• Published 22nd Nov 2013
  • 1,552 Views, 8 Comments

The Temnokt Empire - ladyanaconda

Twilight and her friends are sent as emissaries to the Temnokt Empire, but are caught in the middle of a complot to overthrow the Temnokt King and conquer both Krussia and Equestria.

  • ...


The long-anticipated event expected by all High-Blood families had finally arrived. It would be the last event before the Devastating Winter arrived, forcing them to shut themselves into their homes to avoid being frozen to death. Traditionally, the event took place both in the Royal Ballroom and the castle terrains: outside, the drakes would look for the biggest game and hunt it to be turned into a trophy, while dradies, hatchlings and those who would not participate waited inside, chatting, dancing, and interacting with each other.

However, this year there was an air of tension as most of the High Bloods learned the Equestrian delegates had been invited. The most anti-pony clans saw this as an insult to one of their oldest traditions, while the most... tolerant ones decided they would not mind as they did not cause trouble.

The ballroom was, for once, decorated in a different manner than the rest of the Imperial Castle: rather than gothic elegance and serious dark colors, it was illuminated with warm golden lights, and the long buffet tables covered in white silk mantles, decorated with dissipated swans, with different gourmet dishes laid out for the guests. The dance floor was momentarily clear, but members of the Noble Houses were scattered around the ballroom interacting with one another, though some drakes were already eyeing the drady they wished to ask for a dance.

The ponies, dressed in colorful but not too flamboyant gala attires, arrived in the company of the Shadowfang Clan, minus their foals who stayed behind, along with Tinder and Bagaesh, and as soon as they arrived they looked around the room in wonder after so many days of seeing only cold palettes.

Fyzsal arrived-with her dyed hair and gala dress-accompanying Hookbait, eyeing the luxury she had been stolen and denied, already plotting the way to subtly carry out the plan. Hookbait, meanwhile, would make sure she didn't call to much attention to herself.

To the disgust of many, Sunset Glare had also attended as Clawblack's guest along with his father to avoid suspicion: Sunset would have kept staring at Cadence's beautiful figure if his father hadn't dragged him to the group of Equestrians to give them some last minute tips, mostly to watch what they said; most High Bloods understood basic Equestrian, unlike the lower caste.

"We got the message, you've repeated it five times in a row!" Rainbow Dash whined, rolling her eyes.

Fluttershy was staring in sorrow at the buffet table, particularly at the main decoration: an unmoving white swan with spread out wings, and open beak that seemed to let out a silent and unheard cry. Light fire assured her. "It's not a real swan, Fluttershy. It's merely a taxidermic replica." This seemed to give Fluttershy some relief, but still the sight made her sad.

Soon, the group dispersed in different directions, but for distinct reasons. Fukkuteru's parents to talk to some acquaintances and perhaps discuss a marriage arrangement between their eldest children, Catseye to hide amongst the crowd to avoid precisely that, and Lightfire and Vasilisa to talk to some of their friends, who were already eyeing the latter's beautiful aqua dress.

Fukkuteru decided to stay with his pony companions for the time being. He had the feeling they wouldn't like some of their... traditions, like the decorating swans in the buffet.

Discord, meanwhile, was itching to do something. Anything. But he had promised Twilight and Fluttershy he'd behave tonight, and that meant no pranking and no chaos magic. "So how long does the... party last?" he asked with a forced politeness.

"All night." Fukkuteru said simply.


"When will the 'hunting' begin?" Fluttershy asked in a whisper.

"As soon as the Royal Family joins so the King can give his approval for it to begin. Only drakes can participate, though."

It wasn't long before the ponies went in separate directions too; Twilight and Ambassador Sun decided to interact with the aristocrats in an attempt to improve the relations, Cadence and Shining headed over to the dance floor, and Spike again went to talk with Glacial, Rock and Needlemouth, who were in duty that night, apparently. The rest just wandered around the area, eyeing the place curiously, while making sure not to call too much attention to themselves.

That was when Twilight spotted Commander Whiptail among the crowd. However, on this occasion he did not wear amor, but rather he was wearing a deep wine colored suit; and his hair was combed back. Twilight had never seen a Temnokt's hair combed that way, especially since that time when the ponies in Ponyville's hairdressing saloon couldn't even cut through Fukkuteru's hair, and he had to compensate five broken scissors.

She also noted he was accompanied by a drady. She had a delicate figure, and long green hair with long bangs at both sides her head. Her dress was a emerald green matching her underbelly.

