• Published 4th Feb 2014
  • 9,615 Views, 692 Comments

On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons - The dragon hunter

The Covenant Empire has fallen and the lies of the Prophets have been revealed. Will the Sangheili crew of a battlecruiser be able to find a new purpose for their life on a new planet?

  • ...

Chapter 16 - Close encounters of the first and fifth kind

Chapter 16 - Close encounters of the first and fifth kind

“You did what?!” Captain Steel Shield exclaimed loudly, looking incredulously at Princess Celestia. He tried to get up from his hospital bed, but a delicate yet incredibly strong feminine hand on his shoulder held him down on the mattress.

The tall white mare couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the stallion's reaction. 'I knew he wouldn't like the news.' She had spent several minutes telling him in detail about the conversation that she and her sister had with the Sangheili Zealot, as well as the one they had with the Shipmaster Vraal Rutaen. The Captain of the Solar Guard had listened to her tale while remaining silent most of the time, speaking only to ask a few questions, but when Celestia had told him that she and her sister had invited the aliens to the castle, he was unable to contain his shock.

“I arranged a meeting with the leader of the Sangheili for tomorrow morning to discuss their presence on our planet,” Princess Celestia repeated calmly, ignoring the outburst of the Captain and instead checking that his IV bag was still correctly attached to his arm after his brusque movement. His armor may have saved his life, but the energy sword of the Sangheili Commando had still caused damage.

She was glad that the stallion was recovering in a small room separated from the main hall of the infirmary, where most of the guards that were wounded during the fight against the Sangheili Commando had been recovering. The official reason was to give the captain the privacy necessary to work without distractions and without the risk of someone learning about confidential material. The unofficial reason was to avoid further negative repercussions on the morale of his soldiers.

"So you’re telling me that after they break in the castle, attacked members of the royal family and wounded several of our guards, we’re welcoming them with open arms?” the stallion asked, looking at her in disbelief.

"I admit it may sound like an inconsistency, but given the current situation, Luna and I agreed that the sooner we deal with this matter and focus our full attention back to the Changeling threat, the better. We’re not going to reveal our secrets, if that’s what you’re worried about, but we need to know what we’re dealing with.”

“What about their spy?”

“Her release is the best way we have to show them that we don’t have hostile intentions despite the unfavorable circumstances of our first contact with an alien civilization.”

The stallion didn't say anything, but from his silence it was evident he wasn’t thrilled.

“I can tell something is bothering you Captain,” the princess commented.

“Can I speak freely, your highness?”

“Of course, Captain. You know I keep an open door policy.”

“With all due respect, princess, I think that you and your sister are making a mistake," Steel Shield said with a blunt yet respectful tone. The alicorn cocked her head in curiosity but said nothing, instead she prompted him to continue with a small gesture of her hand. “As you told me, the Sangheili are aware that the Changelings were able to kidnap thousands of our citizens, completely bypassing our defences in the process.They know that we’re vulnerable and they will surely take advantage of this. If we really have to negotiate with these creatures, then we should do it from a position of force.”

“What are you suggesting then, captain?” Celestia asked, raising one of her perfect eyebrows.

“It’s too late to cancel the meeting, but I think we shouldn’t release the Zealot so easily. She’s our best bargain chip to make sure they don’t pull out some dirty trick.”

“You mean use her as a hostage?” The princess shook her head. “That would be seen as a provocation by the Sangheili, with disastrous consequences. They still have to respond for their actions, but if we keep the Zealot prisoner then they will probably send one of their teams to rescue her.”

"They can try."

Celestia stared at the Captain of the Solar Guard in disbelief before her expression turned stern. "I'll pretend that's just your wounded ego speaking, Steel Shield. If I didn't know you any better, I would say that you're hoping for a conflict."

"No, princess. The last thing that I want is to put Equestria or anypony in danger, but for some reason I can’t help but think that this whole situation is fishy. For all we know, they may use tomorrow's meeting as an excuse to attack us.”

"The Sangheili are not our enemies, Captain," the alicorn calmly said.

"How can you tell for sure?" the stallion inquired.

"Because you and the other guards that were wounded today are still alive," the alicorn said bluntly. “We’ve both seen what they did to those Changelings,” she said, gesturing to the bandages covering his chest. “And we’ve both experienced first hand what their weapons can do." Her horn had completely healed by now, and the pain she had felt when it was hit by the plasma was now just a painful memory. “And yet their Commando was under orders of using non-lethal force.”

She brought a nearby chair closer to his bed and sat down.

"I don't doubt the courage and the value of you and the other guards, but this is a fight that we can't allow to happen. The castle is surrounded by a densely populated area, and if we do anything that may antagonize those aliens, we risk putting countless innocent lives in danger. Furthermore,” she added, crossing her legs, “don’t forget that we are not the only ones vulnerable. Their ship is damaged and their priority is to repair it. It’s unlikely that they would waste resources in a conflict."

"That's assuming that what their Shipmaster told you is the truth," the stallion pointed out, crossing his arms and promptly wincing as he inadvertently touched the bandages covering the plasma burns that ran across his chest. Even with the medications and the painkillers, the wound still stung.

“True," she conceded, ignoring his grimace of pain, for which he was grateful. "That’s why we’ll take the appropriate precautions during their visit. But while we’ll keep our eyes open for trouble, we’ll also offer our assistance. At worst, they’ll just refuse our help and ask to be left alone while they complete the repairs to their ship; in the best case scenario, this may be the first step toward an alliance with a highly advanced space civilization.”

“Sounds too good to be real,” Steel Shield commented skeptically.

“Maybe you’re right.” Celestia shrugged. “Maybe it will all be a waste of time and we’ll end up ignoring each other until they leave our planet, but if tomorrow’s meeting will help prevent a waste of lives, I’ll still consider it a success.”

The stallion stared at the princess before finally nodding. “I still don’t think it’s a good idea, but I’ll trust your judgement as well as that of your sister.”

“Thank you, Captain,” Celestia said with a little grateful smile. “Believe when I say that I keep your opinion in high regard. But this is a situation that must be dealt with the utmost caution. We already have enough problems with the Changelings, the last thing we need is having a highly advanced race of space warriors that make the ancient Pegasi hoplites look like a bunch of amateurs by comparison as an enemy.”

The captain’s attendant stepped in the room, carrying in her hands a metal tray with a glass of water and a small cup with a few pills.

“The doctor says it’s time for your medicine, sir,” Corporal Schedule Tab said meekly.

The stallion grumbled in annoyance, but accepted the tray from the unicorn mare with a nod of thanks.

“Any news from the rest of the world?” he asked to the alicorn before downing the pills with a gulp of water.

