• Published 20th Feb 2016
  • 2,028 Views, 135 Comments

Straw Hat Pinkie: East Blue Beginnings - River Road

Ponies, Pirates, and peculiar fruit. The story of One Piece, recreated with ponies and other Equestrians.

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Arrival in Orange Town - Pinkie and the Rogue

“Really? That mare defeated the Captain of this town’s Marine base?” Pipsqueak stared at the pegasus filly, in the short moments between devouring the lunch he’d bought.

“No, I told you it was Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo glared back, buzzing her wings in agitation.

“But you said that Rainbow Dash is in her crew now?” Pipsqueak swallowed his mouthful, then grabbed the loaf of bread and ripped off a large chunk with his teeth. He really had to pack some food before traveling to the next island, instead of just whatever money he could find like he did on Iron Will’s ship.

Scootaloo paused, then nodded. “Yeah. Even though she could totally be the captain of her own crew. But I guess Pinkie Pie was pretty cool, too.”

Pipsqueak’s ears perked up and he looked down at his plate in thought. ‘Pinkie Pie… is that her name, then?’

“But Rainbow Dash was definitely the more awesome of them. You should’ve seen her! When I grow up I’m gonna become just as strong and fast and cool as her.”

Pipsqueak looked up at her, giving the filly a thoughtful look before he smiled. “So, you want to become a pirate, too? Because I’m looking for crewmembers.”

“You? Aren’t you a bit young to go out to sea?” Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, then sighed and shook her head. “Well, even if I wanted to join you, I can’t just go running off like that. I’d have to at least tell my mom, and she’s–“

“Now what is that about telling me something?”

Scootaloo gasped and turned her head, looking towards the door with an excited grin. “Mom? You’re back home?!”

A middle-aged pegasus mare was standing in the door, looking at the two foals and giving her daughter an amused smirk. “Indeed, I’m back. Now who wants to explain to me why my little filly suddenly wants to go out to sea and become a pirate?”


Pinkie Pie sighed, hanging over the side of their boat staring out over the wide expanse of blue surrounding them. “Boooooooored…”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, slowly polishing one of her wingblades. “We should be seeing the next island soon. Just take a nap if you’re bored, it’s what I always do.”

“Nah…” Pinkie rolled onto her back and looked up at the third member of their group. “Hey Fluttershy, do you have any ideas to pass the time?”

Fluttershy looked up from where she’d been cowering, staring at them for a few seconds. “Oh dear, I… uhm…” Her ears perked up and she turned to Rainbow Dash. “Oh yes, I’ve been meaning to ask. Are your swords supposed to look so, uhm… blunt? Not that I want to imply that they’re not good.” She shuffled her hoof, scraping it across the wood planks.

Rainbow hummed and lifted her wingblade up into the light, showing off the several parts connected by joints. “Good eyes, Flutters. Yeah, they’re supposed to be blunt. It’s how wingblades work.” She spread her left wing and brought it around, carefully pulling it onto the edge of her wing and securing it with a few clicks. She flexed and bent her wing a few more times, then spread it wide.

“You see, wingblades aren’t just a weapon. They’re a catalyst for pegasus magic. Once you learn to channel it through the blades and into your wings the right way…” She picked up her sword’s scabbard and tapped the end of it against her wing, producing a soft metallic clang. “See? Hard as steel. The better you are, the harder and sharper your wing becomes. Of course, if you want to see a more classical weapon…” She pulled her sword and pointed it towards Fluttershy, smirking as the pegasus shrunk away from the dangerous glint of sunlight on sharp steel.

“Of course you can’t just take any old slab of metal and use it as a wingblade.” She sheathed her sword again and put it away. “There’s a few things you need for a good wingblade. If it’s too light, you can’t rely on it to protect your wing and provide the necessary density. If it’s too heavy, it’ll hamper your ability to fly. And most importantly, you need to be able to wear it without chafing or even worse, molting, for hours if you have to.”

She spread her other wing, fastening the other wingblade onto it. “These aren’t exactly Master class blades, but they’re custom made for me by the most talented blacksmith I know. I can wear them for days without even noticing.”

Pinkie crossed her forelegs and nodded sagely. “That makes sense. You can’t just draw them like regular swords, and in a real fight you won’t have the time to put them on properly. And the blunt edges make sure you don’t just accidentally cut yourself all the time.”