"Okay, Twilight. You can surely get him to open up now, he's not on duty and he's... accompanied." Twilight assured herself as she made her way towards them. Even without his armor, though, Whiptail was still an imposing figure. She almost had second thoughts about approaching, but it was too late, for the commander's companion noticed her.

"My dear, is she a friend of yours?" she asked.

Confused, Whiptail looked around, but when he saw no one in particular he looked down and spotted the same mare from before, Twilight Sparkle; she waved her hoof while smiling nervously. Did she wish to talk? He turned to his mate. "She's one of the Equestrian Delegates, my dear." he said in Krussian, before turning to address Twilight. "How may I help you, Lady Sparkle?"

Twilight reacted quickly, figuring he wasn't very patient. "Oh, there's no need for formality. You may call me Twilight."

Although he seemed doubtful, Whiptail complied. "In that case, how may I help you, Twilight?"

"Oh, I just thought i'd come say hello," Twilight said, looking around at the ballroom. "It is such an splendid celebration, isn't it? It reminds me of the Grand Galloping Gala a bit."

"Grand Galloping Gala? I've heard about that," Whiptail's companion said, smiling amiably. "Does it celebrate something in particular?"

"Oh, yes, it celebrates Canterlot, our capital, being completed after the founding of Equestria."

"I see," Whiptail commented. "It's a pity the First King destroyed it months later during the Equestrian-Krussian war. Does your fair city have any scars from that... unfortunate event?"

"Not that I know of." Twilight responded.

"Where are my manners? Allow me to present you to Cinnamon, my dear wife." Whiptail announced as he spread out a wing and covered his wife with it, making the drady blush.

"Nice to meet you, Twilight." Cinnamon bowed her head in a respectful manner.

Twilight returned the bow, and then looked at Whiptail's attire. "I'm quite surprised, Commander, I never thought I'd see you without an armor."

"King Bittercold insisted that I take a break tonight," Whiptail sighed impatiently. "He insisted the Chornd'yavol will take care of his security."

"Excuse me?" Twilight asked, giving a confused glance at the commander.

Whiptail grunted and took a glance around the ballroom until he found the individuals he was looking for. He subtly motioned at Twilight to look at them; Twilight glanced towards the great doors that led into the inner part of the castle, and noticed two drakes wearing in black obsidian armor guarding it, their poses rigid and unmoving. Looking around the room, Twilight noticed there were a few other black-armored drakes posted around in strategic places such as near windows or doorways.

"Those are the Chornd'yavol, in your language you may call them Black Devils." Cinnamon explained gently as she glanced uneasily at the nearest one. "They are an elite branch of the military in charge of the safety and protection of the Royal Family."

"Aren't those the Royal Guards?" Twilight inquired, confused.

"The Royal Guard mostly takes care of keeping order in the city," Whiptail said, looking uncomfortable. "And while we do make sure to keep any potential threats to the Royal Family a at bay, it's the Chornd'yavol who directly deal with said threats should they come to endanger the King and his clan. And don't bother to try and 'befriend' them, Twilight, they won't even spare you a glance."

Twilight had to frown a bit at that comment. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Whiptail motioned her to look at the Chornd'yavol near the windows, where Pinkie Pie was waving her hoof in front of him, then she offered him a cupcake, and many more of her antics trying to catch his attention; yet, the drake didn't even flinch or look at her like the other High-Bloods who spotted Pinkie Pie. Twilight hurriedly said her goodbyes to the couple and then galloped towards Pinkie before she unintentionally provoked the statue-like soldier into attacking her.

"Well, I must say I'm quite... impressed," Whiptail whispered to his wife, leaning in his head closer. "She is the first person I talk to who doesn't keep staring at my... scars."

"Perhaps because she is not a superficial pony," Cinnamon responded with sweetness, rubbing her own head against her mate. "You should try to be a little nicer to her."

"I don't trust her."

"You can't say that, you don't know her, and she's Princess Celestia's personal student as far as I know."

"Exactly. She is a student, not a properly-prepared ambassador, and she doesn't seem to take her appointment seriously, considering she brought her family and friends as if it were a vacation." Whiptail growled, narrowing his eyes at Discord and Stormfly as they enjoyed the snacks. "Not to mention two of her companions were enemies of Equestria. At least the last pony Celestia sent was properly educated beforehand."

"And yet you never granted him an audience with King Bittercold."

"The King has enough flatterers that kiss his talons to worry about," Whiptail simply said, spotting Ambassador Sun in an apparently-pleasant conversation with some nobles in fluent Krussian. "Besides, Sun's child is not precisely a good influence for Prince Midnight and Princess Clawrene."

