• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,087 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 14

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 14:

Nightshade beckoned Misty Fly towards her. Misty had her hoof pulled back from the start as she wildly flung herself towards Nightshade. Rainbow Dash took a wide angle as she followed, ready to put the pressure on Nightshade with a two-pronged attack. As Misty closed in, she spun to add even more weight to her punch and aimed it right for Nightshade’s face. Nightshade caught the punch easily while sneering at the amount of force Misty had put behind it.

“What?” Nightshade was caught off guard as Misty reached her wing over, placed it on Nightshade’s head, and smashed her face to the concrete, hard.

“Whoa!” Dash blinked as she saw the somewhat brutal fighting tactic from Misty. Nightshade had really pissed her off. Nightshade pushed up from the ground and leapt backward. “Oh no you don’t!” Dash yelled, circling around and ramming Nightshade in the back, propelling her back towards Misty. Misty hopped up, grabbed Nightshade's wings with her hooves, and pumped her wings hard. She dragged Nightshade along the concrete towards a store window and flung her against it. The glass cracked, popped, and buckled, but held in place.

“Heheheh!” Nightshade sneered as Misty fired from her spot and slammed her body into Nightshade. The force blew them right through the window, shattering it to pieces.

“Yikes!” Dash winced as she followed them. Misty and Nightshade tumbled into the abandoned shop, coming to a stop with Misty pinning Nightshade down. Misty pulled back and punched Nightshade in the face, picked her shoulders up and slammed her down before punching her again and again and again. New tears formed in Misty’s eyes and she poured every bit of rage she could into each punch. Dash backed away slightly when she saw Misty’s demeanor. Sure it was Nightshade receiving it, but Misty had lost all restraint.

Suddenly Nightshade reached up and caught Misty’s hoof. Misty instantly tried punching with the other, but Nightshade caught that one too.

“I just can't get enough of you!” She said in her creepy sly tone as she slowly pushed Misty’s hooves back. She turned and smiled with one eye open wide and twitching, a constant quiet snicker escaping her lips. Despite having taken a serious beating, her face looked almost unscathed with only a few small bruises. Just how tough was this crazy mare? Dash gasped as she saw Misty get thrown off and punched hard in the stomach. The blow made Misty drop down before receiving a hard kick below the chin. The kick sent her flying out the store window and Dash swiftly flew up to catch her.

“Oof!” Dash grunted as Misty slammed into her. Misty shook her head and glared back at the store window as Nightshade emerged from it.

“Your fury is so delicious!” Nightshade slowly approached them. Her grin seemed to keep widening. “I want to see it all! Show me everything!” She spoke despite Misty being unable to comprehend any of it. Dash was convinced Nightshade had a head packed full of loosened screws.

Misty charged again. Dash hesitated before following. She wished Misty could give her more warning. Misty was also being reckless. Through her anger she was disregarding her preferred fighting style. Instead she was throwing herself wildly as Nightshade, determined to tear her apart limb from limb.

Nightshade pulled back and delivered a strong punch to Misty’s face as she neared. Misty flew back, nearly running into Dash. Dash kept going, spinning into a kick, but Nightshade hopped slightly and slammed down on Dash’s body. She traped Dash, belly up beneath her hooves.

“Ahhh!” Dash yelped as Nightshade stood on top of her.

“My, my! Rainbow Dash, look at you!” She bit her lip with a sneer. “Somepony has been hitting the gym.” She leaned down close to Dash’s face and stroked one of Dash’s toned arms with her hoof.

“AH!” Dash wiggled beneath her, mortified.

“Sexy body you're building up here. Tone and muscles in all the right places.” She tipped up her goggles to reveal a disturbingly interested look in her eyes. “I usually prefer stallions, but every once in a while a mare like you comes along that makes me want to… experiment.” She creepily licked Dash’s ear as she whispered into it. Dash was pushing the limits of how far one could tilt their neck. She desperately wanted to get away. Nightshade snickered and moved her head down, licking Dash’s neck. “Mmmmmm.” Nightshade moaned.

“GOD. DAMMIT. GET. OFF!” Dash tried thrusting her wings to the ground. She managed to push them up slightly, but Nightshade forced her right back down roughly.

