• Member Since 17th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I finally figured out how to put this thing on my profile. This is the best thing to happen to me since Princess Celestia teleported me to Equestria so that I could romance her student and sister.


This story is a sequel to Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC's Son (Also an Alicorn OC) and, Despite the Negative Reception of the First Fic, a Sequel was Made Anyway

Shadow Incredible, the greatest pony to ever live, endorsed (pending) by and related to Lauren Faust, has been successful in saving the world, and it looks like Equestria is going to have several centuries of peace and prosperity thanks to his direct intervention. He has his lovely wife, Princess Luna, great friends that do not include Pinkie Pie, and it seems things are looking up for him.

That is, until Luna gives birth to a foal that's more awesome than he is.

This story will contain some profane language, such as usage of the word [censored because this was denied based on my having profanity in the title and no I'm not kidding it really was I should probably go fix the other two before they get taken down for having profanity in their descriptions too]. If you're not sure why, you should check out Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC or its equally unsuccessful sequel, Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC's Son (Also an Alicorn OC) and, Despite the Negative Reception of the First Fic, a Sequel Was Made Anyway.

This was heavily inspired by Shrek the Third. I've never seen the movie, by the way.

If you managed to enjoy this entire trilogy, make sure to go check out Zytharros's sequel trilogy, part of his ongoing story What the Heck. They are chapters 26, 27, and 28 (the ones that start with Wherein). Zytharros is even more meta than Scootareader.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

With crossed fingers I beg this is a trollfic from the description.

Ah Yeah! More Scootareader :rainbowlaugh:



Out of all the things I have read, that was definitely . . . one of them.

Why does no-one see this as a hilariously funny trollfic? Everyone thinks this is a serious fic!
I, for one, enjoyed the abandonment of subtlety and the outright insane descent into blatant farce. Thank you for making my day.

I came so HARD to this.

Who needs Steinbeck when you've got Scootareader?

Downvoters are all fegs.

That was brilliant.
But get rid of the author's note.

My life is finally complete with this compliment. Thank you. :yay:

"Trollfic" is the incorrect term. It's called a satire, sir.

This is the final addition to this comedy trilogy, sadly. :raritywink:

You heard me!

May we remember this fanfic forever and ever. May its memory be carried on eternally and lauded as one of the last great fanfics of our time. May NightWolf289 forever be commemorated as the guy who read it.

Anyone who thinks this is a serious fic is really silly. :pinkiesmile: The correct term for this type of fic, however, is not trollfic (written specifically badly, usually uses broken English, and can't be discerned from legitimately poorly written fanfic). The correct term is actually satire, which is something that's made to poke fun at another thing. Think Scary Movie or Epic Movie, but in written form, and with only one focus on what to make fun of (an alicorn OC here).

That's what I was going for. :rainbowdetermined2:

To remember how much better of a writer Scootareader is. You'd never know how great I am unless you have other terrible authors to compare me to. :raritywink:

I still don't understand why I've consistently had more downvotes than upvotes on all three of these stories. I wanted to write a heart-wrenching story of love, loss, and true sacrifice for the greater good. I wanted my readers to sob while simultaneously smiling and laughing, to truly understand what it means to be alicorn OC. I'm glad that you, at least, recognize this, and have similarly thrown the abnormally high amount of downvotes I garner for these stories into question.

But then, how will they know?

... Aye-aye, captain. :ajsleepy:

That's the thing - it's supposed to be unknown. It's incomplete. Unfinished. Silent after a point. The whole idea is no resolution. Ever.

All right, I amended the last part to provide no closure whatsoever. I hope you approve. :fluttershyouch:

EDIT: The author's note, that is.

No need to feel reprimanded or forced. I just suggested it in the form of a demand. :ajconfused: Break out the party balloons - this is a frakkin' sweet series!

Oh, I didn't feel reprimanded or forced. :raritywink: I just feel pressured to be validated by my peers, and thus take their suggestions into consideration.

If you'd been trying to edit the story, I'd have told you to GTFO and Scootareader is the best alicorn OC you ever gonna see. media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpjdqaTT3Y1qfph6q.gif

Since it was about my editor's note, however, I accepted that it could have been better-written. :moustache:

(By the way, plz don't take me seriously.)

At this point, the anti-bad-OC backlash is becoming more tedious than the bad OCs themselves.

Are you referring to the comments section? Things have stayed mostly civil in here. The backlash hasn't been very bad on any of them. :pinkiesmile:

As rather obvious trollfics go it was amusing. I see that you rustled some jimmies due to all the thumbs down.

Good job.

Hey, I know you!

Don't Plan 9 plz ;_;

Also, I believe the term "trollfic" is inaccurate; this would more correctly be a satire. I'm pretty sure most of the thumbs-downs are due to the story picture; I feel it's a work of art, myself.

(Don't worry, eye won't)

Best story ever, 9001/10 would read 5ever.

Yeah. I know me too. Glad we could get that out of the way.

I won't add it but that won't stop another member from doing so. My only criteria for this is when it has more thumbs down than thumbs up. But then you knew that didn't you?

Besides, our Goddess Cassandra promotes her own stories in my humble little group so there is that.

Right, sorry. Satire, not trollfic.
... I aught to try writing something like this some day.

Fttcdxfggdtdtft *mind blown*
If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. For help, hang up and dial your operator.

Just you wait for my 100 follower fic to come out. :raritywink:

Comment posted by pinklover12 deleted Oct 10th, 2014

Ha! One of the best editions yet. :pinkiehappy:
Wait, WTF? Why does this have so many down votes? Don't tell me people actually think this was serious... :face hoof:
Still loved the story, though.
PS. The irony is right there in the title!

If you have the view mature tag marked, I actually wrote a fourth Alicorn OC story. :twilightsmile: I get the feeling that the mature tag was obligatory due to the cover picture, though I could be mistaken.

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