• Published 29th Jan 2014
  • 3,483 Views, 84 Comments

A Dark Knight Over Trottingham - iowaforever

  • ...

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“If I may speak freely, sir,” Pennyworth said as Blueblood and he made their way up the steps of Mane Manor. “You’ve got to stop running into such ‘interesting’ ponies like this. You’ll end up in traction or worse killed if you run into another band of thugs.”

“I’ll try not to make a habit out of it.” Blueblood said, nodding his thanks as Pennyworth held the door for him. “Pennyworth, do you know of any members of the Mane Enterprises’ staff that might have connections to the Trottingham Mob?”

“Your father did his best to clear out those sorts of folk when he took over the business,” Pennyworth started. “Since he died, though, who knows how many ponies may have had their moral compasses go askew. Why do you ask?”

“When those ponies attacked me, they said that their boss ‘wanted me in one piece’, and not for a ransom of any kind.” Blueblood crossed into the living room, Pennyworth following him close behind.

“Well, kidnappers tend to be well organized,” Pennyworth started. “But what does that have to do with the Mane Enterprises board?”

“Nothing, just something I was thinking of when I was at the police station,” Blueblood stopped in front of the fireplace. Perched above it was a photo taken a few months before his parents were murdered, them and him sitting before that very fireplace smiling for the camera. “The mob has never made any direct attack against my family, not even after my parents died. What’s changed since then? And it’s not like my trips to crime alley are well known. Somepony who knows me and my schedule well would have had to get in touch with the criminals or their handlers so they could be in the right place at the right time.”

“Are you saying that somepony on the board wants you dead or missing?” Pennyworth asked. “That sounds utterly ridiculous! To think that somepony would betray a figure such as you, and for what?”

“Silver Industries, probably,” Blueblood turned away. “There are a few members on the board who were none too happy when I rejected Silversmith’s partnership offer. I wouldn’t put it past the pony himself to try something like this, but it seems a little...”

“Roughshod, sir?”

“Most likely. Silversmith has nothing to gain if I just disappeared, even with a favorable board running Mane Enterprises in my stead.” Blueblood turned back to Pennyworth. “Do you know of any ponies my father would have vouched for, anypony who would be completely loyal?”

“There’s only one: a zebra named Foxtail if I recall.” Pennyworth frowned. “Though, it sounds a lot like you are taking matters into your own hooves, sir.”

“Other than a few cops, the mob has too many ears around for me to speak lightly about this sort of thing,” Blueblood crossed the room, heading for his study as he continued. “I need to figure out who I can trust... and who I can’t. Then, I can figure out who was after me.”

“Sir, I understand that this is a sensitive issue,” Pennyworth started. “But this isn’t some awry building contract or environmental concern: you’re talking about straight corporate betrayal and sabotage. You may start with the best intentions and the highest confidence, but please make sure that you understand what your limits are before you get too deep into something you cannot control.”

“If somepony wanted to kidnap me, it’s already too far out of my control.” Blueblood sat down at his desk before continuing. “Call Mr. Foxtail and arrange a meeting with him, and make sure you use the private line in case somepony tries to listen in. I’ll take my dinner in here tonight.”

“... Of course, sir.” Pennyworth nodded and turned to leave, Blueblood missing one last worried glance from the old pony. He had steepled his hooves, staring down at the ol desk as he thought up a plan of how to approach the matter.

Dad... he thought. Bad ponies have come in to ruin everything you’ve worked so hard to build... I’m going to make sure they don’t get any further.


Foxtail was a well dressed zebra, though his glasses failed to hide his nervousness as he stepped into Mane Manor. He had eased up a bit after Pennyworth had greeted him, and it was not long before Blueblood himself escorted him further into the manor.

“I must say, Mr. Blueblood,” he said as they walked into the study. “It’s a bit unexpected for a pony to get a personal audience with you.”

“I’ve been meaning to step out a bit more, perhaps show the world who the real Blueblood Mane is,” a lie, but manners sometimes had to come before the truth. “Please, sit down. Pennyworth will be back with some refreshments in a bit.”

“Oh of course,” Foxtail made himself comfortable as Blueblood crossed over to the back of the desk. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing the ‘real’ Blueblood Mane?”

Blueblood gave a small snort before his face grew serious. “What would you say of the integrity of the Mane Enterprises Board of Directors?”

There was a lengthy pause as Foxtail thought it over.

“I cannot fully say without personal biases, Mr. Blueblood.” the zebra began. “I was one of the last ponies hired before your father was... um...”

“It’s okay,” Blueblood shook his head. “There’s no need to dance around the issue like that.”

“I try not to think on the matter,” Foxtail replied. “But anyway, since I am relatively new to the company the board has not always been the kindest to me. Why else do you think I’ve been down in R&D instead of up there with you?”

