• Published 9th Mar 2012
  • 11,737 Views, 202 Comments

Flutterlich - NTSTS

Inside the Everfree forest, Fluttershy is exposed to a dark energy which changes her forever.

  • ...

Darkness Inviting

The rest of the first day of observation went by mostly without event until the evening. Fluttershy had resolved herself to a quiet night with Angel in as much peace as she could muster, the two of them snuggled in front of the living room fire place, ignoring the sinewy tendrils of darkness than hung from the ceiling. The fire gave a particularly loud crack at just past ten, causing Fluttershy to jump ever so slightly in her seat. Angel gave her a sideways look, but only as a gentle ribbing, before nestling his head back into her coat, basking in the warmth of the flickering flames.

At five past ten, they heard the crash from outside; a cacophonous series of thumps that sounded like a barn being torn apart. Fluttershy swiveled her head in a panic towards the window, searching for the source of the violent emanation, before a second crash followed, and then a third, prompting the Pegasus to bury herself in the blanket, tucking the green fabric overtop her black and pink mane like a makeshift shelter. Angel continued to look around, peering out the nearby window as the series of thumps continued, like a sledgehammer colliding with a deteriorating home.

Eventually, the racket stopped, prompting Fluttershy to peer out of her blanket fortress timidly.

“Angel, what was that?” she asked in a meager squeak. Angel looked back concernedly, but could only shrug. He gestured towards the door simply with one paw.

“Do… do you think we should go outside and see?”

Angel shrugged again.

Though Fluttershy was normally content with Angel's laid-back mannerisms, right now she wished dearly that he could have tried just a little harder to inspire some kind of confidence. She was sure that he'd be there by her side if necessary, and supposed that would just have to make due.

Still, she was anything but eager to venture out into the darkness of night and confront whatever had been responsible for the horrible series of noises that had made her feel as though the world outside was being destroyed. Maybe it would be best just to wait inside for the night to pass, and analyze the aftermath in the morning. As long as everyone was safe inside, there was no need to spend any time searching for something terrifying. Fluttershy did a quick mental tally of the creatures in the house. Angel at her side, and the chickens...

Sir Roostington... and six others.

Where was the seventh?

Fluttershy looked to the door again. The tiniest crack she had failed to notice before brought in a small draft of cool air from outside. She immediately tried to rationalize the possibility unfolding itself. Surely one of the chickens had wandered off elsewhere into the house...

The echoing cluck from outside shattered her delusion instantly.

Fluttershy surprised herself with the rapid assemblage of her resolve. The question of investigation now wasn't really a question at all. Regardless of the semi-animate status of the gaggle of chickens currently occupying her cottage, Fluttershy wasn't about to let one of them wander off into the night amidst suspicious noises, especially given the events that had taken place the last few days. She just hoped dearly she could find him before anything more horrible happened.

There was no amount Fluttershy could prepare herself mentally for what might be waiting outside, but she a drew a deep breath in her best concerted effort. It seemed that world she had known and loved for so long in Ponyville had been turned upside down from a simple journey into the forest. The Everfree had always given her a sense of unease just from its proximity. Now, she vowed to herself that when all of this was over with, she'd never set hoof in the dreadful woods ever again.

Angel's ears raised in surprise as Fluttershy through the door open with a sudden shove, barreling outside into the cool night. After a minute, he recovered from the shock with a shake of his head, and ran after her, the door swinging open as his feet carried him past the doorway.

The air outside was cold and damp, like a shrill suffocating blanket, though the particles of the air seemed thick not with density, but a smothering electric sensation, unseen consequences and fear leaking into the body through every breath. It was enough to make the majority of Angel's hair stand on end, only intensified by the fact that upon his exit of the cottage, his yellow pegasus companion was nowhere to be found. He gave a fervent scan in either direction, but saw nothing but the forest in the distance, and the waving grass nearby.

It was the roar at the other side of the house that drew his attention.

The sound was unearthly. Angel was familiar with the cries of ferocious bears and other agitated and menacing animals from Ponyville's surrounding area, but the sound that pierced his ears cut through the night like a groan from an unseen abyss, a cross between a primal roar and dying cry of agony. His body froze in place, struggling inside with every impulse his brain sent to his body telling him to run. Only his commitment to Fluttershy staid him there, but it was not strong enough to overwhelm the fear, and so he remained frozen.