“The leaders of Saddle Arabia, Maretania and the Zebra Unified Tribes accepted our offer of assuming military leadership in future joint military operations,” Princess Celestia said. “Needless to say, Princess Cadence gave us full support even if her country was not hit by the Changelings. She even offered to use the Empire as sanctuary to the communities of our most northern settlements that are more vulnerable to possible future attacks.”

The stallion gave a grunt of approval and gulped down another pill. As much as it annoyed him to rely on allies, it was good to know they were willing to cooperate and follow Equestria’s lead. After all, their country had the highest flourishing economy and one of the strongest militaries of the planet, it was natural they should be the ones in charge.

“The yaks are being… well, yaks, while I still have to consult with the griffins.”

“What about the minotaurs?”

Celestia’s expression turned into a scowl of annoyance. “Their ambassador said that they would provide us assistance without actually specifying of what kind. In the meantime, they will increase their military presence in the bases they established on the coasts of Zebrica,” the alicorn said distastefully. “To protect the local population from future attacks, according to them,” she added with evident skepticism.

“Of course those cow-heads would try to turn the current situation in their favor,” the stallion commented with a roll of his eyes. While equine species had, in general, a herd mentality that led them to instinctively join into a group, the minotaurs instead tended to impose their authority over others. “What about the situation within our borders?”

“Given your current… impossibility to oversee the situation, Captain Dark Wing is currently directing the work of the general staff. According to the last reports, the situation is under control for now.”

If the stallion was irritated that the Captain of the Lunar Guard was filling his position while he was recovering from his wounds, he didn’t show it. Whatever grudge he had with his counterpart, he knew it wasn’t the moment to let petty rivalries interfere with their duty.

“And Project Phalanx?” Steel Shield asked, looking at the princess with expectation.

“Due to the events of the last few hours, we were forced to postpone the tests,” she admitted.

“Your highness, you promised me you would support the project,” Steel Shield reminded her.

“And I still will,” Princess Celestia assured him. “I will ensure that the tests will be completed within the next couple of days. But right now Twilight Sparkle and her friends have another important task at hand.”

“What? Befriending the enemy?” The Captain asked with a sarcastic smile.

“As a matter of fact, yes,” Celestia replied without missing a beat. “Things may be easier if the Zealot were to speak in our favor tomorrow."

“I’d like to share your optimism,” the Captain commented, just as the door opened again and a tall dark figure walked in the room.

“How are you feeling, Captain Steel Shield?” Princess Luna asked.

“Better, your highness. The doctor says that I should rest for a few days, but I have no intention to waste my time in this stupid bed with our current situation.”

The blue alicorn studied him for a few moments before nodding in approval.

“Was your visit to the Royal Astronomical Observatory profitable, dear sister?” Celestia asked.

“Oh, absolutely. It turns out that our problem is bigger than expected,” Princess Luna said with a grim expression, showing the document folder she was holding in her hand.

“How much bigger?”

“According to calculations, their spaceship is almost two kilometers in length.” The princess of the night dropped the folder on the bed, revealing several photos.

Celestia grabbed one of the photos and widened her eyes in shock. “Mother of me,” she muttered as she observed the image of a big dark bulbous object on a starry background. The alien vessel reminded her of some kind of mysterious creature from the abyss, with four fins under the ‘head’, which was connected through a slightly more narrow section to a larger section. The alicorn found the oddly organic design fearsome yet beautiful at the same time.

"A vessel this size should be able to carry thousands of troops," Celestia remarked as she studied one of the photos. "And most likely it possesses energy weapons like the ones used by their recon team, only on a much bigger scale." She couldn’t help but to make a mental comparison between a pistol bullet and an artillery shell, then she did the same between the plasma pistol of the Zealot and the weapons that were probably mounted on the alien spaceship. It was a disturbing thought.

“This monster makes the Minotaur heavy airships look like toys by comparison. How did we miss it?” Steel Shield wondered as he stared at the images.

"I thought about the same thing. When I asked Nightlight how they could have avoided detection until now, he hypothesized that they may have a - uh, excuse me a moment - ah, yes, a ‘system of counter illumination’," she quoted, reading from a note. "It basically allows their ship to blend with the dark background by manipulating the light reflected on its hull. These photos were made thanks to a recently installed optical filter that we were planning to use to study the moons of Thor, and even with our special equipment we located the vessel just because we were actively looking for it."

“So, let me get this straight: we found something that we didn’t know was there because we knew it was there?” Steel Shield cautiously said.

“As absurd it may sound, yes.”

The captain stared at the pictures and slowly shook his head. The alien vessel was the nightmare of any strategist came true. It was able in theory to reach its target without being detected until it was too late and unleash destruction while being literally out of reach of the defenders’ weapons.

“I guess it’s too much to hope this is just a bad dream induced by the painkillers, huh?” he asked with a humorless smile.

“I’m afraid you’re awake, captain,” Princess Luna said dryly, although not without a bit of sympathy.

Steel Shield slowly nodded and closed his eyes, letting the information sink into his mind as he fully grasped the gravity of the situation.

“I’ll take care of the organization of the security details for tomorrow’s meeting,” the stallion said as he opened his eyes again. “Corporal, bring me the service schedules of all the guards currently stationed at the castle. Both Solar and Lunar Guards."

"But sir, Captain Dark Wing-"

"I don't care, we need our best ponies for this operation. If the old bat has any issues, he can complain with me once this whole mess is over.”

While Steel Shield proceeded to list to his attendant what he would need, the two princesses left the room.

“Well, all things considered, he took the news better than expected,” Celestia said optimistically once they were out of the infirmary ward.

"If you mean that he is respectful of the hierarchy and will follow our orders, as any soldier is expected to do, then I have to agree with you," Luna deadpanned.

“You still do not like him, huh?” Celestia asked rhetorically.

"No. Can we have Shining Armor back?"

Celestia looked at her sister in annoyance. Steel Shield may not have been perfect, but she was still the one to choose him. “Luna, we have already discussed about this several times. As prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor already has enough responsibilities to attend without having to worry about a country located thousands of miles away. Furthermore, I doubt Cadence would like having her husband so far away most of the time.”

“Point taken,” the younger alicorn said.

“Speaking of Shining Armor, do we have any news about him and his expedition?”

“Captain Dark Wing received a report just a couple hours ago. The detachment of Lunar Guards that I sent made contact with his unit last night. He accepted their help and now they’re scouting the Sapphire Highlands looking for the base of the raiders. So far their efforts were fruitless, but considering the stubbornness of the Sparkle family, it is merely a matter of time before they find that den of criminals.”

“He’s a stallion of action, Luna. We both know he doesn’t like sitting behind a desk for long.” Celestia smiled at a newfound memory. “I think that’s one of the reasons why Cadence fell in love with him. That girl has always had an adventurous streak.”

