• Published 20th Dec 2013
  • 5,278 Views, 100 Comments

Star Fox Equestria - Pronche

Since the Anglar Blitz, the galaxy is at peace... until this day, with Oikonny's invasion on Katina. But, in another system away from Lylat, a new threat arise and only one famous team can intervene: The Star Fox Team.

  • ...

Space Battleground

A few seconds after the Great Fox created the portal

The customed Cornerian Fighter let out a charget shot which flew to its target and destroyed it. The pilot was about to chase another enemy when a voice coming from the Communications Channel interrupted him.

"Captain! We're detecting gate transmission outside the combat sector!"

Just after the soldier said this, the large green portal appeared. A long ship, colored in grey, red and white, came out of it. The old Carrier was flying toward the Cornerian fleet before stopping less than ten kilometers away from the battle.

"Hang on guys, help is on the way!"

"Sir, we're detecting a lone ship coming to us! He's flying at Mach 4.2 and don't show any sign of slowing down."

A single fighter, colored in grey and blue, flew in front of the Cornerian Fleet and destroyed one of Oikonny's aircrafts with a single shot. The captain's eyes widened when he saw this. He took his radio in one of his paws and pushed the button on it.

"Fox?! Is that you? I can't believe it!"

"It's my quote! Even after 12 years, you don't have the right to steal it!"

Bill couldn't help but laugh at this. This person was indeed his best friend.

"So, you're the reinforcement Peppy send to us?"


"I see... what's the plan Fox?"

"Keep shooting down the Carriers and Battlecruisers, Oikonny is mine."

Then, the battle began.

"You sure you can do it? You have to go through his whole fleet to fight him."

Fox smiled at the caring attitude of his old friend. "Bill, I've fought in the Area 6, it was far worse than this. And I wasn't as skilled as now. Don't worry for me, I'll be fine. I'm not Fox McCloud for nothing, after all!" he replied before accelerating towards his target.

An enemy ship passed before him, right in his screen with the green square. Before the rational part of his brain could do anything, his instinct kicked in and he pulled the trigger. A single laser, coming from the nose of the ship, left his plasma cannons and hit its target which exploded in tiny parts. A high-pitched sound was resonating in the cockpit, coming from his radar. Someone was behind him and was about to launch a laser beam or a bomb. Quickly, Fox pulled the stick to him, forcing his Arwing to do a loop. Then, he found himself just behind his opponent and killed it without a second thought.

Unfortunately, this technique left him vulnerable for a few seconds and, of course, another foe used it at its advantage to defeat the vulpine. This time, Fox used another tactic which was very dangerous and could finish in a collision between the two ships.

The fox suddenly braked, forcing his Arwing to stop its course. His enemy barely escaped from the possibly collision by dodging on the right and continued to fly. Now, McCloud's foe was before him. At the first second it entered the green square, Fox pulled the trigger as fast as possible and destroyed it.

After this, a few ships tried to shoot him but the fox either dodged their lasers or made a barrel roll to deflect them. The Arwing may be one of the best but it wasn't invincible and could be damaged or destroyed, just like any other ship.

Slowly but surely, Fox was progressing. He stopped to count the number of his victims after fifty or so. From where he was, he could see Oikonny personal flagship but had a few Battlecruisers on his path.

Looking at his screen, the pilot swore. His shields were a quarter-down and he only had one Nova Bomb left. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to use it as a distraction. His left finger was about to press the button used to call ROB for a supply when he was interrupted.

"Unknown ships approaching at high speed." said the robot, in Fox's headset with a monotonous voice.

Fox frowned. "Who could that be?"

Three fighters flew before the Arwing before someone's voice could be heard in his left ear.

"Hey Foxy, need some help?"

The pilot couldn't restrain himself from smiling when it reached his ears. This voice belonged to one of his oldest friend and teammates. The blue avian's face appeared on his display.

"Sure Falco, I prefer to have you to watch my back than someone else, except Bill. But don't be too cocky."

"No problem pal. Katt, Dash and little ol' me will keep the other ships at bay and do me a favor... kick Oikonny's ass as hard as possible."

Fox couldn't help but laugh at the request.

"With pleasure."

The vulpine pushed the Arwing at its maximum velocity while Star Falco was busy throwing lasers and bombs at the remaining cruisers and carriers with what remained of the Katina's defence forces. Luckily, Falco's plan worked perfectly. Fox flew around the dogfight without being noticed and dashed to Oikonny's mothership which was the same as when he rebelled on Fortuna. Fox knew that Andrew had detected his aircraft but didn't do anything, as if he was waiting for the mercenary to come to him.

Oikonny's Theme

"So, the legendary Fox McCloud is here to put me in jail, isn't it?"

"Not really Oikonny. After all those years, I'm really tired of dealing with you. So, I'm going to end you, just like your uncle."

A maniacal and sickening laugh left Andrew's mouth.

"You don't know what you're fighting McCloud, I'm not going to make the same mistake as the last time."

Fox's facial expression darkened. "Me too. I'll make sure that you stay down, definitively."

[Hyper Laser: enabled]

Fox began the hostilities first, he threw his last Nova Bomb, which exploded at the contact with his foe's ship and followed with a charged laser. He continued to shoot as fast as possible, wanting to end this fight quickly. But, contrary to what he thought, his assault left Oikonny's ship completely undamaged. There wasn't any visible weak point on the mothership. The confusion was clearly visible on his face.


