• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 1,347 Views, 20 Comments

Re-Looting - Grazy Polomare

Silverspeed is glad that her days of thievery are over. But with a disapproving family, boring job, and remnants of her past haunting her every step, she might just reconsider an early retirement.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Sibling Rivalry

The rest of the day was a blur for me. I delivered my letters, ate a sandwich somewhere in between, and somehow made it back to the office to change out of my uniform.

Derpy must have already left, since the afternoon muffin tray was empty save for a few crumbs.

“Oh, Silverspeed.” Paper Trail was hobbling out of the office. “Your mother Silver Bells came in today. Wanted me to remind you to pick up your sister from Sugarcube Corner by five.”

Sweet Celestia, she treated me like a foal. Did she think I'd forget something as important as my own sister? Well…okay I’ll admit I almost forgot. But almost isn’t totally. And I totally didn’t forget to pick up my slightly bratty sister. It was a busy day at work after all.

“Thanks, I’ll see ya’ tomorrow, Mr. Trail.”

"Your mother is so considerate.” He had a dumb grin plastered on his face this time. Yeah, Mother thinks of her children so highly, Mr. Trail. I think she's more in love with the silverware then her own daughter. Maybe that's how she figured out what to name my little sis. Because clearly using an old saying was a lot better than listening to my Dad's suggestion. Jeepers, that name was almost as bad as Diamond Tiara, not that Filthy Rich had much going for him in terms of a family legacy. Although I'd never forget the day I heard her initial middle name. Diamond Stinkin Tiara Rich. Oh...and maybe a Dazzle somewhere in-between.

Silver Spoon was waiting by Sugarcube Corner as expected, her hoof impatiently tapping on the gingerbread encrusted wall. It appeared Diamond Stinkin Tiara must have run off with her Filthy Rich father. “Hey there, sis.”

“You’re late.” Not even a simple hello.

“No I’m not.” I gestured to the clock tower. “Mom told me to pick you up at five on the dot, right.”

Silver Spoon merely humphed like some pompous politician who didn't get her way. “Mother wouldn’t like to see you slacking off.”

“Slacking off? I just got off work.”

“Sure you did, Silverspeed.” Not ‘Dear Sister’ or just ‘sis’. Silverspeed. What was I, her maid?

“Well, how was school?” I decided changing the subject might lighten her attitude a bit.

“None of your business.” She snapped.

Okay, I could tolerate Mother’s insults on a daily basis. But when my little sister started bossing me around, well…my seniority kicked in. “Hey squirt, maybe you ought to show your elder's some respect.”

Silver Spoon glared at me. “Was that a question?”

“No, it’s a command, Spoonie.” I smirked.

That sure got to her. Her face was turning a deep crimson, probably because I said it out loud in public. Too bad Diamond Tiara wasn’t here to hear it. “I thought I made it perfectly clear not to use that name. It sounds like hogwash.”

"Hogwash? Hogwash my flank. I invented and patented that name. The rights belong to me, Spoonie. And I can use it however I want.” I was really getting a kick out of it now.

She let out a low growl that sounded more like a sick kitty than anything else. “Stop it, Silverspeed.”

“Why?” I knew I should stop. She was no longer blushing, and her right hoof was starting to shake. But I couldn't help it. My wings were aching and it wasn't helping that I was being lectured by a pompous little brat.

“Because I told you to.”

“So what?” I flew in front of her view. “Am I your servant now? Is that it? Have I lost the right to be your sister, Spoonie?”

“I told you to stop.” Silver gritted her teeth.

“Are you Mother’s little princess now? Maybe I ought to have Diamond Tiara replace me—“

There was no screaming. There wasn’t even a whine. Just a grey blur followed by a sting across the cheek. For a moment, I just stood there, either too stunned or astonished to speak. The only thing I did notice was Silver’s eyes brimming with tears. “Silver…I…”

“No…” She stomped her hoof on the ground. “Stop…just…” Before I could stop her, she ran down the street, avoiding the concerned faces of the onlookers.

The sting was still there, as if reminding me of how much of a jerk I was. Only a few brave souls bothered to look me in the eye, their reprimanding stares condemning me.

