• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



Arc is a heavy weapons specialist. Roxy is a lycan. They're married. And together they protect Equestria from things that go bump in the night. Things your average pony doesn't know about. Things the Royal sisters want kept quiet.

Managing supernatural affairs is usually just another boring public service job, at least until an arms dealer turns herself in, claiming she wants to be good. After that, all Tartarus breaks loose. Arc and Roxy have to figure out what lunatic keeps blowing things up around the city before it's too late.

Editing and cover art by Dafaddah

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 53 )

I have rarely read anything for the past few months, but I just had to read this. Finally here, I see.

4183629 Not the reaction I was hoping for, but a comment is still a comment, I suppose.


These are not the droids you're looking fsdgfhsgfhj

Will Twilight's presence in the setting be alluded to? I was surprised when we actually met Spike in-story

4183848 Spike is mostly there because I needed a dragon. As for Twilight, she's probably in Canterlot

I cannot express how disappointed I am.
Someone was carrying a missile launcher for a whole chapter and nothing exploded.
Is Granite the great great great grandson of Trixie?

Does if feel different from being a pony?

Does it?

I wish I knew.:rainbowwild:

~Dash The Stampede

An almost-all OC story has caught my attention.

And with multiple species involved? Dayum. :pinkiegasp:

It seems Equestria learned A LOT from Valiant, eh?
Except how to blow shit up with rockets.
This looks to be an interesting series, I'll be coming back for more, da!

~Dash The Stampede

Just a hunch.
Is this story connected with Valiant's? Just in different timelines, because I know cars and other electronic bullshit wouldn't have been invented until He came along.
Valiant, the crazy psychopath who invented our cars and other technological advances we currently have today. Praise him, praise Him.

This looks like an interesting story... I already know it's good because you wrote it. Now, if I can just find the time to read it all, I'll be set. Keep writing TNaB, I still think you're cool.

Hey, it's Tammy! And I see a reference to the Moose Island incident as well. I guess she's moving up in the world.

YAY Update!
This and a TL inclusion for my fic? Tonight's pretty sweet.
Dat ending paragraph though..
Is it supposed to be so...train-of-thought? It feels like a story/chapter brainstorming list as opposed to the chapter's end.:applejackconfused:
~Dash The Stampede

4221231 Sorry about that. It's notes that were accidentally included. I deleted them.

Ah, no biggie, just making sure you didn't mis-post.
And keeping spoilers secret
~Dash The Stampede

Yaaay, more continuity universes!

“Hang on,” said Arc. “What am I supposed to do with this missile launcher?”

Comma instead?

At the same time, but on the other side of San Palomino in a different government facility, Arc’s wife Roxy was asking a related question. “Why did you leave a missile launcher in your bed?”

Would put this after a soft break.

There weren’t enough lines on Market’s face for her to have had too many previous jobs. Roxy asked, “What did you do before?”

Is Roxy as new as Arc? Harv said Shade members learned not to ask this.

Roxy awoke that morning with a facefull of dirt and rabbit blood.

faceful or face full. (Shut up Autocorrect, that is so a word.)

Now he wonded if he should bring it to his new office


They should really do something about that HU-7 instead of just carrying it around.

Chekov's rocket launcher. :trixieshiftright:

They hadn’t got there when the house exploded.

Perhaps gotten instead?

Ohh shiiiiiii-

I read Sisal like:twistnerd:
Dat evil lisp.
Eagerly awaiting next chapter!
~Dash The Stampede

It was the first time Arc had ever felt like a minority before.

Sounds like a mashed together turn of phrase, remove "before," I think.

so you won’t be exactly difficult to kill.”

Would swap around be and exactly.

it will take some time for us to surreptitiously look through their mountains data to find it.”

mountains of

On the wall of the main workspace, a sign hangs reading, "Shoo be doo-ers will be shot."

100 meters underwater

That poses some interesting thoughts:

Underwater, especially three-hunnit feet down, is pressurized beyond normal human capabilities, and if we are to sink to those levels, we need to acclimate. Much like climbers on Everest wait occasionally to let their lungs adjust, divers need to take it slow to adjust to the pressure.

Now, these agents are going from about 200-500 feet above sea level to 300 feet below sea level over the course of a mere second. Now, taking into account that they'd have the atmosphere pressurized already, wouldn't either the portal leak that pressure, or their heads explode from the sudden pressure change?

Now, I'm sure there's bunches of holes in this logic, and it's 4 AM so that'll explain, but I hope to hear your thoughts on this.

~Dash The Stampede

If the annex is pressurized at 1atmo, there's no pressure difference when crossing the portal. The trouble is then maintaining 1a under 100m of water, not dealing with pressure differentials for visitors.

This is Brandy

The seaponies say "Brandy, you're a fine mare
"What a good wife you would be
"Yeah your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea"


Umm dude. Magic maybe ?

It really kills me inside to see something this awesome get such an under-rated view count. I love the action and worldbuilding you've got going on here, they mix a bunch of the best worlds, albeit a bit blander than one would expect. I feel like your view is like that of a reserved law show on television, where there's action, but mostly monologue and plot, not so much "explosions boom boom guns!", like most cop show fics.

