• Published 27th Sep 2013
  • 15,570 Views, 755 Comments

Chaotic Neutral - C-Puff

When magic starts failing, chaos threatens to consume Equestria. Good thing the ponies have Discord on their side to help fix things.

  • ...


Chapter 9

Twilight Sparkle came storming down the tunnel just in time to see Discord, with Fluttershy firmly wrapped in his arms, shoot out of the room and slide to a stop several paces away. Behind him, Rarity stumbled and fell flat on her face before sitting up and looking at the monster looming over her, its sail-like fins vibrating angrily.

Twilight quickly put two and two together. Her face set into a hard frown as she stampeded forward. Her magic may have been weak if not completely gone, but she refused to stand to one side helplessly while one of her friends got turned into stone.

Rarity continued to stare at the monster, quivering with fear. Neither she nor the basilisk moved, its beak-like mouth twisting into a snarl.

Rarity blinked. Then blinked again. Despite her panic at the hideous figure, she was able to bring her attention to the fact that she was not turning to stone. She wasn't turning into anything. And yet she was staring straight into the billiard ball sized eyes. It didn’t matter anymore. She just had to focus on getting as far away from the monster as possible, instead.

Breaking eye-contact at last, she twisted herself right-way-up and scrambled to her hooves, lunging towards the entrance. The Basilisk's head snapped up. There was a small delay before it let out another scream, realising its primary form of attack had done nothing.

Twilight was running at full speed, her head lowered instinctively as she tried to will power into her horn. There was a rush of wind as something streaked past her before shooting into the room. Doing a loop in the air, Rainbow Dash turned herself around, racing back towards the room's entrance. She swept low to the ground, forelegs outstretched. As soon as she was within reach, they clamped around Rarity and pulled her into the air as Rainbow used a last burst of speed to escape.

Twilight skidded to a halt as the pegasus got Rarity away from the scene. The furious basilisk thundered after them, screaming its tortured-violin-screams.

“Twilight! The door!” Applejack called, getting into a position to buck the wall.

Discord was setting Fluttershy down several paces away. Grasping Applejack's meaning, Twilight ran for the other side of the doorway, turning her shoulder and physically slamming herself against the weakened structure as Applejack delivered one of her hardest, farm-pony kicks. Dust rained down on them as stones cracked and slid into awkward positions, some landing with hard thuds around them.

“Again!” Twilight yelled, backing up a few paces before tackling the wall again. She wasn't alone this time as a puffy ball of pink seemed to pop into existence and throw itself against the rock with a slew of giggles.

Something gave way and a rumble echoed through the tunnel. Rocks and boulders crashed down on the domed room's entrance. Dust and sand billowed around the group, making it impossible for a few moments to see anything. Deep throated coughs and splutters echoed all around as the noise of the landslide died down. Thick clouds of dust hung in the air, but slowly the miss-formed shapes of ponies could be made out as it slowly started to settle.

Twilight coughed and spat at the taste of clay in her mouth as she tried to take stock of the situation. She blinked rapidly against the dirt trying to get into her eyes, rubbing at her muzzle with a foreleg to try and clear her lips and nostrils of the stuff.

“Everypony okay?!” She called with a cracked voice before giving another cough. She took a few tentative steps towards the area she'd last seen everypony.

“We're okay over here!” Rainbow Dash called from somewhere further up the tunnel.

“Are you alright, darling?!” Rarity added. She seemed shaken but otherwise sounded okay.

“I'm okay! Where's Applejack?”

“Right here.” Applejack answered close to her right. There was a shift in the swirling dust and she became visible again, waving her hat in front of her to clear the air. “Everypony else?”

“Wow! That was some rockfall!” Pinkie called out enthusiastically as she skipped back into view. “Sorry I was late, guys!”

“I think you were right on time, Pinkie.” Applejack gave her a smile.

“We're okay too.” Fluttershy's said, followed closely by Discord who was dusting himself off.

“Excellent destruction!” He beamed with approval. “Really top form! Personally I wouldn't have bothered to keep it quite so... controlled, but seeing as we're not buried under the mountain I can't really complain. And listen!” He put a paw to one of his ears dramatically, leaning towards the tower of rocks where the entrance once was. Somewhere beyond it, sounding far away, they could just make out the sound of furious screams and snarls as something thudded against the other side.

