• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 6,161 Views, 142 Comments

A Day in the Roots of Fluttertree - Carmine

Fluttertree awakes one morning, and waits for the sensual touch of Applejack.

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A Day in the Roots of Fluttertree

As the sun perched itself into the horizon, one of the many trees in the Sweet Apple Acres orchard awoke. Although there were rows upon rows of apple trees, this one was different from the others; it was unique, a new creation. It stretched out its branches, allowing the early morning breeze to push through them. Its bright yellow bark rivaled the morning sun's brightness, making the tree radiate an ethereal glint. The vivid pink of the leaves gave off a feeling of joyous laughter, kindness, yet a strange amount of tranquility.

Although a pony wouldn’t notice it, the apple orchard was full of sentient trees. Sadly, they could not speak because trees do not have mouths. The only way they could ever communicate was by chemical signals, which would be received by other trees thus allowing communication of incoming insect artillery rounds or something else I didn’t pay attention to in Biology.

Fluttertree yawned. Once a little bit of the weariness blew over, she noticed that her branches were heavier than the night before. She looked at them with invisible tree-eyes. Her yellow apples were fully grown! They stood firm, proud, nutritious. They stuck to her branches; she embraced them with her leaves. They were her babies, her pride, her life. The apples had grown so quickly, starting off as little stems protruding from each branch, slowly growing into a more discernible apple shape. Now they were at the pinnacle of their life; scrumptious, beautiful, alluring.

Fluttertree looked at them with motherly tree-eyes. It wouldn’t be long before she came. Fluttertree adored her apples, but she longed for the orange earth pony even more. The way sweat beaded down her body, making her body glisten in the sun. The way she exerted herself when she was working, bucking apple trees all day long. The way her stetson bobbed on her head, revealing a ponytail mane. She moved with grace, yet she was determined, hardy. She knew how to work an apple tree, how to make them give up their fruits. It was her special talent after all, and Fluttertree wanted her to use it on her so badly. She longed for it, craved it, lusted for it. Her branches quavered in eager anticipation, rustling against each other. She felt some sap build up under the layer of her bark, trying to force its way through her exterior hide.

Fluttertree’s eyes turned towards the sky. The early morning birds soared in circles, eyes keenly fixed on the ground, meticulously watching to find some sort of food. Fluttertree squinted her tree-eyes as one of the larger black birds started a descent right towards her. She gasped, and tried to move away before realizing she was in fact a tree, and as such, could not move. The crow landed gracefully into her delicate canopy, snapping some leaves and making some of the others fall. Her leaves drifted in the air towards the ground, as Fluttertree silently observed with her non-existent eyes in horror.

A sharp pain added to her worry, as the crow plucked at one of her apples. Her babies were in danger, and there was nothing she could do about it! She tried slapping the crow away, but to no avail. The crow was just too difficult to beat! No... this is the end to my apples! Fluttertree thought. If only a miracle would happen... I need these fruit to survive!

“Stop right there, ya varmint!” a voice boomed, echoing across the orchards.

The crow turned toward the voice.

Applejack stood in front of Fluttertree, her hooves dug into the ground. Her eyes had a fire flickering in them, matching the ferocity of a crazed manticore. She wore her signature stetson, hiding away her mane. Applejack’s face was contorted into a fierce scowl.

“Get outta that tree right now,” Applejack ordered.

The crow matched Applejack’s eyes with sheer malicious intent, before squaking in reply. It turned back towards the apple, intent on finishing its feast.

Applejack galloped over to the nearest apple tree, and bucked it. A myriad of apples fell from its leaves. Applejack picked one of them up between her front two hooves.

“Ah’ll give ya one last chance, crow. Either get outta my tree, or Ah’ll be forced to use violence!”

The crow dug back into the apple.

Applejack grimaced. She tossed the apple up, and turned around. When the apple reached the appropriate height, Applejack bucked it. The apple went flying, and hit the crow right in the chest. An explosion of white apple chunks splattered across the feathers of the crow, as it fell out of Fluttertree.

Applejack trotted over to Fluttertree, and looked at the crow. It was twitching, but still breathing. Probably had brain-damage or something. Applejack turned towards Fluttertree and rested her hoof against her bark. “You okay, sugarcube?”