“Speaking from personal experience, you appear to be the lucky one.” this drew a chuckle from Foxtail before Blueblood continued. “But to get to the point, do you think that anypony there would be engaging in deals ‘under the table’, as it were?”

“With all due respect to you and your father, I would be surprised if nopony did.” Blueblood frowned. Things were far more serious than he realized. “But I can only think of a few that would actually look after their own interests instead of the legacy of your father.”

“Any names off the top of your head?” now it was Foxtail’s turn to frown.

“Now Mr. Blueblood,” he started. “While I do not have a whole lot of love for the Mane Enterprises Board of Directors, I’m not willing to turn them over for reasons that I do not know.” My father chose well with this one, Blueblood thought.

“It concerns the kidnapping attempt made on me back around Hearth’s Warming,” Blueblood said. “I’ve got suspicions, nothing more, but I think that a member of the Board might have paid off the Mob to kidnap me.” Foxtail gasped.

“Dear Celestia,” he muttered. “I had no idea...”

“It’s alright, Foxtail,” Blueblood leaned back. “I’m sure it caught all of us off guard. I want to find out who it is that wants me out of the way, but I need to do it in such a way that I or anypony else doesn’t draw more fire.”

“I... I see.” Foxtail adjusted his glasses before continuing. “I’m still not sure if that’s legal... or if I want any part of it...” he firmed up his posture before speaking. “But then, if it helps preserve at least some of the legacy your father left behind, then who am I to ignore it?”

“Good pony,” Blueblood said, flashing the hint of a smile. “I’ll be staying out of the office for a while, just until all this finishes blowing over. In the meantime, start looking around for anything that might point to one pony or the other, anything that might have ties to the mob.”

“A lot of ponies might find it odd for a sudden review of documents,” Foxtail mused. “But I have a few connections in records that might be willing to help... so long as I’m careful, I shouldn’t lose my job... or my life...”

“Just get me some leads, and I’ll take it from there,” Blueblood stood. “They may want me out, but I’m still President and CEO; they can’t exactly turn me away from everything without looking suspicious.”

“I really hope you’re right, Mr. Blueblood.”


Foxtail’s inquiries had produced some fruit; a number of documents from members of the Mane Enterprises Board had been deemed as “classified information”, documents spanning a time around when Blueblood fully assumed his role as CEO and the time of the kidnapping. Unfortunately, Foxtail did not have the clearance to access those files, so Blueblood would have to take care of matters personally.

He stepped lightly down the hall, keeping a neutral expression about himself as he headed towards “Records”. It was a quieter section of Mane Enterprises, with only a few ponies around to take notice of him. One, a rail thin, bespectacled unicorn, quickly lept to his hooves as Blueblood entered Records. “Mr. Mane, what a surprise!”

“Sorry, just wandering around a bit, Mister...?”

“Cross Reference, sir,” the unicorn stammered. “Don’t mind me, it’s just... well, I’ve never actually met you before, Mr. Mane.”

“Oh,” Blueblood gave a small chuckle. “Well, guess I should get out more, huh?”

“If you say so, Mr. Mane.” Cross Reference replied. “So... uh... is there anything I can help you with, Mr. Mane?”

“No...” Blueblood started. “Oh wait, there was one thing. I’d been looking into some of our communications concerning the Silver Industries contract and thought I saw a few things missing.”

“M-m-m-missing?” Cross Reference started, ears drooping.

“Oh, it’s not your fault Mr. Reference,” Blueblood said quickly. “Probably just a filing error. Mind if I go take a look, maybe see if they might have been misplaced?”

“Of course, Mr. Mane!” Cross Reference nodded. “I’ll have to take you back there, though: policy is that Records can’t be accessed by one singular pony, in case they might steal something.”

“Sounds like a sound policy,” Blueblood nodded. “Who came up with that?”

“You did, sir?” Blueblood knew that, but the role of the clueless billionaire came rather easily to him, so why change his style?

“Oh, did I?” Blueblood laughed again. “Silly me, I must have forgotten. Oh well, lead on Mr. Reference.” Cross Reference nodded, turning and wandering off into the wing with Blueblood in tow. Blueblood gave a small shiver as they kept walking, his eyes darting between the cubicles. “Is it always so chilly?”

“Yes Mr. Mane,” Cross Reference said. “Records is always kept slightly below average temperatures, to help with the preservation of the records. Too hot, too cold, and everything will be damaged.”

“I see.” a pause. “You’re quite good at your job, Mr. Reference.”

“Oh, thank you.” Cross Reference gave an awkward smile. “Yeah, records, files, negatives, it’s my special talent and all. Just seeing all that information getting process, or in need of processing, it’s fascinating to watch, especially when you start factoring in all the different channels and paths it has to go through.”

“Sounds like a lot to keep track of.”

