• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 7,012 Views, 82 Comments

Why He Had To Leave - cloudedguardian

When Pinkie woke up, Gummy was gone. He'd been acting so strange lately- Heck, everybody had been acting strange... And now he's just disappeared without a trace-While searching for her pet, Pinkie may find a truth she didn't want to f

  • ...

Looking Back

As Pinkie Pie bounced off to gather the party supplies, Twilight and Rainbow Dash returned to the blanket underneath the tree. Once the two of them had got comfortable again, Fluttershy decided to ask the one question that had been on her mind the whole time.

“So, where did Gummy go?”

When her friend’s turned to look at her with the most exasperated look of disbelief, Fluttershy rolled her eyes and sighed, “I mean where did he actually go?”

Rainbow smiled sadly as her eyes dropped to the Daring Do figure on her book.

“I buried him by the river that Pinkie always played by. I’ve seen her with him there when I’ve gone to set up pranks, so I figured it would be as good a spot as any.”

“You took him?” Twilight asked, astounded.

“Well yeah, who else was going to do it?” Rainbow Dash deadpanned, “It’s not like Rarity or Flutters here would have the stomach for it, and subtlety isn’t exactly Applejacks’ strong suit. Or yours, for that matter.”

Twilight grimaced, but she didn’t say anything to disagree with her friend’s deduction.

Fluttershy shuffled her wings in a clear expression of discomfort at the whole idea. When her fidgeting gathered the other two’s attention and questioning looks, she sighed.

“I know that it had to be done, and all… I mean, Gummy’s been dead for nearly three weeks now, and her refusal to even see that was unhealthy in more ways than one… but somehow the idea of taking him without Pinkie knowing doesn’t really… Sit well with me.”

Twilight nodded slowly, “I know what you mean, the idea of lying to her like this…”

“It’s not lying,” Dash protested, “it’s softening the truth into something she can understand and cope with.”

“We’re treating her like a child! She’s still not facing the truth, not really…” Twilight muttered.

“Yeah well we wouldn’t have been in this mess if you hadn’t made her think he was still alive at the picnic!”

Twilight winced as Rainbow’s voice grew louder. The pegasus had been furious about that whole situation, especially after Twilight’s attempt to confront Pinkie with the truth about it. Rather than having Pinkie understand, it had ended instead with the two of them getting into a very loud fight with hurt feelings on both sides.

I’m sorry! But, she was freaking out so bad, and hyperventilating, and crying- and I just couldn’t bear to see her like that when we’d all gone out to just have some fun…” Twilight said softly, her own voice cracking a little.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “And you think I could? I hated it just as much as you did, but it happens sometimes. Death doesn’t really care what you’re doing, or with who, when it’s time, it’s time. It sucks, and it’s horrible, but… I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, Gummy’d been really sick for almost a month at that point. I only gave in and let Pinkie bring him because I couldn’t bear to think about what she’d be like if he died while she was gone and she thought she’d abandoned him or something.”

Silence fell between them for a long minute. When Rainbow Dash finally broke it, it was with a small smile and a soft voice.

“And it wasn’t without her knowledge that I took Gummy… Not really.”

Rainbow Dash was hovering just outside Sugarcube Corner, her eyes locked on the top floor’s window. As always, Pinkie Pie had left her bedroom window open to let the summer air in. Rainbow swallowed, trying to ease the feeling in her stomach. She didn’t like what she was about to do, but she knew that it would be easier on everypony if she did it. Pinkie had been carrying around Gummy’s corpse for over two weeks now, with the insistence that he was still alive. Rather frankly, Rainbow didn’t know how she hadn’t noticed the smell that had begun to cling to the small alligator and everything it touched. Denial was a powerful thing, she supposed.

Steeling her resolve, Dash carefully flew up and through the window, landing silently on her friend’s bedroom floor. Keeping her wings tightly folded at her sides to avoid knocking anything over, Dash crept around to the side of Pinkie’s bed. Her ears folded back as they caught the sound of a sob, and then another, as Rainbow realized that Pinkie was crying in her sleep. The fur on Pinkie’s cheeks was matted, and her mane had fallen out of its tight curls. More than anything, Rainbow wanted to wake her up from whatever she was dreaming, and give her a hug, to tell her it would all be okay again. Dash’s stomach turned slightly as she spotted Gummy, his dead body held close to her friend’s pink fur, as if she was trying to bring warmth to it again.

