• Published 10th Nov 2013
  • 1,981 Views, 65 Comments

Living The Hive Life - Valen

Ever feel like you should be doing something? Then you know how it feels to be Mimic Shift. But he's not worried, he's got friends who will help him make the most of his life! And with friends like these, what could possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter I: A Friendly Game

Living The Hive Life


Chapter I: A Friendly Game

Changelings are some of the world’s most mysterious creatures. They are intelligent shape-shifters, lead by a group of nine monarchs known as the ‘Unseelie Court’. Their society is one of great strength, every single Changeling trained for combat and espionage from birth. Of course, there is more to their species than just their military, similar to the Ponies, Griffins and all other sentient races.

There are many professions outside combat or infiltration. Against popular belief, many Changelings still eat, for -- although their primary sustenance comes from love -- the taste and texture of real food is hard to beat. There are teachers, performers, private businesses and many more options.

The Changeling species is divided precariously into nine prime ‘Hives’ with many smaller ones surrounding them. Our story starts in Hive Mephistis, home of Queen Chrysalis and some of Changeling history’s greatest heroes. Nocturus Lance, captain of the honour guard and one of their most powerful warriors. Sa'kira, one of the world’s most talented seers.

Recently, there have been rumours of an impending war between Changelings and the other races. In this time of worry, with potential enemies pressing in on all sides, the Unseelie Court looks to its warriors to stand strong and protect their civilisation from the multiple threats. They look to their species’ elite warriors, who have spent their entire lives training for the day that they go to war.


This isn’t their story.

Mimic Shift landed face-first on the couch in front of him. Fumbling a little, he kicked the door he had walked through, effectively shutting it. Swift Shade turned around in his chair to look at his house-mate. Mimic had a pretty impressive stature for one who did so little actual work. He was much slimmer than most Changelings, giving him a look of speed and energy. His horn was smooth and curved upwards. Mimic’s mane was spiked upwards -- typical of a Changeling -- and he wore a smooth, dark blue carapace.

Swift Shade was his opposite. Whereas Mimic was slim, Swift boasted broader shoulders. Like his friend, he too sported a smooth dark blue carapace, but where Mimic’s horn was smooth, Swift’s was jagged and dangerous looking. He was slightly taller than Mimic, landing him a good hoof taller than most Changelings. He had a slightly torn left ear from a brawl he’d gotten into a few years earlier. Mimic was younger than Swift by about a year. The two had met at the academy and had become fast friends.

The smaller Changeling rolled over, groaning overdramatically. It was at times like this when Swift regretted that decision.

“What’s up, Mimic? Shouldn’t you be on patrol?”
The smaller Changeling immediately stopped his groaning to look at his friend. The two stared at each other for a moment, deep pools of cerulean blue studying the other in detail. They held this position for a moment, before Mimic burst into laughter.

“Oh, oh sweet Nocturus, you nearly got me!” Mimic gasped through a bout of laughter. He wiped a tear from his eyes before continuing. “Seriously Swift, you know me better than that. ‘Sides, it’s not like the guard would fall apart without me.”

“You really should at least try and show up to your job Mimic. I am honestly surprised you still have one,” Swift chastised.

“Oh c’mon, it’s not like you’re much better. When was the last time you even showed up?” Mimic countered, still grinning as Swift joined him on the couch. Swift opened his mouth to reply, but found himself at a loss for words. When was the last time I showed up?

Seeing that he had won, Mimic laughed again before hopping off the couch and stretching his legs. He looked around the room. Well, room wasn’t really the correct term, more like cave; Just as most Changelings did, Mimic lived inside a hollowed-out cave. The two shared the place with their friend Dusk Shadows because none of them could afford rent on their own. Despite what some of the other Changelings thought, being a guard really didn't pay very well when over a third of your entire species served as one. Maybe I should just go and live in the barracks? Mimic thought, before immediately dismissing the idea. He wouldn't take that kind of charity, not from anyone. Besides, most of the other guards didn't like him anyways, why give them an easy shot?

