• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 6,378 Views, 56 Comments

The Royal Family - P3RROHAMBRE

The story of Sombra, Twilight, and their kids. Learn their stories and learn what truly makes a family.

  • ...


“Do you hear that?”

The gray coated mare simply sighed at the colt’s inquiry before answering.

“Yeah, I hear it.”

The colt’s ears twitched more as he heard the sounds fill his ears.

“They’re at it again Nova.”

“I hear it too. I guess Mom finally got to dad.”

Jet flopped onto his back, throwing his hooves into his black messy mane.

“Well it’s annoying!” he blurted, “I can never get the sounds of it out of my head when I’m trying to sleep.”

Nova rolled her dark red eyes at the whining colt as he complained and rambled about these sounds that seemed to torture his very soul.

“Well complaining about it won’t stop it,” she stated firmly as she sat at her dresser and mirror, neatly combing her black mane, making sure the single dark blue mixed with a light purple strip was neat and precise within.

“It’s just something you have to deal with.”

Jet simply scoffed at his sister.

“Gosh you sound like Mom. It’s already bad enough you have the same mane style as her.”

Nova turned to her brother while sitting at her desk and simply gave him a look of sarcasm.

“Oh yes, cause you know, I totally should have a messy mane and coat just like you because I simply adore the lowly peasant look.”

“It would change things up a little,” Jet snickered.

Nova rolled her eyes once more and got back to tidying her mane and making sure her appearances were more than exemplary.

“Besides,” Jet continued as he got up from the floor and went over to his sister’s desk and leaned on it, “Father’s mane is messy and you don’t see anypony complaining about it. Even Mom likes it.”

Nova’s nerves were becoming strained. He had been in her room for the past hour, complaining and making stupid remarks and simply not shutting up.

She also hated how her brother could be so naive about things. He had the mental capacity to perform magic at a level that most unicorns couldn’t at his age, but yet was as naive as a foal.

This was becoming one of those times she wish she had a sibling that was of the same gender. Her brother seemed to be a living testament about how oblivious adolescent colts were.

“Of course Mom likes his mane, she’s married to him”, Nova said flatly as she continued her combing, “And nopony is going to say anything about Father’s mane. They would probably be beheaded if they were to say something about it.”

Jet’s purple eyes dashed to the side. Her answer made sense and his cheeks slightly flushed knowing that his sister was right. Nova always had to be the one that was right about things and anytime he tried bringing points up with her, she could almost always debunk them.

“Whatever,” he simply said.

Nova smirked , knowing that answer meant her sibling had conformed to her reasoning. She set her brush down on her desk and began scanning over herself in her mirror, looking for any hair out of place.

“It’s okay Jet. One day you’ll get some common sense, I’m just afraid of when that day will come. If it comes I mean.”

Nova began chuckling at her given insult, but the unicorn wasn’t simply going to take that from his dear sister and he did the one thing that always got on the mare’s nerves.

“Well…” Jet said with a grin that Nova was too busy to notice as she concentrated on her grooming, “When that day comes…”

His black horn with a dark purple tip lit up, and a magical dark purple aura formed over a certain hairbrush. With quickness and technique, the hairbrush zoomed off Nova’s desk, making the mare’s eyes dart over to her brother as he caught the brush in his mouth, grinning devilishly.

“I’ll give you your brush back.”

Nova jumped off her chair and scrunched her face in a twist of annoyance.

“Are you really going to start this again?? How many times do I have to tell you to keep your grubby little hooves and two bit magic off my things??” she said with a bit of bass in her voice.

Jet had the liking of pissing off his sister for the sheer fun of it. Ponies that touched her stuff without permission was big pet peeve for the pony and her brother exploited it.

“When you start learning to be nice,” Jet laughed, “I might start listening to you princess.

Nova’s nostrils flared hearing him calling her something so girly. Her patience with her immature brother was running thin.

“Give me my brush back, get out of my room, and I won’t kick your ass again,” Nova threatened as she sprung out her wings.

“Pffff! Like you have before? You couldn’t beat me up even if you had magic. You can’t even beat me up now cause you're flying sucks and I’ll get away from your slow flank anyday!”” Jet blurted, challenging his sister’s threat.