“Aaah, the sound of a victim of a great joke.” Discord said, smiling to himself serenely. “Only downside is we couldn't see its face when the roof came falling down on top of it, but we can't always have everything now can we?” He clapped his paw and claw together and grinned at the rest of the group. “Well done everypony! Medals all around! If I could make some for us, I would.”

The rest of the group were too busy brushing dirt from faces, muzzles, manes and tails to really pay any attention to him. Except for Twilight who marched towards him, her ears pinned flat.

“What in the name of Celestia did you think you were doing?!” She snapped, coming to a standstill a few inches in front of him.

“Me?” He put a claw to his chest and batted his eyes at her.

“You were suppose to stay and help Applejack! If the rest of us hadn't shown up, that thing would still be out here! What where you thinking?! Did you want us all to get turned into statues?!”

“Well first of all, it didn't turn our fair Rarity to stone,” Discord held up a finger calmly.

“And we were suppose to know that how?!” Twilight yelled, her voice growing louder by the second.

“And second of all, it's not my fault the blunderbolt didn't get here on time.” Discord jutted a thumb towards Rainbow Dash who was trying to help Rairty pick sand out of her mane.

“How was I suppose to know Rarity can go into hyperspeed when she panics?” Rainbow gave him a dirty look.

“I'm sorry I couldn't get you out of there on my own, Rarity.” Fluttershy muttered softly, giving her an apologetic look. “I really did try my best.”

“You don't need to apologise for anything, sweetheart. You did save me after all.” Rarity smiled at her, lifting her disheveled fringe out of her eyes.

“So you just decided to do whatever you want?!” Twilight yelled over whatever it was Fluttershy said. She had no intention of dropping the subject.

“Fluttershy looked like she could use the help.” Discord said, cocking an eyebrow at her. “I'm rather surprised Princess Twilight. I thought you'd be happy that I'd saved one of your 'closest friends'.”

“Don't give me that! I know this had nothing to do with trying to be a friend to anypony!” Twilight gritted her teeth. “You left Applejack to try and handle the tunnel collapse by herself! And while you grabbed Fluttershy you completely ignored Rarity! I saw you! You jumped over her and didn't even bother to check if she was gonna make it! You could've grabbed her without even slowing down and you didn't! You only cared about saving the one pony keeping the rest of us from turning you into a lawn ornament! You don't care about anypony unless they can give you something you want, do you?!”

“Uhm.. Twilight... I don't...” Fluttershy mumbled from somewhere.

Whatever she had to say was ignored as Discord interrupted. “Oh well, do forgive me your royal majesty for not doing everything just as you so desire.” She gave the seething Twilight a deep bow, his face a mask of cool indifference. “I suppose risking my life to only save one pony just isn't good enough for your regal expectations.”

“Why did Celestia think we could trust you?” Twilight rubbed her face. “Why did I believe her that we could trust you?!”

“I was trailing behind a little...” Fluttershy said meekly.

“While I would've preferred the help, I did fall all on my own, Twilight.” Rarity said, giving her friend a concerned look.

“Yeah, but he could've taken the two seconds to help you too!” Rainbow snapped, crossing her forelegs. “I'm with Twilight on this one. You only helped Fluttershy 'cause she's your mealticket.”

“Not that we aren't relieved you're alright, Fluttershy.” Rarity added, giving her a sideways glance.

“I can't believe you'd care so little to just leave somepony behind!” Twilight went on, although she was slowly calming down. “I'm glad you helped Fluttershy. I really am. But I'm also not blind or stupid. I know you have your own agenda. You always do! I just thought you'd be smart enough to hide it better and we could actually start to count on you a little.”

“Well I'm awfully sorry to disappoint,” Discord gave a shrug and a sideways smile, “But honestly Princess; you should've known better to expect anything else from me. So who is really at fault here?”

“Whatever! I'm not getting into mind games with you.” Twilight spun around, stomping in the direction of their camp. “Let's just get some sleep and get out of here. The longer this mission goes on the longer it'll take to get you away from us.”

