• Published 5th Dec 2013
  • 21,148 Views, 440 Comments

The Mane Makes The Pony - MerlosTheMad

Pinkie Pie gets a haircut, and the ponies of Ponyville don't know how to react.

  • ...

Epilogue : A Shy Solution

Fluttershy leaned back in the barber's chair, a stern look painted across her yellow coated features. What she was about to do was for a dear friend.

"Are you... absolutely sure this is what you want, Ms. Fluttershy?" Aloe nervously poked her front hooves against one another, eying the scissors that were poised to cut the long, luscious pink mane laying before them. She gave Hans a quick glance, and could also see the overwhelming sadness the hulking minotaur was bearing over what he had been ordered to do.

Fluttershy looked over at the spa-pony, and nodded determinedly. "Oh, yes, Aloe, I'm very sure. Pinkie Pie is one of my absolute best friends in the whole world, and she's feeling very out of her element right now. I want to do everything I can to make her feel not so alone." She turned and gave the new hair stylist a pleading look. "Please, go ahead and do it, Mr. Hans."

Hans gave Aloe one last, doubtful glance, then, once Aloe nodded to him, he sucked in a breath. Slowly, he slid the long scissors he held over Fluttershy's mane and...

Author's Note:

Can anypony say... cliff hanger...? :ajsmug: Sorry everypony, I would love to write more, but I have obligations to other stories, and I'm not sure this premise should overstay its welcome. Anyway, much thanks to Blankscape for lending a hoof here and there, and the rest of my friends.

Lastly, I did leave room for a sequel, and I have an idea for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in that sequel. It will be just as silly and ridiculous as this one, should I choose to write it. That's all, fellows. I hope you all fare well in your future travels.

Or maybe I'll do this for the sequel, instead.

Just kidding. I could never write something that silly.


Comments ( 66 )

I could totally see Fluttershy doing a St. Baldrick's Day... or even the Ice Bucket Challenge for her friends.

And Cinnamon Sugar Swirl! Woo-hoo! :pinkiegasp:

YES YOU CAN WRITE IT!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

Oh Flutters...I suppose you can always hide behind hats.

This was very cute and it's nice to finally see it wrapped up. Though I don't think it was near wearing out its welcome at all.

Lol that epilogue... well that explains the hair extensions in the Gabby Gums episode. XD

Yaaay, Merlos lives! And he updated a story of his! :pinkiehappy:

And then Fluttershy went around town wearing Pinkie's mane, the end.

and then she got a mulet

That makes three now,
Rocking the Rain-do
Four, perhaps, but only
Counting Scootaloo.

You did it! You saved the world~ :pinkiehappy:

You stinker. XD

This fic was one of the, if not the, funniest and most random thing I've ever read.:pinkiehappy:
Also, if you have the time and actually want to, I would be very pleased to read a sequel:rainbowkiss:. But that's not for me to decide:ajsmug:

I've got the feeling that Fluttershy will end up looking like her original minifigure. encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQh9hEvQ0Elat8gUDV3tCMawgVauFilHdLg9utYDpVCFUTRFVZbA

Yay, glad to see this story finally wound up successfully! Also, loved the ending. All in all, this was...actually, this could make a great episode of the show! With a lesson and everything!


Aw! You've bestowed one of the most welcomed compliments a writer can ever get on one of my stories, Myth. Thanks x) Even better since you're a real stickler for quality.

Whew, that was close. Had that party been any bigger it would have been big enough to support itself and spread unstoppably through Equestria! Sort of like what happened in this:

Feckin' finally. :pinkiehappy:

An excellent story! It's inspired me to write a story about the greatest party ever!

And it DOES, in fact, seem as though one's mane has an almost magic quality to it in conveying an identity. Remember how spike reacted to Twilight's mane getting turned into a rari-do:

[img] http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/033/0/b/rarity__spike_and_twilight_sparkle_by_eugenebrony-d57x8wl.png[/img]

Ohjesus. I loved this. Great story d00d


I feel very little shame for including strange things or cameos in my stories. It may take the reader out of them, so to speak, but I personally enjoy it more. Selfish of me? A bit, probably... :twilightsheepish:

That was super crazy! :pinkiehappy: I could totally see this happening to them. But my concern is with poor fluttershy! :pinkiegasp:

And now Shy will look like the older blindbag figurines of her :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, Fluttershy... :twilightsmile:

Just kidding. I could never write something that silly.

I beg to differ! :pinkiecrazy:

Very glad I finally read the ending. A most enjoyable romp. I suppose we should just be thankful that any rampage Twilight might have gone on ended before ti could begin; I'm not Ponyville could survive both her and Pinkie going nuts at the same time.

Thank you very much for the story. And curse you for that sequel tease. Now I'm imagining all of the Mane Six showing solidarity. (Rarity may or may not be doing it under duress.)


Thank you! Glad that you liked it. ^^ Though I'm not sure I follow you about that solidarity part..

Right, so, I decided to give this story a try since I saw such a good turnout for it. I also vaguely remember seeing someone compare this to a story good enough for the show, so that helped stir my curiosity even further.

Having gone through it, I can whole-heartedly agree! The premise is simple, yet executed with finesse. The characters all act and react in believable ways, the grand scale of the festival was very cool, and all of the jokes and gags were done in a way that had me setting my phone down to control my laughter. (Yes, I tend to read on my phone.)