“Maybe I should take you… and bring that hunky Soarin with…” Nightshade continued while running her tongue over her top teeth. “I could have so much fun with both of you.” Dash was stuck in place. She started breathing heavily, terrified of Nightshade’s eyes that seemed to force their will down on her like a ton of bricks. “I promise I won't be gentle.” She added.

“NO!” Dash turned her face to the side as far as she could and shut her eyes. Dash considered herself to be fearless, but this... No amount of bravery could hold against this. There was just something plain WRONG about Nightshade and it penetrated every barrier of toughness Dash could hold up.

One of Nightshade’s ears suddenly shot up and she released Dash to block a full on body slam from Misty Fly.

“What a mood killer.” Nightshade sighed as she forced her wings out and grabbed Misty’s hooves. Nightshade forced them both up into the air, and then fell back towards the ground, ready to smash Misty to the concrete. Dash got on her hooves fast and fired towards them, ramming Nightshade in the stomach and loosening her grip on Misty. Misty flipped her body, and kicked Nightshade away from them before she and Dash landed side by side. Nightshade slowly floated to the ground, cracking her neck and sneering. “I guess it could be worse. You are all just too much fun,” she shivered. “It really drives me wild in ways you couldn't imagine.”

Nightshade leapt at them again. Dash and Misty tried to split in different directions as she approached. Then Nightshade suddenly sped up and caught both of them by the necks. They struggled in her grip, but had little time to do anything as she tossed Misty into the air and chucked Dash at her, making them collide hard. Nightshade sprung up and zipped around them, putting her back hooves into Misty’s back and forcing both of them down towards the ground. Dash could only tuck her arms and legs in as she was driven headlong into the concrete with Misty’s weight added above her.

“ARGH!” Descent grunted and Soarin landed another punch to his face. He quickly threw a punch of his own but Soarin ducked and delivered a strong uppercut. Descent stepped back and shook his head out, smirking at Soarin. Soarin stood at the ready. Try as he might Descent couldn’t keep the small grin off his face. “You’ve improved greatly.” He commented. Soarin lifted an eyebrow.

“Who are you and what have you done with Descent?” Soarin chuckled. Descent stomped his front hooves hard to the ground and readied to charge.

“It’s your fault you know.” He charged. Soarin charged as well and they clashed, pressing each other’s hooves together in another power struggle. “Last time we fought, you were weak and frail. Yet despite our difference in strength, you fought furiously and nearly killed me.” He spoke as they pushed against one another. Soarin took two hard steps and Descent slid back slightly. “I easily overpowered you then. Now here I stand as you muster the strength to push me back!” He chuckled as he took his own heavy steps and forced Soarin back the few steps he had gained. “You refused your limits and became stronger! My whole life, I’ve never known a more worthy adversary!”

The two leapt into the air while pushing off. They both arced around and came at one another. Soarin pitched up right before colliding, flying even higher. Descent scoffed, circled around and went after him. Soarin glanced back to make sure Descent was following, and then suddenly flattened his wings. Soarin came to a full stop as Descent rapidly approached. Soarin tipped down and pumped his wings to fire himself down, aiming a hoof for Descent’s face.

But Descent shifted, reaching his arm up above Soarin as he missed, and drove his elbow into the back of Soarin’s neck.

“Gah! Soarin winced as the blow propelled him downward, tumbling uncontrollably. Descent followed up by diving after him and pressing his hooves to Soarin’s chest to increase the speed of the fall. Refusing to repeat his head being thrust into the ground like their last battle, Soarin clutched Descent’s hooves and angled his body enough to use his wings. He flapped them hard to counter their trajectory. They slowed down considerably, and instead of slamming to the ground they only landed semi-roughly.

“Good, you learn from past blunders.” Descent sneered, dropping Soarin and stepping off. “Get up.” Soarin slowly rose from the ground, wondering why Descent didn’t just start wailing at him while he was pinned.

“You could’ve thrown a few punches while I was down.” Soarin thought out loud. Descent shook his head.

“I will defeat you with your guard up.” He put plainly. Soarin was beyond intrigued. He had to know more. It seemed like Descent was in the mood to explain himself so he went for it.

“Tell me Descent. Why the Shadowbolts? Your sense of honor here doesn’t seem to fit.” He questioned. Descent’s eyes narrowed.