“She may be adopted, but she’s still our niece,” Luna said with a proud smirk before yawning.

“I think you should rest a bit, Luna, you’re far over your bedtime.”

The blue alicorn placed her hands on her hips and looked away in the distance, striking an eroic pose. “Nay, sister. Sleeping is for the pitiful mortals.”

Celestia just stared at her blankly. “Luna, this is a critical situation, we can’t afford making mistakes for something as stupid as tiredness. Go get some rest, I need you at the best of your abilities.”

Luna rolled her eyes, but decided to not argue. “As thou command, your highness,” she said with faux deference before teleporting away.

The alabaster alicorn shook her head at the antics of her sister and quickly made her way toward her office. It didn’t take her long to reach the main body of the castle, but as she quickly turned a corner, she almost bumped into someone she was not expecting.

“Oops, my apologies, Princess Celestia,” General Edwin Sharpbeak said as he stepped aside to avoid the collision. “I didn’t see you coming.”

‘Oh, right. The delegation of the Griffin Empire is still here,’ she thought with a little twinge of guilt. ‘After all that has happened in the last twenty-four hours, I had completely forgotten about them.’

“Worry not, general. If anything I’m the one that should apologize. Things have been rather hectic lately and I can’t tell for sure when we’ll be able to resume the negotiations,” she said with an apologetic smile.

The griffin made a dismissive gesture. “Worry not, your highness. Your subjects take the priority. We’ll wait as long as necessary… assuming you don’t get tired of our presence,” he ended with a smirk.

Celestia smiled. “Oh, Edwin. You know that you’re always welcome,” she assured, dropping the formalities.

“What about the duke?” the griffin asked with a raised brow.

“Just keep him away from Luna and everything will be fine,” Celestia half joked. “Speaking of which, where is he?”

“Prince Blueblood invited him to a card game at the gentlecolt’s club. He should be back in the evening.”

The alicorn smiled and silently thanked Blueblood for the initiative. Despite his flaws, her nephew was still a skilled politician and knew how to make her life easier.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to exchange a few words with you on the way to my office.”

“It would be a pleasure, princess,” the griffin said with a bow of his head.

The princess smiled and resumed her walk, slowing down her pace to allow the general to keep up with her longer legs without looking ridiculous. “Did you receive any update from your government?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. I was about to contact you anyway. Our embassy received a telegram less than an hour ago,” he said, showing an open envelope. “My government is willing to help Equestria by sharing any useful intelligence we may gather about Changeling activity within our territory, and I’m also authorized to offer military assistance in case of engagements with Changeling forces within a reasonable distance from our common borders. That’s it, provided you agree to allow our patrols to cross the border in order to engage the enemy.”

Celestia looked at the general, considering his offer. Their empire was formed mostly by islands, but there was still Griffonstone and a few other coastal settlements built on the Epona mainland, so the chances of actually seeing griffin soldiers assisting the Royal Guards wasn’t so unrealistic.

“I’ll have to speak about it with my sister and our general staff, but I’m personally favorable to that agreement.”

General Sharpbeak smiled. “Glad to hear it. We may be a stubborn and prideful race, but we still remember how Equestria helped us after that seaquake hit us thirty years ago.”

“We just did the right thing,” the princess said with a slight shrug.

“Shipping tons of supplies and providing medical assistance almost for free?”

“What can I say? We’re ponies,” Celestia replied a mirthful smile, causing the general to laugh.

“Canterlot is truly lovely in this period of the year,” he commented after a bit. “It reminds me of our capital, only more clean and with far less poverty and crime.”

“We’re quite proud of our social model,” she said, unable to hide her pride. It had taken her centuries of hard work, but it was well worth it. “It’s a pity your family wasn’t able to join you.”

“Maybe next time, when our chicks will be older. In the meantime, I’ve made a few photos.”

“I’m sure your wife will find them inspiring,” Celestia commented, referring to his wife’s hobby of painting with watercolors. One of her paintings was even displayed in her office after she received it as a gift during Sharpbeak’s first visit.

“I concur. However, earlier today when your guards were performing that ‘security drill with blank ammo’,” - as he parroted the official excuse for the ruckus caused by the skirmish between her soldiers and the Sangheili Commando, Celestia could almost hear the quotation marks - “I was taking a picture of your splendid park from the balcony of my room, when I casually noticed something, uhm, unexpected,” he said, reaching for something inside his jacket.

‘Why do I have this horrible feeling that our card castle is about to collapse?’ Celestia thought as she forced herself to maintain a curious smile.

“Ah! Here it is!” The picture was a bit blurred, but Celestia could clearly see that the photo that the griffin held in his claw showed her sister Luna wrestling on the meadow against a much larger figure completely encased in black armor. Centuries of experience allowed Celestia to hide her true emotions, but internally she shivered as she recalled the way the Sangheili had charged without hesitation at her sister with his sword. According to Luna, the alien warrior had proven to be one of the toughest non-magical enemies she had ever fought.

“So, princess, can I dare to ask you why your sisters and your guards were engaged in a firefight against a completely unknown creature?”

Her smile only grew wider and her left eye twitched a couple of times. ‘And there goes the chance of avoiding a long explanation. Curse you modern technology!’ Celestia emitted a short nervous laugh. “It’s complicated,” she admitted in embarrassment. There was no point trying to deny the evidence, furthermore she esteemed the general too much to lie right in his face. “Tell me, general. Do you have any plans for this evening?”

“Oh my! Princess! Asking a date to a married representative of a foreign nation? How scandalous!” He exclaimed in mock shock, earning a chuckle of amusement from the alicorn.

“I’m sorry for crushing your dreams, general, but it’s nothing like that. I’m having a few guests for dinner, one of which I’m sure you’ll find really interesting.”

The suite was decisively more spacious and cozy than the containment cell. Located in one of the towers of the west wing, it consisted of a wide main room and a small bathroom. There was even a wide window facing the city, but unless you had wings it would lead only to a six story fall.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends were currently the only occupants of the room, along with their Sangheili guest. The guards that had escorted the Zealot were waiting outside, per request of the young princess, leaving Flash Sentry as the only one with a weapon in the room. The young pegasus stallion was leaning with his back against a nearby wall, his posture relaxed yet ready to act at the slightest sign of trouble. It was in situations like this that the confine between friend and bodyguard became blurred, but nonetheless Twilight was glad of his presence.

Due to the hectic course of the events, no one had the opportunity to eat, so the castle’s staff had provided the group with refreshments. For the ponies and the single dragon, a wide tray holding a variety of freshly made sandwiches; for Tarya, the meal had consisted of a bowl of chicken salad, which she had promptly devoured with gusto while sitting on a sturdy metal chair.

