• Published 25th Oct 2013
  • 3,189 Views, 71 Comments

Blossomforth Needs Her Own Tag - Twinkletail

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Chapter 2

Several years later...

Blossomforth sighed softly as she stared at the living room wall. All of her friends were off enjoying the town festival, and she was stuck at home, all by herself. She supposed she could try to go out and join them, but it just wasn't worth it. The biggest attraction at Cloudsdale TagCon was the Exchange of the Tags, where all the ponies present would put their name tags in a big bowl and draw a random one out of it. Whoever they drew would be the pony who they had to buy a present for. It was a favorite of her friends and the other local townsponies, but she was never able to participate. No matter how hard she looked, no matter where she turned her attention, she could never find a Blossomforth tag. She couldn't help but think of the trip she and her friends had taken to Cloudy Canyons a few years back, where she first realized that her name was just impossible to find when it came to tags. She wished with all her heart that the Cloudy Canyons incident could have been the last of its kind, but the "Other" tag that sat on her coffee table was a constant reminder that she was just one of the unlucky ones.

Blossomforth was suddenly roused from her disappointment by a knock at her door. White wings unfurled from her sides and carried her glum body over to the door. Surely this was going to be one of her friends asking her to come out anyway. There was no way she would do that. A pony bereft of tag was a pony that was missing out on far too much, a pony that nopony would search for. She rolled her eyes as she pushed the door open, ready to deny whatever request her friend was going to make.

Much to her surprise, none of her friends stood at the door. Instead, a pony in knight's armor stood before her. Medieval clothing was popular at this particular festival for some reason, one which Blossomforth wasn't looking to question.

"Hello there," the armored pony said.

"Hello," Blossomforth responded, head tilted. "You look awful...knighty." She cringed as the words came out of her mouth. She sounded ridiculous.

"Your friends have requested that I come get you," the pony said. "They want you to join in the fun over at TagCon."

Blossomforth groaned. Different face, same intention.

"Sorry, but I won't be coming out," Blossomforth told him. "I don't have a-"

"Tag?" the pony asked. Before Blossomforth could respond, the pony lit his horn up, floating a little package in front of her.

"What's this?" Blossomforth asked. She wasn't given a verbal response, instead urged on by the package gently nudging her face. She sighed and took the package from the pony's magical grasp. Wingfingers unwrapped the package, revealing a small cardboard box. Blossomforth gave the pony a questioning look before removing the box's lid. What she saw before her made her jaw drop.

"Is this...a Blossomforth tag?!" the pegasus stammered. Sure enough, a small tag laid at the bottom of the box. Adorning its face, in nice, fancy letters, was the name:


Blossomforth let out a delighted squee. She wanted to hug the pony right then and there, but his cold metal armor didn't exactly make for a good hug target.

"I have a tag!" Blossomforth shouted, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I finally have a tag! Thanks, knighty guy!" Without another word said, she applied the tag to her chest, then zipped out the door to meet her friends. TagCon was going to be great.

Comments ( 15 )

Blossomforth Needs Her Own Tag


The only story with blossom forth tagged

This is what I get for waiting 2 1/2 years to finish my "blossomforth can't be tagged" story.


Chapter 2 is even more meta than the first chapter! And hilarious still, nice. :rainbowlaugh:

Good old Blossomforth finally earns her tag. YEAH!

*Several years later*

And for more reasons than the obvious I laughed for a good laugh.

Those tags came a bit late imo but better late than never. <3 Got a good smile seeing this get a continuation given how big a fan you were then for wanting a tag for her.

Despite the story being meta — and obviously so — the way you’ve worked the meta into the story is actually rather subtle. In every possible way this story is an oxymoron. :applejackconfused:

the meta is... impressive

Author Interviewer

Oh my god, that was dumb. XD


This story was great! The tag makes a world of difference.

knighty guy tag?



holy s*** I forgot I wrote that I wrote like over a thousand words which is a lot for me honestly I should finish that or something

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