• Published 6th Feb 2014
  • 8,484 Views, 782 Comments

Room for Rent - Drax99

When Bronies opened a portal to Equestria, they expected a cartoon world. What they got instead was something different. This is a story of one such encounter.

  • ...

Dawn of the First Day

The next morning I woke to the smell of home-cooked food and for a moment I was wondering who had broken into my house to cook. The smell made me miss my mom’s cooking, and motivated me to get out of bed. Dragging myself to the kitchen, I was greeted to the sight of a full breakfast spread for at least two people: pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, juice and all the other goodies one only ever see on cooking magazines. Even the table was covered in cloth, and place settings meticulously set on the table. Hell, there was even a flower in a vase. I don’t own a vase. I swear it was like Martha Stewart invaded my home and started filming a cooking show.

But instead of the wizened old matriarch, I saw at the stove a pink ball of fur, wearing a white apron and poofy chef’s hat. She wore a hair net over her tail and mane, and turned to me with her trademark grin.

“Morning sleepyhead! Breakfast is almost ready, and I was afraid I was gonna have to drag you out of your room to eat!” With the practiced skill of a carnival juggler, she dropped to all four hooves as she tossed a plate of warm rolls she had just pulled from the oven onto the table, and not a single crumb was dislodged.

“Holy hell, Pinkie! Where did you get so much food? I wasn't going shopping until tomorrow, and I sure as hell didn’t have this much food.” My mind boggled at the sheer amount of food, as well as the near-perfect artistic layout of every plate and platter. It was as if I was standing in the way of a photo shoot.

“Oh, I am used to getting up early from working at the bakery fo the cakes. So I got up, and trotted down to the market down the street. The boy there was real nice, and apparently a big fan of mine!” Beaming, she slid her way into a chair across from me, and started loading her own plate with food. I was not sure what confused me more, the way she handled the utensils with hooves, or the fact that she was loading things like bacon and sausage on her plate.

“Wait, you are a pony, right?” She nodded vigorously, the poofy chef hat bobbing on her head, but never coming loose. “Aren’t ponies supposed to be vegetarians? I mean you do know what bacon is, right?”

“Oh no no, ponies on my world are omnivores, same as humans.” She grinned again, and I realized why her smile was so creepy; she had canines. Small ones, and barely noticeable among the flat teeth. In fact, her teeth looked more like those of a human than a pony. “It’s just, when almost every animal can think and talk back, eating meat is very bad. Not to mention, when you are friends with Fluttershy, eating anything that can feel can get ugly really, really fast. There are a few things we eat, but it’s rare and very expensive.” She snagged a sausage link and popped it into her mouth whole. “So imagine my delight when I found an entire meat market!” The look on my face was one of horror and I think it finally sank in. She smiled sheepishly and relented in her tirade. “Uh, yea. But mostly, we are vegetarian.” Scratching her head she looked confused a moment. “Except for Rainbow Dash. She says she’s a vagitarian, whatever that is.”

My spit-take was epic.

Sidestepping that social land mine, I attempted to change the subject as Pinkie totally ignored the juice now dripping off of her face. “So, you have mentioned your friends quite a bit. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight. What are they like?”

“Oh! Yeah, we all got picked to be ambassadors to this new place, since we were already kinda famous and all. Twilight is off studying egghead stuff at some of the big colleges and scienc-y places. My friend Rarity is hanging with royalty over in Egg-land, and learning fashion stuff in Prance.” I nodded, trying not to laugh as she got the names wrong. Applejack is doing farmer stuff, as usual. They wanna find out what kinda crops will grow in each world, so they can start trading them. Fluttershy stayed behind to watch all of our pets. They won’t let her come here, and she is too afraid to come anyway. They are all worries she will join some guy named Peter, and use the stare on everypony. She’s a big animal lover like that.”

“I think you mean PETA.” I replied with a chuckle.

“Yea them! They don't want her to go all psycho animal lover and brain wipe everypony into hugging puppies or something.” She shuddered at the thought. “For being the kindest, gentlest pony in existence, Fluttershy can be scary sometimes.”

Dreading the response, I warily prompted, “And Rainbow Dash?”

