• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 2,276 Views, 22 Comments

That Sunlit Glow - Tiger|Pony

A heartbroken Rainbow Dash breaks her sworn word to try to fix her relationship with Fluttershy.

  • ...

Epilogue: Dear Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia...


"Is it alright to send stuff like this, Twilight? I mean, she asked for friendship reports, not... y'know..."

"I asked her about this a while ago, Rainbow. She said, and I'm quoting straight from the horse's mouth here, that she 'wished it was still a thousand years ago, when ponies had more than one word for love'. She sounded almost... sad."


"She said that friendship is a kind of love and love is a kind of friendship, and anyway, she hadn't heard from either of you in a while."


"Fine, she said she'd banish you if you didn't send something to prove you were learning from it."


It's hard enough to know who we are in this world, even with our special talents to guide us. When we find out that there's somepony who wants to share our world with us as more than a simple friend, it can be a surprise. And there's nopony to tell us how to live together or make each other happy every single day, so it's too easy to worry that we're doing it wrong.

It can be hard to tell them how we really feel all the time. We can be so afraid of hurting them that we hide the things that made them love us in the first place, or we can try too hard to show our love, so that we forget the simple pleasure of relaxing in each other's company.


"Oh, that's good..."

"How about...?"

"Oh, Flutters..."

"Is that...?"

"Oh, have you been reading up on this?"


"Oh, Flutters, I told you reading was awesome..."


"Aah! Oh, there it is... there it is... oh, Aloe and Lotus got nothin' on those hooves..."


And nopony can spend all their life in the company of just one other. Ponies have to have friends to meet up with and chill out with, to indulge those parts of themselves that their partners aren't into. And there's nothing wrong with that either - that's what friends are for! If they're really friends, they won't judge you by who you call your special somepony. Do the right thing, and trust your friends to do the same, and you won't go wrong.


"Who's the bride?"

"Hey! Whaddaya mean, who's the bride?"

"I mean... who is wearing the suit and who is wearing the dress? It makes a difference, Rainbow Dash!"

"Maybe we're both the suit! How's about that? Wouldn't that be cool? Huh? Huh?"

"I... but... fine! You can both be the suit! Beasts!"




"Didn't we both want dresses? I mean, I don't mind if you've changed your mind but I'd still quite like one..."

"This is one of those times I should say sorry, isn't it?"


"I hate those times."


We guess we're trying to say that falling in love is the most wonderful, spectacular, and 120% awesome thing that can happen to anypony, but it's not easy. Just like a good friendship, a romantic relationship takes care and attention, self-control, compromise, and sometimes, time alone to be by yourself. And just like a good friendship, with all that attention paid to it, love is the most rewarding thing in the world.


"Of course I knew, silly!"

"...you knew?"

"Well, duh! You don't get to be Ponyville's première party planner without seeing who's looking at who and how! And you two were making eyes at each other way back. It was like 'Oh come get me Rainbow Dash!' Flutterflutterflutter! And you were all like 'Grr I'm so cool and aloof' - and everypony knows that's a warning sign, so when you stopped being all cool and aloof, it was obvious that one of you must have tried to take it a step further, and since you weren't avoiding each other all the time, it was obvious that it must have worked!"


"And then there was that time in the hayloft and the time with the watermelon and that thing that happened in the place-"

"-so who the hay else is a thing?"

"Uh-uh, Rainbow Dash! I'm not a gossip! Relationship news is strictly covered by Triple-P Protocol."

"But... why didn't you say you knew? When I came to you? Why did you act like you didn't know anything?"

"I did no such thing!"

"...but you were... talking about a coming-out party..."

"Of course! You told me you were in love with a mare! It doesn't matter that I knew already - you'd told me! That means you were coming out! That means it's time for a party! And it still is!"

"...Pinkie Pie, you really gotta explain yourself better sometimes..."


Thank you, Princess Celestia, for the sun which shines from my heart when I see her face.

Thank you, Princess Celestia, for the sun which sparkles from her smile when I make her laugh.