He frowned at this, Why doesn't Swift stay in the barracks? having never really asked anything personal, Mimic unsurprisingly didn't know very much about his friend as a Changeling. Urgh! Thinking. Bad. Don't do it! Thinking is something smart Changelings do, I am not a smart Changeling. Mimic groaned, he was getting bored. When he got bored, he got introspective. That was bad. Suddenly, an idea popped into Mimic's head.

“Hey Swift?” Mimic asked, casually leaning against the wall.

“M’yeah?” Swift replied, opening his eyes to see Mimic’s mad grin mere inches away. “WAAAH!” the larger changeling screamed, scrambling backwards in surprise.

“What in the name of Tartarus was that for!?” Swift shouted, recovering from his initial fright and tactfully ignoring the fact that he had been screaming like a hatchling mere moments ago. All Mimic did in response was hold a hoof to his lips.


“What are you tal--”




“What!? What is it!?” Swift shouted in exasperation. Mimic’s response was to lean forward and bop his friend on the nose.

“Tag,” whispered the smaller Changeling, before turning around and gracefully leaping out the window.

Swift stared out the window for a moment, before looking back at his nose. He repeated this a few times before his mind could actually comprehend what had happened. Deciding to just ignore it, he turned back to his desk to continue reading. Unfortunately, his book was no longer there. Swift let out a long, angry growl.


A black blur shot through the streets of Mephistis. It darted between stalls, narrowly missing the many other Changelings who were out on business. The blur swerved this way and that, throwing itself in a spiral as it passed through the middle of a group of Hive Guard. The armoured changelings angrily shouted at the speeding blur to slow down, but their warnings fell on deaf ears.

Mimic grinned. He was pretty certain that had been his patrol group. I’ll make sure to make a return visit later, preferably with a few buckets of water in tow. He giggled childishly at the thought.
Mimic’s line of thought was abruptly cut short when he flew head first into a familiar bulky shape. Shaking his head, he looked up at the smug face of Swift Shade. The larger changeling leaned down so that he was face to face with Mimic.

“Book. Now.”

Mimic held his hooves up in the air innocently. “Hey pal, I haven’t got anything, see?”
In response, Swift nudged his friend to the side. Overbalanced, Mimic fell over, revealing a red tome which he had been sitting on. Mimic scrambled back up and took the book in a telekinetic grasp.

“Alright alright, you got me, but one thing first.”

Swift sighed. “What?”

“You were meant to say ‘tag’,” Mimic concluded, tossing the book high into the air before jumping over his bewildered friend and continuing his game. The book fell back down and was caught by the fleeing Changeling. Swift was a little more prepared this time -- it only took him a second to recover before he tore after his friend, and more importantly, his book.

Mimic laughed as he ran. This was a great way to relieve boredom! In a way, I’m even doing my patrol right now. He flew around a stalactite, alighting on top of it for a moment to catch his breath. After a less-than-graceful landing he scanned the surrounding area. All around, Changelings were going about their daily business. Blocks of dark stone buildings sprouted up all over the place. Even further down Mimic could make out some of the lower levels of the hive. In the distance sat Queen Chrysalis’ castle, its huge spires almost touching the top of the cavern.

A buzzing sound reached Mimic’s ears and in one smooth motion he backflipped away from the edge of the stalactite. A bulky black blur shot underneath him and crashed directly into the hard stone. The Changeling skidded across the rocky surface, making a sound akin to scratching a chalkboard. Mimic winced, covering his ears. That’s gotta hurt.

Seemingly unperturbed, Swift twirled back up around to face his friend. Before Mimic could say anything, the larger Changeling buzzed his wings and tackled him off the stalactite. The two hurtled towards the ground at an alarming speed, twisting and turning to try and get a better grip on the other.

“Just give me the book!” Swift yelled over the rushing wind.

