• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 15,621 Views, 1,139 Comments

From Scratch - Kaldanor

After the Gala, Octavia has hit rock bottom. Cast out by society, she has to try and start all over again.

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Chapter 10

The sound of her own hoofsteps echoing down the narrow hallway filled Octavia's ears. The sound was so loud that it forced the confused thoughts from her mind. She wasn’t entirely sure why she was walking back through the hospital. The only thing she knew for certain was that she did not wish to return home. The thought of returning to that hellhole so soon after her moment of weakness, actually caused her to halt her march and shiver from head to hoof. With that very clearly decided in her mind, she resumed her slow walk back to Resonance’s room.

The door was still open when she arrived, so she pulled it shut with a quiet click as she made her way inside. Resonance had in the meantime fallen back asleep, her head resting amongst the pile of pillows stacked up around her in bed. Octavia didn’t really feel like talking, so seeing Resonance asleep was a boon. The cushioned chair in the corner looked more welcoming than it had before, so she nestled herself into it and stared aimlessly out the window.

Perhaps it was true that she could have taken it easier on Scratch. It could also be said that she might have gone slightly overboard with the way she had treated the unicorn. Still, it was difficult for her to translate these statements into Vinyl’s loud and angry tirade. The more Octavia thought about it, the more the urge built up inside of her to lash out and kick something.

“She even said that I was right about the way she had behaved…” Octavia grumbled as she began to scowl. “If she had said that I was right, maybe I would have believed her when she said she was sorry. Is it really that much for me to ask for her to be mature and own up to her mistakes? I would have treated her better if she had just acted like a grown mare…” She let out a quiet sigh as she stared out the window for a few minutes.

“Who the buck does she think she is anyway?” Octavia snarled. “She went on and on about how I shouldn’t assume that she’s so terrible, then she turns around and says I hate everypony else?”

“Who are you talking to, Octavia?” Resonance quietly asked from her bed. Even though the question had been gentle and a little tentative, Octavia couldn’t stop herself from jumping slightly before she turned around.

It took a lot of willpower for Octavia to choke back a groan when she realized that Resonance was actually awake, and, more importantly, that she had actually been talking out loud. She pushed back the panic for a moment to gauge Resonance’s reaction. She was still giving Octavia a look of confusion, but thankfully it seemed that she hadn’t heard most of it.

“Nothing you need to worry about,” Octavia snapped defensively. “I’m just a little annoyed. I’m sorry I woke you up; I didn’t realize I was thinking out loud. Go back to sleep,” Octavia managed to finish in a gentle tone, and then turned her glance towards Resonance.

“What did Vinyl do? That’s who you were talking about, right?” Resonance asked simply. She appeared to be blissfully unaware of how much her words seemed to cut straight to the bone.

“Erm, yes, I was referring to her. You needn’t worry over it, though,” Octavia said before she turned back to the window and stared out it for a long moment.

“What happened? She seemed so sincere when she was in here before. I could barely believe it... Why did you come back in here growling about the way she treated you?” Resonance asked with an insistent tone that reminded Octavia of a filly questioning her parents’ logic. To make things worse, she turned her head the small amount that she could in order to look at Octavia.

Octavia had never really understood why ponies sometimes refer to being able to cut the tension with a knife. She could never really envision a situation that bad; even the stark silence after the fiasco at The Gala hadn’t measured up to it. However, the silence that fell between them now, as she pondered how to answer the shockingly simple questions, made her rethink her views on the matter. She stared right back at Resonance, and found herself incapable of answering the many implications piled into the innocent questions.

“Are you saying that she didn’t mean it? I knew she wasn’t a very nice pony, but I didn’t think of her as the type to lie to my face like that…” Resonance said, with a hint of despair creeping into her voice and expression. “She sounded like she was sorry.”

It once again took all of Octavia’s self control not to panic and blurt out the first thing that came to mind. Resonance seemed to have noticed the flash of expressiveness that cut across Octavia’s face, though, and she raised an eyebrow as she awaited clarification. That, if anything, only made things worse for Octavia. She was already having a hard time neatly filing her thoughts away. Everything she had striven towards seemed to be crashing down around her. This entire episode with Vinyl and Resonance had centered on her desire to prevent the injured unicorn from feeling hurt by a botched apology. Yet, here she was, having to answer the very questions she had sought to prevent from even occurring to Resonance.

