicorn had no idea what her face showed, because she wasn't quite sure what she was thinking herself.

"Of course," Rainbow Dash groaned.

"What?" Twilight asked, looking around.

"You do everything Princess Celestia says, and now you're going to go along with everything Luna says, too? Come on! Celestia is cool, but that doesn't mean you have to do what they say!"

Twilight huffed, feeling her face heat up with embarrassment and anger. She rose and stared back into Rainbow Dash's pink eyes, tired of being accused of this. Not that anypony else had accused her of this before but herself.

"I don't do everything Celestia tells me to do because I'm some sort of puppet. Celestia is my mentor, and I try to help her as best as I can, when I can." Twilight's voice had dropped, and Rainbow Dash took an inadvertent step back in surprise. "And when a house guest, Celestia's sister no less, comes in here and makes an offer? I try not to spit in her face instead of thanking her for it!"

"Whoa, Twilight, I-" Rainbow Dash began, holding up a hoof, but Twilight cut her off.

"I am just happy that Luna was so graceful about the whole deal, because you could have ruined everything! You embarrassed me in front of Celestia's sister!" Twilight shouted in Rainbow's face. Dash cringed, and Twilight offered no protest as Fluttershy put a hoof on her withers, gently sitting the unicorn down. She hadn't meant to sound so angry, but she had sat there worrying about what Luna would think of her friends for so long. When Rainbow Dash had gotten up in the princess' face, she swore she'd had a heart attack. It was still unfair, though, and Twilight knew it.

"Okay, listen, I'm sorry-" Twilight began weakly, but Rainbow Dash swallowed and made her way over to the door with a muttered "Later." She slammed the door for effect, and before Twilight knew it, she had a very stone-faced looking Pinkie Pie next to her, staring at her.

Twilight felt a headache coming on. She made a mental check list. Horrible first impression on Luna? Check. Probable banishment and imprisonment after Celestia and Luna have their next talk? In progress. Offend best friends with inappropriate outburst? Check. She deflated and lay her head on a piece of the wrecked table while Pinkie Pie ran out the door, chasing after Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy was idly running a hoof through her mane, Twilight realized. She didn't deserve to have any friends, anyway, but she was so glad she wasn't alone right now that she didn't dare protest. Rarity looked thoughtful and Applejack was frowning still, but Twilight realized Fluttershy had hardly said anything all evening. Earlier, she'd attribute this to shyness around Luna, but the princess was gone, now.

"What about you, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, though all she wanted to do now was sleep. Never mind the fact that it was barely past brunch time.

"I think you should apologize to Rainbow Dash. I'm sure it will be fine," Fluttershy said serenely as she kept working Twilight's mane.

"I know, I know, and I will." Twilight Sparkle sighed. "I meant about Luna and the whole thing."

"Oh," the pegasus said, blushing a little and looking down at the ground. "I'm going."

Twilight could only blink. Every set of eyes in the room trained on the demure pony who futilely tried to hide behind her own mane. Twilight had assumed that she'd be reluctant to go or perhaps say she would do whatever her friends would do, but this, she had not expected.

The unspoken question hung in the air until Fluttershy looked up again, remembering bit by bit that she was among her best of friends. "I, um, don't remember much about the gala," she admitted. "But when Trixie fled town like she did, I felt terrible. And I always wondered if Gilda would be okay. I have to help."

Twilight sighed and nodded. The pegasus mare was far too soft and kind for her own good, sometimes. She still remembered Fluttershy's tear-laden tale of her encounter with the bullying griffin. Fluttershy still didn't want to blame anypony but herself for her part in it, figuring she had really gotten in Gilda's way, or somehow offended her.

"I just can't stand the idea that there might be somepony out there who's hurt," Fluttershy admitted, swallowing. Rarity was already by her side, offering a hug which Fluttershy instantly accepted.

"AJ? You said you were going?" Twilight asked.

"Ah ain't letting you and Fluttershy go alone if Ah can help it, if that's what yer askin', Twi', even if Ah think it's a load of hooey." The earth pony shrugged.

"If you need to mind the farm, Applejack, dear, I'd be happy to accompany them," Rarity said, making it sound like a protest.

"Ah just need to make sure the farm'll be alright. If Ah can get the finances sorted, Ah'm free," Applejack countered, quirking a brow.

Rarity's eyes were lit with pure fervor, glaring hard at the apple farmer. "I am going."

Twilight coughed in an attempt to dispel whatever the heck was going on. "Um, I'm sure you are free to come along. Nopony’s trying to stop you, Rarity. What's going on?"

The fashionista blinked and laughed nervously. "Ah, um, I am just thrilled to have a chance to travel with royalty, of course! I am sure there is so much we can learn, isn't that so?"

"Uh huh," Applejack muttered. "Learn, is it? Ah gotta admit Ah'm not too happy about trying to find Trixie again. That one's trouble, she is, sure as rain. They all are, Ah reckon," Applejack added as an afterthought, earning a sharp glare from Fluttershy that Twilight Sparkle was pretty sure she was the only one who noticed.

Twilight had decided, for her part, that she was going. She had made up her mind the very second Luna asked, but Rainbow Dash's words stuck with her just like a cloying headache. In fact, she was sure that the words were the headache at this point. Nopony had asked her whether she was going or not, and that hurt a little. It wasn't that she had some foal-like need for reassurance, but she feared it might mean that Rainbow Dash was right.

With very little else to say, the four remaining ponies had split up then and there. Applejack had to head to the farm to try to sort things out, Fluttershy had to find somepony to take care of her cottage and all her little animal friends, and Rarity had to make her own arrangements. When Twilight failed to find either Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash before full dark set in, she headed up to her own room in the library, only to find the door at the top of the stairs locked. She turned the key from the outside and came face to face with a very irate baby dragon with his arms crossed. Behind him, the bedroom was immaculately clean save for a crude and unflattering effigy of Twilight Sparkle created out of cleaning supplies.

"Oh," Twilight said. "Right. Because you took your break up here."

"Uh huh," Spike said.

"And then I locked the door here before we got started on the rest of the library, not knowing you were in here."

"Apparently," Spike agreed.

"Because I didn't want the girls going through my private stuff, because I kind of lost control of the whole cleaning effort after Pinkie started making a game out of it."

Spike stared.

"And not asking myself where my number one assistant was all day long was really crummy," Twilight said with a sigh, walking past Spike to throw herself on her perfectly-made bed. There had to be a way for a pony to go into hibernation, surely. A spell?

Perhaps noticing that Twilight seemed out of sorts, Spike suddenly looked a bit nervous. "Um, Twilight, are you okay?"

"And you've spent the time you've been locked in here just cleaning the room and making it look beautiful for the princess. And now I'm ruining it by sitting on the bed and getting the sheets all wrinkly," Twilight continued with a single sniffle, fully aware of how stupid it was.

"That's, um, the least I could do?" Spike said, padding over to the life-sized Twilight voodoo doll and dismantling it bit by bit, starting with the dirty mop-mane. "What did Luna want?"

Realizing that she hadn't brought Spike up to speed yet, Twilight groaned. Yet another obstacle she'd forgotten about. Twilight buried her head in the pillows. Spike blinked, nonplussed.

"Uh, nothing good? C’mon Twilight, talk to me."

"How'd you like to be a librarian for a few weeks?" Twilight asked, her voice muffled by the pillows.