“Oh! Rainbow Dash is living in some place called Caulifloweria, doing all sorta shows and parades. She told me she ‘finally found her people’, whatever that means.” Scratching her head, she cocked a questioning eye at me. “Are there pegasi in San Fajita? I thought there weren’t any ponies in your world.”

At this point I could barely hold back the laughs and tears were forming in my eyes. “Okay Pinkie, lemme just stop you there for a moment. First off, it's San Francisco, in California. Secondly, there are no ponies, at least not sentient ones, in our world. The only thing we have are small horses, and they are totally unrelated to you and your friends.” I paused to catch my breath, still hurting from the suppressed laughter. “Finally, with a name like Rainbow, I am sure there are only one kinda people that would claim her as one of their own, and I know exactly the kind of parades she is in.”

“Oh really? Are they pony parades? Do people worship rainbows and stuff there?” The innocent look was just too much and I finally broke down laughing. “What? Whats so funny? Tell me!”

After a few moments, I caught my breath and tried my best to explain. “Pinkie, San Francisco is notorious for having a rather large population of alternative lifestyle people.”

The look of confusion remained.

“I think your friend is gay, Pinkie.”

“Oh! Of course she’s gay. All of my friends are happy, and I make it my personal mission to make sure they stay happy all the time!” The dawn of a new smile graced her face as she inflated with pride.

I’m sure I left a mark when I facepalmed. “No, Pinkie. I think she likes girls.”

“Well of course she liked girls. Doesn’t everypony?” Her look darkened, as she frowned at me. “You aren’t one of those meanie girl-haters are you?”

“No Pinkie.” I sighed, “I mean she REALLY likes girls, as in having relations.”

“That's silly. She has a mom, and she's related, so of course she has relations.” Crossing her hooves, she still looked at me puzzled.

“I dunno how not to be blunt about this, but I am all outta euphemisms.” I threw up my hands in defeat.

“Ooh, Ruffie-isms? My friend Zecora told me about those.” She shook her head at the memory. “She says they can make a pony do silly things, and bad ponies can use them on you to do bad things. But I tried them once with Dashie, and things got kinda warm and fuzzy. I don’t know how I woke up in her bed, but she assures me we had a good time at the party.” She paused for effect and stroked at an imaginary beard. “I mean I REALLY don’t know how I got there since her bed is in a house made of clouds...”

She was cut off as my head hit the table with a resounding thunk. Finally I gave up being nice and just blurted it out, “SHE HAS SEX WITH FEMALES!”

The loud, shocked gasp made my head shoot up to look at her as she seemed to inflate, her eyes going impossibly wide. Suddenly like a switch was thrown, she returned to normal and smiled at me.

“Oh, I knew that. Everypony in Ponyville does, although we don't talk about it.” Taking on a matter-of-fact tone, she nodded at me. “What happens once the barn door is closed is nopony’s business.”

I just stared in shock, my mouth moving silently for a moment before I got my bearings again. “Okay, moving on. I need to get ready for work, and I am totally stuffed. Thank you very much for this awesome breakfast, but this is far more than the two of us can eat.” Waving at the massive spread, I grinned at my roommate.

“Oh, it’s no problem! I love making food for my friends, because a full belly makes them happy!” She looked over the table with a widening grin and giggled just a bit too loudly. “I’ll take care of the rest.” And suddenly without warning I was in the middle of some sick hentai nightmare, as her mouth opened impossibly wide, and a massive orange tongue show out. It deftly circled the table, and withdrew into the gaping maw bringing all the remaining food with it. I admit, I screamed like a bitch, and may have peed myself just a little bit. That shit was scary!

Just as quick as it happened it was over, and my pink guest let out a massive belch, as she stared dazedly out at nothing. Her belly had grown massively distended, as if she were pregnant and about to give birth. When she patted her torso, it sloshed and jiggled grotesquely.

Suddenly her eyes grew wide again, and her irises contracted to pinpoints. “Uh-oh!”

“What?” I began backing away, afraid she was going to explode like some bad B-grade horror flick.

“Gotta poop!” was all I heard before she vanished in a pink blur towards her rooms, leaving the apron and chef hat spinning in the air like something out of a Warner Brothers cartoon. I heard the door slam, and a long low groan from down the hall. I couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh as I realized nothing horrific was going to happen to me.