It wasn't long before a pair of trumpets announced the arrival of King Bittercold, Queen Astral Dusk and their children. The doors leading to the inner parts of the castle opened and the Royal Family strode in with pride and dignity, though Clawrene looked like she was uncomfortable in her small but elegant red dress, and Midnight tried to hide his boredom behind his mask of seriousness.

All people present in the room, except for the Chornd'yavol, bowed their heads as the Royal Family elegantly walked through the room, though a few young females glanced at the prince as he passed by, charmed by his good looks. King Bittercold and his family headed over to the thrones on the other side of the room, two large seats carved from obsidian for Bittercold and Astral Dusk, and two smaller ones besides Astral Dusk's meant for their children.

Soon after, King Bittercold gave his approval for the hunt to begin, and almost all of the males in the room-including Fukkuteru, Lake Wave and Catseye-left the ballroom, went outside and soon disappeared into the wilderness. Meanwhile, the females stayed behind and started chatting amongst themselves, the single ones whispering about prince Midnight.

Fyszal's gaze, however, was set on Bittercold's dignified posture.

"Stop looking at him like that," Hookbait hissed in low voice at her, glancing at the Chornd'yavol posted in both sides next to the thrones. "The Chornd'yavol are likely to notice."

"They wouldn't suspect a drady, would they?" Fyszal responded simply.

"They're especially wary around females, given that they can successfully conceal any ill intentions, and ladies take advantage of often being dismissed as a potential threat."

"And where is your master, now that we're on it?"

"Lord Clawblack is busy preparing the... spectacle for later; he thought it would be better if he wasn't present when the exchange takes place, the main suspects will be all who were close or interacted with the Queen."

"In that case, you do realize I cannot just go and offer a cup of wine to my sister, don't you?"

"I'm aware of that, and that Queen Astral might recognize you even while disguised. What we need..." Hookbait looked around the ballroom, and spotted the Changeling keeping to himself in a corner of the ballroom. "...Is a scapegoat."

"The Changeling?" Fyszal snarled quietly, shivering in disgust.

"He is Equestrian, but he is not a pony, his species is already known for having tried to invade Canterlot, and Whiptail is particularly wary about him and Discord. Of those two options, the Changeling looks more gullible and easy to manipulate."

"I will not go near that beast."

"You don't have to touch him, for goodness's sake. Just give him the poisoned drink and convince him to give it to the Queen when she's by herself."

"How long will it take for the poison to take effect?"

"24 hours, approximately. Now go, and don't mess it up."

"Shut up." Fyszal snapped as she walked off towards the buffet table.

Her gaze set on the crystal bowl filled with red punch, surrounded by delicate glasses and other entrées. Fyszal levitated a glass, filled it with the red drink and-making sure there was no one nearby to notice-subtly took the vial of poison from her bodice to spill the contents unto the punch. Thankfully, no one was around to witness the act. Still, she made sure not to touch the cup lest she leave her digital prints on it.

Swallowing all her disgust, Fyszal made her way towards the Changeling while containing the urge to shiver at the sight of his hole-filled legs. "Good night." she said politely.

The Changeling turned to her, looking nervous, but managed to give a rather awkward smile. "Good night, ma'am."

"Why is one of the Equestrian delegates so lonely?" she knew why, but she had learned it helped give familiarity, and made people open up a bit more.

"Well, as you see, I don't look as... normal as Twilight and the others. Most people here think I have a contagious disease and avoid me; hay, a few days ago a drake panicked and thought I was going to spread it unto Screwball! On the other hand, since my kind can only copy appearances, I wouldn't like to turn into someone and accidentally run into them, it's very embarrassing!"

"You're a Changeling, right? Some of the High Bloods are talking nonstop about you ever since your encounter with one of the lower classes."

Stormfly groaned in dismay, lowering his ears. "Let me guess, they're calling me a freak."

Fyzsal glanced at Discord, who was trying to distract himself by eating a puffy-looking candy of some sort. "Not as much as they're calling him a freak."

"Discord? He's harmless... most of the time."

"I know how you could give a good impression," Fyzsal said with a small smile, holding out her poisoned glass of punch. "You could offer a drink to the Queen."

"Offer a drink to...?" Stormfly turned to see Queen Astral, who for the time being had left the throne and was chatting with other noble dradies, though two Chornd'yavol were near her. "Queen Astral?"

"It's considered polite to offer a drink to a female," Fyzsal explained. It wasn't a complete lie. She remembered being offered drinks by potential suitors often in the good days. "Who knows? It might leave a good impression on her, and if that's the case, the general opinion about you will change."

