• Member Since 20th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Kelvin Shadewing


Guess what? I just found my way to the magical land of Equestria! Well, not so much 'found' as 'stumbled upon'... Wellll, not so much 'stumbled upon' as 'randomly appeared there for no reason'. The weird thing is, everypony seems to be taking my appearance in stride. Almost like... they're used to it...

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

This looks like it could be pretty interesting, but I guess it depends on how you handle it.

3891398 Mostly just trying to do something different. Usually when someone "goes to Equestria", they're conveniently the first one there. I wanna see how it plays out for someone who's last in line.

Actually, this is wonderfully witty. HiE needs new takes on it.

So no sex no parties no rock and roll

I say yay! see the site and and tour equastria! who care if your not the first? it awful embarrassing and sure as heck confusing and add scary! so least that problem over with and you can wonder without causing mass panic or bad things happen to you~

I really enjoyed reading your story. I love the fact that you opened up such a large topic, others have been here before you. What will you do? How will you stand out? What separates you from everyone else is such a magical subject. The main reason that I clicked on your story.

I don't mean to put any pressure on you, but you have some big shoes to fill! What happends next is going to be a huge turning point for you. It seems many people are rooting for you, waiting to see how this all plays out. I will keep my eye on you.

My I Be One of the Bronies you befriended in Equestria? If it's not too much to ask... Btw I'll fave this story & try to stay updated as well. (Can't wait for the next chapter) and also if you are thinking of meeting the main 6, if I were in the situation, they would mostly brush you off cause probably they might be tired of all the Bronies coming at their doors. You should first explore your new home first as your next plot to your next chapter. I'll still be hear to help you with your chapter ideas :3 and maybe try to find out how this all happened in the first place.

I thought about doing something kinda like this once, might have to use that idea...

Hmmmm. I would do things no one could do for me. Like meet the mane six. Or meet the princesses. Or see the world. Or meet Delanciecord. Or see what effect human innovation has had on that world. Then probably work at a smithy.

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