Fluttertree nearly released all of her sap at that very moment. The embrace of her love right there made her metaphorical heart pound. Applejack would always be with her, watching over her, loving her. These thoughts made her sap churn and fight against the bark, eager to unleash its sticky residue on the orange earth pony. Fluttertree still had some control though, so she held it in.

“Did that mean old crow hurt ya?” Applejack asked, brushing her hoof against the bark.

Fluttertree wished she could answer at the very moment. To be able to tell her how she felt, to thank her, to profess her love for Applejack! She couldn’t though, because trees don’t have mouths and Fluttertree was still a tree.

Applejack let her eyes drift to Fluttertree’s juicy yellow apples. She lovingly caressed Fluttertree’s bark. “Looks like you’re ripe, sugarcube. Ya’ll need some help to loosen up those branches?”

Fluttertree tried to nod. She stopped when she was once again reminded that she was in fact a tree, and therefore obviously could not.

Applejack turned around and prepared to buck.

Fluttertree couldn’t help but stare at her back legs. They looked so well-toned; they were beyond perfect. The way they arched up towards Applejack’s curvaceous rump enticed Fluttertree. This made the yellow tree’s sap lash viciously at her bark, wanting to be released from its prison of wood.

Applejack lifted her rear hooves and struck Fluttertree.

Fluttertree tried to make her fruit stay on her branches. The feeling of having the love of her life pay so much attention to her was too good to pass up, she needed to stall Applejack; make the orange earth pony stay longer, buck her longer.

Applejack perked her ear to listen to the apples falling. Only the sound of a few dropping reached her ears. She looked up to see that the majority of the apples remained on Fluttertree. “Oh, yer being tough today, aren’t ya, sugarcube?”

Fluttertree continued staring at Applejack’s rear. An idea came to her mind; she knew what she had to do.

Drop some mad rhymes.

Yo, yo yo! Word up, name’s Fluttertree,
Haven’t heard of me? Got more buzz than a swarm of bumblebees.
I be droppin’ mad rhymes on a daily basis,
When I’m done, gonna leave you in cryostasis.

Got my homegirl Applejack by my side,
when we done, all of you will have learned to abide.
Got the sickest rhymes ever laid down on a track,
when we finished, you gonna be worshiping my sap sack.

Fluttertree sighed, she really did have amazing rap talents for a tree. Well, she would have sighed if she had a mouth, but trees still didn’t have mouths, and Fluttertree was still sadly a tree.

“Let’s see how you handle this, sugarcube!” Applejack stated, before bucking Fluttertree again.

Fluttertree moaned when Applejack’s back hooves made contact with her wood. A small crack appeared in her bark, as a dribble of sap rushed to the open entrance and crept down her exterior hide.

Applejack continuously bucked Fluttertree. Every time her back hooves made contact, only a few apples would fall. The strain of constant bucking was beginning to take its toll on the orange earth pony, as every kick in succession was less powerful than the last.

Fluttertree was at the breaking point. She couldn’t hold on to her fruit or sap any longer. When Applejack’s hooves made contact with her bark one last time, a huge hole appeared in Fluttertree, releasing a torrent of sap. All of her apples fell off also, as she became unable to hold onto them, but that’s besides the point.

Applejack was drenched in the bright sticky residue, her eyes dilated from the shock.

“What in tarnation? Ah didn’t even know apple trees had sap!”

Applejack combed herself over with her eyes. Her entire body was darkened to a degree, sap dripping from every inch of it. She brushed her chest with her hoof to collect a sample of the residue. Bringing her hoof up to her nose after collecting a small amount, Applejack sniffed it.

“It... smells like apples?”

Applejack looked both ways, and noted nopony was watching her. She licked her hoof.

“It... tastes like apples and sugar?

Fluttertree giggled at her friend’s predicament. She sure was forgetful today, though, as she then remembered she was and forever will be a tree, and trees couldn’t giggle.

Applejack caressed Fluttertree’s bark. “Ya know... I just might be able to sell this here sap. I’ll be back in about a month, sugarcube. Ya better be ready by then.”

Fluttertree was ecstatic. She would’ve marked her calendar if she had one, but trees don’t have calendars. She made a mental note however to produce enough sap for Applejack - her one true love. Her entire next month would be spent lasciviously watching Applejack go about her chores, longing for the day the orange earth pony bucks her again.