Although doubtful, Stormfly accepted the cup with his own levitation spell. "Thank you for the suggestion, miss..."

"Veeklaw." Fyzsal said with a smile, using the name Hookbait had made up for her.

Stormfly wasn't sure if it was good idea, but he didn't have anything to lose, really, if it meant people would stop staring at him. He slowly started walking towards Queen Astral. When the Chornd'yavol turned at him and gave him wary looks he started to regret it, but it was too late; Astral had already noticed him. The other ladies stepped back when he approached, but she didn't. Instead, she smiled politely

"How may I help you, Mr. Stormfly?" she inquired.

The gentleness in her voice calmed him down considerably, and the gathered the courage to speak. "Good night, your Majesty," he started. "I thought you'd be thirsty, so I brought you some punch." He held out the glass.

Like Veeklaw had said, Astral smiled again. "That's very considerate of you, mister Stormfly. I do feel a bit thirsty, thank you very much." As she levitated it to her lips, the Chornd'yavol changed their glances between Stormfly and the Queen as she took small sips from the drink. The other ladies seemed to have calmed down, though they gave Stormfly nervous looks. "Now that we get a chance to talk, I'm interested by your... unique ability to shapeshifter. Would you mind giving a demonstration?"

He was surprised by her request. Twilight had asked that he did no transformations tonight, but since the Queen herself wanted to see it... Reluctantly, he transformed into an exact copy of Ambassador Sun-hopefully he wouldn't mind-and spoke in his voice. "Good evening, My Queen."

Dusk and her companions stared in wonder at him; even the Chornd'yavol reacted ever so slightly. "Can you turn into anypony? or anytemnokt?" a nobledrady inquired curiously.

"Well, I could turn into a temnokt, but it's harder to keep those disguises on since they're bigger than the standard pony disguise," Stormfly gathered a good amount of magic into his horn and change again, this time into Fukkuteru, and again his voice shifted to sound exactly like his. "See what I mean?" Again, it took much more effort to keep this glamour on.

Unfortunately, his spectators had grown excited, and continued to ask him to change into different things. He guessed this is why Twilight had warned him against changing in public.

About an hour later, the drakes returned from their hunt, and their game was brought to the courtyard of the castle to be examined by the judges. There were bears, deer, elk and many other types of large prey. Each clan which partook in the event put their own game together; each animal would be weighed by the judges, then the numbers summed up, and the clan who got the highest won. Afterwards, the meat would be cooked and served for dinner.

Fluttershy, of course, did not head outside with some of the others for evident reasons.

While the weighing took place, some drakes returned inside to dance with their partners. It would only be about two dances left before the musicians were allowed to retire for the night. King Bittercold couldn't do so with his beloved wife since he had to be present in the weighing of the game, and Queen Astral was in no condition to go into the freezing cold. Instead, she remained inside with her two children.

Shining Armor proceeded to ask his wife out for a dance, now that they could have some time for themselves. They had a bit of difficulty, since they had to be careful not to step on any tails or dresses, but eventually a small part of the dance floor was cleared for them.

"It's nice to have some time alone, don't you think?" Shining whispered into her ear.

Cadence giggled. "Indeed. We haven't had that much free time because of Blade."

"Yeah, but Blade is back at the house and in good hoof-err, claws." Shining laughed a bit in embarrassment.

"I just hope he won't cause any trouble, you know Blade is a bit more troublesome than most foals."

"Come on, from what Lake Wave said he took care of his five grandchildren. I think he's good with children."

"I'm too old for children!" Bagaesh cried in dismay as he chased after Blade, while Night Charge was nibbling on his tail, Lavender made a mess in the kitchen, Aurora cried for attention-causing a small storm of lemonade rain in the process- and Mist Wing used some decorative ornamental figurines made of obsidian as toys as she played with Tinder.

"I guess you're right," Cadence finished. "He did seem like that type of drake.

Glare stared at the couple from afar, though the emotion displayed in his eyes changed according to who was in his vision range the most. Hatred when it was Shining Armor, longing when it was Cadence. Upon noticing that often the High Blood pairs changed their dancing partner every few minutes, he decided to take advantage of it to talk with Cadence without Shining Armor's sabotaging.

Gracefully he trotted through the dance floor without bumping into the pairs in movement, and a few seconds later he had arrived to his objective. He gently poked Shining Armor's shoulder, and spoke when he got his attention. "Excuse me, Shining, do you mind if I dance with your wife for a moment?"

Shining Armor was about to protest, but Cadence spoke before he could. "Oh, it's no problem, Sunset," she responded with her sweet smile. "Right, honey?"