I could have chased her. Silver Spoon might be young and still brimming with boundless energy, but I had the advantage of flight. And yet, I couldn't. It was like some chain had grounded me, pulling me back rather than pushing me forward.

I just looked on, watching her fleeting form vanish in the sunset. To say I was happy or sad to see her go was rather difficult to pinpoint. For one thing, I still loathed her for acting like a spoiled filly. For another…I had antagonized her to the breaking point.

It was one thing to tease your sister. It was an entirely different thing to continue teasing just because it made you feel better. The former of which felt good, while the latter most likely led to a fight. I’d let my anger get to me and now any chance of me and Silver Spoon having a sisterly relationship had gone up in flames.

Eventually, I just slouched my hooves and continued on my way, too depressed to see where I was heading. There would definitely be some consequences for my outburst. Maybe I should just stay at a motel for the night, and wait for Mother to chill down before I-

“Oaf!” Great, this day just had to involve one more incident before it could be over. Hastily rising to my hooves, I began to formulate some apology to whoever the unlucky fellow turned out to be. “Sorry ‘bout that—“

“Oh believe me, it was quite intentional.”

I froze, slowly lifting my head to see the sly grin of Shoeshine gazing down at me.

Was this entire day made to piss me off? “Hey, Shoeshine.”

With those piercing red eyes, you’d think she’s some kind of dragon in disguise. Believe me, I’ve had more than enough evidence to support this theory, too. “You look like Tartarus, wanna grab a bite?”

Oh sure, let’s talk within close proximity to forks and knives. I’m sure it’ll be a great get-together. “Actually I was just heading home—”

“Your mom can wait,” Shoeshine shoved me forward. “I, on the other hoof, cannot.”

Well that settles that. Sure I could probably have still followed through, but I wasn't anxious to get home. And Shoeshine would probably continue to pester me until I did eventually talk with her. So with a regretful nod, I followed her back towards downtown Ponyville. Since it was a weekday, most of the restaurants were crowded with workers getting off their shifts, enjoying a daisy sandwich or half-heartedly munching on some steaming hay fries.

“Is there a reason—“

“Uh-uh,” Shoeshine held out her hoof. “We’ll talk when we sit.”

Typical Shoeshine to implore mannerisms after threatening me to dinner. Judging by the setting sun, Silver Spoon had probably reached home. And that meant Mother was going to have one heck of a ranting saved for me when I got back. Although I was debating if that would be a better punishment than dinner with my former compatriot in crime.

We stopped by a little outdoor café marked by a giant carrot. It wasn't much, but it didn't look rundown. There was even a family eating here too. So it couldn't be that much of a sketchy establishment? Not that Ponyville had many sketchy establishments, save for Quills and Sofas or whatever the Flim Flam Brothers are selling these days. Taking a seat at the far corner, I gave a quick look through the menu before we flagged down the incoming waiter.

“What can I get you ladies?” He pulled out a notepad.

“I’ll have the special.” Shoeshine replied flatly.

“Give me a Sunflower Supreme with curly hay fries.” I hoofed over the menu, before adding. “And a mare-gerita on the rocks.”

Shoeshine gave a mocking gasp. “Somepony’s a little adventurous tonight, aren’t we?”

I snarled. “Shut it, Shoeshine. It’s hardly my first.”

“Nor your last.” She poured herself a glass of water from the pitcher. “So tell me now, what have you been up to you these last—how long has it been—three years or so?”

“Two years.” I corrected. “Although technically one since I’ve been here.”

“Oh yes,” Shoeshine mused. “I’ve been here for around two years since you left. Carrot Top has been teaching me how to become more agriculturally independent.”

I nearly gagged. If there was anything I remembered from our old days, it's that Shoeshine lacked a green hoof unless it was the spending kind. Sneaky, inconsiderate, demanding, she had a nasty streak a mile wide. Not really the traits you’ll find in your local produce grower. Although I suppose she was relying on that inner Earth Pony magic of hers to save the day.

“I’d figure a mare like you would want to live somewhere with more…” I looked around the place. “…style.”

Shoeshine narrowed her eyes. “Ponyville’s got all the flair I want. We’re host to the Elements of Harmony. We’re dead center in Equestria. It’s practically a no-brainer how important this town is.”

