• Member Since 11th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



Equestria, commonly seen as a land of peace and harmony. Beneath it however lies an entirely different story. Ponies filled with greed and planning to disrupt the peace, were it not for something so secret that not even the princesses know of them.

They are simply pony snipers, keeping the peace by the sights of their scopes. They have no name, they leave no trace, and they do not ever reveal themselves to anyone.

This is a story of the life of one such sniper.

(One shot story, just an idea going around in my head that I decided to make into a story.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

With what I have so far, I'm almost surprised that I have a favorite of this story and a few likes. But however great a few is, I feel that I should be joining a few more groups as to spread out my stories a bit further. So far I have an unfinished story, and I now have a one-shot story up my sleeve, but I am lacking in the group department so I am going to need others to help spread out my stories and to get some possible help.

Stumbled across this. Great story. Though, I didn't get the vibe that there WAS an ambush until it already happened the way it did. That's the only problem I had with this story. Other than that, you did a fine job telling it exactly how it is.

7598490 To be honest, this is actually the only one shot I've ever done... I haven't really had a good chance to write anymore because of my own fear of mucking something up and lack of editor's or ponies to bounce ideas off of.
But the fact that you read this story and commented on it about what it could do, I want to just say this.

Thank you, really, even if it's just a really old story of mine that I wrote when I was inspired by the game "Elite Sniper" and did it with thoughts of what it'd be like in a pony's world.

For a one-shot story that I wrote years ago to have a dramatic reading done, I was quite surprised to see this pop up as a notification of a comment, and a bit proud that it got such a thing and thanks for posting the video.

Yeah, the poodle and wolf are a bit slow on that, so your welcome XD

Even so having learned about the dramatic reading makes me a bit happy, even though I stopped writing stories someone still found this and chose to make a video.

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