Fluttershy had a similar reaction, face to face with the creature that had made the noise.

Her limbs were stiff as a board, outstretched and planted firmly in the ground, in what would have otherwise been a stance of defiance if not brought about entirely by fear. On her back, Fluttershy's wings had flared outward, the tips glimmering in the moonlight, their usual yellow, but now tinted ever so slightly black at the edges. She couldn't move a muscle, nor could she break her gaze from its lock on the horrifying creature in front of her, standing in stark contrast to calmness of the evening environment surrounding it.

The thing looked like a bear grown to a grotesque size. It towered over Fluttershy, panting loudly, its face hemorrhaging steam into the cold night air. It's proportions were malformed in every direction, giant club-like legs and a tiny head like a spined pustule atop its shoulders. The demonic bear's face was a crude approximation of a misshapen skull, dented at one end with the skin either missing or grown incorrectly over top the monstrous bone structure. It's mouth was a frightening mesh of jagged teeth, like blood covered thistles spouting from both sides of its jaw and gnashing together in frustration when they met. It was standing on its hind legs, and in one of its spined paws it held the form of a desiccated chicken, which was utterly silent. The only sound was the horrifying panting escaping from the bear's mouth, and the sound of Fluttershy's heartbeat inside her own ears. Her brain told her to run, but her legs were unable to translate the message. She simply stood face to face with the creature that had aggravated her torment, waiting for it to make the first move.

In the back of her mind alongside the silent panicked screaming of her own conscience, Fluttershy heard the faintest traces of a familiar whisper.

"Show it... you are no longer as weak as you have been led to believe..."

As though sensing the synapse firing in response to the hidden voice's direction, the creature roared again, horribly, sending branches in the forest rippling from miles away. As it did so, it squeezed the chicken in its paw, spiked claws digging into the remainder of the bird's flesh, prompting it to let out a horrified cry. Apparently whatever semblance of its normality was left was enough to realize the situation at present was not a pleasant one.

Fluttershy heard her own voice screaming inside her head, telling her to run, to get as far away from her cottage as she could, do close her eyes and fly off and never look back - but the cowardice was cut in short spurts by memories, flashes of other things. The prodding of the other voice inside her mind. Remembrance. Shame. Fear. The way she had felt her whole life, diminutive and helpless. She remembered voices, shouting at her, mocking her, and how worthless she had felt. What she had done then was hide, when she could do no more.

The voice flashed across her mind again in the span of a single breathe, guiding her consciousness away.

‘You can do much more now...’

What would she have done back then, if she had been capable?

Another flash, bright, and black.

She had saved her animal friend. She had circumvented death at a whim. What more could she do?


She saw the vision that would result from her helplessness. The bear's hand clenching around the shrieking bird and crushing it into a red pulp of meat and bones.


She was standing up years ago, prying herself from a crumpled heap into a stance of defiance.


Instead of tears, her eyes were filled with fire, burning away the world around her, staring through the souls of the three colts in front of her.

Flash. The bear clenched its hand. Flash. A familiar pose. Her hoof was outstretched, dark tendrils spiraling out from her leg - this time with a small group of cowering ponies in front instead of the remains of slaughtered poultry. Flash. Her leg raising again. The voice.

"Show them..."

Fluttershy saw black. Then red.

On the other side of the house, Angel, still partially frozen in fear, felt a chill run up his spine. The air had turned as cold as ice.

The creature sniffed the air almost idly, as though it was unaware of the microcosm of unbecoming unfolding in front of it. Fluttershy's body had become enshrined almost entirely in a black flame, tendrils even darker than the night's sky interweaving with the same mystic purple energy that had consumed the forest floor days before. It spun around her body like a vortex, sending wayward leaves and less than firmly rooted grass flying off into the distance, as though the earth itself wanted to be nowhere near her.

The bear feigned obliviousness. It lifted the chicken to its mouth and opened its gaping maw of jagged teeth.

Fluttershy's shout split the air in half. The same trees that had rippled minutes before with the force of the skull-bear's roar shook ferociously this time, branches at the farthest end of the forest arching backwards against the force of the tidal wave of force sprawling through the air. The night's cold that had moments ago chilled into ice had now shattered. In Ponyville, passerby felt their hearts pause too long, only to return with a gasp of cold air a minute later, left holding their ears and cringing in confusion.