“Sure.” I chugged down the mare-gerita, letting the alcohol numb the ache in my wings. Doing an extra load put a lot more strain than I expected. I didn't need a lot to get drunk. Unlike Shoeshine, my body mass was significantly smaller so that I only needed a couple of drinks to put me out. You could imagine what this meant in a family of earth ponies who took drinking as seriously as they took business.

“So what’s your business here in Ponyville? Silver mines, I presume?” Typical of Shoeshine to make it sound like I was the chairmare of Mother's company. That mare wouldn't trust me to do janitorial duty let alone hold a chief executive position in that Luna forsaken place.

“I work as a mailmare.”

“Can’t imagine it pays much.”

“It’s enough to get by.”

“And yet you still live with your folks? Too cheap to buy your own place?” Coming from a mare living with Carrot Top, I wondered what she hoped to gain by insulting my lack of bits.

“As if.” I settled the glass on the table. “There’s not a cent to my name that isn’t tied to them. And if I recall correctly, you’re not exactly living on your own.”

Shoeshine shrugged. “Rehabilitation hasn’t exactly been kind to me, Silverspeed. And judging by that scene with your sister, I’d say it hasn’t been all that pleasant for you either.”

That got my gears grinding. “So now you’re a spy too.”

“Not a spy, just a witness.”

“It was just an argument.”

“It didn’t sound like sibling rivalry to me.” I felt like I was being interrogated by a mare who already knew the answers. Shoeshine was just getting a kick out of this.

“What’s it to you anyway?” I raised my voice an octave higher. “Why is my life so damn important that you need to know every single—”

“Hot plates!” The waiter slid our dishes in front of us with remarkable grace. “Let’s see, one Sunflower Supreme for the grey pegasus and a special for our returning customer.”

“We’ll continue this later.” I stuffed a hoof-full of hay fries in my mouth. For a good half hour or so, we devoured our entrees in silence. After the fiasco with Silver Spoon, I’d been too occupied to notice the rumbling in my stomach. Now, I was eating with gusto.

After a month of Mother's new diet, I’d forgotten how good greasy food could be. My family believed in refined organic waste as a meal and it had deprived my taste buds of the glory of food in general. I was surprised I still had tastebuds at all. I guess that gave me one point over Mother though.

Shoeshine ate like an animal, wolfing down her meal with such speed it was almost comical. She only waited until she was sated before wiping her mouth with a napkin. “Silverspeed, you know I care about you.”

I let out a deep, hearty cackle. “Like Tartarus you do.”

Shoeshine’s smiled was wiped clean off her face. Why was it that when she was being cynical, I was forced to laugh, but whenever I attempted to crack a joke, I was suddenly the bad guy. She looked as if I’d just called her mother insane. “I really do, Silverspeed.”

“And this is such a fine way of showing it.” I sneered. The mare-gerita hadn’t even kicked in and I was already losing my temper.

Shoeshine crushed the mixed greens in her hoof, her face growing red with fury. “You’re one to talk!”

I continued to finish off my food. If I couldn’t fight her, I might as well ignore her before I end up making a bigger fool of myself.

The calm, cold composure was gone now. “What’s the matter? You forget about our promise? The promise you made to me? Do you remember anything in that thick skull of yours—”

I growled. “Can it, Spotless!”

She froze, a bewildered look on her face. It only took me a second to realize what I’d just called her. It was a name I hadn’t used in a while. A name I shouldn’t have used at all. “I...I mean…”

Shoeshine just sat there with a satisfied smirk. “You started it, Archer.”

Oh how I’d like to smash her face on the table. I hated Shoeshine. I hated the way she looked at me. The way she talked to me. The way she tried to make me look like a bad guy when she wasn’t any better. The way she acted like it was the old days. Everything.

She waived at the waiter for the check. “It’s on me this time, Silverspeed. You may think it’s all in the past, but I haven’t forgotten. And I think you know it too.”

I finished downing my second mare-gerita, rising up to leave. “I’m not that mare anymore.”

She nodded. “Of course you aren’t.”

By the time I got home, the moon was already high up in the sky. Our two-story house still had the porch light on. Typical of Mother to be waiting for the chance to scold me on something I was already beating myself about. Deciding that facing my fate was inevitable, I went through the porch.