"Right," Shining said, rather reluctantly. "Meanwhile I'll go save Stormfly." With that, he moved through the dance floor in the direction of Stormfly, who by hen was exhausted from having to constantly shapeshifter to entertain the growing multitude of curious Krussian Nobles.

Once they were alone, Glare held out his hoof and grinned at Cadence. "Would you grant me this piece, milady?" he asked, almost purring.

Again, Cadence giggles as she accepted it. "My pleasure, gentlestallion."

Though Glare was a bit rusty from having lacked a dancing partner, or any partaking at any dance at all, on all his years, he did his best to dance with as much elegance and grace as his beloved Cadence. She was as good as he remembered, and the proximity he found himself in with her at the moment was almost enough to make him excite, but he contained himself.

If it happened in front of her, it would be something very embarrassing.

"Remember the last time we danced?" he asked her.

"We were eight years old, and I was terrible at it," Cadence admitted, blushing. "I think I stepped on many of my partners' hooves."

"Nonsense. You were the best dancing partner anypony could have asked for."

"You think so?"

Glare pulled her even closer with his forelegs, looking at her seductively. "Absolutely."

She felt uncomfortable when he pulled her a bit too close to his body, she wanted nopony but Shining Armor to hold her this way. Maybe it was because he has not danced in a while or his hold was slipping. Yes, that must be it. "Um, Glare, could you loosen up your hold a bit?"

Though internally disappointed, he forced himself to comply. "I'm sorry, Caddie, it's just I'm quite rusted in waltz."

"That's alright, Sunset," Cadence accepted his apology.

This was one of the times Midnight wished his father would force him to stay in his room while grounded. He had never liked balls, mostly because they were intended to have him find a 'future queen' like his father did when he was his age. But he wasn't interested in any of those shallow, superficial and interested dradies who only wanted the wealth and power that came with marrying into the Royal Family.

They didn't want him, they wanted his status.

Bittercold disagreed, stating to Midnight that his mother had been nobility, and she wasn't anywhere near 'shallow, superficial or interested'. He just needed to learn how to look.

But Midnight knew it had been different in that case because Astral hadn't really known Bittercold was the crown prince, so it was natural she fell in love for who he was on the inside. But all the girls knew he was the crown prince, so all of them wanted his position. Man, he envied Clawrene, who had started to fall asleep-given that it was way past her usual bedtime-and had been taken away to her bedroom by her nanny.

But he couldn't even let out a yawn of boredom; Midnight was the crown prince, and more obliged to show a proper behavior tonight. Instead, he say on his 'mini-fancy-chair', as his little sister called thrones, twitching the tip of his tail.

Astral seemed to notice her son's predicament, and gently told him. "Why don't you go look for a dancing partner?"

"I don't wish to dance with any of those girls, mother," Midnight said simply, staring indifferently at some young dradies who were whispering and glancing flirtily at him. "They'll just flatter me and kiss my talons to try and get into my good graces."

"Don't be so negative, son, surely there is one girl who is not like the rest," Astral assured him with a gentle smile.

"It's hard to tell given that most girls don't even bother to start a conversation, instead they subtly praise themselves hoping I'll like them."

"Why don't you take a look?"

Midnight sighed in dismay as he started looking around the ballroom, if only please his mother. There was a decent number of couples dancing, including the white unicorn with his pink wife. There were many dradies who found themselves alone for the time being since their husbands or companions were outside for the weighing. It wouldn't be long before the rest of the males returned, and afterwards dinner would be served.

As he expected, almost all the young, single dradies giggled when he looked at them, some even winking at him, much to his distaste; he couldn't scowl at them as much as he wanted, instead smiling politely; hopefully they didn't notice it was a forced smile. This went on for a few minutes, always receiving the same reactions, except that drady with the emerald dress...

Wait a second.

His gaze again when to that particular drady, who had previously met his gaze but only briefly, and when she did she didn't laugh or flirt with him. On the contrary, she seemed to want to avoid his gaze out of shyness.

"Hey, Mother, who is she?" he inquired, pointing at the drady. Nobody would have expected him to ask her, but as Queen she knew most of her High Blood subjects and her families.

Astral glanced at the drady in the emerald dress, and smiled. "That's Vasilisa from the Shadowfang Clan."


When the weighing was finally done, and the winner was declared-sadly for Lake Wave, his family didn't win that year-everyone went back inside, while the prey was sent to the addresses of whoever caught them to be stored for the Devastating Winter. Tables with elaborate centerpieces had been set up in the other half of the ballroom, where each family was accommodated in one table each. The Royal Family had their own table a few feet away, surrounded by at least four Chornd'yavol around it.