“Right behind you.” Rainbow said, giving Discord a look as she went.

The other ponies exchanged glances with each other before they followed them. Applejack adjusting her hat and Rarity giving Fluttershy a shaky smile. Pinkie blinked at them wide-eyed before turning to Discord with an unreadable expression. She then turned and trotted after them.

Fluttershy had her forelegs pinned against her chest, staring at the floor. “I erm... I guess we should go with them.”

“About time.” Discord said, his smile widening as he turned to go. “Next time let's schedule this fun and excitement until after my beauty sleep.” He ran his paw and claw over his middle as he struck a pose for her.

“Mm hmm.” Fluttershy nodded absently, not looking at him.

Despite, or maybe because of the excitement, everypony in the group fell asleep almost instantly once they'd unpacked their blankets again. The storm seemed to be blowing over as the thunder grew less intense and the rain slowed from a heavy downpour to a more rhythmic shower. Twilight lay awake for a little while, scowling to herself. But despite her bad mood, she fell asleep after a few minutes. Fluttershy took a little longer, lying on her back and staring at the dark ceiling, listening to the others. Eventually however, she also drifted off.

When Applejack prodded them awake the next morning with a loud 'Rise and shine everypony' there were several grumbles and complaints. As soon as Twilight managed to wake herself up though, the double team of her and Applejack managed to get everypony else on their hooves and ready to start out on their trip again. Twilight, unhappy about the day before's slip-ups, was determined to reach Coltchester the next day at noon like she'd originally planned.

Last night's storm had finally blown away. The clouds left over were already burning away in the summer sun as morning warmed up the dripping forest. And so with bags packed, plans explained to the rest of the sleepy group and course plotted, Twilight and the others left the hive and resumed their trek.

Fluttershy stared at the hive's mouth as they left, a worried frown on her face.

“Everythin' okay, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked, noticing.

“Oh. Yes everything's fine.” Fluttershy answered with a soft nod. “I'm just a little worried about leaving that creature trapped in there like this.”

“Well, we can't exactly dig it out without getting close to those claws.” Applejack said, but she gave Fluttershy a sympathetic smile all the same.

“I know. But I still don't like just leaving it.” Fluttershy sighed.

“I don't think you need to worry too much, my dear.” Discord said halfway through a yawn. Of the group, he'd taken the longest to wake up which had done nothing to improve Twilight's attitude towards him.

“You think it'll be okay?” Fluttershy asked, turning to look up at him.

“I'm sure of it. Those claws aren't just for catching ponies. They're pretty good at digging too. It'll get itself free by tomorrow if it's angry enough.” He shrugged, not caring either way.

“Well that's good ain't it?” Applejack said with a nod.

“I guess it'll be fine then.” Fluttershy nodded as well, relieved. “I really didn't want it to stay trapped there forever.”

“Well, I hope it's long gone by the time we head back this way to Canterlot,” Twilight interrupted, “I've had enough monsters to last me a lifetime.”

She finished her sentence by giving Discord a small glare before turning to the front again. Discord tutted to himself.

“I guess I'm still in the dogbox then?”

Twilight didn't answer. To enforce the fact that she was ignoring him, she pulled out her map and took a moment to check their route again. Discord sneered and rolled his eyes but said nothing else. Fluttershy's ears lowered as she turned to face the front.

The day's journey somehow managed to go without more fights breaking out, despite Discord's best efforts. He wasn't being any less annoying than usual, but he seemed to have completely written off what happened last night to the point of probably forgetting it. Twilight did her best to ignore him. He seemed to get bored with trying to get a reaction out of her and instead bugged the other ponies who, despite being a little chilly towards him, were still willing to snap at him or try and counter whatever he was saying with logic. Watching ponies try to win with logic was one of his favourite games. Mostly because they never seemed to win. The lack of powers made the game a little more frustrating but he was quickly learning that words alone could get just as many priceless reactions out of them.