Watching a Sangheili eating for the first time was a new experience for the Equestrians. Twilight and Fluttershy had been fascinated by the way Tarya used her four jaws with dexterity to push the food down her throat.

Rainbow Dash and Spike had commented how the whole scene was scary yet awesome.

Rarity had almost fainted in shock and had ended up leaving most of her cucumber sandwich untouched, much to Pinkie’s joy.

“Hmm, bring my compliments to whoever prepared this food, it was delicious,” Tarya said contently, placing the now empty bowl on the table. The bowl had originally contained enough chicken salad to feed two full grown thestral stallions, but the Sangheili had cleaned it without problems.

Such display of appetite elicited a whistle of admiration from Rainbow Dash. “Wow! You eat almost as much as Pinkie Pie!”

“Hey!” the pink mare exclaimed in protest through a mouthful of potato chips. Rainbow Dash looked pointedly at the snack bag in her hands. “What? Watching her eat made me hungry.”

“I’ll make sure to inform the chefs that you enjoyed the meal,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I’m still a bit surprised that you’re an omnivore,” she noted as she glanced at the four jaws of the alien.

“When our ancestors still hunted on the coastal plains of our home world, they used their jaws to capture their prey, which consisted of creatures small enough to be swallowed whole. Over time, evolution allowed us to widen our diet, but the original structure of our mouths remained the same,” the young Sangheili female explained.

“Does it mean that you could potentially survive without meat?” Fluttershy asked curiously. Animals eat meat because it’s their nature, but sentient beings are able to choose. She knew of a few griffins that had turned vegan by replacing meat with the opportune vegetarian surrogate.

Tarya tried to imagine for a moment her life without the delicious taste of colo (1) meat. ‘Blasphemy!’ a little Zealot in her mind immediately roared in outrage at the mere notion, swinging its tiny imaginary energy sword menacingly.

“In theory yes, but in order to stay healthy, our bodies require an elevated daily intake of proteins and fats, which is the reason meat is a preponderant component of our diet.”

“So the consumption of vegetables is facultative for your species?” Fluttershy asked.

“Pretty much.”

“Interesting,” Twilight commented, before staring at Spike, who was unconsciously licking his lips while zoning out. She cleared her voice, catching his attention.

“What?” the young dragon asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable under her gaze.

“The answer is no, mister,” Twilight said sternly.

“What?! I didn’t say anything!”

“But you were thinking about a diet of ice cream, gemstones and burgers. You know what the princesses and the doctors say, so you’re still gonna eat your veggies regularly.”

Spike grumbled but said nothing, confirming her suspicions.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to resume the conversation we started in your, aehm, previous accommodation,” Twilight asked a bit awkwardly to the Zealot.

“There’s no point sugar coating the pill, princess. Diplomatic hostage is just a polite way to say prisoner,” Tarya said as politely as possible. “Anyway, sure, why not? I still have many questions myself,” Tarya said as she grabbed a bottle of water from the table. She put its neck between her gaping maws, pouring the clean liquid directly into her throat. The ponies either stared at her with wide eyes or tried to ignore the slightly unsettling sight.

This seemed to perk up Twilight. She was still uncomfortable with the task that Celestia gave her, but the chance of learning more about a completely new culture was too inviting to pass.

Barely noticing the Sangheili quenching her thirst, she grabbed her notebook and started scrolling through its pages. What could she ask first? She had originally planned to ask Tarya about her planet, but the science behind interstellar travel was another subject she was curious about. Oh, what about her culture? Or even-

The princess stopped mid-action as she was about to flip another page. Now that she thought about it with a calmer mind, there was a detail she was particularly curious about. Twilight closed her notebook and gently put it in her lap.

“When you first spoke with the princesses, you said that you are a Zealot. Does it mean you are part of a religious order?”

When she heard Princess Twilight's question, it took all of Tarya's willpower and control to not spit the water she was drinking out violently. Slowly lowering the now almost empty bottle, the Sangheili kept a calm facade while her brain frantically tried to find a way to avoid a diplomatic disaster.

‘Curse my stupid mouth,’ she mentally swore. If she told them the truth, which necessarily involved the Forerunners and how they were once worshipped by her people as gods, then she would be forced to tell them about the Covenant, the Great Schism and the war against the humans.

Despite the circumstances that had lead to their meeting, the ponies had proved to be friendly with her, if not a bit wary, as expected when facing the unknown. However, their attitude would quickly change for the worst if they knew that the Sangheili were not too long ago part of a galactic empire of religious fanatics that waged a genocidal campaign against another sapient species.

Refusing to answer was out of the question, it would only create mistrust. Maybe she could lie? ‘No, that would probably cause problems in the future if they were to hear contradicting versions of my tale.’

Then how to get out of this uncomfortable situation?

'Maybe a compromise is the best option. Not a real lie, but not even the whole truth. It should work, until they’re ready to hear the real version of the facts.’

“Not exactly,” Tarya slowly said while she placed the now half empty bottle back on the table. It had taken her a few moments to reply, but the group assumed it was to collect her thoughts. “In the past the title was used to appoint to those who sought proof of the existence of the gods by interpreting the signs of world around them. But eventually our religious investigations brought us to explore the secrets behind the very nature of the universe, thus the term Zealot in our language become a synonym for ‘those who seek for the truth’ or scientists.” Spike’s hand was a blur as he quickly took note of everything Tarya was saying, the scribble of his pen the only sound in the otherwise silent room as all those present listened to her. “Our investigations often require us to venture in places that are not safe, but this doesn’t constitute an obstacle for us. We are scientists and scholars that have no fear to step into the battlefield in order to find the answers to our questions.”

“Does your search for the truth also include espionage?” Twilight Sparkle asked, crossing her arms.

The corners of her mouth twitched as she briefly looked sideways. “I admit that sometimes we have to take a more subtle approach to achieve our mission," she admitted, "that’s why my armor is equipped with a device that allows me to turn invisible.”

“So, what does it makes of you? Some kind of spy?” Rainbow Dash asked suspiciously.

“No,” Tarya said, shaking her head. “A spy is usually someone who infiltrates a place to steal information in order to cause harm to an enemy. While it’s true that sometimes we have to explore places we’re not supposed to be, we do it to expand our knowledge.”

“It still doesn’t necessarily mean that what you do is right,” Rarity countered. “Knowledge can be dangerous if used in the wrong way.”

“The definition of wrong and right is subjective, miss Rarity. A cynical individual would say that life is an infinite gradation of grey, but I personally like to think it’s up to us to decide whether to step in the light or remain in the darkness.”

"Ya make it sound like it’s a hard choice. Ah was taught that honesty is always the best policy," Applejack said.