I made my way to my own room, and started my preparations of work, glad the walls were thick enough to shelter me from the sounds down the hall. I couldn't help but think of the old chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Living with Pinkie sure was going to be interesting indeed.

After my morning rituals, including a nice long hot shower, I was ready to face the day. There was no sign of my new house guest, and I assumed she had left for the job interview she has mentioned. I silently wished her the best of luck, knowing how hard the job market could be, and knowing that anyone not an ass-kissing corporate drone had an even harder time getting hired. Then again, she was a bit of a celebrity, so maybe she would get hired as a TV personality.

The daily commute was average, with its mix of old farts doing ten miles under the limit, and younger fucktards driving ten over, while texting. Soon it was over and I arrived at my glorious place of employment, Pencils. Sure, it was a corporate mega-store slowly crushing the American dream out of every small business owner with its bulk deals and cut-throat prices, but it paid my bills. Well, some of them. Fuck, I hate retail.

Putting on my well-worn fake smile, I strolled in nodding to my co-workers. There was the usual suspects, the overly cheerful cashier, the older-than-dirt customer service guy, the clueless manager. And then there was Don. Don is one of the smartest people I know, despite being younger than me, and the head of the electronics department. Don is a Brony. He’s tried many times to get me to join his obsessive little club, and watch his favorite show. Granted, now much of the fandom revolves around reality shows filmed in the real Equestria, but most of the die-hards still wax nostalgic about the original show. Don wasn't one of those. He had embraced the new age of real ponies on earth, and renewed his efforts to get me involved. He was gonna have a cow when I broke the news.

My usual swagger brought me past the tech bench, where the cheerful smile of my brony friend was met with a wave. “Heya Don, hows it hangin?”

“Not bad Louis, hows the hunt for a new roommate?”

“Actually, it’s going good, already got someone ready to move in. You will never guess who answered the ad.” I leaned on the counter, and grinned mischievously.

“Oh really? that was fast. I thought you said it would take a week?” He fixed his glasses and leaned on the other side of the counter from me. “So, who is it, anyone I know? It’s not that chick from the Copy Center is it?”

“Naw, it's a chick, but she doesn’t work here. Pretty sure there's rules against it anyway. Lemme say though it’s a new immigrant, and she’s pretty famous.” My smile grew as I saw the gears grinding in his head. He was gonna get it, he was smart like that.

“No way! You got a pony living with you?” My grin got even wider in response. I have this trick of making people piss themselves with my psycho grin. I was glad there were no customers around to see me now.

“Yes indeed, and I bet you're jealous aren't you?” I laughed at the look of shock on his face. “Even better, it’s your favorite pony from the show!”

“Holy Shit!” he burst out, before catching himself and lowering his voice. “Holy shit, you got Rainbow Dash as a Roommate?”

My smile dropped and I blinked for a moment. “What? No! I thought your favorite was Pinkie Pie?” I shook my head. “Shit man, you know I don't actually watch the show.” His flinch told me I had said something wrong. “What?”

“Ouch dude. Pinkie Pie is the crazy one.” He shook his head. “You know the comic relief spaz that is in every cartoon? That’s Pinkie. There’s still debate on whether she’s schizo after what happened in Party of One. She kinda went insane for a while.”

“What?” I shook my head. “She’s a little high strung and spastic, but no different than half of our customers. She’s actually quite friendly, and cute once you get know her. I think that...” I stopped talking at the look on my friend’s face. “She’s standing behind me, isn't she?” His slow nod was all the answer I needed.

Turning around I saw Pinkie wearing a frilly doll dress, blushing as she slowly ground a hoof on the floor and looking shyly at me with half lidded eyes. “You think I’m cute?”

I facepalmed as my friend started to burst into laughter. “Wait, what? That’s not what I meant! I told you I’m not into hor-erm, ponies. I meant cute like a puppy. A very hyperactive puppy.”

Her entire manner changed instantly, as she bounced into the air grinning. “Oh, can we get a puppy? I always wanted a cute little puppy to play fetch with and I really miss Gummy, my pet alligator, and we can take him on walks and take turns teaching him tricks and...mph!”