There's more to say, but I can sum it up with the following: wonderfully done!

For my own personal rating, I give this story a well-deserved 9.25/10, and a spot on my Display Case. Well done. I'll be watching you.

wonk wonk good story :moustache:


Gosh, thank you for such glowing praise. Although I can't say for sure about watching me; you might just be better off watching paint dry. :twilightsheepish:


Hmmmm... I did believe you're correct, but I looked it up all the same!

past tense: careened; past participle: careened
turn (a ship) on its side for cleaning, caulking, or repair.
(of a ship) tilt; lean over.
"a heavy flood tide caused my vessel to careen dizzily"
North American
move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way in a specified direction.

Only to find that once again I am proven correct by good ol' American tampering! That's right, no grammar is sacred once we get our dirty mits on it! Bwahaha

Awesome to see this story finally come to a close, even if I'm a bit late in actually read the final bits. That was the perfect way of ending it and I loved the image of Luna's nightguard looking kinda serious while in vacation clothes. As a final note, I must say, Pinkie with a short mane cut is absolutely adorable.


Thanks! And I think so, too. But ignoring the story, I think that we forget that the mane six, if they were real, likely try new things and expirament with stuff like 'looks'. At least, I'm sure Shy, Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity would. Aj and Rd, maybe not, but oh well.

AJ seems the type that once she discovered a style that looked decent and didn't get in the way, she'd stick to it. Same for Twilight. I could see Dash experimenting in an effort to try to look cooler.

Slowly, he slid the long scissors he held over Fluttershy's mane and...

Shortly afterward...

Hans unwrapped the bandages from Fluttershy's head, "Now, let's see how we did... *gasp!* Oh my Celestia.." He staggered backward in shock.

"Mirror..." muttered Fluttershy, and when Hans and Aloe only stood staring in horror and disgust, she called out in Flutterrage. "MIRROR!!"

Hans, hoof trembling, passed Flutters the desired object and Fluttershy stared into it for a few moments before her head fell and heaved in heavy sobs.

"Please, you must understand!" Hans desperately explained. "You see what I have to work with here!" He held up a pair of dull child-proof scissors, which could barely cut through toilet paper.

Fluttershy's shoulders began to bounce, though not in sobs. Rather, a manic laugh warbled from her mouth, growing in volume and madness until she stood and glared at Hans with a twisted smile and her ruined, hacked hair dropping embattled remnants. Her voice, cracked and broken uttered for the first time the words that would forever live in infamy, "STAY OUTTA MY SHED!"


And now you know the whole story... :trollestia:


I think you went a bit far with this one, Alondro. I'll give you a B for effort at attempted comedy. :facehoof:

5435648 But it fits!


5422099 Yes, that is the sense of "careen" that used to be covered by "career". But, as I said, I don't believe it should be paired with "with" as you did ("careened with"): as the sentence is written, you are saying that Party A moved very fast and out of control with Party B; then Party B moved very fast and out of control with Party C (because, as written, "who" appears to grammatically mean the second party and not both the first and second parties). It would make a lot more sense to say that the pigs careened INTO the garbage pony, and then they both careened into the cheese stand. If you want to use the word "with", "careened" doesn't work with it. I guess you could say the pigs careened towards and then collided with the garbage pony, but that's already covered by the shorter and less awkward "careened into".

Cinnamon Swirl: Poison Joke turned me into a little filly. ... I got better.


...perfect ending to a very silly story.

Total feelgood nonsense. Loved it.


Lol, apparently the silliness inherent in that narrative wasn't obvious enough to clue everyone into the joke. But it worked well enough I guess. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for helping me keep my New Year's resolution to not start any incomplete stories.
I start things that look fun and then I always get frustrated when I get caught up and can't read anymore because it hasn't been written yet. I've been forcing myself to not read this story because it wasn't finished (even though it looked like fun) but now it is finished so I can read it.

What I mean to say is, :moustache:

After a day of complete and utter disaster, who would have thought that I would stumble upon a story that simply made me feel all fuzzy again? This was such a worth while read. Seriously, thank you for uplifting my day with this story. :twilightsmile:


You're most welcome. ^^


I should randomly comment on everybody's page that left a comment!


OK, say the entire town gets a "Rain-do" in solidarity with Pinkie...
And then Pinkie shows up with her mane just as it was before the incident--because, Pinkie.
Everypony is staring at each other.
Somepony starts yelling.
Fade to black.
Show's over.
Next episode, everything is fine, and any time anypony starts to mention it, Rarity says, "We agreed to never discuss that." :duck:


That would be a great alt ending. I had considered doing a few, but I'm lazy, even for a wizard. :x


1. Heh, the insinuation was that they already spoke, and Mrs. Cake had already asked if anything was wrong. Perhaps I'll edit that in to avoid not giving Mrs. Cake the benefit of the doubt? ^_^'

2. Ah, AJ is giving the stern look over the word 'fun'. She insisted things were fine, then said the former. The look was basically 'asking' Rarity to challenge her again.


You lost me at desiderative, lol.

Ah I see! And I learned a new word today.


Thank you ^^ I'd forgotten what the img was, heh. And I'm glad you liked the story!

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