"And I agree with you, miss Applejack. Unfortunately, there are those who will take advantage of other's transparency to perform their dirty deeds."

"Ya mean individuals like you?" Applejack said with a pressing tone, causing Tarya to narrow her eyes.

Sensing the tension in the room, Twilight decided to step in the conversation. "Alright!" she exclaimed a bit louder than necessary with a strained smile. “That answered my question. Now, given that you told us about you, it only seems fair that we’re the ones to share a few details about our lives. I’m sure this will help to reach a better mutual understanding!” She said the last part while giving Applejack a meaningful look.

The Sangheili kept her gaze locked with that of the apple farmer for several moments before slowly nodding at the alicorn. “That would be nice. It would give me a better understanding of your society. However, before we start, I’d like to ask you a question, princess.”

“With pleasure. What do you want to know?”

"I've noticed that compared to the other types of ponies, alicorns seem to be quite uncommon."

"That’s an understatement. There are actually only four of us on the entire planet."

Tarya looked at Twilight in surprise. "Is there any particular reason?"

“Well, you have to understand that alicorns are quite unique compared to other tribes,” Twilight began, entering what her friends called her ‘academic mode’. "We alicorns incarnate the power of all three tribes: the strength of earth ponies, the ability to fly of pegasi, and obviously the magic of unicorns."

“You previously mentioned that all ponies possess magic,” the Sangheili noted.

The young princess nodded. "Indeed. All ponies have magic inside them, but, except for some very rare exceptions, unicorns are the only ones able to cast spells. The powers of the other tribes manifest in more subtle ways, like the ability of pegasi to manipulate weather or the way earth ponies can influence the growth of plants.

“And then there’s their origin,” Twilight continued. “Aside from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the rest of the alicorns were not naturally born. For example, until a few months ago, I was a unicorn, but after completing a particularly powerful spell, I briefly ascended to another plane of existence and became an alicorn.”

The Sangheili stared at the princess in bewilderment. Princess Celestia had mentioned something about higher planes of existence and how it is possible to access some of them under particular circumstances, but to use them to ascend to a superior, more powerful form?

She was not sure how Haka and the other followers of his spiritual group would react if they heard it. They still believed in the divine nature of the Forerunners, although they were not as fanatical as those that still followed the teachings of the Covenant, and they regularly gathered in the cargo bay on deck seven to pray. She personally had no issue with them and their belief, but hearing a group of individuals chanting ancient Sangheili litanies in a dark room gave her the creeps.

“Your family must have been proud of you,” she mused, banishing the memory of the cultists during one of their prayer services from her mind.

“You have no idea,” Twilight Sparkle said, unable to hide a smile. “My parents were just as happy when I received my Cutie Mark and became Princess Celestia's student."

Tarya vaguely remembered something about the ponies receiving a mark at a certain point of their life, but decided to leave that detail for later.

“I think I can somewhat relate,” she said, remembering when she had been accepted by her order. “So, who wants to speak next?” Tarya asked, looking at Twilight’s friends.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!” Pinkie Pie said enthusiastically, bouncing on her hooves while waving her arm like a student at school.

“Alright, miss Pie. You may proceed,” Tarya said with a hint of amusement. For some reason she found the childish attitude of the mare funny rather than annoying, a sharp contrast with the serious atmosphere of the ship. It reminded her of when she was younger and more carefree.

“Thank you!” The pink mare beamed. “I’m a baker, part time foalsitter, and Ponyville’s premier party planner!”

“Party planner?”

“Yeah! Ya know, ponies that organize and throw parties!”

Tarya scratched the back of her neck. "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the concept of party," she admitted.

Pinkie Pie gasped in shock and stared at her with an expression of absolute horror. How could she not know what a party was? From what kind of terrible alien world did she come from?

Tarya barely had the time to blink before a pink blur wrapped her arms around her torso. “You poor, poor, little thing!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in sorrow while hugging the Sangheili to comfort her. It was a rather comical sight, considering that even sitting, the mare barely reached her shoulder. “All this time without knowing the joy of a party! Don’t worry, we’ll fix this serious gap right now!”

Fishing a pair of thick square glasses from her curly mane to look more professional, Pinkie Pie cleared her voice and began her impromptu lesson.

"A party is just the bestest and most fantastexciting thing ever! There’s music, cake, friends, games, and cake!”

"Uh, you said cake twice," Fluttershy timidly noticed.

"That's because there's never enough cake!"

"She's right," Spike said with a solemn nod.

As Pinkie Pie continued with her explanation about the nature of a party, she quickly noticed that Tarya seemed to be completely lost in her stream of words if her confused expression was of any indication. That wouldn’t do. Parties were important and the alien lady deserved to know what they were. She scrunched her face and started thinking hard, looking for a way to explain the concept in a way that the Sangheili could understand.

"... uhm, think of a party as a secular ceremony with recreational activities to celebrate merry events," Pinkie said.

That did the trick. "Oh! I see," the Sangheili exclaimed as her eyes lit up in understanding. "We usually do it for special occasions, like when one of our young reaches adulthood, or to celebrate the new harvest."

Pinkie Pie smiled in satisfaction. ‘Explain what parties are to an alien: check! Next step: organize a party for said alien!’

“I’m captain of Ponyville’s Weather Team and also a member of the Wonderbolt Reserve,” Rainbow Dash said proudly, striking a pose as if expecting to be photographed or to be asked an autograph. Her winning smile however slowly dropped when she noticed the distinct absence of awe in the Sangheili’s expression.

“What is a Wonderbolt?” Tarya asked quizzically, tilting her head slightly.

Rainbow Dash’s horrified reaction was an almost perfect copy of that of Pinkie Pie. “You don’t know what a Wonderbolt is?! Where have you lived, under a rock?”

“No, I just come from another planet,” Tarya said patiently, watching in mild amusement as the massive blush that Rainbow Dash now sported bloomed. She found the ability of ponies to blush interesting to say the least, especially considering that their faces were covered with fur.

“Oh. Right.” The mare cleared her voice in attempt to hide her embarrassment, and decided to give a quick explanation. “Anyway, the Wonderbolts are an elite unit of the Air Force, composed of the best fliers among the pegasi. They often exhibit their skills during air shows, but they are regularly employed in the event of emergencies as quick response teams, or to perform delicate missions, like reconnaissance in particularly dangerous areas.”

“I see,” Tarya commented, intrigued. Having seen the Yanme’e in action several times, she had no trouble imagining the military applications of a species able to fly. "What about you?" she asked to Fluttershy.

“Oh, well, there’s not really much to say about me. I’m just Ponyville’s animal caretaker,” Fluttershy said meekly, nervously playing with a lock of her long mane.

“Ah! She’s being modest!” Rainbow Dash said, wrapping a wing around her friend’s shoulder. “She can talk with animals.”