But there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just honored that through the "meh" reaction you've gotten here, you keep posting new chapters and keep chugging through the words, that earns quite a bit of respect. :scootangel:

So thank you, TNaB, for continuing to prove that we are all a little bit Loony. And that this fic is awesome.
~Dash The Stampede

After recently visiting the bottom of the sea, however Arc and Roxy opted for something else.

Add comma after however.
Silas did get what he wanted, after all, Arc slept with the fishes!

He hadn’t reacted to the entire scene with very much excitement, not even showing strain in taking out four ponies from halfway across the room, a feat of telekinesis that very few unicorns could manage.

And that's why he's a wizard! :pinkiehappy:

Arc and Roxy got into the government sedan. Arc put the keys in the ignition and paused. Turning his head to Roxy, he leaned across the car for a kiss. She eagerly met him in the middle and for a moment neither was thinking about the monumental task that lay ahead.

And then the car exploded.
^Was all I could think:rainbowlaugh:

I'm always glad to see this update, especially since this week's been just horrid. I really do wish you had a bigger viewer base on it, although it does lack the in-your-face raw comedy-action of A Dream(and relevant sub-stories).
~Dash The Stampede

A-plus detective work fellas, there's no way Carbon and Sea Breeze are anything more than coincidences! :ajbemused:

Looks like a fedora tip is not the best way to pick up ladies! :trollestia:

“We found were it was assembled, though, thank you for that.


I want to like this, its a nice, rich idea with a good premise.

But it just doesn't connect. I can't get past the willing suspension of disbelief with this. The words are fine, clear, and concise. But the pacing breaks it, i think. You step in, and nothing fits right. You keep trying, and adding more parts to the puzzle, and you just look to what you have in hand, and toss everything out rather than trying to keep up with the juggle.

I don't like saying this, I don't, but well, i recall you mentioning i think briefly that this was your lowest commented on story, and the feedback I hope is helpful to why?


Husband and wife team. +5 Attack

4718204 Yeah, long stories written a chapter at a time are always difficult to put together. Of course, there may be something wrong with the subject material to begin with - I find myself just not feeling it like other things I've written.

4719255 The premise is good, but compared to those like Miller and Millie, Back in Town, True Blue hero. Those it has a point of relation to in aspects. It shoots forward more so without the pauses that the rest have given the pacing of events. And you just sorta overload.

The nature of crime and criminal elements, if it was by itself, would work, but its that secondary nature of the supernatural that pulls it off course maybe? If there was more start given to showing how else melds together, it wouldn't feel as it does?

I don't know, but thank you for the reply.

Appeared ou of the night - out
In Hooviet Russia, missile launcher operates YOU.

Short, quick, and to the objective quickly. Was kinda expecting something a bit more...action-y as is the usual for you, but I suppose nothing beats a good old hoof-in-the-face. :ajsmug:

Voting Doria Awkward Turtle of the year.:rainbowlaugh:
~Dash The Stampede

“Your majesty,” said Proficient,

You can breathe now, Carbon, The Princess is in another castle. :ajsmug:
What foul manner of fiend could want to disrupt Truth®, Freedom©, and the Equestrian Way™? :derpyderp1: I hope we find out in future tales! And Granite's right, that was a good showing by those rookies. I am surprised (relieved?) that Carbon and Sea Breeze's almost too convenient appearances were not signs of being enemy agents... yet. (They could still be plants, I suppose, which would be worse now that they're on the inside.)

Cool one so far, and I'll always be interested in the Shadeverse. I'll make time for some more reading another time, but I have to sleep eventually, right? :unsuresweetie:

Even if I'd really rather continue reading.

I so love this universe... and I don't even like cop shows. I'd be really happy if another Shades story popped up... Hint hint... :ajsmug:


Seen the second one, certainly will read the first when I can. Thanks for the list! :pinkiesmile:

Very well! You've captured my interest! :pinkiehappy: About zero point seven percent, carry the octopus... Well, it doesn't have a high yield but, over time it really compounds quite well!

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

This is really awesome! Onwards I say, to the next chapter!

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading! Even if it takes me a while.

So they called upon the sea ponies.


Fantastic! I actually laughed out loud after I hit next chapter and had to come back to post this.

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

Will there be any more shades stories? I really love the universe!

Some work has been done. Unsure if it will ever see the light of day.

Also, check comments below.

Well, I'f you ever decide to publish them, I'll be here! I loved Back in Town and You Can't Have it All.

Oh man this all on the boat in close quarters reminded me of Cruise Ship Terror Missions from X-Com Terror of the Deep. Real scary stuff man. :raritydespair:

Radio comms, house with a dock complete with used mooring equipment, a name connected to sailing, the ability to track them even when they are at the off-shore base, I cannot help but wonder if Sisal is off-shore herself. My mind keeps coming up with images of the ship from the end of the CoD: Black Ops campaign.

Also, that launcher is still in the trunk of the car, is it not? I bet there is a tracking device in it.

Boat! I called it! I SO called it!

I was right! Well, not about a tracker in the rocket launcher, but about the boat headquarters!

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