"Playtime over McCloud."

A black large cannon appeared from the tip of the ship. Strangely, Fox's Arwing began to be attracted to the strange weapon. For the vulpine, that thing acted like when Andross tried to eat his fighter on Venom and Sauria with his Telekinesis. He pulled his stick to left and barrel rolled a few times to try to escape the sudden change in gravity.

"Admire the power of my new weapon! A black hole generator!"


Hearing this, Fox's eyes widened and his survival instinct took the control of his body and mind. He quickly made a U-turn and flew as fast as his Arwing could. Unfortunately, the hole was progressing on him. The distance between the two was becoming closer and closer. The orange fox deactivated all the systems he didn't need and transferred the energy to his G-Diffuser.

"Fox!" yelled the blue avian, quickly approaching.

A growl escaped the vulpine's muzzle. "Don't come any closer Falco, I don't want anyone else to be trapped with me!" he replied while trying to control his ship which was dangerously shaking at this moment. Despite the fact there wasn't any gravity in space, Fox could still feel the attraction created by the generator. He was trying his best to stay calm and not panic, something only years of experience would help to achieve.

"But…and you?"

"I'll find a solution."

Fox decided to surcharge the engine, hoping he would gain enough speed to escape from the weapon's grip. A few warnings appeared on his screen, telling he was overheating his engine but he ignored them. Until the moment when the security systems were automatically activated and the power in the cockpit went off, deactivating all the other systems still online, except for the life support. The second after, Oikonny's cannon exploded, quickly followed by the whole ship.

"FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled the blue avian, flying at the position where he'd last seen the Arwing and its pilot.

There was nothing. No Fox, no Arwing...absolutly nothing. Andross's nephew may be dead in the explosion but it was too late. Fox McCloud wasn't here anymore, he had fallen in the darkness of the black hole and was lost forever.


Three minutes earlier

A deep brown monkey with glasses and a white jacket was furiously typing on a holographic screen. He left his position and walked to his superior who was watching the progress of the battle.

"Sir, we don't know how but the vortex is out of control and still gaining power!"

"What? You must be kidding me! It's supposed to be perfect! I advise you to quickly find a solution before I decide to kill you with a round in the head! I will not let my uncle's work be wasted by your incompetence." screamed the nephew of Andross, anger clearly present in his voice.

The head scientist bowed. "Yes sir." he replied, trotting back to the computer to find the source of the problem.

Looking at the little scene from his seat, Andrew Oikonny slowly smiled and raised his hand.

"Wait a second. I think our now-wild black hole will help us to get rid of McCloud, and this, definitively. We'll take care of our first problem after."

The two watched Fox struggling against the gravitational field of the black hole and trying desperately to fly away. Internally, Oikonny was completely overwhelmed with joy by what he was seeing. One of his greatest enemy was about to die just before his eyes and the death of his uncle, the mighty Andross Oikonny, could be avenged.

Unfortunately, everything couldn't go as planned. Electrics arcs popped from the computers and other equipments, destroying everything.

"What's happening?"

"The vortex is dissipating too much energy and the ship is absorbing it! It could explode by any second from now!"

Just before Andrew could do anything, his mothership was engulfed in a blinding light.

"Uncle Androsssssss! I've failed you!"

The second after, there was nothing left of the ship and its crew.


Just like he imagined it, the interior of a black hole was void of anything except darkness. His ship continued to float for what seems hours when a small light appeared far away from him. After a few minutes, the environment around him changed drastically. The darkness was suddenly replaced a beautiful cyan sky, void of any cloud. The sun was very high in the sky.

Fortunately, his engine came to life despite the dark smoke coming from it. The mercenary knew he couldn't stay airborne for a long time. His ship was seriously damaged and almost all the equipments were offline.

"Where the heck am I?" asked the fox to himself.

Looking around him, the vulpine saw there was several distinct landmarks and a city before his eyes with a white castle. He decided to fly to it and spotted a garden with a wide area to land. After this, the cockpit opened itself and its pilot jumped on the ground. Fortunately, the atmosphere of this strange land was breathable.

After a few seconds, Fox heard the sound of footsteps coming toward him and turned his body in this direction. He put a hand on his holster, ready to defend himself against whatever local threat this world could have. But he did not expect what he was actually seeing: white ponies with wings or horn, protected with a golden armor, and armed with spears.

'Well, I hope they're as friendly as the Earthwalkers.'

The group of guards, composed of ten ponies, stopped a few meters away from Fox and his Arwing.

"State your business creature! Are you friend or foe?!" asked one of them, in a commanding voice.

The orange vulpine put his hands in the air, as a sign of peace.

"Calm down guys, I think we should begin with the presentations first and the questions after. My name's Fox McCloud and to answer your question: I'm not your enemy. I was fighting against a really bad guy when I was aspired by a black hole and I ended here. I don't want to cause you any harm. I promise."

The pony who talked to him, a unicorn stallion, slightly nodded. "It would be better for both of us if you meet the Princesses, they'll be able to take care of your problem. So, follow us and don't make any trouble. I keep an eye on you."

"I wouldn't dream of it. Lead the way." smiled the pilot, before being surrounded by the equines.