• Member Since 28th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


Do not let perfection be the enemy of good.


Octavia, going on a rather extended tour with her orchestra, has charged Vinyl Scratch with the care of a human that she's been caring for: Anonymous. At his size, the ponies and their world is amazonian to him. Not only is the human smaller than Vinyl, but she must care for him until Octavia returns. Normally, something that wouldn't be a problem for a unicorn, but an accident from years past adds a strange twist to her endeavors.

I don't know, I suck at descriptions.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 37 )

Odd, but not bad. Why did you decide to make the ponies larger than a human in your fic?

Why not? Just somethin a little different, ya know?

Let me see if I can paint a proper picture:
He comes up to Vinyl's chest, meaning the top of his head brushes where her chest starts to curve up.
Even if he jumps, he could only tease the bottom of the door knob with his fingers.
When Vinyl was laying down with him next to her, he could rest his head comfortably on her shoulder.
The stairs he's just being cautious with, as he's yet to get used to them. If he sits on a step, his feet can just barely touch the top of the next.
Does that help at all or did I fudge it up even more?

Mot to be rude but Nether you are a great writer..I mean great, but are you busy or something because you start these great stories and stop working in them. It is really upsetting. :raritydespair:

Before raiding your pastebin, the thought of being a tiny human in a world of large ponies had never occurred to me. Now, though, there's something kind of appealing about being a mannikin in equestria. Please continue this.

Holy christ, I'm a stalker. :rainbowderp:

...You know, I didn't think of that pun when I wrote that...

I don't think I'm so great as you make me out to be, but I lamented on my argument with writers block over here if you really want to know.

I think it's an interesting spin on things. Adds a different kind of element to a story when size comes into play.

Well, I'm still alive, so you're a good kind of stalker. So far.

This is Butt Stallion approved.

Best pony with anon? Already have my interest. The idea of ponies only being somewhat larger than humans instead of a greater size difference is new to me. And the idea that Vinyl is mute? Haven't seen that before either. And the nuzzling at the beginning was quite the thing for me. I enjoy physical communication. It's cute, especially because of their size difference. I hope you continue this. You have my support!

Hoho, I love this idea. I'm really hoping you ship these two, as I like the idea of a larger pony. Them both cuddling in bed, she's like a big mattress for him and whatnot. I find the idea really adorable. I can't wait for the next chapter!

[ Last time he was naked with another pony, he was almost used as a toy. Violently. Pushing Lyra's assault out of his mind, he continued to dress himself./i]

Not... sure if it is is too much information, or too little. :twilightblush::pinkiesick:

Yes! It's still chugging along! :yay:

Just a quick question: Is this Party Vinyl, or Reserved Vinyl?

There's an odd charm to this story that keeps me wanting more. Glad to see you're continuing with it.

Thanks, and I'm glad you're enjoying it!
This size for ponies is one I'll be exploring a bit more, I'd like to think.
You have good taste in pone.

It's a kind of jab at another story I wrote. They're not 100% related, but it's close enough I guess.
http://pastebin.com/ARNZYQJb Spoilered because nsfw.

Still alive!
And this is a mixture of both.
I hope to expand on that a bit more in the next chapter. She's more reserved, but I intend to show her more outgoing and party-ish nature in the future. I think.

I'm definitely continuing with it. I'm aiming for five or so chapters, but we'll see what happens.
Depends on if my burn to write returns to the intensity it had when I started writing DE or not. It feels like it is, but I've fooled myself before.

4658906 just entered in the pastebin you replied to someone else. Do you have or know of any more stories like that, preferably with best pone? I'm highly interested in this amazonian thing you have going; It's not macro, but the slightly bigger size makes me feel like they would be really cuddly (as well as other benefits which are implied in that Lyra story (huehue)).

So, this isn't the most up to date paste, but it's a good starting point.

That's a link to the my massive pony threads archive/info paste. Amazonian ponies are certainly of interest, and that's where I got the idea to write this story, but I can't think of too many others off the top of my head.

Oh snap. That was, intresting. I'm crossing my fingers you ship these two. I'd never give up a chance to go out with best horse. And something about how she has no voice, having to communicate through music and/or physical contact is a touching thing for me. I may have to experiment with the idea of mute Vinyl someday, as well as Amazonian... with your permission of course.

>I'm crossing my fingers you ship these two.
You wouldn't want me to spoil the endings, now would you?

> And something about how she has no voice, having to communicate through music and/or physical contact is a touching thing for me.
It's been strange, tackling her being mute. I originally thought I was going to have many more problems than I did, but it seems to be going well enough so far.

>I may have to experiment with the idea of mute Vinyl someday, as well as Amazonian... with your permission of course.
Go for it! You don't need my permission to fiddle with this idea. So long as you're not making a carbon copy of my story, I don't see what problems I could have with more Vinyl.

I greatly enjoyed the read and look forward to future developments.:pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::moustache:

Super into the crazy size-difference adorable shenanigans!

Although 'Lyra the rapist' is really kinda horrifying...

I like that near-vore scene. That is my favorite means of vore, not sexual but more meant to be protective. Interesting take on it too, usually the "pred" initiates it and the "prey" struggles not to go through with it, then the "pred" has to convince them they'll be fine or that at the first sign of trouble the "pred" will get them out.

Bit of errata:

Looking around, Anonymous’s eyes landed on the bed as he formulated a plan.

should be

Looking around, Anonymous’s eyes landed on the bed, and he formulated a plan.

"Since" and "while" are words that don't belong here, and as such "as" doesn't either.

3573578 I kind of understand, but still a little confused. Say Anon is 6' even. Where would Vinyl be? My estimates ended up guessing about 9 feet. Is that about right?

I like this. I'd love to see more. Keep up the amazing work!

I'm loving this story keep it up.

Update :fluttercry:

I do hope this story isn't dead. I'll miss it.

Please don't be dead

5470588 I sorta want to see the is "Lara rape"
I'm weard like that :applejackconfused:

I actually wrote that a while back, though it's not on fimfiction.
http://pastebin.com/ARNZYQJb if you're interested. It should be obvious, but I'll say it anyway: NSFW

It's sad to know this will never be finished or even continued. I know that Nether has probably moved on to better things I'm sure.

So i read that bit and i got a serious question, what DOES Octavia use the lyre for?

Please don't tell me this is dead. This seemed like a nice one.

I'm just gonna put this here because i highly doubt that this is getting another chapter any time soon.

It physically hurts seeing this not being continued.

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