“I live by the Shadowbolt mercenary code.” He began simply, but Soarin took note. Mercenaries. That explained a lot, but it also suggested they were working for somepony else. “Our code is that you do as you please as long as the conditions of the contract are fulfilled. I’m fighting you because I chose to, not because I have been ordered to.” He nodded. Soarin thought about all of it. Maybe there was more to the Shadowbolts than met the eye.

“If you guys aren't some evil organization, your captain doesn’t help your image.” Soarin pointed out.

“Captain Nightshade’s methods are questionable, but effective. She leads us with a firm hoof, and none dare question her choices.”

“And the crystals?” Soarin posed one more question. Descent scoffed and shook his head.

“I care not for fake power. I only wish to test my own strength and limits." He readied himself again. “True warriors fight with power from within, not power from without.”

“I can get behind that.” Soarin mirrored him. “Rgh.” He flinched slightly as he moved. Soarin’s body was starting to tire on him a little. While he was matching Descent well, Descent was still larger and more built than him. He also couldn’t rule out the fact that Spitfire had beaten him up a bit earlier, or that he was still covered in scratches from being put through two windows. He was mentally energized, but his body was showing fatigue. His eyes widened as Descent charged again. He put up his hooves and took Descent’s head-butt to the arms. The force of the blow pushed him off his hooves and he tumbled backward.

Despite the small conversation they just had, Soarin knew Descent was a warrior, not a fighter. The difference being that a fighter tries to defeat their enemies, a warrior goes for the kill. To Descent, anything less than going all out was not truly fighting. Soarin was starting to feel weakened from the amount of stress on his body in the past hour, this was slowly becoming more of a survival for him that a battle. He wished Silver Lining would hurry up and get the Princesses on the scene.

Where was his inner dark power when he needed it? It had activated twice by accident in the past few days. Here he was fighting for his life and it was nowhere to be seen.

Soarin stepped off the ground and used his wings to leap up onto the roof of the plaza post office behind him. He flipped over the large envelope sign on the roof to try and give himself a moment. Descent’s hoof came through the sign from the other side about an inch from Soarin’s face. He yelped and pushed off into the air. Descent gave chase quickly. Soarin tried throwing a few punches, but Descent swiped them all aside and struck Soarin in the chest. Soarin grunted as he got slightly pushed higher by the punch before Descent clamped his hooves together and slammed them down over Soarin’s head.

The shock sent a hard whiplash through Soarin as he began to fall. His vision was blurry and he couldn’t get his bearings. He tried to blink but his head was in such a haze that focusing was nearly impossible. A few feet from the ground his eyes finally corrected. He forced his body to turn and gave two hard pumps of his wings, slowing him down only slightly before slamming to the ground on his hooves painfully. He dropped down, panting and twitching slightly. Descent landed nearby and moved in for another attack, but halted suddenly.

Soarin glanced up and saw the Streak twins standing in front of him, both spreading their wings defensively.

“What’s this?” Descent looked with a mix of interest and displeasure.

“No! Stay back!” Soarin ordered before wincing in pain again.

“I apologize Commander Soarin, but we cannot follow that order. We will step in here.” Fire Streak spoke while glaring at Descent.

“Dude, this guy’s a tank.” Lightning Streak commented while he looked Descent up and down.

“Hmph, this is your only warning, colts. Step aside or I will crush you both.” He explained sternly with a heavy glare.

“Aight, sounds good.” Lightning took a step away, but Fire reached a wing over and yanked him back.

“We will defend our commander to the death. It’s because we chose to do so. Isn’t that your philosophy?” Fire used Descent's own saying. Descent chuckled and stepped back.

“Fine choice of words. What are your names?” He asked.

“I am Fire Streak, captain of Wonderbolt squad three.”

“Uhh, I’m John Doe.” Said Lightning with a half assed wave. Fire gave him a light kick.

“And this is my twin brother Lightning Streak.” Fire answered for him.

“Interesting.” Descent pounded his hooves together and set them to the ground. “Show me what you can do!”

“Should I go hit her now or something?” Asked Fleetfoot while she sat and stared up. Surprise’s cloud dummies continued to harass Starry Skies.

“Why? All we have to do is wait for the Princess.” She cheerfully stated. Fleetfoot shrugged.

“I dunno. Sitting here is getting a little boring. Maybe I should go help the others.” She glanced at the other struggles going on.

“Oh nonono.” She shook her head. “I need you here in case she figures it—”

Starry Skies came screaming down from above and smashed all four of her hooves hard into Surprise, throttling her down to the ground violently.

“SURPRISE!!!!” Fleetfoot screamed in terror, but Surprise suddenly burst and thirty or so tiny Surprises were suddenly hopping all over Starry while yelling,






Starry Skies stood still as the tiny Surprises bounced all over her. Her body was shaking and her left bottom eyelid was twitching in a very unhealthy manner.

“AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” She roared out as she began shaking her body, trying to get them all off. Each one popping into little fluffy clouds as they fell off a few at a time. Fleetfoot had taken into the air to avoid Starry’s thrashing and just shook her head while breathing a sigh of relief. A cloud with white wings and Wonderbolt goggles suddenly floated up next to Fleetfoot.

“Beep! Beep! I’m a cloud!” Surprise’s voice came from it.

“Don’t EVER scare me like that again!” Fleetfoot shook her head and looked back to Starry. “Now please, we’ll do it your way, but seriously, can I help out?”

“SURE!” Surprise reached out of the cloud and pulled Fleetfoot in.


Rainbow Dash cringed as the pain ran through her arms. She had taken the concrete head on and was left with multiple nasty scrapes that were sure to start bleeding any moment. The stinging was unbearable. The sound of punching came from behind her. She slowly rolled over, trying to avoid all arm movement and gasped. She saw Nightshade holding Misty Fly by the neck and punching her repeatedly in the stomach.

Misty took the blows again and again. She could barely breathe and sounds of choking were escaping her silent lips. Nightshade stopped and glanced over at Dash.

“Oooo, those look nasty,” she sneered, referring to Dash’s injuries. She dropped Misty on the ground, who curled up while gasping and choking for air. Dash quietly shrieked as Nightshade moved towards her, trying desperately to get away. She scooted her body across the ground towards the edge of the plaza. Nightshade reached her, picked her up by the neck, and thrust her against the brick wall that stretched along the perimeter. Dash released a painful squeak and a winced again.

Nightshade looked closely at Dash’s concrete burns as blood began to ooze slightly from them. She sneered, bent her neck down, and gently blew air against them.

“AHH!!!” Dash cringed as pain seared through her body.

“Mmmm, sensitive too.” Nightshade let out a small, pleasurable growl. She moved her head closer to them.

“NO!” Dash shook her head. “DON’T!” She cried out as Nightshade taunted by slowing her head down a little by little.

“Relax Dashie, I’m not that cruel.” She suddenly said. Dash opened her eyes and stopped holding her breath. Then Nightshade shrugged. “Who the hell am I kidding?” Nightshade brushed her lips against the scrapes. Dash screamed out as Nightshade began licking them too. It was torture. Pure, evil, unnecessary torture. Nightshade’s favorite kind. “Yes! Keep screaming! It’s such a beautiful sound!” She said into Dash’s face, small traces of Dash’s blood speckled around her mouth.

Nightshade readied to continue the sadistic treatment, but a bright flash above them made her stop.

“What the hell was that?” She whipped her head around and looked skyward.

The Streak twins fired towards Descent, placing themselves on both sides of him.

“Just one thing big guy?” Lightning Streak began, “No hooves to the face plea—” He was cut off as Descent punched him right in the face. Fire flinched as his brother staggered back slightly. “Oh you’ve done it now dude!” Lightning was actually angry. Fire caught on and the two punched at Descent’s face at the same time from both sides. Descent put up both his front arms and blocked both of them.

“Synchronized fighting eh?” He chuckled as he kicked Fire in the stomach and swung another hoof around, tripping Lightning off his hooves. The two quickly caught themselves and charged again. Descent ducked. Their hooves crossed and they punched each other in the face.

“Argh!” They grunted simultaneously before glaring and coming at Descent again. Descent subtly stuck his wings beneath them both, and then thrust them out hard, tossing the twins into the air, flailing like rag-dolls. They both rounded out and hovered.

Fire streak whistled to his brother to catch his attention. Lightning glanced over as Fire made a series of hoof and wing signals. His message called for a staggered attack. Lightning would go in first, and Fire would come in while Descent was distracted. Lightning gave the signal for “roger” and dove back towards Descent. Fire counted to three before beginning his dive. As Lightning pulled back to strike, Descent crossed his left front hoof over his body and swiped it hard at Lightning, knocking him away and changing his trajectory to run directly into Fire. The two collided and tumbled back. They quickly turned to face Descent, but he was gone.