Rainbow smirked and buffed a hoof against her chest. “Well, for most ponies that’s true. I can put on a set of wingblades in ten seconds flat.” She paused and blinked. “You know, I honestly didn’t expect you to listen to all that exposition. No offense, but I kinda expected you to-“

Pinkie’s ears perked up and she whipped her head up to stare into the sky. “Oooh, is that a bird?”

“…that. I expected that.” Rainbow chuckled and lay down again, looking up. “Yeah, looks like a bird to me. You know, birds at sea usually mean that you’re close to an island. Unless it’s the news ‘gulls, but I don’t see a mail bag on that one.”

Pinkie gasped and jumped up, grinning. “Finally! How much further do you think it is?” She stopped and gasped. “Oh, I know! Maybe I can already see it if I can look from higher up. Gummy gummy…

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as Pinkie reached up and wrapped her hooves around the top of their boat’s short mast. “Uhm, Pinkie, I really don’t think that’s a good idea… That bird is-“


The two pegasi yelped, clinging to the sides of the boat as it started to shake from the recoil of Pinkie’s launch. Rainbow caught herself first, wings twitching. “Okay, yeah, I’m starting to see what I got into here.”

“Hey girls, I got good news and bad news!”

They looked up, trying to spot where Pinkie’s voice had come from against the sun.

“Good news is, I can see the island from up here. Bad news is… uhm…” Pinkie made a face, struggling a bit. Her head was stuck in the beak of a giant bird, the rest of her body hanging uselessly down from a several feet long neck. “Yeah, I might need a moment to get out of this.”

Rainbow stared up at her with an open mouth, then facehoofed. “Oh you gotta be… hang in there, I’m coming!” She spread her wings, then stopped and groaned. “Hang in there, I can’t believe I said that…”

“Wait!” Fluttershy yelled, then backed down. “I-I mean, uhm… p-please don’t leave me alone back down here.”

Rainbow gave her a confused look. “I’ll literally be gone less than a minute. If you don’t want to be alone, you can come along and maybe do with that bird like you did with that wolf.” She shivered a bit at the memory.

Fluttershy whimpered. “I’m scared of open waters. And even more of flying over open waters. W-what if a strong gale hits me, or I get a cramp, or my wings lock up because I’m thinking too much about strong gale and cramps? I’ll fall into the sea and drown and mmph!

Rainbow stuffed a hoof in her mouth. “Fine, I get it! You’re scared of everything and its shadow.” She looked over her shoulder and groaned. “Gah, that bird is getting away! Alright, change of plans. If you’re scared of leaving the boat, and you’re scared of staying here alone, how do you feel about high speeds?”

Fluttershy gave her a nervous look. “I, uhm… t-terrified?”

“Welp, tough luck.” Rainbow zipped past Fluttershy, then turned around and grabbed the edge of their vessel, beating her wings and quickly speeding up both herself and their boat.



“I can’t believe that mare tricked us. What are we going to tell the captain?”

“We can worry about that when we actually get back to Orange Town. Now shut up and row.”

“And with what?!”

Three earth pony stallions were sitting in a tiny boat, trying to move it without oars or a sail. A small empty treasure chest was the only other company they had, other than the swords strapped to their backs.


“Uhm… guys?”

“Why did you both follow me here?! Couldn’t at least one of you stay behind and make sure that helpless starved mare wouldn’t steal our treasure, our boat and everything we had?!”

“For the love of the stars, shut up!

“Seriously guys, do you hear that? It sounds like it’s coming closer…”

The three stallions all turned their heads as one, staring at the small dot on the horizon that was very quickly coming closer.


“Did you say boat?!”


Rainbow blinked, looking back over her shoulder at the mess of planks and splinters where they had just passed through. Then her gaze wandered down to the three ponies clinging to her legs. “What the… No hitchhikers! Getoff!”

The three glared back at her, trying to look menacing.

“You smashed right through our boat, you idiot!”

“You’re the ones getting off the boat. We’re part of the Trixie Pirates, you don’t want to mess with us!”

“Glub glub gurgle!”

Rainbow’s eye twitched as she let go of the boat and slowed down, slowly rising until all three stallions were hanging above the water. “You have five seconds… to let go… of my hooves.


“Get back here, you damn thief!”

