• Published 9th Mar 2014
  • 2,334 Views, 14 Comments

Burning Cereal - Chat Noir

Rainbow Dash was trying to make Scootaloo breakfast, but somehow she burnt the cereal...

  • ...

Chapter 1 : Burning Cereal

Burning Cereal

Chapter 1: Burning Cereal

Scootaloo woke up several minutes before the sun had even risen from the horizon. The filly glanced down at her clock and read the time: "7:30". She yawned exhaustedly, and looked at the ceiling above her with droopy eyes. 'Oh yeah... School...' she thought with apathy.

Scootaloo sat up straight and tried fighting the sleepiness that shot through her body, but her attempts were futile, and she collapsed back into her puffy, cloud mattress with a heavy thud.


Rainbow Dash barely began to awaken as the little rays of sunlight peeked through the heavy blinds in her bedroom. Microscopic dust fairies flew above Rainbow Dash's head as she lazily blew them away, and rubbed the tiredness from her eyes. 'If I don't get up now I won't be able to later...' Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she stood up from her comforting queen sized bed.

The cyan Pegasus stretched the soreness from her weak legs, and wings, as she did this she could faintly hear her bones making popping sounds. Rainbow Dash finished up with her early morning stretches, then made her way towards the staircase. As the mare approached the cloudy staircase she spotted Scootaloo run passed her, and descend the set of stairs.

"You sure are in a rush today Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash noted as Scootaloo reached for her trusty scooter and helmet.

"Yeah. Of course; I do have school today." Scootaloo replied to her older sibling as she grabbed the handle of the front door. Rainbow Dash chuckled softly as she descended the stairs.

"Okay squirt, have fun at school on... Saturday." Rainbow Dash murmured as she passed Scootaloo, heading in the direction of the kitchen.

Scootaloo released the door handle, and glanced back at her sister with a 'are you kidding me' look on her face. Rainbow Dash bursted into laughter as Scootaloo smiled sheepishly, and put her backpack into the closet, along with her helmet and scooter.

"Hey, are you hungry squirt?" Rainbow Dash asked as she skimmed through a pile of junk mail.Scootaloo's stomach then made a loud rumbling sound before Scootaloo could answer Rainbow Dash's question. The embarrassed filly cheeks grew a bright hue of red, and she nodded.

"Haha, okay, well we will have to check what we have to make for breakfast today," Rainbow Dash said as she walked to the kitchen. "Scootaloo, if you want you can go ahead and sit down while I make you breakfast." The Pegasus filly nodded, and with that she sat down in the cozy sofa inside the television room. She grabbed the TV remote, and pushed the power button.

Rainbow Dash walked into her grubby kitchen. She had to admit, she was a slob, and often forgot to clean up after herself. In the far right corner was a trash bin that was piling high, and looked as if it would tumble over at any moment, the floors she stood on were covered in filthy dish rags and towels that she forgot to take to the laundry room, and beside the stove was a bottle of gasoline, which was probably not the best place to leave it, but due to her forgetfulness Rainbow Dash forgot to put it in it's proper place. But, luckily she had the time to clean up her mess, so she grabbed the trash bag, and exited the room.

"I'll be right back! I have to throw out the trash." said Rainbow Dash looking in Scootaloo's direction.

Scootaloo almost immediately flew into the air, and landed beside Rainbow Dash. "I'll take out the trash for you Rainbow Dash!!!" She exclaimed joyfully.

"Are you up to the task?" Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo with a smirk, and in response the filly bobbed her head up, and down excitedly.

"Okay, but it might be a little heavy for you-" Rainbow Dash stared in shock at Scootaloo as she walked outside with the trash bag. She simply shook her head, and followed shortly behind.

Luckily in time Scootaloo's wings grew to a more proper size, and she was finally able to fly herself, just like a few other Pegasi her age. Rainbow Dash helped teach Scootaloo to fly a few months back, and it looked like the wing training really benefitted the filly. Rainbow Dash could tell that Scootaloo slightly struggled to reach the ground, due to the additional weight of the trash bag. But, Scootaloo surprised Rainbow Dash; the mare just looked down at the ground in awe as Scootaloo threw the trash bag into the metal trash bin. The Pegasus filly, then pumped her fist in the air, and smiled very widely.

She looked back at Rainbow Dash with a grin, and almost immediately flew back. Rainbow Dash had to admit it, for her age, Scootaloo was pretty fast, and got back to the doorstep with no struggle at all.

"Did you see me Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo chirped as she levitated into the air slightly. "I totally handled that trash bag!"

"Yeah, you were pretty good out there Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash said aloud, sharing Scootaloo's enthusiasm. "Do you have any homework you might have to finish up?" Rainbow Dash remarked, randomly bringing up the topic.

"Uh..." Scootaloo's eyes darted back and forth, but she finally nodded nervously. "Y-yes."

"Then you better get started on it while you still have time..." Rainbow Dash said as she closed the front door behind Scootaloo and her.

"I'll get right on it!" Scootaloo yelled aloud as she saluted her sister. She retrieved her backpack from the closet, and sprinted upstairs.

"Just be careful! You don't want to hurt yourself running upstairs!" Rainbow Dash shouted loud enough, so that Scootaloo could hear. "And come down stairs if you need anything."

"OKAY!!" Scootaloo responded.