“That’s just part of the fun, isn’t it?” Cross Reference paused. “Oh... it’s probably quite boring to you, isn’t it?”

“Not my special talent, but I have my own thirst for information of all kinds.” Blueblood chuckled. “My father said I should’ve been a detective instead of a business pony, so I could actually use that information instead of just sitting around letting it go to waste.”

“Oh...” Cross Reference lost most of the joy he had been projecting. “I know it’s late for this, and you’ve probably heard it a million times, but... I’m sorry about what happened to your parents.”

“Thank you.” It was true, he had heard it countless times before, but it was still one sign that his parents’ legacy continued. For how much longer, though, remains to be seen.

“Ah, here we are.” Cross Reference stopped at a door, pushing it open to reveal a large closet filled with filing cabinets. “This contains transcripts and copies of every communique written or verbal concerning business matters that has passed in and out of Mane Enterprises in the last year. The Silver Industries Communications should be under ‘July 2’, second drawer.”

“Thank you.” Blueblood stepped forward and opened the drawer, pulling out any relevant files he could find. Almost everything was there, from Silversmith, Bottom Line, and Barleycoat bringing up the topic to the Board, to Blueblood’s final letter turning down Silversmith’s contract. Nothing but the basic communications had come back from Silver Industries, but Blueblood could only speculate as to how “Lex” had taken the rejection.

Poorly, most likely.

However, there was nothing really out of the ordinary... Except, for the ones who explored the option first and foremost, Bottom Line and Barleycoat did not appear very often in communications between Mane Enterprises and Silver Industries.

“Mr. Reference,” Blueblood asked. “Did Messrs. Bottom Line and Barleycoat make any requests about the Silver Industries communiques?”

“Not that I know of...” Cross Reference said, scratching his chin with a hoof. “I do know that some documents were moved into the classified section, but I just assumed you authorized that in accordance to company policy.” there was a lengthy pause. “You... didn’t?”

“Not that I can remember,” Blueblood replied, setting the files back in the cabinet. “Can you go get them for me?”

“I’m not authorized to go back to the classified section...”

“Well, you have my authorization,” Blueblood exited the room, followed by the other unicorn. “Go get those files, especially anything from Bottom Line and Barleycoat.”

“Yes sir.” Cross Reference nodded. “The Classified Section is a little further back; just give me a moment to get you clearance and I’ll be right back.”

“Can’t I go with you?” Blueblood asked.

“Not without authorization; your father didn’t want anyone to find an easy way into the classified section on their own.” Cross Reference massaged the back of his head. “It’s from a different time, I suppose.”

“I’ll have to address that at some point or another. Now, off you go.” Cross Reference nodded and jogged off down the hall, Blueblood stepping away from the other doors as he mulled over this new development. Somepony had moved records into Classifieds, knowing the loopholes that a pony would have to go through to get there. Possibly Bottom Line and/or Barleycoat, but whatever or whoever they talked to remained a mystery: Silversmith? A Mob contact? Somepony else?

Leads... at least he had an idea of where he was going.

He was broken from his thoughts by the sound of hoofsteps coming towards him. Cross Reference must work fast; I’ll have to give him a promotion sometime soon. Blueblood turned to face them, but frowned as he saw two security guards approaching.

“Mr. Mane, sir,” the leader said. “We heard you needed some help down in Records.”

“I did...” Blueblood started. “Did Mr. Cross Reference send you? Where is he?” the two ponies looked to one another, seeming rather unsure of themselves.

“Mr. Mane, if you would come with us-” the second pony started, but Blueblood had started backing away from them.

“Who sent you?” he demanded. “What is it that they want from me?”

“Mr. Mane, you’ll need to come with us-” Blueblood wasted no time in turning and bolting for the door. Somepony had been alerted to his “snooping”, and now the guards were here to take care of him... most likely.

That theory became much more possible when one of the ponies tackled him from behind, delivering a quick kick to his head to knock him out. Blueblood struggled for a brief instant, his vision going fuzzy as the ponies restrained him.

Not careful enough. Once more, Blueblood had failed.


The first thing Blueblood was aware of was that he had a burlap sack over his head. Not overly original, he supposed, but then it was most efficient. The air was thick with smoke, Neigh Orleans cigars if he was not mistaken, and he was surrounded by at least three other ponies, all armed.

“Well, what do we have here?” a fourth member said before yanking the sack from Blueblood’s head. It took him a moment for his eyes to adjust before he saw the cigar-smoking griffon standing before him, a smug grin on his face. “If it isn’t the Prince of Trottingham himself, Blueblood Mane.”

“... Falcon, I presume,” Blueblood muttered back.

