• Published 24th Oct 2011
  • 21,105 Views, 409 Comments

Number One - Whirring Gears

[2nd Person Perspective] A tough pony from the city moves to Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 7: New Day

*knock knock knock*

You begin to stir in your bed. As you hear the sound of birds chirping, your mind takes a quick inventory. Your eyes stung and your nose is a little stuffy, but other than that, you felt... good. You take notice of a blue pegasus laying beside you, sleeping peacefully. Your hooves have been wrapped around, holding each other as close as possible. Maybe the amount of warmth is a little uncomfortable, but you didn’t want to let go.

*knock knock knock*

You grunt as you lean yourself upright. However, you’re able to lift your body with an almost incredible ease. Like a great weight had been lifted from your shoulders. You look around the room and notice just how bright the sun is, how the light casts down upon everything. You breathe in deeply, the action extremely refreshing like drinking water after days without it.

All of these sensations are wasted as you flop back down onto the bed and snuggle back up to the blue pegasus who is now also beginning to wake up.

*knock knock knock knock*

“...You gonna go get that?” Dash asks in a sleepy voice.

“If it’s important, they’ll come back,” you reply.

*knock knock knock knock knock*

Dash moves a hoof to your chest and pushes you away.

“Go answer it,” she says before turning over to go back to sleep. You grumble as you pick yourself up again and walk out towards the door. Whoever this is better have a good reason for waking you up at... You glance at the clock. 1:30 in the afternoon. You sigh as you turn the knob and open it.

“Oh, howdy! Ah was just about to turn arooo-AAH!” exclaims the orange farmer pony on your doorstep. You wonder what brought on that response as you notice yourself without a jacket, scars on display, just getting out of bed from one of the roughest nights you’ve ever had. You’d probably have the same reaction looking in a mirror.

“Good morning to you, too,” you say, dripping with sarcasm as Applejack comes out of her shock. “So what did you need?”

“Ah’m, uh... Ah’m really sorry about my little...” she tries to explain. Clearing her throat and trying not to look at you, she begins talking again. “Ah was wonderin’ if ya’ll seen Rainbow Dash anywhere. Really needin’ a few extra hooves on the farm for some big orders an’ she said she’d help.” She chuckles a little awkwardly. “Heard you two have been... together as of late.”

You give a little nod in response to the statement. “One moment,” you say, walking back into the house, closing the door behind you. Walking back into the bedroom, you see Dash curled up under the blanket that had been tossed aside last night.

“Daaash,” you call out, shaking her shoulder like she had woken you that one time. “Hey. Applejack’s looking for you.”

You see her peek open an eye at this. “Oh man, I forgot...” she mumbles into your pillow. Placing her hooves down, she pushes upward, lifting herself from the mattress. “Where is she?” she asks.

“Waiting outside,” you reply. A hoof takes you by the chin and brings you up to Dash’s lips. Simple and tender, it only lasts a short time before Dash pulls away again.

“Thanks for last night,” she says. You give a smile and nod as she walks out of the bedroom. Hearing the door open and a little exchange between the two outside before the door shuts again, you begin thinking of everything you need to do to start the day. A shower, definitely. Some breakfast considering how late it is. You’d have some work to get caught up on.

Suddenly, you feel that one of your hooves has traveled back up to the bed and is now rubbing the spot Rainbow had been sleeping. It's warm. Very warm. Leaning down to it, you could almost smell a little bit of her left in the sheets.

Maybe... just five more minutes, you think, climbing back into bed.


Some time later...


“Okay,” you say while bringing out a clock from the pile of finished repair jobs that have built up in your living room. “That’ll be fifteen bits.”

The yellow, brown-maned pegasus timidly reaches into their striped vest, pulls out a small bag, and gives it to you. You look inside and quickly count the number of bits.

Giving an approving nod you say, “Well, it’s all here. See you next time.” They mumble a thanks before taking their clock and flying out the door with a quick flap. That pegasus has become your best customer and is the kind you had back in the old days. The stuff he brought was never broken, but in need of extra storage. Of course, you never ask questions.

Better yet, he was your last customer for the day. You walk back into your bedroom, quickly flicking the knob of the closet door open and throwing the small bag on a pile of bits that you have amassed over time. You stare contently at the money you’ve earned as you feel a bit of pride begin to well up. You made it. You have an honest living in this town without any sort of worry from other ponies.

There are no gangs. No violence. No fear.