Nova’s patience hit zero. She was not going to take such slander from her brother. He needed to be put in his place.

“Oh yeah?!” Nova retorted, “Prove it then!”

Without warning, the mare pushed on her hooves and her wings pushed air behind her, making her dash to Jet. The stallion’s purple eyes widened for a second, but he reacted quickly. His horn lit up once more and in a moment before Nova could tackle and punish him, he disappeared with a pop and popped back near Nova’s bedroom door.


Nova had put too much power in her wings. She had hoped that she was quick enough to get to the unicorn before he could pull off a spell, but it seemed he was a bit faster and now she would pay the consequence.

With a sick thud, the pegasus landed face first into the carpeted floor and her body came crashing.

“Bahahaha!” Jet laughed after seeing his sister’s failure, “Maybe you should ask Mom to give you some flying lessons before you try that again, huh?”

Nova gritted her sharp teeth and whispered under her breath.

“Stupid Teleportation spell. Why did Mom even teach that to you?”

“Because I’m smart, unlike you,” Jet answered, making the pegasus scrunch her muzzle even more. She shot a deathly look at him as she stood onto her hooves, and the unicorn froze, knowing he had incurred her anger that almost matched their father’s.

“Yeah?” she said, her body slightly shaking from her brother’s taunting, “Let’s see how smart you are when I rip into your throat with my teeth!”

“Oh crap!” Jet cried as his sister lifted off the floor and pushed off towards him with her wings. He quickly teleported once more away from her as she flew out the door and missed again.

Only difference was that she learned from her previous attempt and recovered herself quickly in the air and turned quickly to where he transported. She knew that though he was proficient in magic, he still wasn’t that powerful to teleport long distances.

“You’re mine!”

Jet’s purple eyes went wide, realizing his sister quickly got his number and was really coming for him. He would get tired if he kept using his magic and she would eventually get him if he kept up the same tactic.

There was only one thing that could save her from his sister’s wrath.

“Mom! Dad! Nova’s trying to kill me again!” the unicorn yelled as he ran and transported through the glittering and pristine crystal hallways, with only an enraged pegasus left in his wake and the moon that glowed outside and watched them


“The day has been tiresome. Can we not do this another time?”

“You promised that you would last week. It’s time to make good on that. I’ve been waiting for tonight and you’re not one to break promises, are you?”

The unicorn slumped down in his chair, knowing his queen was right. Yet, he still couldn’t muster the strength to get up. His day had been stressful and it seemed that all his energy had been sucked dry out of him from the pains of royalty.

He just wanted to sit in his comfy black chair with his sleeping robe on and peacefully smoke his cigar.

There was a warm fire, crackling and popping in it’s ornate fireplace and the light that emitted from it gave the immense room a pacifying tone. The dark crystal walls that surrounded this place of tranquility gave off a subtle sparkle in the dim light, showing off the castle’s luxurious qualities and items.

“I suppose not, but my legs are tired as is. Being banished within the frozen wastes does make the legs stiff and it does take several years for them to get back up to par,” he said half jokingly.

“Enough Sombra,” the alicorn said with a teasing smile as she stood in front of him, “You promised you would, and that’s what I expect from my king.”

Sombra simply groaned in response.

“Damnit Twilight, your persistence can be very troublesome at times.”

Twilight Sparkle simply rolled her eyes and gave her husband a smirk as she hopped up on the unicorn’s lap and ran her hoof across his soft black mane.

“If it wasn’t for my persistence, we wouldn’t be together right now,” she said as the small jewel in her mane that resembled her cutie mark sparkled in the dim light.

Sombra could only smile as he looked upon his wife. He loved how her lavender fur seemed to glow in the light and how, with all that she had been through with him, she still held a certain purity and innocence in her eyes. The light pale blue crystal fabric wraps that went around her tail and the black dress she had chosen tonight to wear was no less than captivating, and her wings which were always neat and precise teased his eyes.

“Fine,” Sombra said, finally conforming, “Just don’t be surprised if I’m not to your standards though.”

Twilight chuckled and gave her husband a quick peck on his muzzle and got up from his lap.

“When did I ever have standards for this? I just want you to dance with me is all.”

