• Member Since 24th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen May 28th

The Conflicted Writer


*More goofy pony stories involving weird things friends might or might not do, even in jest or fantasy. Diapers and willing bondage ahead. You have been warned.*

One Night, White tries desperately to write a story or some words. Anything, really. He's worked so hard, trying to craft something for his good friend. Bothered by something, memories, life, it doesn't matter. He almost destroys the little work he's made.

Black won't have this, and knows just the way to stop him from doing any more harm.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

*Looks at his shell*
Im black,
Is this story about me?

Will Smith is black, and he was in Men in Black, which some might say had black humour, but that doesn't mean he's this Black.


In closing, nope.

I'm officially confused.
I'd give you a muffin,
But it happens so often that i've run out.

Write about padded Trixie.

Yes!!!!!!!!!! another part of the black and white story series, love the next part and cant wait to see more of these two amazing character.

Seems like you're making this into a series. Sounds quite intresting. Though that rope thing sounds like it could very easily be mistaken for something else. (Blame my dirty mind for that.) Still a very fitting story, although chances are when White wakes up he's gonna have a killer diaper rash. :eeyup:

3403904 Why not browse other padded pony writers? I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.

3403816 The first one probably wasn't about you, so why would the second one be about you?

Great ,
Now im double confused.....


Perhaps you could ask nicer. Better yet, do it yourself!

sooo is this a sequel to the previous story? the starting concept seems to be identical.....

Him having difficulty writing is a fairly common theme in our conversations.

3404569 I'm bad at writing. A failure

3405921 You could always try to team up with another author. Sometimes that helps.

3405934 Good at editing. Bad at Writing.

Comment posted by ClopShopPop deleted Oct 27th, 2013

3406397 How bad? And in any case you won't get much better if you don't try.

If you're really looking for a padded Trixie story just search through "Padded Ponies and Adult Foals". You should find something to satisfy your hunger.

I've read all of them

Yes, our, plural, meaning multiple people. I'm his editor, amongst other things.

i know i said i wanted to see more of these characters , but this story wasn't nearly as interesting as the previous one......

Very good chapter CW! It's always nice to see an author get there thoughts out and that difficulty about trying to find the right words hits home very much.

Overall, a good story in the series.


These stories are not meant for straight up character development. I'm writing these as a sort of therapy. Maybe someday I'll make a solid story out of them, but for now, most things with Black and White will be them just doing what friends do, maybe in a more fetishy way.


I''m glad you liked it~

I'm very glad you wrote the 'author's Note' as, lately, I've found being 'squeezed' in the right way to add to my own soothing.

The first experience I had was when I got my first onesie. It was tight on my chest and just felt, for lack of better words, like a hug. I also try to diaper myself as tightly as I can as I like the firm feel. Though having a 'Black' doing it would certainly make it work beyond my blind application of the tabs. *Blush*

Sites, like this one and FA, are great in finding kindred spirits who can relate to what may feel like is unrelatable. It's actually so interesting in how, at a very notable level, the relationship between Black and White is like Yosh and Nishi. Nishi is very dominant and, having been belittled so much IRL for my physical limitation, I wish to be submissive on my own terms. If I'm going to be talked down to, treated like I am some sort of fragile soul, etc. I want it to be while feeling like I am where nobody ever would put me down for what I never asked for. This being in a thick diaper, cozy minky jammies, swaddled tight, and left with a pacifier in my mouth. The more I can simulate this, the more I can shut my brain off and not concern myself with all the 'need tos' and 'must dos'.

This is why, as White was 'secured', I thought on how I'd genuinely enjoy such a feeling myself. The pacifier meaning I need not have to speak, the straight jacket to not worry of having to move, the diaper for, well, obvious reasons, and being retained in a cozy space would truly help me to not have any way to panic over how I need to try 'adulting' in which only ends up with me being dismissed by society. No movement, snug hold, pacifier firm to my face, lavender powder filling the air, and the sound of cartoons being only my concern until I genuinally must go through the tired old routine.

Nishi has been my Black and I have had fun being his White. Especially since I stopped being dumb about worrying about what people thought of me. There's a reason I put my actual name on FA. This being to show everyone that I refuse to have anything used against me. If anyone ever tried to put me down for something, outside of my lack of physical vison, I'd be quick to let them know it is all public domain knowledge. Nobody will shame me again.

Black also pulled a Nishi to White. I, as Yosh and a real person, have often overthought my writing. I've overthought it so much I get frustrated and end up doing nothing. However Nishi, like Black, made sure I didn't throw out anything nor give up on a work because it was getting no comments, faves, etc.

Sorry for all the babble. I just see a lot in my friendship with Nishi through your tales of Black and White. It reminds me just how much that little hamster means to me.

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