• Published 7th Mar 2012
  • 97,552 Views, 4,778 Comments

Hands - Andrew Joshua Talon

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept... For a given value of "realistic."

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Ponyville Film Productions presents...

A film for public consumption and education...


A Public Service Announcement

Hosted by Pinkamenia Diane Pie

"Hello! I'm Pinkamenia Diane Pie!" The pink pony said cheerfully as the film reel ran. She stood in front of a blackboard, filled with chalk drawings of various things including apples, various ponies, and a stick figure of a human. "And as the Element of Laughter, I won the straw drawing to be the hostess!"

There is an indistinct grunt off camera. Pinkie Pie ignores it.

"And I am here to educate you about..." She erased the chalk drawings with a single swipe of her tail, and quickly drew a vaguely stick-shaped figure, "HUMANS!"

"Humans... Humans..." Dash murmured off camera in a mock echo.

"Humans, or Homo sapiens sapiens, are sapient primates from the third planet orbiting a distant star called Sol!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully, scribbling a map of the Sol system. Mercury had a frowny face while Venus seemed to have rings, but otherwise it was accurate. "There are over seven billion of them all crammed together on this tiny planet called EARTH!"

Pinkie Pie held up what appeared to be the golden plaque from the Pioneer probe, showing off male and female human forms. "There are male and female humans, just like male and female ponies! They tend to wear clothes all the time though, since they don't have fur except for their manes. I guess they just started to shave and it caught on everywhere!"

Pinkie beamed as she lowered the plaque. "Humans are a race of contrasts! Which means they come mainly in shades of white and black. I guess. The pictures of humans we have seem to come in varieties of eggshell, brown, burnt orange, burnt red, kind of a pale sandy color, pink..." Pinkie shrugged and grinned. "Anyway! Humans do not have access to magic, but make no mistake! They can be dangerous and inventive! Their most fearsome weapons, aside from their brains and their heat vision," Pinkie pulled out a diagram of a hand, "are their hands!"

Pinkie bounced up and down excitedly. "Their hands let them manipulate tools, materials and tired, sore muscles! As Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle and I can attest!" She grinned. "Especially the first two, how they scream behind doors-"

A ball bounced off Pinkie's head from offscreen. Pinkie beamed happily, and tilted her head. She turned and flounced back to the chalkboard. Pinkie Pie pulled down a poster, which showed an image of Andrew Shepherd with numerous captions and arrows pointing all over him.

"Currently there is only one human in Equestria! Andrew Eugene Shepherd! Who I mentioned before-"

“Pinkie! Move on!” Hissed Rainbow Dash. Pinkie pouted.

“Oh, fine… Ahem!” She smacked her pointer to the Shepherd poster again, indicating his legs. “Unlike ponies, humans go around on two legs! This lets them use their hands freely! This also means they are basically up on their back hooves all the time, which is impressive! They’re doing wheelies! Whee!”

She pointed to the chest of the diagram. “Here is the chest of the human, which contains their heart, gizzard, and other vital organs! Surrounding this chest is a ribcage, to ensure their hearts will not escape and chase after innocent mares! That would be kind of gross, but apparently ‘chasing your heart’s desire’ can be quite literal for humans if their rib cage is not working properly!”

Pinkie’s pointer went to Shepherd’s head, and here she adopted a very serious expression.

“Finally, we come to the head of the human being! Here they keep their thoughts, which is weird because I like to put my thoughts out through my mouth! It is also where their most dangerous weapon ever is kept!” She adopted a dramatic expression. “Their brains!

Another ball bounced off Pinkie Pie's head.

"Contrary to what you've heard, humans are not horrible alien monsters! They just happen to be very, very dangerous! But unlike creatures like manticores or dragons, he builds and creates devices and plans that allow him to cause massive destruction! All with that dangerous, squishy brain inside his skull!” She held up a balloon, crudely painted to resemble the Earth, and rubbed her hooves all over it as she gazed at the camera with a predatory smile.

“Just imagine how chaotic and dangerous his entire planet must be with all the billions and billions of dangerous humans on it! All plotting and scheming and building death rays and making wars and so on! Why, it’s no wonder the Changelings wet themselves just thinking about Earth!”

“Or certain mares,” muttered Rainbow Dash off camera. Pinkie giggled.

“Hee! You made a funny, Dash!”

“Stick to the script!” Dash ordered. “Or whatever you’re using.”

“Right,” Pinkie said with a nod. She pulled down another diagram for her screen, this one covered in ancient drawings of humans. “Throughout our folklore, for thousands of years, there has been a legend of humans! The strange hairless apes that even dragons feared!” Pinkie leaned in close, holding a flashlight under her face to make her look spooky.

“These beings of legend are a force to be reckoned with, and a reminder of all the wonders that populate this planet! How even the strangest myth can be truth! Especially when it comes to… THE HUMAN ANIMAL! So show a little respect to this mighiest of the walking monkeys! This harbringer of doom to evil, and beacon of light to good! These titans of technology, beings of belligerency, LORDS OF THEIR WORLD AND SOMEDAY OURS-!”

“Pinkie! What the hell are you doing?” Andrew Shepherd walked into the shot. He was unshaven, wearing a pink bathrobe, and bleary eyed. “It’s three in the morning… And why are you in my house?!”

Pinkie Pie beamed.

"Oh, I'm just educating the general public about humans so they know what to expect when they meet you!"

“In my house… At three in the morning,” he replied flatly. Pinkie Pie nodded.

“Yes! I mean, we found those nature documentaries humans shot, and so we thought-”

“Forget it,” Shepherd sighed, rubbing his face. “Whatever you do, just do it quietly.”

“Ah, c’mon,” Rainbow Dash urged. “Why not say a few words?”

Shepherd slowly looked at the camera, blinking a few times. He scratched his side. He coughed, and wiped his face with a groan.

“I'm a little hoarse…”

Pinkie Pie stared at him, and giggled. "Silly! You're not a little horse! I'm a little horse!"

"No, no, I mean I'm hoarse," Andrew said, with another cough. Pinkie frowned.

"You need to clarify that with an adjective or-"

"No! The word is hoarse," Andrew explained. "H-O-A-R-S-E. It means to have a scratchy throat, from a cold."

Pinkie Pie stared in astonishment. Her expression turned to glee.

"You mean... You have a word in your language that sounds like horse, but means something else?!" Pinkie Pie held her hooves to the sides of her head in amazement. "FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE I SAID! HUMANS ARE AWESOME! Now give me your cold!"

Shepherd stared at her. "Why?"

"So I can be a little horse!"

“You already are,” Shepherd sighed. Pinkie Pie giggled, rolling around on the floor.

“That’s what makes it SO FUNNY!”

“I’m going back to bed,” Shepherd stated, turning and staggering off as Pinkie Pie continued to cackle.

The camera shifted, clumsily turned on its tripod until Rainbow Dash’s face filled the frame. She sighed.

“Well, until Pinkie Pie can get under control, that’s all for Humans and You. Join us next time for when we study the human’s feeding, sleeping and mating habits.”

“Wait, what are you-?” Shepherd spoke, but Dash grinned.




Author's Note:

Just a bit of fun to get the Hands train rolling again. The previous chapter has been completely updated and revamped, so be sure to check it out and review it anew! More slice of life and fun shenanigans are on the way!