I managed to stop the bouncing and the verbal avalanche by grabbing her muzzle. She stared at me with wide eyes while still trying to grin around my hand. “No.” Slowly I removed my hand, ready to staunch the flow of words again if needed.

“But, but...” She began to stammer.

“NO!” I firmly responded. “First off, there is no we. You are my roommate, and on probation at that. This is a business relationship. You pay rent, you get a room, and we try our best not to get on each other’s nerves. Second, there is no way in hell I am letting some shoe-chewing, slobber-dripping, carpet-pooping flea farm into my house. Before my parents moved on, they left me that house, and made me promise to take care of it. It’s all I have left, and I will not let it get destroyed by animals. No offense.”

“Oh, I am so sorry! I never knew your parents were dead. And the house is all you have left to remember them!” The pink pony practically fell apart in front of me, beginning to tear up.

“Dude, I thought your parents moved to Boca?” Don was leaning over my shoulder looking at the distraught mare.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep sigh. “I never said my parents were dead. I said they moved on, as in retired. They worked in real-estate and own five houses. They just moved on to one in a better climate.”

Again, as if a switch were thrown, the water works were gone and the happy smile was back. “Okay!” And suddenly I couldn’t breath as I was being violently hugged.

After prying the pink off of me, much to Don’s amusement, I knelt down to look her in the eye. “So what brings you here? I’m about to clock in for work, so I can't hang out right now.”

“Oh, I just came from my interview, and I saw you walk in here, so I decided to come in and tell you I got the job!” I just blinked, wondering how she got that all in one breath.

“So, um, congratulations. Where are you working?”

“Duhh? Party City!” She leaped into the air, and balloons flew out of her bags. I blinked for a moment stunned as I wondered how they got in there while fully inflated.

“Wait, as in the store next to us?” Her spastic nod was my response.

“Yea, isn't it cool? We can work right next to each other, and we can have lunch together, and I get to do what I have always been best at: Throwing parties!”

“Wow. So what will you be doing?” I just was having trouble seeing her being able to help much in retail.

“Well at first I will be helping customers find stuff. They already got balloons and cards with my face on them.” Under her breath she muttered darkly, “Although I think I need to talk to my lawyer about that.” Then back to her normal self, “Later they want me to help with children’s parties, as entertainment and planning games and such. I already had loads of people asking for me to throw them parties, and even this one creepy guy that wanted to have a private party.” She scratched her head, and Don chuckled darkly as I facepalmed. “Although Susan said that wasn't the kinda parties we catered to, and that I shouldn't talk to that guy because he was a registered offender and she was gonna call the cops if he came back again.”

“It sounds like Susan knew what she was talking about. There are some bad people out there, and you need to be careful.” I tried my best to sound serious, when all I wanted to do was laugh. Don didn't have the same compunction, and was laughing his ass off.

“Yea, besides, I told him I am a pony, not a donkey, so I can’t do that kinda show. Although I could probably get my friend Cranky to help out.” At that point I just walked away, leaving a confused pony and a hysterically laughing human behind.

“That’s it, I’m off to work!” and I headed towards the break room to change.

After returning from my transformation into a corporate drone, I found both Don and Pinkie absent. I was not surprised that my fellow wage slave jumped at the opportunity to fulfill his brony dreams of hanging out with a pony and clocked out before I was even on duty. Besides, I had a line of customers all crying for blood to attend to, and brainless managers to appease. It was a normal day in retail.

Soon enough the pathetic shift was over and the store was closed. I had rounded up the last of the mindless zombies that were haunting my store and made my department presentable. It was time to head home for some beer, and a little mindless web surfing to ease the pain of my existence. The drive was only mildly less annoying with the lack of fucktards on the road, but offset by the lurking cops and longer stop lights. Soon enough, home was within my grasp, and I was ready to unwind.

What I was not prepared for was an unlocked door, and a ransacked house. Unlike the morning’s obsessive attention to detail and picturesque spread of food, I was instead greeted by a home defiled by half-assed decorations and a kitchen that looked as if someone had played a few games of Call of Duty in it. With live hand grenades. There was a massive cake in the middle of my kitchen table, mostly frosted, but with utensils and batter strewn about. Balloons and streamers hung limply and half attached to random points around the room, as other viscera were plastered on the floor and walls. It was as if a fraternity had thrown the world’s biggest kegger for a six year old girl, and then everyone had been evicted by the cops in the middle of the party.