Fluttershy watched him tease the others, mostly Rainbow Dash who, despite being in a much better mood since the storm subsided, was still mad at him. This meant Discord was getting some of the best outbursts from her which, of course, meant he was encouraged to keep poking her more than the others. Fluttershy did her best to intervene when she felt he was pushing his luck, but otherwise she was quiet for most of the day. Instead of reigning him in or scolding him, she just watched. She watched his behaviour and tried to find any differences from yesterday. She also kept her eye on Twilight. She watched her friend's reactions to Discord. Every comment he made was accompanied by an irritated ear twitch, dark frown and subtle hoof stomp.

The weather was milder than the day before and evening felt gentler as a result. As the day was drawing to a close they'd reached the edge of the tree line and took shelter under a large oak. Its roots created surprisingly high walls around them in a half-moon. The sky was clear and the open countryside stretched out in front of them. Large open fields dotted with tiny white flowers and ankle-deep clover went on for miles, broken up only by hills and a stream. A few rabbits had come out of hiding to graze before disappearing for the evening.

The ponies had lain their blankets close together between the oak's roots. Rainbow Dash found a large, thick branch to spread out on a few feet above them. Twilight was making adjustments to her map, nodding happily to herself at their progress. Applejack sat beside her, double checking their planned route for tomorrow. Pinkie Pie was busy trying to get a resisting Rarity to take a bite out of her cookies. Fluttershy was beginning to suspect she'd put something in them because she'd been really insistent on the others eating them since they had left Canterlot. Discord was busy rummaging through Pinkie's saddlebags behind her, pulling out various snacks and putting them beside him.

Fluttershy went to her own bags and pulled out a bottle of water. She took a few large gulps before closing it and carrying it towards Discord.

“Discord?” She asked carefully. He pulled his head out of Pinkie's bag at lightening speed, swallowing whatever he'd been chewing in one gulp.

“Just checking our reserves,” He gave her a broad smile. “We're low on candy bars by the way.”

“Okay... we'll get some more at Coltchester. In the meantime, will you help me fill my water-bottle? I don't want to go to the stream by myself.” She said, ignoring his obvious guilt.

“Now that you mention it, I could use some refreshment myself,” He said, pushing himself up and licking his claws. “That's one of the worst things about having my magic capped like this. What I wouldn't give for a nice Piña Colada right now. Virgin maybe, but then again.... you only live once, right?”

“I suppose so.” Fluttershy nodded as the two of them headed between the trees for the small stream that came from Rainbow Falls.

Twilight had made sure to make their camps close to water both nights, most likely foreseeing the fact that they'd need to restock their bottles during the trip. The stream was small at this end of the wood, but it flowed fast and was full of small silvery fish. Fluttershy hovered over it to fill her bottle rather than doing it standing on the bank. She had no desire to fall in and cause more problems. Once she was done, she flew back to Discord who was waiting patiently for her to finish.

“Did you catch a fish?” He asked when she landed.

“Uhm... no.” She said, making sure the cap was tight. “But listen, I want to talk to you before we head back.”

“Oh really?” He grinned at her, spreading out on the ground and propping his chin up in his paws. “What about? Please tell me we're plotting something while we're out of earshot. I think Twilight's finally about to crack.”

“Yes. I mean no. I mean, I do want to talk about her but we're not gonna plot anything.” Fluttershy said, sitting down in front of him. Trying to give Discord a serious talk was always hard. Scolding him was okay because he tended to at least understand what he was doing wrong without her needing to explain to him, but to try and have a serious talk always took a lot of patience.

“It's about what happened yesterday with the basilisk.” She started.

“You're welcome.” His grin widened at her.

“Oh! Oh yes. Thank you.” She blushed, realising she hadn't thanked him for saving her yet. “Really. Thank you very much. But... I think we need to talk about the other things you did.”

“Oh yes?” He said idly, his attention caught by a passing dragonfly.

“Twilight's really mad at you.” Fluttershy went on, deciding to get straight to the problem. “I know you were doing what you thought was best, but she seems to have really taken it the wrong way.”

He turned his attention back to her, suddenly looking bored. “And your point is?”

“Well,” She brushed her fringe out of her face, “I think it would be better if you say sorry for making her mad.”

He snorted, pulling a face at this, his claw tugging at the grass irritably.

“I know you were trying to help. I know that, but I think Twilight doesn't know you well enough to realise you were trying to be nice.” She paused to watch him but he merely plucked at the grass, frowning at something above and to her left. “Applejack wanted to leave her spot to help Rarity before I got there too. But I think Twilight's more mad that you ran past Rarity without helping her.”