But Sombra did, at least for himself. He was king of the Crystal Kingdom after all. He held himself to a standard that almost rivaled perfection. The unicorn knew his past and the wrong he had committed against his subjects and Twilight, and felt that holding himself to a standard of immaculacy would right those wrongs.

But this was just a simple dance that his wife desired. Was this really a time to apply such a standard?

Sombra took one last puff of his cigar and put it out in a tray that sat on a small crystal table beside his chair and got up, ready to fulfill Twilight’s romantic wish.

“If we are to dance, then I must put together some appropriate music for the occasion. I will just summon the-” but he was interrupted with Twilight’s hoof to his mouth.

“Don’t worry about that. I don’t want other ponies in here with us. I have the music taken care of so there will be no need for others. I want it to be just you and me tonight,” Twilight said with a sincere tone, but also with a hint of playful mischief underneath it.

Sombra raised his brow and smirked, liking where this was going, but had to ask one last thing before the two could have their night.

“And what of the children? I assume you have put them to bed already?”

He had to ask.

His children had the uncanny ability to pop in at the wrong times and there had been too many occasions where Twilight and him had the intentions of being intimate, and just when their desire for each other was at a whirlwind, the kids would come in and ruin it with their complaining and tattle-telling.

But this wasn’t to say that he didn’t care for them.

They were his blood, and he held high hopes and dreams for them. He was willing to do anything to make sure they would come to fruition, like any parent would.

Twilight nodded.

“I made sure to tell them to prepare for bed and to be in it by ten tonight. They should be fast asleep by now. If not, Spike will take care of it.”

Sombra’s red eyes took a glance at a clock that hung over the fireplace, reading 11:30 p.m.

Twilight had caught his glance and brought his attention back to her, placing her hoof gently on his cheek.

“Hey, I know its been awhile since we had time to ourselves, but don’t worry. I told them to be in bed and that’s what they will do.”

“And what of the nightly servants? This is one of the common rooms within the castle, they will surely-”

Again his wife interrupted him, trying to cease the pointless excuses.

“Sombra please,” Twilight now said firmly, “It’s all taken care of. I already took that all in account. I made sure that my king would be free for me tonight.”

Sombra finally conformed and let the thought go.

“Very well. I just wish I would’ve brought something more appropriate for tonight instead of my robe.”

Twilight’s horn lit up and with a flash and pop, a dress coat appeared in front of the stallion.

“I took care of that too,” she said with a smart-ass smile.

Sombra took hold of the coat with his magic and put it on, making his sleeping robe disappear with another flash of magic.

Twilight looked over him and smiled inside. She loved how Sombra looked in his dress coats and what not.

“Maybe if you would’ve worn this when I was trying to stop you from taking the Crystal Kingdom, you may have won.”

Sombra groaned lightly, hearing her bring that event up again.

“Why must you bring that up? It’s hard for one to make a turn around when their past keeps being brought to surface.”

Twilight frowned, seeing that she had made a mistake.

“You’ve come a long way Sombra. If I didn’t think you had changed, I would’ve never married you, let alone bear your children. Your past has nothing to do with who you are now. I’m sorry for bringing it up, I was simply trying to compliment you was all.”

Sombra waved it off, seeing that he didn’t want to ruin the night. He knew Twilight meant well, he just hated how he had to remember back when he was just a tyrant king, obsessed with power and, for some odd reason, stairs and crystals.

Though, the stair and crystal addiction was still a work in progress.

Regardless, the past was the past. He wanted to concentrate on what he had now.

He went over to her and stood up on his hind legs and held his hoof out.

“Enough of this talk my dear. The night is for us, no need to damper it with ill thoughts.”

Twilight lightly smiled and took her husbands hoof and stood on her hind legs, letting the black dress show in full across the span of her body. The dim light from the fireplace made Sombra’s mare glow and holding her gentle hoof in his only seemed to make his eyes wander across all her features.

But admiration wasn’t dancing.

“So, “Sombra said with a warm smile, “What will the queen of the Crystal Kingdom play for us tonight?”

Twilight chuckled lightly and her horn began to glow.


“A little something I been working on with the spell books in the Crystal Library. I been working on it all week, but I’m sure you will enjoy it.”

Sombra didn’t doubt it. Twilight knew what he liked, and he trusted her choices.