The creature staggered in surprise, but held fast against the impact of Fluttershy's outburst. It leered forward at her, finally taking in the site of her body enveloped in dark energy. The scene seemed to give the monster pause - but as if by some instinct, its hand continued the journey towards its mouth, a now petrified chicken clenched between its claws.


The word came from a place Fluttershy had never heard herself speak from before. She recognized the feeling vaguely, the insistence of personality that came from her use of the only similar technique she had ever made use of. A verbal stare, magnified a hundred fold by the confidence coming in a way she had never felt. Her assurance was founded not just on her own strength of will, but on a literal strength, dark and powerful and coursing through her body. A single syllable sent the creature reeling with bird still in hand, using its other paw to claw at its own disgusting face, willing the brain-worm of a command out.

Fluttershy wasted no time waiting for the creature to recover. She stretched out one hoof again, and a beam of black spewed forward, hitting the creature on one of its hind legs. The impact sent it sprawling, and it let out another cry. This one sounded less fearsome, and much more like a wounded animal now realizing it was in far beyond its realm of reason. Its eyes swiveled in agonized confusion, darting down to its catch as a form of assurance. Fluttershy simply shook her head, and waved her hoof towards the chicken. The creature's sunken violet eyes widened as the bird changed. Its body expanded outwards, growing and distorting into a hefty mimicry of its original shape, pushing the bear's claws outwards and eventually bursting forth from the creature's grasp and sprawling onto the cool and now shaking evening grass. The chicken's fear was gone, now replaced by nothingness - its growth had expanded its bones outside the realm of its body, and the remaining pieces of feathers and flesh fell to the ground like tattered cloth.

The grass parted and sizzled at Fluttershy's hooves as she walked slowly towards the slumped over beast. The fire around her body had receded, leaving her with only the slightest hints of crimson lightning streaking occasionally across her fur, now coloured in black with strange symbols and patterns. She moved closer patiently, the creature's vociferous roaring and panting replaced with an almost frightened gasping for breath. She walked until she was so close to the creature she could peer right into its needle-mesh of a dental structure, the deformed husk of a chicken walking close behind her on her right side. Her expression was grim as she raised a hoof again, pointing it squarely at the creature's face, what could be called a nose in a normal facial topography. Dark energy blossomed at the tip of her outstretched limb, causing the air around it to deaden, like a shriveling dead plant away from a cancerous parasite, removing the life from everything around it. She paused for a moment, staring at the monstrosity in front of her. As the energy channeled, she looked into its bug like eyes, devoid of any animate expression, yet somehow consumed in terror. The compound lenses caught a glint of the moonlight as it beamed overhead - and reflected the frame of a scared, white bunny huddling at the corner of Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy froze. In an instant, the swell of energy and blooming decay at her hoof vanished, and with it the aura that had surrounded her body. The sizzle of burning grass at her feet vanished, and the lines of lightning arcing along her coat fizzled into nothingness, though traces of the arcane black pattern along her skin remained. Her stance faltered, and she fell from her posture of assured confidence into a slump, meekly balancing on her now wobbling knees trying to remain upright.

The creature piqued at this opportunity, and wasted no time before rising from the ground and running toward the dark branches of the Everfree forest. The low-hanging branches of the trees snapped as it crashed through the dense wood.

To Fluttershy's right, the mutilated skeleton of the chicken remained, now shrunken back to its normal proportions but still without its skin, now laying on a pile feet away from its hollow body. The chicken stared blankly into space with empty eye sockets, seemingly unaware of the shaking pegasus to its side. It remained oblivious as the patter of tiny footsteps darted across the grass, sometimes turning to a crunch as they crossed a patch of burned vegetation.

Fluttershy's legs finally gave out as Angel reached her, her body weight sending her sprawling into the ground at the unsympathetic behest of gravity. She made no attempt to bar her fall as the ground came up to meet her, letting her face land roughly. The force of the impact drew a weak cough as the ringing echoed through her head and she feebly attempted to remove the dirt from her mouth. She felt the distinct absence of Angel's touch as he stood just near enough for her to notice his withdrawal, hovering hesitantly inches away from her fallen form instead of reaching out to comfort her.

