• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



(2nd Person story starring Doctor "You" and Rainbow Dash)

Being a doctor in the big city isn't as glamorous as you thought it would be; few hours, minimal contact, and a staff of doctors that really don't care. So you did what any self-respecting doctor would do: pack up his bags and move to another city. Ponyville to be exact. This small, out of the way town promised to be the perfect place to set up a family practice and actually do house-calls for a change. Though, you'd never thought you'd be performing home-care for a certain blue pegasus who ended up in your Emergency Room...

Author's Notes:

Cover Image by N3uro. Thanks buddy!

This is the second fic I ever did for the SFG and still one of my favorites. The idea came to me shortly after finishing Love Triangles and Other Funny Shapes and I needed to write it. Luckily, I did and this fic lead to all my others because I said to myself: "Why stop with just one of the mane cast? I'll do all of them!"

Best idea ever. ^.^

Anyway, there originally was a much more graphic ending, but after all this time, I gotta say I'm not happy with it. I may or may not fix it and write a different one, I have no idea. But for now, it's just a teen rating. I promise plenty of laughs, sweet moments, and tender scenes.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 120 )

Well, If all of your stories are quite that sweet, I need to ensure I see my doctor to avoid any diabetes that may occur. Another riveting tale, I enjoyed this one quite thoroughly. I hope that you will continue to update in my evenings like this, for quite a long time. Now,to the meat of this review. In this story, I feel as if I had more of a connection to myself this time, the time frames helped establish a relationship in a quick manner. It was a cute, sweet story, one that I think I will come to expect from your works. Also, if I continue this way, I think I may start controlling the first reviews for your stories.

Heh, thanks. I'll have The Candy Sutra up tonight, around the same time, staring :pinkiehappy:

I would have had this up sooner, but I felt like I needed to do a little editing. The Candy Sutra, however, is pretty much ready. I'd post it now, but I've got housework and typing I need to do. Glad you enjoyed the story, I've got a lot more in me. Ciao for now.

Excellent job, as usua- hold on a second, you're not Coffeebean!

Still, epic story. Je Suis approver

Nope, not Coffeebean, but he's a buddy of mine. I believe he was there when he saw Love Triangles and Other Funny Shapes go up. We help each other with stories and we've been friends since. I'll have more stories up, I promise. I'm just writing one as we speak and I want to get it up on the SFG thread on Ponychan ASAP.

I usually avoid romantic fics like the plague, but I derped and didn't look at the tag. I'm glad that happened, this was nice.

One of the best romance fics ive read :D GJ Mr. Creeper XD idk

Two things: 1. Eating eggs? For ponies???
2. It talks about humans in the description.
3. I would be interested on your take on a human in equestria story (but with less shipping)

1) Looked it up, Vegetarians can eat eggs.
2) Sorry about that. Been tired all day and working on a non-pony story as well.
3) Hmm... Might do something like that in the future. Although, if I did, it would probably turn into an self-insert sort of thing and we all know how those go. >.>

Hey now, self-inserts can be very good if done well. Also, anything that involves a human is a kinda self insert. Who wouldn't want to hug fluttershy? I wouldn't be that mean to my character and not give him a chance to hug a pony. Also Lyra and Bon-Bon, I can see your story now.... Oh you updated another story! See ya!


What about all the cakes that Pinkie makes? They use eggs. And Fluttershy uses her chicken coop to get eggs.

I must simply say, I am loving this!:heart: But Dashie's hurt :fluttercry:

That was adorable!

Why must doctors always troll by telling you these things slowly? :trollestia:

Lol i do the very same just to their reaction

Epic romance bro keep it up

When I opened it I was like, ugh, first person? But I gave it a shot when I considered the ratings, and it was worth it. You (almost) had me when you pulled the classic "What's wrong Doc?!" Absolutely adorable. :rainbowkiss:

"...you ask as you pull out the candy from the same drawer you got the needle."

Wow, that's almost as unsafe as:
*fishing through box* "I could have sworn I kept my gloves here... nope, still more needles."

I was going more of a "you keep lolipops next to the capped flu shots so you can give brave little children treats." Also has the added effect of scaring the kid once more as you reach into the same drawer, as if you were going for another needle.

Very well written, nice story. A joy to read!

dash tried to do a doble sonic rainboom didn't she

This stiry is great just ignore nigative coment's

aw....some is the only word too explain it

you sould make an epiloge

Humm,. Not bad, not bad at all, :pinkiehappy:


I laughed so hard with Granny smith, I always thought she would have a mouth like a sailor LOL

I think I might have to read all your stuff now

WOW!! your the first one I have ever seen write out a good excuse to not use magic to heal! GREAT WORK!!!


I dont see why the cant eat egg?

Very nice, you really know what your doing. I like this story But I still think "Love Triangles and Other Funny Shapes " is 20% cooler!


tis going good from where im at, ( not far in ) but i have high expectations for it even though it is already complete :3 man i always say stuff without thinking bout it even though i am thinking of thinking out it right now, but dont think bout it kay? :3 im loving this though

this is soooooooooooooo awesommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme

Pretty good,interesting. Idk if this is old or not so this comment might be useless, but I suggest making the "you" character in second person stories less strict personality-wise, if that makes sense. Like I always figured the point of 2nd person is to make the reader feel like they are expieriencing the events in the story, therefore the charactor itself d be flexible. In this story, the "you" character is a sophisticated smart doctor with a nice vocabulary. Its hard to imagine myself in the situation if it is so unlike me, or any other reader. I kinda just think of it as just a whole separate OC pony. But other than that I love it! Keep it up!

WAIT, a pet turtle and an injured wing, YOU ARE A PROPHET!!!!!!!!!!

Took me long enough to get started reading this again! XD ALLONS-Y!

Of course she is... XD

Dat Pinkie Sense... Finding us out...


Did Pinkie just break the fourth wall again?

27817 This is the epilouge.

cool story, bro. :D

Dashie took an arrow to the knee!:fluttercry:

Nightengale Syndrome? Nightengale Syndrome.

Amazing :D

37555 Even the names of the turtles/tortoises were similar! All hail the good wizard Gentleman!

I enjoyed it. Short, but very sweet. :pinkiesmile:


They eat eggs. Look at the one episode, Sisterhoof Social (?). the breakfast Rarity coachs Sweetie Belle in setting up is two eggs sunny side up with a sprig of parsley for garnish.

...Boyfriend? Don't you mean "coltfriend?" This IS MLP, after all. Gotta use the jargon... that you've been using for the rest of the fic. :ajbemused:

Cute fic. Now to Quantum Leap and see what happens with the rest of the gang...

This chapter hurt to read. "may never fly again" is... intense.

Loved this line

“What did I do to deserve an awesome boyfriend like you?” Dash asks.

You kiss her tenderly and smile. “You crashed.”

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