“Well let’s not waste time. We are wasting the moonlight simply standing here,” Sombra said.

He put one of his forelegs on her waist while he still held her hoof in his.

His wife took his posture as a sign of his readiness. Her horn warmly glowed and lit off a small ball of purple, sparkling magic into the air. It rose up near the crystal ceiling and without pause, exploded into tiny bolts.

Two magical darts hit the double doors that led inside the room, closing them and secluding the couple. The rest of the bolts hit the carpeted floor and as they splashed onto the surface, an assortment of instruments appeared in their place along with what Sombra noticed was a crystal servant, an artificial pony made of crystals and infused with magic, a spell that Twilight had designed herself.

“Ah, there is going to be singing also?” Sombra said.

Twilight nodded.

“Of course. It’ll be like our first date remember?”

It was a memory the unicorn was fond of and he now knew exactly what she was going to play for the both of them.

“I remember,” the king said with a sly smirk,”And I remember how that night ended too.”

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully in response and wasted no more time in beginning their night. Her horn lit up one last time, and on command, the instruments came to life and the crystal pony she had created that stood next to the fireplace lifted it’s crystal head, ready to fulfill its purpose.

Twilight put her free hoof on her husband's shoulder as he put his at her waist.

“Ready?” she asked, “I know it’s been awhile since we done this.”

He was more than ready and smiled warmly in response. Sombra held her hoof and took the first step.

And as if it was natural instinct within both the mare and stallion, they began moving in rhythm with the music.

Step by step, Twilight and Sombra danced around the room, taking in the lovely sound of the violins and the artificial crystal pony’s more than exceptional singing. They moved smoothly together, neither missing a beat as their hind hooves followed their respective partners.

Their eyes were locked onto each other.

They didn’t need to worry about their steps or their rhythm as they moved. The only thing that kept their minds occupied now was their infatuation with each other.

Twilight couldn’t help but admire Sombra’s dark red eyes. They held a love in them that she knew was only for her. Where they once held evil and nothing but ill intent, they were now replaced with compassion.

The couple moved with grace.

They weren’t static nor hesitant in their steps. If a pony were to watch these two, they would be envious of how these two seemed to lose themselves within the instruments and each other’s presence. It seemed the outside world was just that; outside and non-existent.

“I haven’t heard this song in years,” Sombra said with a sense of nostalgia, staying in step with his wife.

“I had a feeling you would enjoy it,” Twilight said warmly, “Brings back memories, doesn't it?”

And it did, making the king chuckle to himself.

“What’s so funny?” Twilight asked.

Sombra simply shook his head as a certain memory ran through his mind.

“Nothing my dear,” he said, “Just remembering how a certain mare thought I was nothing but a brute and held no care for others.”

He eyed her with a playful curiosity and she came back with her own playful counter.

“Hmmm, I also remember a certain stallion saying that I was nothing but a goody two-hooves filly who didn’t know what she wanted,” she retorted with jest.

“And you still are,” Sombra said as he made a quick turn and gently lowered his queen almost to the carpeted floor, her head nearly touching it, “Only difference is that you don’t act like a small filly anymore.”

He brought her back up and twirled her, letting her black dress twirl with her as the dim light of the fire illuminated Twilight. With precision and brilliance, Twilight twirled herself into her husband's embrace, her back to him as he wrapped his forelegs around her waist and brought her mouth close to his ear.

“And you’re still a brute,” Twilight whispered, giving the stallion a small teasing lick on the rim of his ear, causing him to blush from the unexpected but welcomed gesture of playfulness.

The alicorn twirled out of his embrace immediately after, but the king quickly grabbed her hoof and brought her back into stance, though now his mind had wandered from the past and to what he had in front of him.

“Only when I need to be,” he said, making the mare smile along with making her lavender cheeks turn a light shade of red, exactly knowing what he was referring to.

The two continued in their dancing.

The fire crackled as the two went around the room, teasing each other. A small peck on the lips here and there, a few sultry words of wanting, and even some flicks of tails were had during their dance.

Maybe this wasn't the place to be doing such things, but who was to say that to a king or queen? This was their night to themselves and they didn't see any wrong in their actions, nor was there. It may have not been in their chambers, but their minds were far gone and consumed by each other to really care or consider that they were in a common room of the castle.