“No!” Mimic shouted back, slapping Swift across the face with the side of his hoof. Any response which Swift may have formulated was cut short by a resounding crash, as the two fell through the ceiling of somebody’s house. This was followed by a splash of water and a scream. The former due to the fact that the two had luckily landed in somebody’s bath — the latter because said bath was occupied.

Mimic yelped as he was smacked around the head by a brush. Quickly scrambling backwards, his eyes darted around the room. The door was probably locked and his wings were too wet to fly with, so the window wasn’t an option. The Changeling who’s bath he had crashed into screamed again, calling for the guards to come help.

Oh this is bad.

Mimic ran over to the door, fumbling to try and open it. Suddenly, from behind him came a monstrous war cry. Twirling around, he saw Swift sprinting forward, head lowered and wings buzzing. Mimic quickly jumped aside to give his friend room. This is going to be good.

The door shattered outwards, pieces of it flying in every direction. Swift Shade grinned smugly at his work. Behind him came Mimic, who was busy fending off an enraged Changeling wielding a hairbrush.

“You crazy bastards are paying for that!” she screamed angrily.

“Argh! Swift, help!” Swift Shade turned to regard the scene, tilting his head to the side in contemplation. After a minute of consideration, he fired a quick stun spell and the angered femling fell to the ground. Mimic stared at the unconscious changeling for a moment, before turning to his friend.

“I’m pretty sure we just broke the law.”




“Wanna run for it?”

“Sounds good.” Swift replied. He then turned to the front door, casually opened it, looked both ways to check for any witnesses, and then ran like tartarus was biting at his back. Mimic followed his example, stopping to scribble a quick note and leaving it on top of the poor Changeling, before making good on his own escape.

Dusk Shadows flung open the door to her house, and flicked her long, teal mane out of her eyes. Trotting in, she dropped her bag onto the floor and flopped onto the couch beside her housemates. As she took in the sight of the room she noticed that the window had been shattered and was currently covered by a tactfully placed rock. She would have asked what had happened, but decided that it was best if she didn’t know.

“So what did you two do today?” she asked, hoping that she was stepping into easier ground.
Mimic and Swift shared a glance.

“A friendly game of tag,” they replied, before clinking their bottles of cider together and simultaneously taking a swig. Dusk Shadow’s eyes darted between the two, and suddenly she was very certain that they had let loose some kind of evil god. Before her mind could begin constructing any more terrifying fantasies, Mimic tossed a bottle of cider her way. She looked up at him, confusion evident in her eyes.

Mimic simply grinned at her in response “Here’s to freedom Dusky,” he said, raising his bottle. The other two followed suit and with a chant of ‘Hi-yay!’ The three drank together into the wee hours of the morning. Today was a good day.

Ivory Light woke with a start. Urgh, what happened? A cursory glance over her surrounding areas brought her memories right back. Two Drones had crashed through her ceiling, broken down her door and then knocked her unconscious. In the corner of her eye, Ivory noticed a small note. Hesitantly, she picked it up and read aloud.

“Hey Miss, sorry about the ceiling, don’t worry though, they aren’t hard to replace. For all the trouble I figured I’d leave you something. If you check on your desk you should find a ‘I’m sorry’ present.

Yours truly,

Sexy rugged stranger.”

Ivory made a face as she read the last sentence. Nevertheless, she walked over to her desk to see what had been left. Sitting on it was a large, thick, red tome titled ‘Daring Do and the Fork of Truth.’

“Seriously?” she asked the air incredulously. “A book!?”


“Hey, it’s not my fault! You broke her roof!”

“I can lick my nose!”




“I’m just gonna buy a new one.”

“That would be best.”

Author's Note:

Whew, I've been working on this story for awhile and I'm glad to say it's up. Mimic and the gang have been running around my head, so I'm very happy to see them doing stuff now. Anyway, comments, upvotes favourites and all are greatly appreciated! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'd like to say, any suggestion for future chapters are welcome. Have a nice day everyone!

EDIT: Thanks to the review generously provided by Garnot, I have edited this chapter with a little more info and changed a few things. Thanks Garnot!