“You’re late, Silverspeed.” Mother was sitting on her armchair, bundled up in some sorry excuse for silk pajamas.

“Yeah, had dinner with a friend.” If I had an alibi, Mother couldn’t say I was goofing off at least. She'd become rather paranoid that I'd go back to my old ways if I wasn't at home. It probably didn't help that I still kept my bow and arrows too.

But Mother just sort of sat there, as if unimpressed. Still, I suppose the answer was a bit vague. “And you were going to tell me…when?”

I shrugged. “We sort of bumped into each other.” Technically, that was the truth. Just that Shoeshine had intended it to be so.

“Well, maybe you’d like to talk to Silver Spoon about it next time.”

Here we go. The tidal wave of scolding was about to begin. I mentally braced myself for the outcome. “Mother I—”

“How dare you make her walk an extra block back home.”

“What?” Mother was concerned that I left Silver Spoon by herself for a few minutes? I'd practically left her daughter crying all the way back home? Either Mother really did care about nopony or I had just woken up from a bad dream.

Mother just shook her head, as if she was trying to explain ABC’s to an illiterate mule. “Silver Spoon told me you’d let her run ahead to make it home. But apparently in your haste to come back, you stumbled upon an old acquaintance and decided to have a jolly banquet without us.”

Silver Spoon lying to Mother? Had Shoeshine put something in that drink? If she did, I didn’t mind. It would numb the social degradation that came every time I had a conversation with this dragon. “I’m…is she still up?”

Mother just groaned, giving up any hope of making me understand why she was so pissed off. “She’s upstairs. I need to sleep anyway.”

I ignored her own spiteful comment, running up the stairs to see Silver’s door left ajar. Sure enough, the little filly was sitting by her bed, playing with a china tea set.

“Hey, Spoons.”

“I told you not to call me that.” Silver didn’t look up, but I could tell there was a hint of animosity in that tone. Best to tread lightly than.

Walking up the four poster, I decided to sit by the end. “Whatcha doing?”

“Pouring tea. What else would I be doing?” Her tone was sarcastic, but not enough to suggest she wasn't willing to talk.

I decided to lean over, taking in the waft of ice cold water in my nostrils. “Mhmmm…smells lovely, Ms. Silver Spoon. What tea is it?”

Silver just rolled her eyes. I had to admit that as bad as I’d felt about making her cry, making her pissed never got old. “Jasmine, Ms. Speeder.”

There we go. If she was throwing nicknames now, that could be a sign, right? “I adore jasmine. Such aroma is not familiar in this region.”

“Perhaps you’d like some?” Silver lifted up one of the cups. “It wouldn’t be proper of me to deprive you of such pleasures.”

I took the cup, downing the water in a very un-ladylike fashion. “Delicious. Needs more gin and tonic, however.”

Silver giggled. “If this is an attempt to express your appreciation you can—“

I reached over and locked her in a hug. She must have just taken a bath, cause her fur was as smooth as silk and slightly fuzzy too. Or maybe that was the alcohol kicking in. “I’m so…so…sorry.”

My little sis only gave me an awkward pat on the shoulder. “It’s…cool.”

I figured that I was strangling the poor filly by now, so I cut her loose, taking my position back on the end of the bed. “You're usually not one to lie.”

Silver Spoon just shifted a bit, avoiding my gaze. Now that I came to think about it, I'd never seen her this vulnerable. I was already laying a tentative wing on her shoulder, and she was actually snuggling next to it. “I guess…maybe…I felt it was partly my fault?”

“Really now?” I stood up. “That’s some big words coming from you.”

Silver Spoon dug herself deeper into the sheets. “It’s just…you were gone for so long.”

I nodded. “Can’t imagine it was easy.”

“Diamond Tiara kinda helped me get my hoof through the door. For the longest time, it was just me and her." I could say all I want about Diamond Tiara and my sister's poor choice in friends, but Diamond Tiara had probably taken over the role I was supposed to fulfill, even if she was a tad younger than Spoonie herself. "Mother didn’t put many restrictions on that. She was always talking about you anyway.”

Mother had talked about me? If she told Silver Spoon the truth...

“What did she say?” I asked, hoping Spoonie didn’t detect the hint of fear in my voice.