As much as you’d never say you were afraid in Clopton, it is nice to be able to sleep and ignore the possibility of somepony breaking into your place for bad or worse reasons.

At that moment, you hear your front door open and close with hoofsteps coming closer. Just as you thought how this situation would play out back where you used to live, now it only makes you smile more.

“Hey! You in here?” you hear a familiar voice call out.

“Back here, Dash,” you respond.

The cyan blue pegasus with multi-colored mane pokes her head out from around the corner. She eyes you up and down. “Looks like somepony had a busy day,” she remarks.

You do a quick once-over of yourself. Mane disheveled, couple stains of grease on your jacket, and your hooves have a couple new nicks in them. “I don’t look that bad,” you say.

“Yeah, you do.” A sly smile appears on her face as she walks closer.

You chuckle. “Shut up, Dash.”

“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”

She presses her lips roughly against yourself and wraps her hooves around your neck. You let her guide you over to your bed as you begin to pick up her subtle taste. An almost essence of blueberry along with the scent of sweat, though not unpleasant, as a result of her athleticism. Her back lies down on the blanket, sinking into the fabric as you follow and lay on top of her. The position doesn’t last long as she rolls over away from the edge of the bed, leaving her on top of you. A tongue began to prod at your lips which you let through to greet with your own, giving a new almost spicy sensation.

You have been, for lack of a better word, dating this mare for a few months now. During this time, you two have come to a few understandings that all couples must do in one way or another. One of which being the Shut-Up-and-Make-Out sessions that is currently occurring. As per agreement, such may only be initiated when one is feeling tired, stressed, worried, or anything at all that may be helped with making out. This “anything” also included having a deep desire to make out; a reason that both you and Dash have used admittedly more often than not.

Your hoof begins travelling down her back, rubbing in a circle between her wings. Dash moans a little before pulling away.

“Sorry,” she says, tussling your mane. “Afraid we can’t have that much fun right now. We still have a party to go to.”

You sigh in disappointment. She is always dragging you around for this party or that festival, trying to get you to socialize with other ponies. Not that it has been all bad, but there are times where you wish you had a choice. Taking now for example, go to the party or stay in bed with Dash.

“Come on,” she says, climbing off of you. “How about we get moving?”

“Bit early, isn’t it?” you ask.

“Yeah, but we’ll get there before all the good food is gone. And they have a band there playing covers.”

“They any good?” you ask, rolling off the bed.

“I don’t know.” She gives her wings a couple flaps to work out the excitement you tried to put into them. “But afterwards, we can come back and pick up where we left off,” she says with a wink.

“Holding you to that, Dash.” You walk over to your closet again, pulling out a clean jacket.

“I know,” she replies, pressing against your side as soon as you get your jacket on. She begins rubbing her muzzle into your neck.

“Well...” you say, deciding to push your luck and wrap a foreleg around her shoulders. “Do we really have to go to this party? We could just stay here, and-”

“No,” she says flatly. “But nice try.” She gives a little peck to your neck while you both walk through the house towards your door. Opening it up, the wind of early fall blows in, making it difficult to shut on the way out. When you finally get it closed, you turn to make your way down the road.

“Why is it this windy?” you ask, looking at one of the head pegasuses for the weather patrol.

“Pressure fronts have to go somewhere,” she says with a shrug. “But here, let me fix it.”

Before you can say anything, she flaps her wings and lands on your back, wrapping her hooves around your neck. Then she stretches her wings out and wraps them around your chest, shielding your body from the wind. Her feathers are soft and warm, also pulling Dash’s body a bit closer to you.

“Better?” she asks, snuggling closer to your neck.


“Now come on. We have a party to get to.”

You begin trotting down the trail, simply listening to the blowing wind and enjoying the warmth of the pegasus laying on your back. The dirt road is cool beneath your hooves. A few birds pass overhead, and squirrels are running, climbing up and down the trees. When the wind picks up, it sometimes blows Dash’s mane around, tickling your neck.

“I love you,” Dash says suddenly as you walk causing you to stop.

“What brought on that statement?” you ask.

“Nothing. It’s just... I don’t think I’ve ever told you before.” You think back throughout your time with Dash, trying to remember an instance either one of you said those three simple words. It seems almost impossible with everything you’ve been through that you haven’t taken the one second to say it. She hugs around your shoulders a bit tighter. “So I’m telling you now. I love you.”

You smile. You feel something in your chest inflating and rising up almost like a balloon that is going to fly away. “I love you, too,” you say as you begin to walk again.