“Ey look, he know’s who I am.” the Falcon chuckled, taking a drag from his cigar. “Guess there isn’t just air in that thick skull of yours, eh Prince?” Blueblood said nothing, instead glaring up at the gangster as he moved away. “You’re a hard pony to find, Blueblood. When my boys first failed to grab you back at Hearth’s Warming, I thought you’d just slip through my talons... but then here you are, delivered right to my doorstep like a late Hearth’s Warming Gift. I’m touched, really.”

“So you’re the one trying to kidnap me,” Blueblood growled. “Why?”

“Don’t know, don’t really care either.” the Falcon turned back around. “Somepony wants you out of the way, so they paid me a nice stack of cash to make it so. That’s how things work around here.” there was a pause before the Falcon grinned. “Oh, what’s the matter? Daddy’s little angel finally get some stains on his pearly white robes?”

“Don’t you dare talk about my father!” Blueblood lunged forward, but the other ponies restrained him. The griffon just laughed.

“Or what? You’ll sue me?” he chuckled again before taking a drag from his cigar. “I never knew your old man, Blue, but my old boss Don Carmine did. Want to know what he said about him?” there was a lengthy pause as the Falcon leaned into Blueblood’s face.

“He had nothing but respect for Thomas Mane,” he said. “Makes no sense, I know, but Carmine was crazy about the guy; even sent flowers to his funeral, cried for two whole days when that punk put two slugs in him and your ma.” Blueblood’s glare intensified as the Falcon drew away.

“Before you start throwing around accusations, Carmine didn’t off your parents; we’re bad ponies and griffons down here, but we’ve got to show some class. Besides, Carmine saw there wasn’t much different between the Manes and us down here.”

“My father would never associate with criminals like you.”

“Really? You never stopped to think about how alike we are, you and I?” the Falcon stepped behind his desk, producing a weapon not unlike the one that had killed Blueblood’s parents “We’ve both got visions, grand ideas, a way to run the world and make sure that everypony gets what’s coming to them. But there’s one big difference between you and I... Want to know what that it?” Blueblood said nothing as the Falcon pressed the barrel of the weapon against his temple, his eyes closing as he waited for his life to end.

Click... Click...

“It’s empty, ya dumb pony,” the Falcon hissed. “Even my blind Granny could see that, yet you cowered like a little chick hiding from his father. You know what that means?” there was a pause, the Falcon’s expression souring further. “Well, do ya?!”

“... No.” Blueblood said finally.

I ain’t bound.” the Falcon tossed the weapon aside. “I’m the guy who puts a gun to your head and makes you beg for mercy. I can do that because I don’t give a damn about what society thinks of me, ‘cuz society’s already kissing my talons at every word I say. You? You’re just a stuffed shirt who thinks hiding behind his money and fame will get him set for life. You’re Blueblood Mane; you’ve probably never had to suffer for once in your life, never had to realize that you need more than just money to get through to the next day.” Blueblood said nothing, not even as the Falcon delivered a punch to his chin.

“I always laugh whenever stuffed shirts like you try to come down to my level,” the Falcon said. “You’ll never understand what it’s like to be down here, to know true power, and you’ll always fear what you don’t understand.” a pause. “Now, your father understood this, nipped a bit at our peripheries before he got killed, but never went deeper. You... doubt you’ll ever get that chance.”

“So what, you’ll kill me now?” Blueblood asked.

“And waste a perfectly good crossbow or bullet on you?” the Falcon scoffed. “Nah. I’ve got a few buddies in the old country who’ve been looking for a pony like you. Not a perfect fit, but they’ll take good care of you out there.” The Falcon took a drag from his cigar. “Nice to see you, Golden Boy. Enjoy the trip to the Griffon Kingdoms.”


The Falcon had sent word to the Mane Enterprises board a few days after, that Blueblood was safely on his way to a prison deep within the Griffon Kingdoms. Money and accolades were exchanged, and the Falcon rested easy with his fifteen million bits while the Board’s replacement Blueblood called Silver Industries to renegotiate the manufacturing deal.

Arrangements were made, the fake Prince Blueblood boarding an airship bound for Manehattan at approximately 10:30 AM on a Tuesday. At approximately 11:00 AM that Tuesday, the airship was suddenly strickened and crashed, ending the lives of six ponies and injuring dozens more. Blueblood, or at least the pony that bore his face, was unharmed, but no longer appeared interested in going to Manehattan, heading to Canterlot instead. The crash was reported as a mechanical failure, though some witnesses would later say that a red streak had struck one of the stabilizers, causing the craft to spiral out of control.

The Mane Enterprises/ Silver Industries deal imploded once more, and the Board Members were left to question just what happened to Blueblood Mane.

Author's Note:

Now, to get things moving again. I would have done more with Zod replacing Blueblood (or his double, as the case may be), but this is a Batman story, not Superman, and I didn't want to get too distracted... any more than I already am, to be honest.

Anyway, thanks to those that have stuck around. Likes and comments are appreciated, and if I screwed something up please let me know.