Twilight had read about the Á la Krusse style of dinner, she and her family had been in fancy restaurants that used this type of dinner. She was partly familiarized with it, but she had the feeling courses would be much more abundant here, given the difference in size.

She was right; not only there were even more courses, but the rations were bigger. The first two courses were medium-sized soups -in Krussian standarsds-, followed by spinach with eggs, brussel sprouts and cabbage -each course of vegetables served individually, warm and at the moment-, all delicately sliced, accommodated and brined. The ponies had no problem with these courses.

Problems began when the main courses were brought. They were all mostly meat. And they were big. Poached salmon, elk filets mignon, lamb with mint source, roast deer sirloin, again served individually and one by one. Fukkuteru and his family enjoyed the courses, of course, but Twilight and her friends dreaded it. Much to their surprise, though, instead of the meat courses they were served more... vegetarian meals.

It seemed Bittercold had noticed their aversion to meat. Thank Celestia.

"These vegetables are so tasty!" Rarity complemented as she took delicate bites of her roasted celeries.

"Come on, Screwball, eat your vegetables," Discord gently ordered his daughter upon noticing her frown at seeing the celeries in front of her. "Unless you don't want dessert."

"I just don't understand how ponies can go on without meat," Lake Wave muttered, taking a bite from his sirloin and giving a satisfied snort. "You're missing a good meal."

"The idea of eating other animals is... foreign to us," Applejack pointed out. "Ah mean, we do have cows fer milk and sheep fer wool, but we don't have animals fer eating."

"We're aware of that, miss Applejack," Catseye stated as he took a sip of wine. "Many of my friends have visited Equestria, and when they returned they complained endlessly that they couldn't find a single place that served a good cut of meat."

"How come you do eat salads, though?" Shining inquired. "From the looks of it, you don't seem fond of vegetables."

This time it was Glare who answered the question. "Due to the climate they live in, temnokt need to have lots of vitamins and minerals found in vegetables, while the meat provides iron and fat. As for the size of the portions, their large size requires a lot of calorie consumption."

Spike was, oddly, asking for small portions of meat, but instead of eating it he was hiding it under the mantle. "What are you doing?" Twilight inquired curiously.

"I'm saving some meat for Rock and Glacial," Spike whispered. "Since they're on duty the cannot have dinner, but they're starving. And Rock loves the filet."

"You certainly seem to be getting pretty close to those two." Cadence pointed out.

"They're very cool! Though Glacial doesn't seem to like me, but Rock does! He has interesting stories to tell."

A few seconds later, another, much more smaller course was served. Curious, Rarity levitated her fork to take a small slice of into her mouth. Her expression brightened. "Hmm, this is tasty!" emboldened, she took another small bite. "What kind of dish is this?"

"It's zhirnay pechén." Velvet explained.

"In Equestrian, please." Rainbow pointed out.

Lightfire explained. "It's the liver of a fattened goose."

The only reason Rarity didn't spit it right back out was because of the occasion; Applejack quickly changed the subject. "So... What's for dessert?"

Although Clawblack couldn't personally be present at the ball, he had made sure the evening's main event went on without a hitch. A temporary arena had been put on outside, while some special runes created a special anti-snow field force that would prevent the guests from getting a cold.

The ponies reunited, and wondered what was going on as they were led towards the higher platform meant for the Royal Family, having been invited to seat with them. Stormfly and the Queen had seemed to grow fond of each other during the night, which probably had to do with this gesture. Meanwhile, the rest of the High Bloods sat in the other platforms, Fukkuteru and his family among them. The arena was momentarily clear, but covered in snow.

"Lady Sparkle," King Bittercold greeted Twilight politely. "I do hope you have enjoyed yourself tonight."

Twilight bowed her head. "Me and your friends appreciate your invitation to his event, your Majesty."

"Just a little suggestion, think you could move whatever this is inside?" Rainbow protested, rubbing her shoulders. "It's freezing out here!"


"I'm afraid that this... entertainment is rather violent, and I'd rather not destroy my castle." Bittercold responded simply, frowning at Rainbow Dash.

Thankfully, Stormfly quickly changed the subject. "So what is this activity about?"

"Is it a game of some sorts?" Pinkie asked, grinning excitedly while clapping her hooves. "If so, can we play?"

"It's an old sport dating from a few centuries ago," Astral explained. "One of our previous Tzars enjoyed hunting, so much that he created a new blood sport."