"Aw, you'da done the same fer me, sugarcube."

"I don't know... but thank you anyway. Without you, she'd never have come back."

"Hay ta that! Y'all're meant fer each other. Y'all go together like rose 'n cucumber."

"Rose and... cucumber?"

"...ah guess that's just a thing ah eat, then. D-don't you, uh, pay that no never-mind..."

"Oh, well, I've never heard of it, but that doesn't mean it's not perfectly delicious..."


"So... Rainbow said you had a secret drink which made everything right again."

"The good stuff? Yeah, that ain't really got a name... Twilight said we should call it 'Eudaiponia', but ah figured that was jus' Twi havin' one o' them jokes with herself again."

"Oh... erm... well... if it's so nice, I was wondering... maybe..."

"It don't work like that, ah'm sad ta say. Ah meant what ah said to her: it really is earth pony magic..."


P.S. If you get a minute off, you should come and see the Sky Garden sometime. I insist. No matter what my silly-filly marefriend might say.

I am quite proud of it, but only-



"There, I've stopped the quill. Would you like to have your argument now?"

"If you're so proud of it, why don't you want to show it to the Princess?"

"I just don't think it's worth her spending a whole day when she has the whole of Equestria to run..."

"She came out to trick you into a tizzy about her stupid firebird! It's about high time we played a trick on her!"

"Er, Rainbow Dash, no playing tricks on the pony who controls the sun please."

"Aww, Twi-"

"No buts."

"I agree with Twilight. In fact, I think we should apologise. Can you do the magic again?"


We're sorry for having an argument all over our letter to you, Princess Celestia.

We're sorry for having an argument all over our letter to you, Princess Celestia, now will you please just send this, Twilight?




"Will you always..."





And they did. Always.




Author's Notes: I cannot consciously remember all the fanon I've referenced here - a lot of it kinda blends together - but I've credited what I can. Sorry about that, and please, feel free to email me if you think I've referenced something of yours without credit.

Lyra being a little weird seems to be a thing that writers play with everywhere you look, but the well-done concept fic Anthropology deserves a mention anyway.

So does the absolutely beautiful Yours Truly, which, though I am a pale imitation, was an inspiration toward writing this.

The mental image of Pinkie Pie singing Electric Six's Gay Bar was one of the things that gave this fic its structure.

Siisi is Egyptian Arabic for "pony". You go with what you know.

The single most thrilling game of Exalted I've ever heard recounted, Ponies Make War, leant a small idea in Chapter 4. Also, I can't help but feel that had the show actually been the magical-girl anime it was originally conceived as, this might be a grimdark version of how it would have turned out...

Please, someone make The Jockey Horror Show. Otherwise I'll have to.

The excellent song Rainbow Blues by Mysteriousbronie gave me juice to continue while I was having trouble with this. Thank you. I may have stolen a line. I hope you don't mind.

A drabble to the first pony to identify the source of "Maybe later, blue," without Googling it.

Comments ( 14 )

Holy crap, why wasn't this featured? Or at least, be a bit more popular! This fic is amazing! Everyone's in character, the conflict's believable, it made me laugh, it's just, dare I say it, awesome!

Oddly enough I keep on trying to think of something to compare my opinion on this fanfic too, and two comparisons come to mind. In my eyes this fanfic is like a review I disagree with the opinion of but one which is well written and explains it reasons, or like the episode of 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well' but with the Fan comic 'Alone' by Yuki-Orin attached to it as canon. What I mean by those two comparisons I will soon explain however there is a rhetorical question I must first shout out "Why has this fanfic got so few comments!"

The spelling, grammar, detail, writing style, characterisation, romance, (and the little amount we got of it) comedy, can all be summarised with one word; mind-blowing. Seriously this is...this is just amazing. The spelling and grammar is practically flawless (although I did read the entire thing in one sitting so I may have missed the odd error), the plot is not only unique and original but realistic, and the style of writing, oh for all the themes that are expressed in the details and plot it just works ever so well. Romance is realistic and well expressed, nicely described, and though very heavy the characters still felt themselves and this lent itself well to the progression of the story. As for comedy, there wasn't much of it and most of the time when it appeared it felt kind of...out of place although even with this difference in mood I just could not help but burst out laughing at just about everything Rarity did in this fanfic. Some of the best usage of the character I have ever read about.