Octavia took a long moment to compose herself. On the one hoof, she could tell Resonance that Vinyl had indeed not meant the apology. Resonance would then most likely believe that Vinyl was sucking up to her; however, Octavia struggled to see any merit in such an action. On the other hoof, assuring Resonance that Vinyl hadn’t lied would most likely involve defending Vinyl’s actions, which was something that Octavia wasn’t sure she could do right now.

The internal debate over what to do would have been so much easier if Octavia didn’t have to deal with those innocent blue eyes twinkling at her. In Resonance’s expression, Octavia could see the expectation of answers that she was becoming increasingly sure that she could not give. Resonance wanted Octavia to solve this dilemma for her, or to at least make it easier for her. There wasn’t any hint of either guile or trickery behind that innocent look. As far as Octavia could tell, she was merely concerned and couldn’t come to her own conclusion on the matter. Everything would work out so well if Resonance believed the apology. Even the issue of Resonance going back to work for Vinyl could be fixed later, but for now she needed to at least answer the question.

“I-I’m honestly not sure; I don’t know her that well. I did had a hard time believing it myself… but after the way she just behaved towards me outside, though, I am forced to admit that it is possible she was indeed being sincere,” Octavia finally concluded. She opened her eyes wide, not so much surprised by the fact that she had said the words, but instead by the fact that she had actually meant them.

“I don’t know how to advise you on how to take her apology. I suppose time will tell you if she really meant it or not…” she added quietly. Resonance looked at Octavia for a long moment before she turned her face back to stare up at the ceiling.

“How did you get to be so smart, Octavia?” Resonance asked after a moment’s delay.

“What? I’d hardly say that I’ve been acting smart recently,” Octavia replied sourly and let herself lie down on the chair to rest her head on her hooves.

“Well, you helped me out when I was hurt. You also kept telling me that everything was going to be okay. It was hard to see how at first, but now I kind of see that you were right. You then yelled at me for talking so badly about myself…” Resonance said with the smallest hints of a smile creeping across her face as she continued to look straight up at the ceiling. “You even told me that I should have more confidence in myself. Then to top it all off, you gave me an answer that will take some thought, but is probably better than just telling me yes or no.”

“Seems pretty smart to me. Also, you told me not to say bad things about myself; so, that means you’re not allowed to either,” Resonance added with a quiet giggle. She turned her head back towards Octavia with a smile showing in her eyes, if not on her mouth.

Octavia simply stared at Resonance for a long moment. There was something about the simple way that Resonance phrased her statements that left almost no room for disagreement. There was also something else, an edge of emotion behind her words, which made Octavia not want to contemplate the implications. That was a problem to be dealt with another time, preferably when the unicorn wasn’t trapped in bed.

Do you really want to lead her on for that long? If you let her keep thinking that, then you really are a terrible pony…

Octavia fought back the urge to shiver as that thought echoed clearly through her mind. She was glad that Resonance had turned away again, as it allowed her a chance to compose herself. That was a problem that she would deal with later. There was nothing wrong with giving herself a few days; she needed to get her own thoughts straight before she tried to approach a tricky subject like that. Nopony could fault her for merely making sure that she said the right things.

As it turned out, Octavia was assisted in avoiding the subject by the entry of a nurse. She swooped over towards the bed to check Resonance’s vitals before she even noticed Octavia in the corner.

“Oh, I’m sorry miss. You really are going to have to leave; visiting hours are over. We allowed an exception the other night since she had not woken up yet, but we simply cannot do it again,” the nurse said apologetically.

Octavia saw Resonance look over towards the nurse, then turn back as if to say something, but Octavia did not give Resonance the chance.

“No. It’s alright. I suppose I should head home and sleep anyway; I have not done very well in that department recently.”

“Good night, Octavia,” Resonance said with a smile and a wave of the hoof.

“G-good night, Resonance. Get better soon. Okay?” Octavia said as she forced herself out of the chair. She once again had to fight back a wince at the way those words came out, sounding a bit more tender than she had intended.

Resonance responded with another smile and a playful salute of the forehoof. She eventually turned her attention back to the nurse and Octavia allowed herself to shake her head lightly as she walked out of the room. She still didn’t really want to go home after her breakdown earlier, but she hardly had any choice. Like she had just admitted to Resonance, she really did need to work on getting some more sleep.