"Really? Is it a common ability?"

"Not at all. Our dear Fluttershy here is the only pony we know that possesses such a unique gift," Rarity said. Knowing how her friend hated being the center of attention, she moved the conversation in a way that made her feel more comfortable while at the same time causing interest in the audience. "And if I remember correctly, you recently joined a group of ponies that share your passion for nature, isn’t it right darling?”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’m part of the Equestrian Conservation Society,” she said with a tiny smile. “It’s an organization dedicated to the study and defense of wildlife and magical creatures.”

“Magical creatures?” Tarya cautiously asked, mentally praying that the pegasus wouldn’t freak out like her two friends, fearing that the meek creature may have a heart attack.

“Beings able to use magic or whose existence is deeply influenced by it,” Fluttershy explained calmly, unfazed by the question.

Tarya nodded and turned her attention to Rarity, who offered her a graceful smile before introducing herself.

"I am a seamstress and dress designer," Rarity said with a flourish wave of her long mane.

Fashion. A controversial theme in Sangheili society. While they weren’t strangers to wearing more elaborate clothes, they usually did it for ceremonial purposes rather than showing off. Her species had always been minimalistic and practical, preferring actions to a display of wealth, seeing excesses of luxury as a sign of vanity. However, it was still a form of art that reflected their mentality and culture, and after centuries of stagnation under the Covenant, there had been an increase of variety in civilian clothes, although with moderation.

“I own a boutique in Ponyville, but my dream is to be able to someday open a few more shops all across Equestria and become popular in the fashion industry.”

As the unicorn exposed her dream, Tarya studied her. There was ambition in her eyes, but not of the malevolent kind, rather a desire to see the value of her work being properly recognized.

“It mustn’t be easy,” Tarya commented, knowing that it was a sector that required skills and creativity.

"Indeed. There's a lot of competition and you have to always be a step ahead to meet the client’s demands.” Rarity bit her lower lip. “I don’t suppose you would mind if I ask you a few questions about the fashion of your people?”

“Stealing designs, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked teasingly. “Watch out, if they sue for violation of copyright, they will ask for a galactic bill.”

“My word, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity said, scandalized. “A lady does not steal! I merely hoped to find a source of inspiration,” she explained, looking hopefully at the Sangheili.

"Unfortunately, I'm not an expert on the subject, nor I think there’s a real one among my people. A friend of mine works as an engineer in one of our forges and is behind the creation of a few recent models of armor, but I don’t think it qualifies her as a fashion expert.”

“Oh. I see,” Rarity said, trying to not sound too disappointed. Not that she had anything against armor, even if she wasn’t a military enthusiast, she personally thought they had a certain charm, and the ones of the Sangheili possessed an undeniable beauty, but they were hardly the best source of inspiration for a new line of dresses.

“But," Tarya added when she noticed the crestfallen expression of the mare, “once I have my equipment back, I can show you a few images of our civilian attire if you’re interested. I have to warn you however. My people do not like excesses and our minimalist lifestyle is reflected by our clothes.”

Rarity tapped a finger against her chin. “Well, I will not turn down your offer. Who knows, I may actually find a few new ideas.”

Tarya nodded and looked at the next pony. However, instead of speaking, Applejack merely kept staring at the window, ignoring the rest of the group.

“Uh, Equestria to AJ? It’s your turn,” Rainbow Dash broke the silence as she and her friends looked at the orange mare with expectation.

Applejack raised the brim of her hat and looked at the Sangheili, huffing in annoyance like a child forced to do a tedious and unwanted task. “Ah’m an apple farmer,” she said curtly with a distinct lack of enthusiasm in her voice. “Ya know at least what an apple is, right?”

“Yes, I’m familiar with that kind of fruit. I assume the massive orchard near the town of Ponyville belongs to you.”

Applejack blinked in surprise at the Sangheili’s words, before scowling. “How’d ya know ‘bout mah farm?” she demanded with a wary tone.

“My teammate and I crossed it this morning in order to reach the town more quickly.”

“Didya break into mah house too?” Applejack demanded, deepening her scowl.

‘She sure has some fire burning inside her soul,’ Tarya thought as she held the stare of the orange mare. “No. Forgive my bluntness, but the residence of a family of farmers is hardly a target of any strategic interest.”

“Oh, well, forgive me if mah humble farm is not worthy of yer attention, Yer Alienness," the orange mare said with mocking deference.

The lower jaws of the Sangheili twitched slightly as she once again stared at the earth pony. "I apologize if my words insulted you in any way, it wasn’t my intention."

"It's not what ya said that bothers me. It’s what you are," Applejack grumbled.

Tarya narrowed her eyes. “Excuse me?”

Rainbow Dash frowned at her friend. "AJ, what's the deal with you?"

"Nuthin'," Applejack said stubbornly, crossing her arms and looking away.

"There’s no need to lie,” Tarya said, causing Applejack to bristle when she heard that particular word. “I’m still unfamiliar with your species, but it doesn't take a genius to see that you bear hostility toward me. May I ask you the reason?"

The orange mare looked right at the Sangheili and scowled. "Well, forgive me if ah dun trust a gal that spend her time spyin' honest workin' ponies from the shadows like a thug waiting fer the right moment ta stab us in the back."

The room fell silent after the mare spoke. Twilight opened her mouth to say something to her friend for her rude statement, only to be brusquely interrupted by a low menacing hiss coming from the partially widened jaws of the Sangheili.

"Do not dare to insult me, pony," Tarya growled coldly as she slowly rose from her seat and locked her burning glare on Applejack. The apple farmer was suddenly reminded of how small her kind was compared to the Sangheili as she was forced to raise her gaze to look at the Zealot.

Unseen by the other occupants of the room, Flash Sentry quickly yet discreetly brought his hand to the holster attached to his hip, ready to draw his pistol if the Sangheili became a threat to his charge and her friends. Applejack was a strong pony, even stronger than him, but in a fight against an opponent of that size the mare had no chances of getting out unscathed.

"I do not deny that my actions were questionable, but I am not some lowly filthy criminal planning the best way to harm innocents. I worked hard to become who I am now, spending countless sleepless nights studying about subjects that your species has barely started to speculate, and pushing my body to its limits on the training ground, all while fighting against the bigotry and ostracism of a society where, until recently, women were relegated to taking care of our homes and raising our children.” The Zealot said, slowly walking toward the apple farmer. To her credit, Applejack stood her ground. “I come from a warrior culture centered on the concept of honor and being captured is one of the worst things that can happen to any of us, and yet, rather than try to escape or kill myself, I’m doing everything in my power to prevent a war between our species. If you have a real problem with me due to something I did, then fine, feel free to despise or even hate me; but do not look at me in contempt just on the base of a preconception.”