She understood his reaction... but she could count it singularly among the thing she understood about what had just happened, or what had been happening to her since her trek into the Everfree.

Thinking was too tiring. Fluttershy stared at the gaze of empty eye sockets in polished white bone as sleep overtook her.

It was very dark. Fluttershy’s eyes opened to what appeared to be nothingness, a black void surrounding her body. There was no sound, save the sporadic thumping of her hear ringing through her ears.

Fluttershy felt very, very alone.


She managed to squeak out a tiny sound despite the insistence of her mind warning her away from doing anything. It reminded her of times she had awoken in the night to a strange noise from somewhere in the house, and had struggled to convince herself it was simply a restless critter or the house settling, rather than dragging herself out of bed to face whatever horrible thing might be waiting for her in a shadowy corner.

The darkness gave no reply. Her heart thumped more insistently.

In the periphery of her vision, Fluttershy noticed something startling - the black in her hair had vanished. It was back to its proper bubblegum pink. She almost jumped for joy, but caught herself in remembrance of her location, wherever it might be. Such a thing was no time for celebration.

In the back of her mind, she heard the faintest whisper of a voice now quickly becoming familiar... but it spoke without words, like an ethereal breeze passing through the an empty chamber room.

Fluttershy cringed instinctually at the intrusion of the incorporeal rasp in the confines of her thoughts. She shut her eyes immediately, responding as she always had when afraid, until very recently. One of her eyes peaked open as the thought crossed her mind. Was she still afraid? Separating the emotion was difficult; her whole being felt a strange amalgamation of the self she was used to, and the bizarre transformation that had occurred over the last two days. Despite the things she had done since that first change, Fluttershy realized wanted nothing more than to be back in her safe warm bed, surrounded even as it was my macabre fixtures and decoration. At the very least, it was away from here, separate from the dark and the sinister whispers creeping into her ear. At her remembrance she had been ready to give up her meekness and fear forever just a short while ago, but now the fear was back, and it felt familiar, almost welcoming.

Every second in the dark intensified the fear of Fluttershy's unknown surroundings. Another breeze like a dying breath made her jump. At last, something was materializing from the darkness, a swirl of grey smoke wafting in an invisible breeze feet in front of her face. The mist wavered and weaved up and down, condensing and separating until it finally formed a semblance of a coherent shape. At last, the voice had a shape in the form of a husk-like face formed from the condensed melting fog arisen from nothingness.

Fluttershy's heart stopped for a moment. The face felt horrifyingly familiar, though she knew she had never seen it. The hiss when it opened its mouth was like air escaping from the final minutes of a settling corpse.

'Welcome, holder... we are pleased to see you...'

Fluttershy abandoned all pretense of the personal certainty she had given in to over the past two days and placed her hooves firmly on her ears, cowering with her head to the ground and eyes shut. She wanted away from here. Away from the darkness and the hissing voice of death. She couldn't convince herself that being strong was worth this.

The face smiled, smoking decayed lips forming a horrifying curve illuminated against the impermeable background of nothingness. It spoke again, making Fluttershy feel as though her thoughts were crawling with ants.

'The past few days have been hard for you... the transition can be difficult. But we are ecstatic you have accepted the change so readily.'

There was no response that could coalesce Fluttershy's reaction into a single statement. She knew what the voice meant, but there was no part of her that wanted to accept it. She shook her head in resistance to the insinuation creeping into her conscience. Her mouth managed to form the only word that could contain her emotion, whether in regards to the voice's grim pliance of her supposed acquiescence, or as a gesture to herself, fighting against the impulses that had driven her actions in the first place.


The word held no defiance. It was a meager protest stifled by Fluttershy's feelings more than the imposing nature of her verbal combatant, so meek that the voice seemed to give it no heed as it continued its ashen whispers.

'You make such good use of the gifts during your transition... and we feel the motivation behind your actions. This is the greatest benefit you could have hoped for, though we do not yet expect you to understand.'

She wanted to scream, but her lungs gave out their emotion before the first breath could be collected. Her legs gave out underneath her body of their own accord, sending her tumbling downward into an awkward heap. The weakness she felt was so great that even in the absence of someone to torment her, her own psyche was content to do the job. The tears wanted to come, but couldn't. Fluttershy managed to assemble a sentence out of her rapidly failing vocal cords.