Fluttershy had a feeling when she hear the words hunting and blood sport in one single sentence, but she didn't dare utter a word.

King Bittercold looked down to the arena, smiling in delight when he heard the opening of an unseen cage. "It is beginning."

Suddenly, a giant bear emerged from a dark entrance, roaring in distress, but as it attempted to break out of the pen, it was sent back flying by a sort of magical barrier that prevented wild animals from going through it. It landed back with a moan of pain.

"Hey, are is this similar to that sport in Bullspain where you have to fight bulls?" Discord inquired, though he contained the urge to change into a matador outfit.

Before Bittercold or Astral could give an answer, some drakes in the outer part of the corral released five large and black-furred wolves into the pen. The animals circled around the bear, baring their teeth at it, while the bear returned the hostility.

What happened next greatly shocked the group of Equestrians.

Fluttershy let an audible gasp when the wolves started attacking the bear mercilessly, digging their teeth into it and sometimes even tearing pieces of flesh from it; the snow was soon stained with red. The bear couldn't stand off against five trained battle wolves, no matter how much it roared and swiped its claws at them.

To make things worse, the audience wasn't bothered by the scene; on the contrary, they were enjoying it, most of them cheering in Krussian at the wolves, Lake Wave and Catseye included. Fukkuteru was staring worriedly at the ponies, particularly at Fluttershy, he didn't know how long she'd be able to bear this.

"T-This is b-bear-baiting?" Cadence whispered in horror as the bear was bitten in the throat.

The members of the Equestrian delegation had mixed reactions to this. Pinkie Pie's mane had deflated in shock at what was going on. Rarity fainted two seconds after the first attack, being caught by Applejack, who distracted her attention by tending to the fallen designer. Twilight gasped and quickly covered Spike's eyes, but for once he didn't protest. Cadence turned away from the scene with her eyes closed shut, unable to bear the carnage. Stormfly felt sick at his stomach, but he, Discord and Shining Armor had the most 'controlled' reactions of the group. Rainbow Dash thought she was going to throw up.

But Fluttershy was another story.

Tears started trickling down her cheeks and her pupils shrunk into tiny dots, unable to turn away even though she wanted to with all her might. She knew bears, she had a few bear friends back in Ponyville. They might be big and a bit scary, but they could be the sweetest creatures once you got to know them. And these creatures were torturing this bear for entertainment.

Defeated, bloodied and with several parts of its body torn, the bear finally collapsed unto the snow, panting heavily as the wolves prepared to go in for the kill.


Before anyone could do anything about it, Fluttershy had left her seat and flew down to the corral, much to the shock of the audience, and she fell to her knees as she landed right next to the bear's head, staining her dress with its blood. The wolves continued to snarl, but they halted their attack; they had been trained to attack only bears. Should any other creature be put in front of them they wouldn't even look at it.

"I-It's okay, little one...!" Flutttershy whispered desperately as she stroked the bear's fur comfortingly. "You're going to be okay, j-just hang on...!" The sight of the blood made her stomach twist, but she resisted the urge to faint or break down, she had to make sure the poor animal was safe.

The bear managed to open his eyes and look up at Fluttershy; his face showed only suffering.

"Hush now, it's alright..." Fluttershy whispered to him once more.

Then she remembered she was not alone there. Her anger was directed at these... people who did nothing to stop this atrocity, instead they approved it and treated it as entertainment. She could forgive them for eating meat, many animals needed to do so to survive. But she would not forgive them for tormenting animals like this.

With this mindset, Fluttershy glared up at King Bittercold. "How dare you...?" She whispered, and her voice started raising in volume. "How dare you call this entertainment?! This is torture!"

The High Bloods gathered at the place frowned at Fluttershy, some even protested for the interruption, but the ones who understood Equestrian felt offended; unfortunately, King Bittercold himself was among that group.

"Miss Fluttershy, it's a bear. An animal," he said, sounding like he was trying his best to explain it patiently. "Nothing more, nothing less."

And he dare dismiss it just like that!

"This bear is a living being with feelings! He can feel pain, and you subject him to this atrocity!" Fluttershy snapped at him, her own patience at the limit.

At the word atrocity, the High Bloods erupted into incensed yells and protests, most of them in Krussian. Lake Wave looked like he wanted to be swallowed by the snow, while Fukkuteru stared at the scene in dread, his fear having come true.

Bittercold was unmoved, however. "Perhaps, but you cannot give an animal the same rights as a temnokt or a pony like yourself, as sentient as he is. In the end, they are moved only by their instinct."