Octavia was proud of herself as she strode right into the lobby of Vinyl’s building. She had finally managed to walk straight through the doors without stopping to brood about it first. It seemed like quite an achievement, to be able to be so confident in her stride, especially after the fiasco of the previous day. The fact that she had gotten past that particular roadblock caused a smile to play across her face as she adjusted her instrument on her back.

She was walking confidently towards the lift when she had to suddenly jump aside to avoid running straight into Oliver as he rushed out the still opening doors. She stumbled in place for a moment, having to catch her double bass with a hoof to keep it from sliding across her back and tipping her over. After an awkward moment, a few apologies from both parties, and a glance at her instrument to ensure that it was secure, she curiously turned towards Oliver.

“Hello, Oliver. What are you doing down here?”

“Hey, Tavi. It’s good that I caught you down here,” he said with a hesitant tone of voice that put Octavia on edge.

“Do I really want to know why?” Octavia questioned as she closed her eyes and tried not to think about it too much.

“Well, the thing is, Miss Scratch wanted me to instruct you that you are to no longer stride into the building without signing in with the receptionist,” he began nervously. “She also said that if you don’t sign in and out every day, then she will dock you pay; that you are not to be above any of the other ponies in her employ; and that you will have to follow the rules like everypony else… Sorry, Tavi.”

She stared at him for a long moment, making a point not to say a single word as he stood in place with an apologetic look on his face. She kept gauging his reaction before she let out a long sigh and turned around. Picking up the quill on the desk, she quickly scrawled her name on the sheet and tossed the quill back. She stalked right past Oliver and mashed her hoof on the button for the lift.

Part of Octavia knew that it wasn’t very fair to take it out on Oliver or the receptionist, but she had finally managed to work herself into a good frame of mind, only to have it ruined. All of that positive energy would have helped her immensely during the upcoming session and all it took was the simplest of gestures from Vinyl to ruin it. When the doors to the lift opened again, she turned around to see Oliver standing a good distance away.

“Aren’t you coming back upstairs, Oliver?”

“N-no, it’s fine. I’ll just catch the next one...”

Octavia barely had time to shoot him a questioning glance before the doors slid shut in front of her and the lift started to carry her up to the fifth floor. She shrugged it off after a moment, and tried to clear it from her mind. Whatever was wrong with him, she would just have to worry about it later. She had more important things to focus on, like her upcoming session with Vinyl.

The doorway to the studio proved to be more of a challenge than the front door, causing her to have to stare it down for a moment. Striding through the lobby door without pausing only seemed to have made this secondary challenge more fearsome. Perhaps, if her mood had not been shattered by Oliver, or that is to say Vinyl by proxy, she could have just confidently strode inside. As it stood, though, she had to grit her teeth as she reached out to pull the door open with her hoof.

Forcing herself to calm down, she walked inside and made her way back to the recording room. Vinyl was not in the other room, but that was most likely due to Octavia’s habit of arriving early. She checked her instrument thoroughly as she took some long slow breaths. She used the tedious moments of tuning her instrument to meditate and try to clear away all of the negative emotions.

Right when it seemed like it was working and Octavia could feel herself calming down, she was distracted by the door opening. She turned to see Vinyl standing there with a clipboard clutched in her magic. Octavia blinked in shock as it was floated over towards her and she was able to glance at the music written on the pages.

“Hey Octavia, sorry I didn’t get you the music sooner. Did you get the message from Oliver downstairs, by the way?” Vinyl asked in a normal tone, but something about it put Octavia on edge.

“Yes, I signed in with the receptionist, if that is what you are asking,” Octavia said as she turned her attention to Vinyl. She cocked an eyebrow, but chose not to directly question the strange behavior.

“Good, I am going to take care of some other tasks for a few minutes. Take the time to look over the music, since I was not able to get it to you earlier,” Vinyl replied. She turned and shut the door with a quiet click behind her.

It was rather difficult for Octavia to focus on the music while she tried to figure out Vinyl’s odd behavior. It wasn’t that she was behaving all that strangely, in fact she was acting quite normal. She pondered this phrasing for a moment before she realized that is exactly why it came off as strange to her. Logically, that kind of behavior should be what she expected Vinyl to act like, but actually seeing it from the unicorn seemed off. The sneer that was always just a few muscle twitches from Vinyl’s face had been nowhere in sight; instead, her face had been blank and passive. Stiff was the best word for the body language expressed by Vinyl today.