First things first… RD knew that Pinkie had a teddy bear somewhere, she had seen it last month while planning a prank for Cloud Kicker. She just had to figure out where it had gone. Her eyes scanned the dark room for the white velvet of the plushy, before ducking to look under the bed. Sure enough, there it was. She cautiously fished it out, taking care not to bump the bed, and was soon holding it in her hooves. Now for the hard part.

It was like something out of one of her Daring Do novels- The novels may have been what inspired this strange scheme in the first place. She just had to switch out the bear and the gator without waking her friend up. Then Gummy could have a proper burial, and maybe, just maybe, Pinkie could move on. If she failed, well, she’d have a very angry Pinkie on her hands, who could very easily fall even deeper into her denial. Dash didn’t want to think about what would happen when the gator inevitably started rotting.

Yeah. No pressure. Dash grimaced internally. Taking a deep breath, Dash reached over, placed her hoof on the gator, carefully secured a grasp as she readied the teddy in her other hoof, and-

A second later, she was holding the cold figure of what was once Pinkie’s pet, and Pinkie had her hooves carefully wrapped around the velvet teddy. A small sigh of relief left Dash’s lips, and she slowly turned back to the window to leave.

The sound of bedsprings creaking froze her in her steps. Should she make a run for it? Should she hold her breath and hope the darkness hid her? She didn’t know... So she turned around instead. Pinkie’s brow was furrowed as her eyes blinked open. Dash’s stomach sank as her friend woke up, the feel of the bear perhaps too foreign to be right. The few curls that had remained fell straight as her friend sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Blue eyes settled first in confusion upon the bear, and then upon the frozen figure of Dash, still holding Gummy in her hooves. Then, as they widened in realization at what was being seen, much to Dash’s confusion, a look of relief and understanding seemed to pass across her face.

“Thank you,” Pinkamena whispered, smiling despite the tears that were still rolling down her cheeks.

“Heh. No problem," Dash whispered back, a reply every bit as sincere as a small smile of her own appeared.

She watched quietly as the pillows were fluffed, and the teddy bear tucked under arm, before Pinkie faded back off to sleep, one that looked to be more peaceful than the last. Dash turned and stepped silently onto the windowsill, before unfolding her wings, and taking off into the night. A quiet rest was waiting for one more soul down by the river.

Comments ( 70 )

Reading the first one was creepy and sad.

This? Only added to it.

Well done indeed.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I've said it already (I think) and I'll say it again - lovely work. :raritywink:

Noooo Gummy is still dead! Death bring him back. BRING HIM BAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!:raritydespair:

It's a pleasure to know that one of my works inspired you to write a continuation of it. While I have no intentions of continuing the tale myself, it's nice to see others do it, and this one is a solid take of what could happen afterwards.

Nice job. You deserve the likes and fave :raritywink:

Thank you!
That means a lot to me :twilightsmile:

This occurs about the day to two days after "He'll Never Leave Me"
I don't think there would have been much progress in so little time.

That was really good, but once again it was so sad. It was nice to see some closure though.

May the Maker show you his light Gummy. And may I see you after my final march. :raritycry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry:

OH. MY. GOD. THE FEELS. THEY PENITRATE MY HEART:fluttercry::raritycry::applecry::pinkiesad2:

Wow, this is good. I love the detail of how her inner self knows the truth and thanks Dash. It's sad and cute. It's very well-written, too. I love it! Keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

So heartwarming and beautifull, even with the sad ending! Pleese write more like this and the first one!:pinkiesad2:

I didn't write the original story, this is a fan-sequel.
But I am quite glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

Ohh, I see, but this story is still excactly as good as the first one!:pinkiehappy:

3582826 You used the line I made in the comments from the original.

It was amazing, so yes :3
Would you like to be credited? Because if so, I can arrange that~

:pinkiesad2: (sniff) you did it again :pinkiesad2:
Pinkie the bouncy mare :pinkiehappy: is to innocent to accept death
but her other half can accept death
I don't like it when Pinkie's sad, it's just heart breaking :applecry:

I loved dash's explaination. Sorta showed her more wise, tender side.

Good work, sir. 5 out of 5 mustaches. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

I'm sorry if I didn't cry, but it was so heartwarming. If I could cry, I would right now. :pinkiesad2:

I would cry if I could...