“You’re both sloppy.” Descent’s voice came from behind them. They both turned and backed up to create a little distance. “Slow, sloppy, and weak.”

“Shut it!” Fire yelled as he shot towards descent. He began throwing wild punches and kicks, all of which Descent dodged without much movement.

“Dammit!” Lightning joined in, adding his attacks to the flurry. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t land a single blow.

From below, Soarin forced himself to his hooves and glared up. The Streak twins didn’t stand a chance against Descent. They were good at working together, but this was a different breed of opponent. Soarin’s eyes widened as he saw Descent get fed up and he began to attack. He turned on Fire first, pushing Lightning away and unloading strong punches to Fire’s face and chest.

“No!” Soarin took a wobbly step, but refused to fall. He would not let any Wonderbolts die. He refused to let them die.

Fire fell limply to the ground and Descent began a similar punishment to Lightning.

“Rgh!” Soarin forced his wings to extend. A soft, dark blue glow began to rise from his body.

Descent grabbed Lightning around the neck and threw him down, crashing into his brother who was struggling to stand. The two lay in a beaten heap. Descent spread his wings, ready to dive.

“NO!” Soarin roared out, the blue light exploding from his body and enveloping him.

“Hm?” Descent glanced down. “What?” He blinked, curious towards what he was seeing. In the brief moment of thought, Soarin used his Sonic Blast-off and was in front of Descent with his hoof pulled back in the blink of an eye. Descent’s eyes widened as Soarin threw an incredibly powerful punch right into his face. The blow sent Descent flying away from Soarin, who quickly propelled himself through the air up, over, and behind Descent. Using both of his back hooves he kicked Descent out of his path and up even higher.

“Rgh!” Descent grunted and rounded himself upright as Soarin seared towards him again. He aimed a punch for Soarin’s face, but the instant before impact Soarin changed directions and made a wide loop around behind Descent. Descent followed with his eyes and fired towards where Soarin was heading. As he punched, Soarin stopped in an instant, shifted behind Descent, and kicked him in the back of the head. Descent shot downward and bounced painfully against the pavement, but quickly got to his hooves. He was being soundly beaten, but he had a smile on his face.

Soarin streaked towards the ground, tapping off the ground and performing his Sonic Blast-off again in the process. Descent anticipated it and punched at Soarin as soon as the aircone around him burst. But Soarin struck the ground in front of Descent with his hooves, bouncing him over with a front flip. As he landed on his front hooves, pushed off, and slammed his back hooves into Descent’s back. Descent lurched forward, but quickly turned and aimed a blow between Soarin’s eyes. Soarin ducked, tensed the muscles in his right arm and delivered an incredibly powerful blow into Descent’s stomach from below.

“GAAAAHHH!” Descent exhaled as the punch propelled him back into the air. Soarin gave chase, catching up to Descent. He placed his hooves on Descent’s back, and performed the Sonic Blast-off using Descent's body as the surface. The force of the propulsion, as Soarin fired off of him, sent the large Shadowbolt shooting towards the plaza. He fell through the roof of the post office with a loud crash. Soarin arced around and dropped down to the ground, panting and sweating profusely. “RAAAGHH!!!” Descent pulled himself out of the post office and shakily stomped towards Soarin. “In…credible…!” he said with a satisfied smile on his face. He was covered in cuts and serious bruises, but he seemed to not give a single damn about it.

“Uh oh…” Soarin felt shocks run through his body. "No. Not now. Hold on a little longer!" His limbs buckled and his vision got blurry. “No…” The glow faded and he dropped to the ground, his heart racing like crazy and his breathing extremely labored. Descent watched as Soarin fell and grunted.

“Hmph.” He stopped advancing. “Such enormous and mysterious power within, but he cannot control it? Such is always the price of power we do not understand.” Then a bright flash made him squint. “Hm?” He glanced up.

Starry Skies frantically looked around. No matter which way she flew, she was still enveloped in a huge cloud. Surprise had thrown it over her, and Starry was unaware that the cloud had been tethered to her. It was moving as she moved.