It reminded Octavia of the thought that had been going through her head while Vinyl was screaming at her outside of the hospital. Something about the way that Vinyl’s face had contorted in rage then had made her seem like a different pony altogether. In a strange way, seeing Vinyl without the usual mischievous glint in her expressions was making her seem equally unlike the Vinyl that she knew. It was difficult to say if this was necessarily a bad thing, but pondering about it made it very difficult for her to focus on the music she was supposed to be studying.

She shook her head and attempted to focus her attention back on the music as she sat down in the chair. The song she had been handed appeared to be one of the classical portions from the song she had seen in Vinyl’s apartment. Either Vinyl had reworked it slightly, or Octavia had not seen the entire piece, originally. The familiarity helped her take it in and analyze it faster, but it was still different enough that it took some effort to focus on it.

This should have been a very simple song for her, but there was interference in her mind that was making it difficult to process. She kept seeing the song as it normally was, not as it had been changed by Vinyl. Trying to analyze the song and figure out how Vinyl had changed it was proving more difficult than it should have, especially with all the random thoughts bouncing around in her head.

“Hey Octavia, are you ready to give it a try?” Vinyl’s voice asked from the speakers.

“I suppose, it doesn’t really seem that difficult...”

“Great, I am ready when you are.”

Octavia had to fight the urge to shiver at the way that Vinyl was addressing her so politely today. She stood up to drag a music stand over next to where she normally stood. Pulling the sheets off the clipboard, she set them down onto the stand and balanced herself with her instrument. She felt slightly awkward as she drew her bow across the strings. She wasn’t quite comfortable with the song yet, and was rather certain that she had already made at least one egregious mistake.

No interruption came, though, which surprised Octavia greatly. Her surprise was almost to the point where it made her stop playing, but she was able to recover before she did. As she soldiered on through the rest of the piece, she kept imagining that she was hearing a clicking noise from the speakers next to her. Finally, Octavia could not stand it any longer, and she glanced up towards the glass questioningly. She caught Vinyl pulling her hoof from the console right as another clicking sound emanated from the speakers.

“Well, I guess that was to be expected. You did not have much time to look over the music. Give me a few more minutes; I’m going to find Oliver. You study the music a bit more while I’m gone and we shall try again,” Vinyl said after clicking the speakers on and off at least one more time.

Once again, Octavia was not given the opportunity to respond as Vinyl simply put her headphones down and walked out of the room. Octavia wasted a good minute just staring at the glass before she snapped herself out of it. It only seemed to be a minute later when Vinyl reappeared behind the glass and Octavia realized that she had just been blankly staring at the music. She let out a quiet groan before Vinyl could put her headphones back on and prepared herself for another dreadful performance.

She attempted to do better this time, as she tried to clear her mind before she started playing again. This time she was able to start off without any horrible mistakes, but her playing quickly deteriorated as she was still having a hard time focusing. She considered stopping the song and starting over again, but the stark silence from Vinyl was throwing her for a loop. She could not make up her mind, and, if anything, she would prefer the unicorn to just yell something. She kept waiting for it, and the oddly polite statements kept catching her by surprise.

Finally coming to a decision, Octavia halted the song and flipped the music back to the start. She was just about to resume playing again, when she heard the click of the speakers and looked up at Vinyl. The unicorn appeared as if she was about to remove her hoof from the console again without saying anything, but was caught in the act by Octavia. So after an awkward glance between the two she finally spoke up.

“How much sleep did you get last night, Octavia? Are you still having problems with that?” Vinyl questioned in a tentative tone.

“Well, not as much as I would normally like...” Octavia admitted after an awkward silence.

“Tell you what Tavi. Why don’t you just take the rest of the day off and go look at the music. Get some rest tonight and we’ll try again tomorrow. You’ve had a rough few days so don’t worry about it. Okay?”

Octavia gave a hesitant nod and began to pack up her double bass. Once again, Vinyl disappeared before Octavia had been able to actually say a word, so she walked out of the studio with a quiet sigh. She didn't see Oliver on the way out either. She had started to hope that Vinyl would be less weird tomorrow, when she realized the irony of that statement.

"Am I really hoping that she'll be weird again tomorrow? Was her acting normal really that bad?" she questioned under her breath as she trudged home.