Every step seemed just a step closer for the fires within the two to come at a whirlwind and a moment closer to where the couple would show their love for each other in the most intimate way that all couple's could.

But soon, after more teasing and sweet nothings, the music had died down. The instruments disappeared and Twilight’s crystal minion had fell apart into nothing but a pile of sparkling rocks.

The crackling fire was all that was heard now as the mare and stallion stood still. Sombra’s forelegs were wrapped around his mare as she laid her head on his soft, black chest along with her front hooves.

“It seemed you have lost your focus my queen,” the unicorn said as he took his hoof and stroked her soft cheek, “Don’t tell me you wish to end the night after one song. You are the one that insisted having a night of danc-”

“Hush you,” Twilight said, silencing her king’s mouth by placing her hoof gently against his lips, “I don’t want to dance anymore.”

She looked up to him with her purple eyes and he looked back into them.

“Then what do you desire Twilight?”

She paused for a moment before giving her answer.

“Must you really ask?”

And without warning, the mare pressed her lips against his, but this wasn’t to say it wasn’t expected nor welcomed. Sombra took her soft lips and pressed his own against hers. The smell of flowers filled his nostrils and his hooves gripped around her waist, pulling her in closer to him, leaving no space between the two.

His heart beamed for her and it wasn’t long before the couple went from basic kissing to a passionate tongue war. Moans and grunts were made by the both of them as they began losing themselves to each other’s embrace and passion.

But the fire within these two would not settle for just simple kissing.

“Enough of this,” Twilight said as she broke away from their kiss and pushed Sombra against one of the walls they had drifted to while lost in their tonsil hockey, “I think it’s time that my brute loves me properly.”

Sombra couldn’t agree more and he was more than ready to. It had been too long since the birth of their twins.

“If that’s what my queen wishes…”

With power and force, Sombra lifted his mare by her hind legs onto him, eliciting a small ‘eep’ from her, and she wrapped herself around him as he held her from the floor.

“...then that’s what she shall have.”

He pressed his lips against her this time as his black, red tipped horn lit up and began removing Twilight’s black dress. Tossing the piece of clothing to the floor, the unicorn broke their hungry kiss and went to her neck, gently biting into her lavender fur.

“Sombra…” Twilight softly moaned, loving the treatment she was receiving.

Love and lust ran amuck in the two, but they both happily embraced it.

Sombra’s hooves gripped onto Twilight’s flanks, making the mare shudder out of excitement.

His heart was beating rapidly within his chest as he continued nipping at her neck and collarbone, even letting himself drag his tongue against her ear.

“You taste delightful,” he huffed as his lust for her came at a whirlwind, “It has certainly been too long.”

Twilight gripped her hooves against the back of his dress coat and whispered in his ear.

“Stop teasing Sombra. You know what I want.”

He smirked, loving how this night was turning out. He was now thanking whatever higher power there was in his mind for deciding to actually take Twilight on in her request to dance, for it seemed now that it was going to lead to a night of lustful fun.

He brought his mouth close to her ear.

“I won’t be gentle,” he whispered.

Twilight smiled wickedly.

“I expect nothing less,” she said, “Now how about you shut up and just fu-”

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Twilight stopped her sentence as the two stared at each other for a moment, as if what they just heard was something of imagination, and then looked at the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Didn’t you say that we wouldn’t have any interruptions?” Sombra said, a bit annoyed that the mood had been halted.

Twilight nodded with a look of confusion and turned her head to the double doors and called out.

“Um...who is it?”

And a voice replied that both Sombra and Twilight knew meant only one thing.

“It’s Spike and uh, well…”

Sombra and Twilight looked at each other and deadpanned.

“The kids,” they both said in unison.

Oh the wonderful joys of parenthood.

Comments ( 56 )

i got a question is the rest of the mane 6 and the princess and all of the other ponys in this story to

More please

Just gonna fav this. The setup sounds awesome, I can see myself laughing in the future. I will watch this.

Twili maried to Sombra? Intresting:rainbowderp:..........