“Ha!” Fleetfoot appeared in the cloud and rammed Starry in the side.

“Argh!” She grunted and swiped at Fleetfoot. But she twisted to dodge and flew back out of the cloud. She emerged outside where Surprise was happily stuffing more clouds into her “moving trap”.

“You’ve got some crazy ideas, Surprise.” She commented before diving in to repeat her attack. She came out the other end and flew back around.

“I have lots of free time.” She said while tipping her head all the way upside down to smile at Fleetfoot.

“You don’t say?” Fleetfoot rolled her eyes while chuckling.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a very large blast of light blue of magic came hurling into the scene. It penetrated Surprise’s cloud and smashed into Starry.

“AHHHHHHHHhhhhuuuuuhhhhhh…” Starry was completely knocked out as the cloud disappeared and she fell limply to the ground with a trial of smoke following.

“Hey! I wasn’t done with… oh…” Surprise and Fleetfoot looked up to see that the cavalry had finally arrived. Descent and Nightshade had glanced over as well.

The bulk force of the Canterlot Royal Guard was approaching with the Wonderbolts close behind. In front was Silver Lining, flying side by side with Princess Luna. Her horn was still crackling and sizzling from her powerful attack.

“Dammit.” Nightshade grunted as she dropped Rainbow Dash. “Fun times never last.” Dash curled up and cringed as she fell. “It’s been a delightful time Dashie, but we’ve gotta run.” She took off towards Starry and scooped her up while pulling a pink crystal out of Starry’s uniform pouch. “Descent! Let’s wrap this up! Bring him over!” She yelled while landing beside Lightning Dust’s and Rapidfire’s unconscious bodies.

“Hmph.” Descent grunted again, unsatisfied. They had a contract to fulfill, so the time for fun was over. He trotted over and grabbed Soarin’s beaten form before gliding over to Nightshade. Dash rolled over and blinked in alarm when she saw Descent holding Soarin. Nightshade held the crystal in the air and a pink light began to surround them.

“NO!” Dash recognized it. It was how Starry escaped with the Shadowbolts in Ponyville. They were taking Soarin with them? Never!

Dash forced herself up and faced them. She had to get to them. NOW. Despite the excruciating pain in her legs, she set her hooves and went through the motions for Soarin’s Sonic Blast-off. The will to succeed and stop them from taking her beloved was all the focus she needed to execute it perfectly. She fired from the spot, exploding through the aircone, and leaving an expanding rainbow ring behind her.

The glow around the Shadowbolts was intensifying. They would be gone soon. Dash had to make it in time, there was no alternative.

“Oh no you don’t!” Luna slammed down to the ground and poured more magic into her horn, firing it at the Shadowbolts. Dash paid no attention to Luna, and continued on her course.

“Heh, close but no cigar Princess.” Nightshade chuckled to herself, completely focused on Luna. She did not see Dash approaching. The light closed around them completely, but not before Dash just barely squeaked through. The light fired into the air in the shape of a small pink tornado and carried them up at an incredibly fast speed.

Luna’s magic careened past their former spot and a massive explosion erupted on the other end of the plaza. She glanced left and right then up as the small tornado disappeared from view quickly. Luna cursed and swore in the Royal Canterlot voice while stomping her hooves heavily to the concrete, causing it to split and crack beneath her.

Fleetfoot and Surprise went around to help Misty Fly and the Streak twins, who struggled to stand. Fire looked around as Fleetfoot helped him up.

“Wait, where are Commander Soarin and Miss Rainbow Dash?” he frantically asked. Fleetfoot frowned, and looked up into the sky. She saw it. Dash barely managed to enter the light before it closed. She Shadowbolts had taken them both.

“Princess Luna! Where are they going?! Can you track them?!” She yelled as Luna walked up to them. The night princess closed her eyes, sighed, and shook her head.

“The magic in their crystals is quiet and mysterious. We are afraid we cannot sense nor trace it.”

“No…” Fleetfoot glanced up into the sky.

The Shadowbolts were gone, and they took Soarin and Rainbow Dash with them.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Note:

I don't mean to be cliffhanger happy, really i don't. it just sort of happens >_<

But hey i have a three day weekend now so don't expect long waits xD

(I'm starting to disturb myself with what i come up with for Nightshade...)