“Just that you left the family.” Spoonie sighed. “I mean…why? Was it because of me? Was it—“

“No! Never. It was never because of you.” I grabbed Silver in another hug. Boy, I should start using these more often. Reminder to also ask Silver what she used in the bathtub.

“Was it Dad?” She wiped a tear from her eye. “I know I was just a foal when he left but—“

I shook my head. “All you need to know is that your sister was selfish. She didn’t think about her family or her little sister. She was only thinking of herself.”

“But you changed, right? You’re not going to go and run off? Right? Silverspeed?”

I knew it was bad to freeze, especially when Spoonie was pleading with me. But, somewhere deep inside, I just had this nagging doubt that it wasn't so. That with Mother's constant insults and a life stuck as a mail pony, I wouldn't be convinced to run off again.

“Of course, I came back didn’t I?” Somehow, that sounded like a lie rather than a reassuring statement. But I could worry about that later.

Spoonie smiled. “I guess I’m just not use to having a big sister. It feels so weird, like there’s a stranger who comes in this household everyday, eats our food, and sleeps in our guest bedroom.”

Well that pretty much sums up my presence quite nicely. “I guess I’m just getting use to the fact that I have a little sister who’s addressing me like a sibling instead of her butler.”

We both chuckled at that, probably because it was true. “We’re going to need to work on this whole sister-thingy, won’t we?”

“We’ve got a good couple of years to adjust.” I ruffled her mane, causing a little cry of indignation.

“Hey, I just washed it.”

I flashed her a mischievous grin. “I know.”

Before she could protest, I gave her a quick nuzzle on the cheek before I rose off her bed.

“Wait, sis!”

I turned around. Did she just call me ‘sis’? Now I was beginning to wonder if I’d picked up the right filly. “Yes?”

“I didn’t want to tell Mother, but—“ She pulled out a little notebook, flipping through the pages until she found it. “Well…since it’s Hearths Warming Eve and all…”


Silver Spoon took a deep breath. “CouldyoubuymetheIron-Will-Sing-Along-Carol-Doll!”

“Umm…what?” She’d said the sentence faster than a chipmunk on skooma, which I would highly recommend seeing one day. Those animal activists can say all they want. Animals on drugs is darn right hilarious. Well, alright maybe it was wrong on some levels, but it wasn't like I was kicking puppies or anything like that.

Silver Spoon sighed. “Could you buy me an Iron-Will-Sing-Along Doll?”

So a present, eh? I must really be in the inner circle now if Spoonie was trusting me with this wish. “Sure, Spoonie, I’ll get it for you.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You need to stop calling me that.”

“When I’m dead, you can burn all the copies.” I chuckled. “All 989 of them.”

“Grrr…you’re lucky that I’m nice.” She rolled over in bed, shunning me away with her mane. “Night, dear sister.”

“Goodnight, my sweet angel.” I closed the door, walking across to my own bedroom.

And sure enough, the monster was standing over the doorway, her hooves crossed and a stern look that made her slightly more intimidating than usual.

“You should really think about getting a new nightgown.” I suggested.

“I don’t know what your game is, but if you try anything with Silver Spoon, I swear—”

Was she seriously thinking I'd betray my own sister? Alright, I may still hate the little brat, but I didn't go back on a promise. “Don’t you trust me with anything?”

Mother walked over, leaning into my ear. “You remember your place, young lady. It was because of me you still have a roof over your head instead of some iron bar—”

“I know, Mother, I know.” I shoved her away. “Trust me with this.”

“Oh, like how I trusted you to be a good little filly? Or how I trusted you to be a responsible mare when you grew up?" Really? Was she bringing this up again now? I was thankful Silver Spoon was asleep and that Mother had the common sense to keep her voice low.

The fact remains that she may have control over me, but that didn't mean she had to taunt me. We'd made a deal that my past was in the past, and now she was using it as ammunition against me. “You know I'm your daughter too.”

Mother seemed unfazed by my reaction. “So start acting like it.”

Sometimes, I really wondered if there were any merit to those words. Was I supposed to act like her daughter or was I supposed to be her daughter?

Author's Note:

Alright, Chatper 2 re-edited. Give it a quick read I guess.