Most of the criticism's I could point out are more matters of personal opinion, for instance, the chapters of Twilights and Applejack's actually made me angry. I read on because the writing was good but I started to feel angry at how...one-sided it all seemed, as if all the blame was on Rainbow Dash and she was the only one at fault. Thankfully it balances itself out a bit better when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy converse but I still felt it was awfully heavy on Rainbow Dash, and rather light on Fluttershy, something that could be solved if the fanfic also followed Fluttershy's activities and thoughts during the events of this story. Similar to the case of 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well' my anger was also invoked by a feeling of sympathy towards Rainbow Dash, and oddly enough the ability to relate to the character. I have next to nothing in common with Rainbow Dash with exception to two things addressed in this fanfic, her pride and her bluntness, both of which I'm naturally inclined to defend, and your explanation between privacy and secrecy still isn't enough to convince me they are different (then again being honest to the point of being blunt is one of my defining characteristics). These are opinion based ones and most were dissipated a great deal by the end due to how the Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy scene played out, and though it was negative emotions being evoked it is still quite a feat to be able to make me care so much for the characters and their dilemma that these feelings could be evoked.

Less opinion based criticism is rather small and this should only take me a sentence or two. The opening of chapter two is a bit confusing with the change from narrator to Pinkie and back, Applejack's Earth pony magic thing makes no sense, and the Epilogue feels rather pointless particularly when Chapter 7 ends so much better. Also, isn't Fluttershy scared of Nightmare Night? Why would she need a costume?

Regardless of my difference in opinion to certain moments and views within this fanfic it is still a phenomenal read, a great experience both as a piece of literature and as a means of enjoyment. I love FlutterDash and it makes me smile to know that it has not just been featured in a fanfic but a wonderful one at that capable of tugging my emotions up, down, and all over the place. Finally, this may be a stupendous emotional tale but the following '"L... Love has triumphed!" she shouted, mostly to regain some dignity. "And... in my bed!" Her horn began to glow threateningly' was the best scene of the entire thing. Astonishing job, keep up the fantastic work!

Dang dude, this is a good fanfic. I agree with the other reviewer, this really should be featured.

I don't understand why things like this are not more prominent on FIMfic. This was really poetic in its structure. In other words, this is the good shit of the literary world. :pinkiehappy:
I got nothing else to say to this. :rainbowhuh:

This, is definetly one of the best Rainbowshy fics i've read yet. :rainbowderp:
rather short though, but i guess i can appreciate not dragging the drama any further than necessary (and it could have been milked for dozen more chapters easily) and ending before reader fatigue has change to set in.

Wow ... Words fail to describe how incredible this was. This probably the best shipping fic I have ever read. Congratulations!

This was absolutely beautiful. I love romance stories involving Fluttershy, they always turn out so cute. :yay:
So, yeah. Beautiful.

It's criminal that a masterpiece like this has to wallow in relative obscurity. This is easily one of the greatest stories I've ever read from this fandom. Hell, from ANYTHING. I've read entire novels I've liked less.

I'm almost ashamed to never have read a proper FlutterDash shipfic before this, but I'm glad this one was the first. Oh my god am I glad.

It was good.
Possibly the best.

I'd love to see this get featured. As strange as this fic is in some ways, I have found it a highly unique read and styled very engagingly.
:rainbowdetermined2::heart::yay: FTW!

So much character and emotions squeezed into so few chapters. It still is inconceivable how you've managed to do all this.. :rainbowderp:

This song is relevant (for once)


This should be featured. The story is very well written, and the romance is sweet, and doesn't seem forced at all. It seems natural, like something the show would do if they ever abandon the TV-Y.

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