What followed was one of the most intimidating staring contests Applejack had ever took part in, but despite her nervousness, she didn’t back off and stared back at the alien. She prided herself at being good at judging people and for several long tense moments her green eyes looked back at the yellow-green ones of the Sangheili, almost trying to probe the depths of her soul.

After what seemed like an eternity, the mare finally lowered her gaze.

"Yer right,” Applejack muttered. She took off her hat and looked the Sangheili in the eyes yet again, this time without scrutinizing her. “Ah dun approve yer methods, but it was unfair of me ta judge you before actually knowing you.” She nervously played with the brim of her hat. “Ah’m sorry for what Ah said, Ah didn't mean ta insult ya."

Tarya remained silent for a few moments as she studied the mare, then she slowly nodded, apparently satisfied. "I accept your apologies, miss Applejack."

"Thanks. Uh, dun take it bad, but it still dun mean Ah trust ya," the farmer clarified.

"I know, and I wouldn’t expect anything less from a person with your level of moral integrity. After all, trust is something that needs to be earned, not freely given.”

This seemed to surprise Applejack, if her stunned expression was of any indication.

“Well,” the farmer began, not really sure how to reply, “I really appreciate yer understanding.”

“You are welcome.” The Zealot turned her head to the only males in the room. “So, this leaves us with-”

“What did you mean when you said that you should have killed yourself?” Spike suddenly asked with a troubled expression.

The Sangheili looked down at the young dragon. It was the first time that he actually addressed her since his brief introduction, and his first question had put her in another difficult spot. Looking around she noticed that the ponies were looking at her with the same confused and uncomfortable gazes.

Tarya closed her eyes and released a long sigh. “My mother used to say that there are a few important things that really define our lives. How we die is one of these." She turned her back to the group and slowly walked toward the window. The mid-afternoon sun shone high in the sky, bathing the city of Canterlot with its warm light. It may have not been the sun she was used to seeing when she was still a child, but it was still beautiful nonetheless.

“As I already mentioned, Sangheili culture is centered around honor. It’s something so important to us that we even associate it to our blood, seeing them as one and the same, to the point that losing our blood is equivalent to losing our honor.” She touched the cool glass of the window with her hand and her gaze slowly moved downward, to the cobbled yard surrounded by the walls of the castle.

"Being taken as prisoner is one of the worst things that can happen to a Sangheili, for we believe that it means we were not strong enough to prevent our enemies from capturing us alive, and this is a cause of dishonor, not just for us, but for the rest of our clan as well. In order to deny satisfaction from our enemies and to spare the shame to our family, it’s usance among my people to kill ourselves if rescue is unlikely or if we have no way to escape on our own.”

When she looked back at the small group, she noticed various degrees of worry on their faces.

“Fear not. I already decided not to resort to such drastic measures, for it would only cause harm given the already difficult situation we’re facing."

"That's... good?" Twilight said hesitantly, feeling conflicted between horror and fascination for a culture that was so different from her own.

“Wow. You guys are really extreme,” Rainbow Dash said, staring at the Sangheili with wide eyes.

Tarya snapped her lower jaws. “Since we hatch from our eggs we are taught that life is harsh and difficult. It’s one of the reasons we’re not allowed to know the identity of our fathers.”

“Wait, what?! Why?”

“To avoid nepotism,” Tarya calmly replied. “Our children are raised in a common house by the various members of the keep, without distinction or preference. This way, each child has the opportunity to really demonstrate their value and skills.”

“That’s so sad,” Pinkie Pie muttered with a downcast expression, quickly banishing the thoughts about how her childhood would have been without knowing her dad.

“Hmm. The ancient pegasi had a similar culture. Well, except the whole ‘not-knowing-who-your-father-is’ thing. They were however taught how to fight since the moment they learned to fly,” Rainbow Dash said, only to notice that most of her friends were looking at her in surprise. “What? After we did that Hearth's Warming Eve pantomime I got curious. It’s not like I’m turning into an egghead like Twilight just because I read a couple of history books.”

Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance at being called an egghead, but actually smiled. It was nice to see Rainbow Dash widen her culture, even a small step at a time.

“So your ancestors had a tradition as warriors? I guess this explains why I've seen so many pegasi among the ranks of your soldiers," Tarya said, looking at Flash Sentry.

"A good number of guards may be pegasi, but this doesn't make us a race of warmongers,” the young stallion explained, figuring he could add his two bits to the conversation. “After the unification of the tribes, life became easier and as result our culture has gradually become more peaceful." Flash Sentry shrugged. "Personally, for a long time I wanted to be a guitarist in a rock band, but I eventually chose to join the guards instead. Less screaming fans and more morning drills than expected," he joked before glancing at Twilight, "but in the end I don't regret my choice."

The way he looked at the alicorn didn’t pass unnoticed. Unseen by the rest of the group, Rarity exchange a knowing grin with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, causing the former to giggle quietly while the latter blushed a bit.

Tarya turned toward the last occupant of the room. "And what about you, young one? Spike, wasn't it?"

"Uh, yes," he replied timidly, feeling a bit intimidated by the way the Sangheili towered above him, forcing him to crane his neck in order to meet her gaze.

"If I recall correctly, you said that you're some kind of helper for the princess."

"Yup! I'm her number one assistant!" the young dragon said with a bright smile, puffing out his chest with pride.

"It must not be an easy task, especially for a child," she noted.

"Child!?" the young dragon sputtered in indignation, red in face. How dare she call him a child! In front of Rarity nonetheless! "Lady, I'm not a baby! I'm almost fourteen!" As to prove his point, he stood as straight and proud as he could, adding a couple inches to his rather diminutive stature. Even with his best efforts he still barely reached a little over the waist of the Sangheili.

"Ah, there is some fire in you," Tarya said with a hint of amusement.

"Well, kinda obvious. I'm a dragon."

"A dragon? Hmm, interesting," she mused, lowering herself a bit and staring down at him intensively.

"Uh, you're starting to creep me out," Spike said, fidgeting nervously under her curious gaze. The fact that she was so big didn't help either, bringing back unpleasant memories from when he had tried to join the dragon migration. Sure, she had not been mean with him and he had to admit that she was quite cool, but the Sangheili still made him feel nervous.

"I apologize. It wasn't my intention to make you feel uncomfortable. It’s just that I’m still surprised that so many different intelligent species evolved on your planet.”

“Is it uncommon?” Twilight asked with interest.

Tarya shook her head. “No, it’s simply unique. We know of a couple alien races that developed different subspecies, but they still have a common ancestor. As far as I know, this planet is the only place where different sapient species have evolved individually and managed to coexist."