“She seemed perfectly fine running on her own.” He grumbled, shaking grass from his fingers.

“Yes, but Twilight doesn't see it that way. We're a team, Discord. And we have to look out for each other. Because that's what friends do. We're suppose to protect each other and help any way we can. We're friends, and nopony's more important than anypony else. I know you're not use to having friends, but it's an important thing to understand.”

“Explain something to me then, Fluttershy;” He said businesslike, curling his paw around his chin as he turned to stare at her instead, “You say you're all a little team and you're all a super best friends club and I understand that perfectly. But here's the thing; What exactly are Rarity or Twilight or any of those ponies to me? Answer honestly now.”

Fluttershy blinked at him as he stared her down. She wasn't really sure what he meant, but after a pause it was clear he really did want an answer. She forced an awkward smile on her face and shook her head in confusion.

“Your friends are a lot of fun, Fluttershy, but they're not that much different to any other ponies. Twilight's a little more entertaining than most, I'll admit, but I don't see why I should be so choked up about her little royal tantrum.” He pushed himself to his feet, dusting off his paws. “I really don't see why I should concern myself with them any more than I need to.”

“Rarity and Twilight and the others are my close friends.” Fluttershy said strongly, getting up as well. “You need to understand that what you do to them is important to me. Even if you don't really like them, you should try and be a friend to me and not get into fights.” She frowned at him. “If Rarity had been hurt I'd have been so sad. You're my friend right? Shouldn't that matter to you, just a little bit?”

Discord made a drawn out noise at this, pulling a face in slight disgust.

“I know you didn't think about it that way, but it's really important you understand.” Fluttershy carried on. “They're important to me. As my friend that should mean something to you too.”

“Alright alright fine!” He flapped his paws at her. “I get it! Enough with the sap already or I'm going to lose my lunch.” He sighed and crossed his arms. “It's really unnecessarily confusing but I got it. Okay? Can we drop the subject now and get back before they come looking for me with torches and pitchforks?”

Fluttershy's frown stayed where it was but she shifted in place, unsure if he was being honest or not. “So you understand why Twilight's mad at you?”

“Yes already!” He grumbled, rolling his eyes as he turned to walk back. “Play nice with the other kids. Don't feed them to monsters. Got it. Spectacular.”

She trotted after him as they returned to the oak, unsure if she'd really gotten through to him at all. When they reached the tree he clambered up into the higher branches and curled himself around one, hunkering down for the night without a single word or glance to the others.

“You get the water okay?” Applejack asked Fluttershy as she moved back to her blanket.

“Yeah.” She mumbled, putting the bottle down beside her before lying down. She rolled onto her back to stare up into the tree. Above her she could see Rainbow Dash's legs dangling around a low branch. Higher among the leaves, Discord gave a long yawn before resting his head on his paws. Fluttershy sighed to herself and rolled over. Twilight was busy packing her things into her saddlebags before getting under her own blanket. She scanned the surrounding area once to make sure everypony was there before she closed her eyes.

Fluttershy pulled her blanket tighter around herself, focusing on the sounds of nightfall as she tried to go to sleep too. They had just over half a day left until they reached Coltchester. She was starting to wonder if Twilight was right and the faster they got this mission over with, the faster she could separate her and Discord. Maybe that was really the only sure way to keep the peace. She wasn't sure. She just didn't want to be in the middle of it. One day was enough. What was worse was that nothing seemed to have changed.

Author's Note:

Because I'm really slow, I only noticed NOW all the groups people have added this story to! Thank you so much!

Not much to explain in this chapter really. Discord continues to make no new friends so you know, things are normal as usual. Most people seemed to figure out pretty quickly the basilisk's powers wouldn't work, but good thing that wasn't really the point of this event within the larger story ;P Next time, we reach Coltchester to find Ogham Augur.

Please let me know of any grammar, spelling or wording mistakes. As always I'm impatient to publish a chapter once I finish it so sometimes I miss things.

Thank you so much to all the people reading this story and for your support! You're all amazing! and I hope you had a fantastic holiday period!