Rarity groaned as she galloped down the street, knowing the pirates were slowly catching up. She didn’t even have one minute in their treasure room before those two walked in on her. A full hour of sneaking through the city and cracking a magical lock, all for #*%’§.

She screamed in frustration and put on another burst of speed, trying to ignore the sound of their hooves coming closer.


Rarity looked up as a shadow passed over her, then yelped and jumped back just in time to avoid something smashing into the ground in front of her and whipping up a large cloud of dust.

She had to stop and shield her eyes, coughing as the cloud of dust settled. Finally being able to see further than her own hoof again, she noticed a pink earth pony mare standing in the middle of the street, looking around obliviously and apparently none worse for wear from the fall she must’ve taken. Rarity stared at her, stumped for the moment and wondering where the mare had come from.

“Hey, who’re you?!”

Rarity’s eyes widened and she turned around to see the two stallions that had been chasing her, only a few feet away with their swords brandished at them. She looked at them, then at the mare who was just now walking up to her with a smile that she thought was entirely out-of-place in this situation.

“Excuse me, is this–“

“Boss!” Rarity exclaimed, entirely too loud and happy, dragging the word out as she hooked a foreleg around the mare’s neck and pulled her close. This mare was quite literally heaven-sent and she had no intention to waste this distraction. “There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you and then these two fellows started chasing me but now you’re here and you can take care of that can’t you okay thanks see you later~!”

Pinkie blinked, staring after the mare in confusion as Rarity bolted off and around a corner. She turned back to the two stallions, pointing over her shoulder. “What was that all about?”


Rarity leaned against the wall, panting lightly. “Well, that was… quite horrible, actually, but at least I got away. Shame about that other pony, but it can’t be helped. She was probably part of their own crew, anyway.”

“Part of whose crew?”

Rarity shrieked and whipped around, pressing against the wall with a hoof against her chest as she stared at Pinkie with wide eyes. “You… how… darling, don’t do that to my heart. How did you get away from those ruffians?”

Pinkie looked over her shoulder. “You mean those two stallions? They didn’t even try to talk to me, they just attacked me for no reason.” She shrugged. “So I had to knock them out, sorry. Were they friends of yours?”

Rarity just stared at her with an open mouth, then shook her head. Here she had a pony who was apparently just as strong as she was gullible. She gave Pinkie another one of her best fake smiles. “Nevermind those two. How would you like to help me with something, darling? Work together, hmm?”


“We’re terrible sorry, really. Of course we didn’t know that we would be meeting the famous ‘Pirate Hunter’ out here.” The stallion gave a sheepish smile and rubbed his hooves together nervously, the two stallions at his sides rowing with similar expressions. All three of them had several bruises and welts on their faces.

Fluttershy was cowering at the other end of the boat, glancing nervously between the three pirates and her own equally intimidating friend, who had closed her eyes and was already snoozing again.

The stallions slowly stopped rowing, looking down at Rainbow Dash in disbelief. “Did she really just…?” They slowly glanced at each other and started to grin, drawing their swords with their mouths as quietly as they could and moving forward towards Rainbow until they were right above her.

Rainbow twitched and kicked out with one hindleg, hitting the middle stallion right in the stomach and causing him to spit out his sword in reflex.

Rainbow caught it with one hoof, swinging it around to knock the left stallion’s sword off the boat and then back around to press it against the third stallion’s neck in one fluid movement. She half opened one eye to look up at them. “You guys suck at rowing. Double time it or I’ll kick you three off the boat again.”

“Y-yes, Ma’am!” The three of them bolted back into their positions before Fluttershy could blink, rowing two times as fast.

Fluttershy leaned down nervously, opening her mouth twice before she finally got up the courage to say something. “Uhm, Rainbow Dash? Wouldn’t it be faster if you kept pushing the boat? And, uhm… safer?”

Rainbow stretched and closed her eyes again. “This is a matter of principle. Gotta teach those colts a lesson. Besides, we’ll still be at the island in ten minutes or so. How much trouble could our captain get into in that time.”


Pinkie looked around at the solid iron cage around her, then strained lightly against the ropes that tied her forelegs to her barrel to test them. “You know, I’m starting to get my doubts about this plan.”

Author's Note:

This chapter was originally supposed to be longer... well, actually it was supposed to be about this length, I just thought I'd get further through the story with it. This way you won't have to wait another week for the next chapter, though. Hope you enjoy. :twilightsheepish: