• Published 29th Oct 2013
  • 11,914 Views, 585 Comments

Memoirs in Ink and Blood - Corah Il Cappo

She betrayed us. She mislead us. She imposed her rule upon us. We rose in defiance. Sequel to The Monster We Made

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I Am

I am.

For two simple words, it packed such power. It was a declaration of existence, yet also a declaration of authority. One could say," I am a soldier", or "I am a chef", or even "I am a god", yet they all implied a lot of life that I was now far above.

I was beyond life.

Beyond death.

Beyond gods.

In its simplest form, I am.

Equestria was already a fallen nation. She fell when Celestia did months ago. When she gave her last gasp, so did Equestria. Now it was my job to pick up the pieces and reforge her. Like iron, I would melt this world down, heating it until her impurities withered away. The hammer would descend upon her, beating her into submission, then placing her back into the furnace to heat again.

With enough forging and enough heat, what had once been a nation of raw iron would become one of steel.

Of course, first two certain "impurities" had to be removed. If there were two things I could not tolerate in my new nation, it was chaos and rebellion. Order, structure, logic, and justice would be the forces that guided my nation, with myself at its helm. Equestria would rise again, like a phoenix from her ashes.

A stood outside on my balcony, overlooking Canterlot. A group of ponies were on their way to attempt to cast me down. They would fail.

Nothing could stand against me.

Not ponies. Not Gods. Not the universe itself.

I could stand within the depths of the sun, but I would not burn.

I could stand within the depths of the sea, but not be crushed.

The very fabric of reality seemed to bend to my whim. I was beyond divinity, beyond...everything really. I was now a force of existence, just like entropy or gravity. My very presence was palpable, as though I exerted a gravitational pull around myself. It was...exhilarating.

And yet, despite all this, I knew one thing for sure.

I could still be killed.

Despite all the protective spells, powers, and weapons my mind could conjure, I could still die. Not from age of course, but from a lucky shot. Somepony driving a dagger through my neck as I slept, or perhaps a being emerging from Tartarus could turn out to be of equal strength with me, or somepony could get creative and invent a whole new spell against which I had no defense. There were a whole myriad of ways that it could happen. After all, Celestia must have thought herself immortal just before I killed her. Same with Cadence. They couldn't die through natural means, but somepony could still kill them, and in their case, it was me. What was there to stop another pony from coming along and murdering me?


Nothing at all.

Even if I was master and commander of all the universe, with every fundamental force of existence under my hooves, there was still a chance that I could die.

All I had labored for, all the blood I had spilt would have been for naught. I would not, I could not let that happen. After all that I had been through, Equestria was finally mine.

I would not let her be destroyed.

I had to crush this revolt before it even began. To nip it in the bud before it grew into a weed of rebellion. I had to do something that would utterly break these ponies, so that nopony would ever question my authority again.

I would make them bare witness to the death of their hope.

These ponies who must have marched for days to reach my citadel would be greeted by nothing more than the executions of Discord and Luna; the last living beings in Equestria who stood any chance of defeating me. One the last "true" goddess of the population, and one a false god of chaos who's reform had deluded them into believing there was hope for the old way of life.

The old Equestria had passed, and with the death of these two would see its end. The old Equestria was a kingdom built on harmony, and harmony was something that did not last. When the world grew rough, harmony was the first thing we lost. We turned on one another, leaving countless dead in our wake as we fought to keep ourselves from the brink of desperation.

The new Equestria would be built not on harmony, but on the shoulders of its god. I had stopped Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, and countless other beings that threatened Equestria before, and I would do the same again. Those who lived beneath my auspice would exist in a golden age of peace and prosperity that Celestia could only have dreamed of giving them. Those who stood against me however would burn like chaff from the harvest. Their ashes would be scattered to the wind, their lives only a distant memory.

So out onto the balcony I lead them. Two traitors facing down their imminent demise.

"I always imagined that when I died, there would be a bit more...pizzazz to it, y'know? This whole thing feels sort of underwhelming."

"If this is where it ends, then I want to say it was a pleasure to spend the last of it with you."

At the end of the road ahead, came the ponies I had been expecting. They did not march in as an army would, armed to the teeth and faces set as stone, but instead came as a parade, singing and dancing and playing instruments. They marched to their deaths.

I stood behind my captives, just waiting to strike.

A new era was about to begin. A great, golden era arisen from the blood and sweat and tears of god herself.

An era under the rule of only one god.

I am.

Author's Note:

Ahkuv halav micohl va'anush hu miy yayda'enu