"I don't... I don't want this. You're wrong. I want to go back to the way things were."

If the animate fog had been capable of proper expression, it would have sneered in utmost contempt - but instead, the tendrils of white twisted into their best semblance of a condescending grin. The leer made Fluttershy feel even more helpless; sapping the miniscule conviction she had attempted to put into her speech. She couldn't lie to the entity that had followed her through the darkness, no more than she could lie to herself.

As though it could feel the fog of emotion permeating the nonexistent air, the voice's tone grew even more taunting, like a mischievous bully taunting the pegasus from the intangible aether of darkness.

'We understand what your heart yearns for, that we are able to provide... All we ask in return, is your cooperation...' The voice let each sentence fade before continuing the next, like the breath of an elderly dying stallion, rattling his lungs and frame with the struggle of his final hours.

The words sent a dark flash of familiar remembrance through Fluttershy's thoughts. She didn't want to consider its suggestion - but that was just what she had done before a face close to her heart had pulled her back from her horrifying revelry. She had felt an energy then that was almost intoxicating. Never before could she remember feeling so in control, so sure of her actions, and certain there was nothing in the world that could stand in her way. The feeling was amazing... but as the last few days had borne witness, there were consequences to that feeling.

And therein lied her conflict and questioning. Was any part of that strength enough to give in to the dark force that had followed her from the forest? The one at the behest of the voice now taunting her from the shadows. The same energy had mutated and distorted her animal companions, and compelled her to act in ways she never before would have considered possible. It made her feel powerful, but the costs seemed to heavily outweigh the benefits in every regard.

She tried to raise her voice in defiance, but couldn't form the words to profess her protest.

Without receiving an answer, the dry wail lurking in the darkness and her mind let out a contented rasp of breath, and with it the ethereal fog separated into a tornado of whirling dark wisps around Fluttershy's body, prompting her eyes to widen in shock. Instinctively her limbs shot outward and flailed against the approaching blanket of sinewy blackness, a tattered macabre tapestry encircling her despite her struggle. The voice was at its softest point as it spoke before the dark enveloped the yellow pegasus.

"We understand better than even yourself... and we can be patient..."

The howl of the dark wind deadened the last of Fluttershy's lucidity, and soon the void around her was replaced with the more absolute darkness of unconsciousness.

The pegasus awoke with a start, jolting upright and sending the sheets flying from her body. Her eyes flew wide open, taking in an instant dose of the strongest moonlight which beamed in through her bedroom window, coating the room in a silvery glow.

Fluttershy wished it had stopped at the pane of glass the moment her eyes took in the sight of the room surrounding her. Even the darkness had seemed more welcoming.

She took a moment to absorb the sight of the unintentional decoration coating the walls of her wooden abode. The tendrils had spidered out even further, coating almost every last inch on the available surfaces. The book case in the corner had been woven over completely, volumes of sweet childhood stories and guides for animal care wrapped in disgusting black roots. Like the veins of a sickened heart crawling into the last vestige of her safety and sanity, leaving her a firm choice between acceptance and resistance. She didn't want any of this. She couldn't stand to see it. It would be so easy just to fall into bed, to let sleep overtake her and shut her eyes away from existence, ignoring everything until her world changed one way or the other.

A white blur at the corner of her closing eyes was reminder enough that there was still at least one reason not to give up yet.

Fluttershy turned sideways in her bed, the tangled sheets falling off her body drenched in sweat from her nervous nightmare. Angel's face was the most sympathetic she had ever seen in, his brow furrowed in concern, his bright eyes wide with emotion. His expression was yearning as his tiny paws reached outwards. Fluttershy didn't hesitate for a moment before throwing herself forward, grabbing the bunny with both forelegs and grasping him to her body, squeezing him as tight as she could without hurting him. The warmth of the rabbit's body against hers was more than comforting - it was a reminder that she was alive. And that was all the more reason to persist - if not for herself, then for Angel.

Angel, of course, said nothing, but the moment passing in silence as the two embraced said more than the longest diatribe ever could have. It was Fluttershy who broke the silence, whispering quietly in a voice carried from the softest part of her heart, a safety from the darkness that seemed to surround her further every day.

"Angel... I think tomorrow, we should talk to Twilight."

Still nestled in Fluttershy's arms, Angel nodded his head.