Ambassador sun panicked, and went straight to King Bittercold. "Your Majesty, this is surely misunderstanding...!" However, he was ignored.

When the wolves growled at the bear, Fluttershy stood between them. "I will not let you hurt him!" Instantly, Rainbow Dash left her own seat, slipping out of her dress in the process, and stood next to Fluttershy.

"If you mess with her, you mess with me, mongrels!" she cried, putting on a fighting stance.

Unsurprisingly, suddenly Discord popped in at the other side, having turned into a giant wolf himself, and gave a roar that sent the real wolves whining to their shocked masters.

"If you want to touch Fluttershy, you'll have to go through me!" he then roared at the crowd, who went momentarily silent.

One of the wolf trainers, however, gave a command in Krussian, and his wolf headed towards the the three. The wolf would have jumped over them and deliver the killing blow to the bear, but Applejack thought he was going to hurt Fluttershy. She quickly jumped into the pen and sent the wolf flying back with a powerful buck. The wolf cried in pain and returned to his master.

"Applejack!" Twilight cried in horror.

That was the last straw.

The whole arena exploded in yells of anger from the High Bloods. Midnight realized they would probably revolt against them if they didn't allow this to continue. He turned to his father pleadingly. "D-Dad, you have to stop this before they kill them!"

Astral joined in. "My dear, you have to do something!"

Bittercold's expression was unreadable, however. Finally, he stood up, spread out his wings and gave a loud roar that sent the crowds into permanent silence. Twilight sighed in relief, thinking he was going to talk them down.

But what he said was the contrary to what she expected. "Very well, then. Finish it off yourself, Miss Fluttershy."

Fluttershy's expression changed into one of shock. "What the hay are you saying?!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"You don't seem to understand the situation," Bittercold calmly said, glancing at the bear. "You believe you saved its life, but look at it. It's suffering. It lost a lot of blood and parts of its flesh have been torn by the wolves' jaws; but since it's a big animal, it will take a long while for it to actually die. Do you know what it means for it? Hours of agony. You do not want it killed by the wolves' fangs? Then put it out of its suffering with your own hooves, Miss Fluttershy, if you claim to love animals so much. Or if you're not strong enough, then ask the draconequus to do it for you."

"How dare you?!" Rainbow Dash growled, but Applejack held her by the tail before she could fly and deliver a punch to the King's face.

Fluttershy glared at Bittercold defiantly. "I will never do anything to harm an innocent animal." she said.

Bittercold didn't lost his composure at the negative. "In that case, stand aside so that the wolves may finish what they started."

Her stomach sunk.

"Like I said, the animal is in pain. If you don't want to kill it, then allow the wolves to do so and put it out of its misery," Bittercold continued. You say you love animals, but you're selfishly prolonging that bear's pain because you cannot accept this is part of nature, Miss Fluttershy. In any way, the bear will end up dying, but what is better? A quick, painless death? Or a long, agonizing death?"

"Dad, you can't do that to her-!" Midnight protested, but was silenced by a stern glare from his father. Reluctantly, he looked away, feeling impotent. The Queen herself said nothing, knowing it was futile.

"So what will it be, Miss Fluttershy?" King Bittercold asked. "The wolves? Or your own hoof?"

She had lost. And he knew it. Fluttershy just stood there, frozen in shock as that truth overwhelmed her, along with the sight of blood, and the pain of knowing he was right. She could not do this. And if she stepped aside, the wolves would.

Either way, the bear would die.

Her hoof slipped, and she fell to the snow, speechless as the tears continued to fall. Rainbow Dash and Applejack glared at Bittercold before they went to their friend, helped her up to her hooves, and led her away, followed by Discord, being booed and jeered at by the crowd as they left.

With the pen empty save for the bear and wolves, Bittercold went back to his seat and signaled for the event to continue. The crowd cheered again when the wolves were unleashed once again upon the bear. Fluttershy winced when she heard the bear's last cry of pain.

The other ponies silently left the arena, followed by Fukkuteru and Lightfire, leaving the scene behind them.

Among the crowd, Hookbait and Fyzsal smirked.

Author's Note:

If you noticed, most of my major temnokt characters or in a high position are males. There are two reasons for this:
1-. In the show, I noticed almost all the high positions and important ponies are females. I mean, I know it's a little girls' show, but they should at least try to balance that point out, maybe a few important male characters wouldn't hurt.
2-. Temnokt culture is mostly patriarchal. Legally females have the same rights, but temnokt still have that mentality that females should stay at home with the children while males provide to the clan. There ARE females in high positions and those who are single mothers, divorced and can provide for their families AND themselves, but they are rare.

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