Seriously, I can’t even begin to make this shit up. My inner neat freak was about to explode and murder anyone it saw on its rampage to clean the mess I found. I was pissed. Someone... No, SomePONY was about the get the tip of my steel toes upside their colon. And then I would decide if I needed to call the cops, or the coroner. Maybe both.

Needless to say, I was starting to wonder what barbequed pony tasted like as I started to look for a broom to clean the mess, and was halted by the sound of a thump coming from my cabinets. I slowly reached for my mom’s old cast iron frying pan as I carefully inched toward the door nearest my fridge. With a sudden motion, I yanked the door open and brandished the blunt object of pony slaying (+2) and yelled at the top of my lungs. I was met with a shelf full of pink fur, and some rather startled blue eyes.

“Surprise!” The compacted mare greeted me with a rather sheepish grin.

“Nope.” I immediately closed the door, and turned to walk away. I was in no mood to deal with this kind of shit, and was willing to let it stay till morning.

“Um, help? Please?” The plaintive cry came from the cupboard as I began to walk away. “I’m kinda stuck. Oh please don't leave me. I really gotta pee!”

Stopping, I took a deep breath, then let it out in a long, weary sigh. Returning to the cabinet, I slowly opened it to reveal the wall of pink staring at me plaintively. I glared dispassionately at the lodged pony and cocked a cynical eyebrow.

“Do I even want to know?”

“Well, I sorta wanted to throw you a surprise party to celebrate moving in together, and me getting a job. I baked a cake like I usually do for my friends, and then hid in a small spot to surprise you. But it didn't work out like it usually does back home and I can’t get out and nowIgottpeecanyoupleasegetmeout!” The verbal assault became more high pitched and frantic till the end.

“And what have you learned?” I casually asked, trying my best deadpan voice.

“Umm, surprise party magic doesn't work here?” The pink mare replied, pleading as best as she could.

“Good enough. Also, I hate surprises, so don't try this again.” I sighed, trying to figure the best way to dislodge the parcel of fur from the compact space. I settled on pulling a hoof, oddly tucked under her chin. At first, she grunted, and squeezed her eyes shut in concentration, and then suddenly I felt something give as the entire bundle of furry pony popped free and landed on my chest, bowling me over.

“Thanks, Louie! I owe ya one! Gottapeebye!” She shouted as the pink blue vanished from my chest and off into the depths of the house.

Brushing myself off, I muttered to nobody in particular, “It’s Louis. Stupid pony.” and ambled over to inspect the cake. It was a rather sad looking thing, apparently made at least in part from ice cream. The supporting core must have melted, leaving it leaning dangerously to one side as the frosting and fondant tried desperately to hold it together. As I watched, one of the three layers made a break for it and slid to the table, and then onto the floor with a series of wet plops.

I shook my head in disdain as I surveyed the disaster. Streamers hung limply, weighted down by air-filled balloons. Confetti littered the floor and drifted forlornly from the cabinet I had rescued Pinkie from, looking like debris from a clown explosion as it fluttered across the room. I was staring a bit shell shocked at the mess, as well as the large banner that stretched across the room welcoming me home. My neat, orderly kitchen looked as if Mardi Gras had exploded, twice.

That was when I noticed the sobbing, and I was snapped from my stupor. Following it down the hall, I was led to Pinkie’s bathroom. I could hear her crying over the sound of running water in the sink, and I decided to knock.

“You okay in there Pinkie?” I asked worriedly.

I heard the water stop, and a few sniffles, before receiving an answer. “Y-yes. Um... No. I-I’m sorry.”

I sighed, and tapped again on the door, “Can I come in?”

I heard the toilet flush, and then the door opened to reveal a rather disturbing sight. The fluffy fur was still there, but her mane and tail were now straight and lifeless, while twin streams of dampness coursed down her face. The usual smile was also missing as she looked up to me with more tears in her eyes, threatening to overflow.

Kneeling down in front of her, I looked her in the eye. “What’s wrong Pinkie? What happened?”