“Then I suppose we must be the classic exception to the rule, darling,” Rarity said, gently ruffling Spike’s crest in an affectionate way, much to his happiness.

"So it would seem," the young Zealot commented. "He's the first and only member of his kind that I've seen so far. Are dragons rare?"

“They may not be as numerous as other species, like ponies or griffins, but they're not a rarity. It's just that dragons are not really common in our country. Most of them live in the Dragon Lands,” Twilight explained.

"Then how did he end up living with you, if I may ask?"

"I was the one to hatch his egg during my admission test for magic school, and since then Princess Celestia tasked his care to me. He may be my assistant, but he’s my friend first and foremost,” the alicorn said, tenderly wrapping a wing across his shoulders. “And he’s also part of my family,” she added softly, causing the young dragon to blush a bit. “Even if sometimes he really tests my patience, I don't know where I would be without him."

"Probably studying in a dark dusty room surrounded by dangerously tall columns of books and empty cans of food, dressed with stained clothes and with a pair of thick glasses due to the time spent reading without the proper illumination," Spike speculated out loud, shattering the tender moment.

"Spike!" Twilight yelled indignant as she stared aghast at him. The young dragon realized with horror his mistake but it was too late. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie burst into a violent fit of laugher as the alicorn materialized a rolled newspaper in her hand. “You insensitive scaly jerk!”

“Wait, Twilight! I didn’t mean- Ouch! Mine was just a very likely scenario- Please, not the head!”

'And to think that the first time I saw him I thought he was some kind of servant,' Tarya thought as she watched in amusement the young dragon hiding behind Fluttershy to escape the alicorn chasing him.

“You know, sometimes I regret being an only child,” Flash Sentry commented to Applejack.

Applejack chuckled. “Yeah, siblings can be both a blessing and a pain in the flank, sugarcube. Especially the younger ones,” she added, earning a round of agreements from the other mares in the room.

“What about you, darling? Do you have any siblings?” Rarity asked to the Sangheili once Twilight had finally calmed down.

Tarya’s expression quickly darkened. “I do. Or at least, I did…”

The fashionista widened her eyes in realization and covered her mouth with a hand. “Oh! I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t know-”

“Worry not,” Tarya said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “It was over two years ago.”

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked softly.

Tarya stroked her lower jaws, trying to find the right words. “The galaxy is a big place, miss Fluttershy. It’s full of wonders, mysteries and adventures. But it’s also a place full of dangers. Not all of those who venture through its vastness are friendly.”

Twilight remembered how Tarya had mentioned that the Sangheili had met other alien species, including the humans, but she dared not to interrupt the Zealot. This was not the time for questions.

“There was a short yet terrible war between my kind and a species called Jiralhanae. We emerged victorious and as result their army was shattered. Unfortunately, many Jiralhanae ended up forming war bands that started raiding our colonies for resources.” She closed her eyes and took a deep ragged breath before resuming her tale, somehow managing to remain calm. “Lakawi is one of our most ancient and powerful colonies, but its star system is located in a remote area of our territory. The Arbiter, our leader, sent reinforcements as soon as we received the distress calls, but by the time the fleet reached the planet, the keep where my family had lived for dozens of generations had been completely razed to the ground. My uncle and I were the only survivors of our clan, just because we were not on the planet during the attack.”

For several minutes, no one dared to speak. Tarya noted with mild interest how, despite many similarities with humans, the ponies seemed to express their emotions using their bodies, in particular their ears, tails, and, for those who had them, wings.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy seemed to be the ones to react worse to her tale. Their ears were pressed flat against their heads and both now had teary eyes. She was shocked to notice how the previously puffy mane of the pink mare had now deflated, to the point that it was now almost as straight as the pegasus.

“Why did you start fighting?” Twilight asked somberly after a while. She knew that fighting was an instinct present in every creature, but she still didn’t think that causing suffering was right.

“The events that led to the conflict are… complicated,” Tarya said with a thoughtful tone, her gaze lost in the distance, as if recalling some dark distant memory. “All I can say for now is that the war changed us deeply and left several painful scars that I'm not sure will ever heal.”

The room became once again silent as none of the locals wanted to address what was obviously an uncomfortable topic for the Zealot.

Applejack lowered the brim of her hat over her face, but Tarya was still able to catch a glimpse of her eyes. There was sadness in them and, oddly enough, also comprehension. Tarya realized that the mare had probably suffered the loss of somebody she cared about, probably a member of her own family and her tale must have caused unpleasant memories to resurface.

“Alright,” Tarya suddenly exclaimed, breaking the heavy silence in the room. She took a deep breath and removed a bit of moisture from the corner her eyes. “I think it’s my turn to ask a question,” she said, trying to use a lighter tone.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked. “If you want we can always-”

“Yes, please. We can’t change the past, and there’s no point dwelling on it. The sooner I distract my mind, the better it is.”

“Ask when you feel ready,” the young princess said with a little smile of sympathy, mirrored by the rest of her friends.

The Zealot nodded in thanks at the group, but as she started looking for her next question, her mind went back to the presentation they had given her and she realized there was something odd.

"There's something that I do not understand,” the Zealot said cautiously. "It's clear that there's a bond of deep friendship between all of you, but I don't think you would have been invited to the castle of the leaders of your country just because of it. With the obvious exception of Princess Twilight Sparkle, the rest of you do not seem to have a real reason to be here, beside for moral support."

"Oh, you silly. Of course there’s a reason we’re here. We're the bearers of the Elements of Harmony!" Pinkie Pie beamed, back to her usual self.

"Elements of Harmony?” Tarya repeated with a thoughtful tone. “I remember hearing you talk about them with the Captain, back in the throne room."

"You mean before Twilight shot you, making you freak out and start fighting against the guards and thus causing this whole mess?" Pinkie Pie asked with disconcerting innocence.

"... Yes, miss Pie. Thank you for reminding us I'm the one that started the current interplanetary crisis,” Tarya deadpanned.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie Pie replied with a beaming smile to the Sangheili, ignoring or, more likely, unaware of her sarcasm.

"Eheh, don't mind her,” Rarity said with a nervous laugh. “She wasn’t trying to be mean, she’s just a bit eccentric.”

Tarya looked at the pink mare, just in time to see her sneeze a small cloud of colorful confetti.

“I can easily tell,” the Sangheili commented flatly. “So, back to the Elements, I’m curious to know more about them, if it’s not an issue.”

“Not at all. They’re common knowledge among us ponies,” Twilight Sparkle assured her. “However, to better understand the Elements of Harmony, we have to explore a bit of the history of Equestria. The first mention of the Elements dates back to the end of the so called Age of Chaos..."

Author's Note:

(1) Colo - animal native of Sanghelios, commonly farmed for its meat.