Why for you kick me in the feels? WHHYYYYYYYYYY????????:applecry::fluttershbad::fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair:

The feels on this. Holy shiz. Pinkamena at her finest in the last few paragraphs. And Dash, you are awesome.

The feels! :pinkiesad2: :raritydespair::fluttercry:

Well, I hope that wasn't sarcasm, because you're all credited now XD

Damn, that was the fastest fan written sequel I have seen in a while.

Meh...it only touched my heart 67 times.

Pinkamena could see what Pinkie couldn't that's pretty cool. :pinkiecrazy:


Oh. Yeah. When I read through that storybook in the game, I would constantly come back to the library when ever there was a new chapter available. I beat that whole game. In Super Mario Galaxy 2, I was stuck on The Perfect Run, and my Wii started acting funny. I almost beat it, but my Wii needed repairs, and that wiped all my progress.

Oh gods! My feels! You've hit them so hard they retreated into my stomach. My balls following shortly therin!

This is just as good as the first(even if it wasn't made by the same person). At least Gummy's body is finally buried. Maybe she'll get another gator and name him Gummy 2.

Wow! This was very touching. Pinky's subconscience (Pinkamena) knew the truth. Just that Pinkie herself couldn't face it. You said this was a sequel to a story someone else wrote? Can I get the link?

The link SHOULD be in the description, provided it is working. If you click on "He'll Never Leave Me" it should send you straight to it.
If not, I'll have to fix it tomorrow when I'm more awake.

OW!:fluttershyouch: For the love of Celestia, my feels hurt like hell!:fluttershysad::fluttercry:

Ok. First chapter, I almost cried.:raritycry:
Second chapter.. Just plain creepy Pinkamena... :pinkiesad2:

I love it when I see Pinkamena used in a non-psycho fashion. This story is a fifty-gallon drum of Awesome sauce. Upvote, fave and a watch from me.
Well done.:heart:

I read that story a couple of days ago! :pinkiegasp: Liquid pride was shed then AND now. :pinkiesad2:

You my friend have done the other story justice....and in a very creepy way to. well done.

I'm completely befuddled by this ending. I mean, it makes sense and all, but this is a really bad way to leave the story. It doesn't... DO anything.

However, it was well written, even if it didn't give me the same feel the first story did.

It's meant more as bittersweet closure than another sad story.
Unfortunately, FiMfic doesn't have a "bittersweet" tag, so sad/slice of life will have to do.

Comparing the first one with this...

I actually felt this had more 'Omph' into it than the first, due to the fact that Pinkamena was the one talking to RD. Seriously, Pinkamena is awesome in more ways than one.

She is probably all the feelings Pinkie has stored up inside of her. Ranging from Rage to Fear.

3596337 well, alright

this is surprisingly touching, in a strange way. it was definiely creepy with pinkie pie dragging around her dead pet, unable to realize he was dead. makes me feel for pinkie. and in a way it is in character. she finds slef worth and joy in what she can give to others. the idea of losing someone would probably hurt her in terrible ways.

3599727 Pinkie knew he was dead. She was just denying it. Also, since she couldn't mourn Gummy when awake, she did it when she was asleep, hence the crying and Pinkamena appearing, since she's the side of Pinkie who understands Gummy is gone.

3603786 that or some level of associative personality disorder going on.

3604725(I think you mean dissociative personality disorder) That's what I was saying. Pinkamena was another part of Pinkie who knows that Gummy's dead.

3603760 Pinkie is goofy and silly.

She's not retarded.

My heart wretched when Pinkamena said "Thank you."
A beautiful and poetic fan-finish to the dreary tale. Thank you for the pleasure.


That part nearly made me choke out a tear: I was holding so well until then, but that line almost sent me over the edge. It took a lot of willpower to maintain composure.

Me: Ow, my feels! ...yeah, that's all I got. Why are you looking at me like that? It's true! Really! LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M NOT INSANE! I'M NOT INSANE! I'M! NOT! INSANE!:twilightangry2::pinkiecrazy::flutterrage::raritycry::fluttercry::raritydespair::applecry:

Other Me: Don't believe a word he says. He is insane. If he were sane, would he have said that? And I didn't exist until he conjured me up in his head. Also, emoticon spam, much?

Me: SHUT UP, FAKER! YOU KNOW NOTHING!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

Other Me: Ending this now. Please don't reply, for he'll be embarrassed about this whole thing later. Goodbye from both of us.

((Camera cuts out))

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