“I-I wa-was t-trying to throw you a p-party. *hic* B-but it all went wrong! I’m so sorry Louis, I don't know what went wrong.” She began to sob again and I pulled her into a hug. I wasn't sure what else to do, but here was someone distraught and crying, so I did the first thing that came to mind.

“Just calm down. I’m not even mad, Pinkie, just a little confused.” I sighed and stroked the limp hair as she slowly shook with sobs into my shoulder. “Just go slow and tell me what happened.”

After a few more minutes, the sobbing stopped and she stepped away with red eyes and a face full of wet fur. Finally after a few deep breaths, she managed to find her voice and start her tale.

“Well, I wanted to throw you a party to thank you for letting me stay here, and to celebrate getting my new job. It’s my special talent; throwing parties and making ponies smile. I do it all the time for my friends back home, but this time nothing would go right. First the balloons wouldn't float when I blew them up like back home, and then the cake got all melty when I put the ice cream in it. Also the streamers wouldn't stick right like they are supposed to. And then finally, when I was practicing hiding to surprise you when you got home, I got all stuck, and couldn't breathe, and I was so scared and had to pee and the darkness was so scaryandlaughingdidntmakethescarythoughtsinmyheadgoaway....”

I saw her start to panic as her breathing and talking went into overdrive. I pulled her into another hug until I felt her start to relax and her breathing returned to normal. Stroking her hair also seemed to help, and I had to admit it made me feel better. Maybe there is something to those people that say petting an animal helps you live longer. Finally I felt her pull away and I asked her if she was going to be okay. I got a shy nod in response, and gave her one last quick hug.

“Okay Pinkie.” I took a deep breath to order my thoughts. “First of all, I understand you come from another world and all, so things that work there don't always work here I suppose. Blowing up balloons with your breath won't make them float, because your breath weighs the same as the air around you. You need something lighter, like helium.” She nodded slowly, listening intently, and sniffling from time to time. “As for the cake, you need to keep the ice cream frozen until the last minute. Most ice cream cakes are all frozen. And finally, I have seen a few of the videos of the show your world is like. You may be like a cartoon character able to pop out of little places in your world, but whatever lets you do it there won’t work here.”

“But, I don’t understand. Twilight said she can’t cast magic here, but I don't have magic. I’m just an earth pony.” Her voice was still strained from the crying, and the inability to do what came naturally to her seemed to be still taking its toll.

“Well maybe you can't cast magic, but there may be magic in your world you can't see that we don't have here. You just need to be more careful and learn what you can and can't do here.” I shook my head again and smiled at the pink pony, receiving a smile in return. “So, don't worry about the party. I appreciate the thought, but I like my kitchen clean even more.” Rolling my eyes to let her know I wasn't mad, I grinned even wider. “So just clean it up when you can, and we will call it all even, ‘k?”

“Okie dokie, Loki!” she beamed and gave me a salute.

I bent down and gave her one last hug, and I swear I could actually see the hair on her head curling back into its normal shape. Suddenly I wrinkled my nose as I smelled something off, and pulled away from her. “Um, Pinkie, what’s that smell?”

Her eyes went wide and her cheeks grew bright red as she jumped back in the bathroom, slamming the door in my face. “Sorry!”

“Dafuq, Pinkie? What’s goin on?” I banged on the door again.

“Umm, remember when I said we don't usually eat meat because most ponies think it's bad? Well it turns out it is bad to eat as much as I did this morning!” She sounded like she was about to have another breakdown from embarrassment, until I laughed. “What’s so funny? This is gross!” I heard her spraying air freshener, as the toilet flushed again.

I continued to laugh, as I heard her muttering darkly from beyond the door. I recalled my cousin telling me about the time he ate entirely too much red meat after a hunting trip, and the resulting gas. It made me laugh that a pony suffered similarly. Yes, and I remembered what he called it. Pinkie had Deer Farts. And she most likely had the other problems that came from an abrupt change in diet. I continued to laugh as the toilet flushed again, and the dark muttering went on. I was still chuckling as I wandered into my room to unwind for the day.

Author's Note:

Yay for toilet humor!

EDIT: Hide me from the Grammar nazis! Updated!