The colorful mare then dashed back into her messy kitchen, and gathered up all the filthy rags. She walked into the laundry room next door, and tossed the towels and rags into the laundry bin. Next, Rainbow Dash gathered all uncleaned plates, bowls, and cups, and put the dishes into the dish washer. She pressed the power button, and turned the machine on.

'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something...' Rainbow Dash pondered scratching her chin. 'Oh well. I should make Scootaloo's breakfast now.

Rainbow Dash looked into the fridge, and a gallon of milk caught her eye. Then, she directed her attention to the pantry, and noticed she still had a box of uneaten Hoof Loops.

'Hmm...' She rubbed her chin, before she spoke aloud. "I got it! I can make her cereal!"

Rainbow Dash began to gather the necessary ingredients, which were: A bowl, a cup of milk, a spoon, and a box of Hoof Loops. She began pouring the dry, artificially flavored food into a bowl. As she did this, she could have sworn she felt something hard, and rough rubbing against her left hind hoof. Rainbow Dash yelped, and instantly flew upwards in fear. She looked down in terror to see what had touched her, and it turned out to be Tank.

"Tank!?" She said aloud as she flew down beside her beloved pet. "Sorry... didn't mean to scare you... I just don't like ponies touching my hooves." She scratched the back of her head awkwardly as she narrowed her eyes.

"So..." Rainbow Dash decided to change the topic. "Are you hungry buddy?"

Tank stuck his head slightly from his turtle shell, and nodded his head up and down very slowly. Rainbow Dash the quickly flew to the kitchen pantry to retrieve his pet food. "Now, where could the tortoise food be..." She thought aloud as she scanned the entire pantry.

Tank's stomach grumbled loudly and he impatiently looked around for food. All though Rainbow Dash was known for being pretty quick, she was also known for misplacing things, and having a pretty forgetful memory. On top of the countertop, he spotted a large bag of tortoise food! Tank twisted his head in the direction of his pet owner, who was obviously too busy looking in the food pantry to see or hear him.

So, he decided to get his food on his own, and began to climbed a step-stool Rainbow Dash kept for Scootaloo. And coincidentally it was leaning against the countertop. He began to climb the tall stool, and slowly approached his goal of reaching the top. As he steadily made it to the countertop, he heard footsteps from behind. The tortoise turned his head around to see where the hoof-steps were coming from, and saw an orange filly.

"Tank. You really shouldn't climb on the countertop." Scootaloo said as she grabbed the tortoise. As she pulled him down the knob for the stove turned on with a 'click' and the miniature, yet flammable bowl of cereal went ablaze.

Scootaloo had already in the living room by the time the flames burnt the cereal, leaving it black, and unrecognizable. Rainbow Dash had finally found canned tortoise's food, and poured the wet substance into Tank's food bowl.

"Hey- *sniff* - is something burning?" Rainbow Dash looked at her stove, and saw that the bowl of cereal was bursting into flames.

"THE CEREAL IS ON FIRE!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted, and panicky looked around for something to put it out.

"MILK!" She screamed, and without a second thought, she grabbed the carton of milk, and poured it on the bowl of cereal.

The fire vanquished, and before the fire could spread in her home she turned off her stove.

Scootaloo ran into the kitchen with Tank on her back, all though the two arrived a little late. "Don't worry we'll out the fire!!!"

"NO WAIT"- But Rainbow Dash spoke to late, and she was immediately drenched in a bucket of icy, cold water.

-"I put out the f-fire." Rainbow Dash said as she shook the cold water off her coat, Scootaloo and Tank both smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry squirt, your cereal kinda got burnt..."

Scootaloo shrugged. "Oh well... Cereal is overrated anyways..."

"Hey, how about we go buy a sandwich." Rainbow Dash suggested. "And maybe we can get Tank a salad."

"Alright." Scootaloo, and Tank both agreed, and the three headed out, leaving the bowl of burnt cereal behind....



Author's Note:

Sorry for any confusing grammar or spelling or punctuation. I wrote this as soon as I got the idea, and didn't reread it afterwards. Well, hope you enjoyed.


Comments ( 14 )

As much as you have no idea what you wrote, I have no idea what i read...:rainbowderp:

It would've been more funny if the milk somehow made the fire worst when she poured it into the bowl.

You know you're kitchen is messy when you leave a bottle of gasoline conveniently next to the stove...
Short and sweet story, though. I approve.

I had the same idea.

My god, I knew this day would come.
(Great story)

And I thought Sweetie Belle was the only one who could burn the unburnable foods! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh what a world, what a world the cereal is burnt:rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowlaugh: who knew cereal could be flammable? Great story though I loved it :pinkiehappy:

'Hmm...' She rubbed her chin, before she spoke aloud. "I got it! I can make her cereal!"

i don't foresee this ending badly at all!:trollestia:

Cute story. Have a mustache. Bitches love mustaches.:moustache:

"Cereal is overrated "
I think thecomputernerd01 would have something to say about THAT :rainbowhuh:

Maybe the milk was mixed with gasoline?

I don't think the tragedy tag is appropriate. That would be if the house burned down and Scootaloo suffered permanent wing damage, rendering her flightless again or something.

Or was it supposed to be a red herring? I don't think you are supposed to do that with tags, but I could be wrong.

"I didn't know you could burn juice."

Sweetie Belle would love this.

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