Well, this will prove to be... interesting. I will fave this.:raritywink:

Loki #10 · Dec 22nd, 2013 · · 1 ·

Better question, how did Twilight end up with stallion. ;)


Good man. You won the game.

3665299 What's my prize?

i have not even red this book yet and i HAVE TO SAY THAT
Twilight sparkle x king sombra is not a crack shipping!:twilightangry2:


OPINIONS!!! Oh sweet merciful Jesus!!!!


But its a great book so far:twilightsmile:

Wait... how'd the ass hat come back from having an alicorn chucked at him like a javelin? and why would Twilight go for a stallion who enslaved and/or done raped hisself a whole bunch of ponies who have the tendency to light up like disco balls? And doesn't that sort of thing hurt your eyes? Of course, I shipped Shining, Cadence, and Blueblood together, so I shouldn't really talk...

I like the premise of this... but the execution is somewhat lacking :unsuresweetie:

At the very beginning for example, I was slightly confused due to how you chose to refer to the twins. At first I have actually thought that the "mare" talking with the "colt" at the start were not the twins mentioned in the summary--because, to use a different analogy, how could a "boy" and a "woman" be twins? To make it worse, one time you call Jet a colt, and in the next instance you call him a stallion... what is this I don't--

All in all, you could really use some help from a patient editor/prereader.

But anyway, I am curious how Twi & Sombra could possibly begin to bear with eachother's presence without immediately starting a fight, not to say get married, so... I am going to follow this for now, hoping that the next chapter will be of a better quality :twilightsmile:


Duly noted. As of better quality, you expect too much for I am a terrible writer. Unfollow this story and thumbs it down to save you the time. :ajsmug:

(Oh and the twin thing is from the tumblr cause the artist considers them and refers to them as twins. Also, I do agree about the editor part. As hard as I try, I can never get the grammar and what not perfect. Alas, I'm a lonely writer and it will be so until further notice)


Oh and the twin thing is from the tumblr cause the artist considers them and refers to them as twins.

I don't think you understand me.

What I mean is that calling one twin a "colt" and the other a "mare" would imply an age difference of many months or years between the two--a 16 year old person can't be a twin to their 10 year old sibling, for example. In your case, you should refer to these twins as either stallion & mare, or colt & filly.


Ooooooooh! It all makes sense now! MY EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED TO THE TRUTH!

They're teenagers what do I call them?


Probably young mare and stallion. Most teenagers do not like being a called "boy" and "girl" and prefer young man or woman instead. Parents and other adults may feel differently.

Wonderful story! One thing, though, you cannot refere to one as a colt and the other a mare.
A mare is a fully grown female horse, a stallion is a fully grown male horse.
colts are unmature, young male horses while fillies are unmature, young female horses.
Basically, fillies and colts = boys and girls or children while mares and stallions = women and men or adults.
They way you word it makes a differece in age. I hope I helped! :scootangel:Thumbs up from me!:pinkiehappy:

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :raritycry:

Fine... If you don't believe me, then read "A Mare's Defense" by Timberwolf. :trixieshiftleft:


Is this fanfiction?

Yeah, it's a fanfiction. I dare you to look it up here and read it.


I have. I remember it. What is the significance here?

Ohh... nothing. This one shocked me at the complete rarity of SombraTwi fics.


So what was the whole 'Noooooooo" thing about? Still confused on that :applejackunsure:

I was expecting something like A Mare's Defense but I forgot about the romance and comedy tag. And I also didn't expect SombraTwi to happen.



nananananananananananananana Dende nanananananananananananananana Dende





Go to the 4 minute mark.

I can see something like this happening

You know I've been expecting a fic based on that tumbler to show up sooner or later. You have my gratitude for delivering it.
I've always loved Bluntwhisky drawing style, especially Sombera, makes him look like he's part lion. :coolphoto:


Shalt there be any update soon?


If you refer to my page and to the blog entry titled "Dates" you will see the date when this story will be updated

4849103 Little bit late lol


Just a tad. Have more pressing things to take care of though. Like getting ready for the birth of my bebe lol

5385418 Congratulations man! I'll just wait til you have some time to finish up this, good luck with your baby!

Like getting ready for the birth of my bebe lol

I was gonna be all "When are you gonna update?" but then I saw that and said "Nebbymind..."


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