• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago


I'm the creator of Otakuworld.com, Jenniverse.com, the computer game Boppin', numerous online comics, novels, and tons of other wonderful things. I really love MLP:FiM.


Polymorphic Stories of Today and Tomorrow: a collection of varied and diverse pony short stories. Here you will find stories strange and curious, comedic and tragic, adventurous and thoughtful, all introduced by the author.

Chapters (27)
Comments ( 662 )

And Seapony warfare was banned at the next convention, just as Joke Warfare had been so long before.

Fascinating. Most stories set in this cosmos feel stifling to me because the characters are safely segregated from one another after uploading. Here is a depiction in which two characters are specifically intertwined so as to maximize each others' values.

Leafy's day was invented, and very different than Peridot's in ever respect

Typo there. Every.

Also... I... That ending... she... The hypocrisy is so nauseatingly overpowering as to be hilarious. But also insightful. I had believed that the WWRD was intended to be comedic, but I find this to be sobering.

"Randal. [Randal... Of course that is what I am doing!"

Bit of formatting slipped in there.

Also, ouch. There is no sting more bitter in this world than that of an utter betrayal from one that you love.

I don't know whether this is dumb or brilliant. (Then again, I'm biased. I always adored the sea-ponies.)

...Is it pissible--POSSIBLE to leave a comment without leaving a comment? Like some sort of zen thing? Somehow "Comments ( 0 )" suits this particular entry.

Every furry I have ever met has been incredibly nice, and incredibly intelligent.

I was heavily involved in the anthro community from when I was technically a teenager into college. I'm pretty distant since. I'm very happy that your experiences are positive. My experiences have been... well, they informed who I am now, I guess. I suppose, now, that my advice to you is to find anything as you would experience it as a part of your life's journey. If you can find things there for you, then live the hell out of it. That goes for both the bad stuff and the good stuff.

Maybe I should listen to my own advice, and apply it to the brony fandom, eh?

I have no words, so I'll mime my reaction to this chapter:

This pun is still terrible. :derpytongue2:

Well, the remixes are good stuff, at least. :pinkiehappy:

So, you're a prude... and yet we see you over at Jinx's. :eeyup:

Well, 2 the Ranting Gryphon (crude yet hilarious, btw) points out that Bronies are already Furries by the dictionary definition. Most simply prefer to ignore this so they can avoid getting internet cooties or something.

EDIT: Oh, and you think we do internet drama? The Furs have it down to a swirling art:

Congratulations, Chat, you are the anti-Lyra. :raritywink:
(Well, someone was going to say it...)

You didn't call him Naponeon. I'm not sure if I should be disappointed or impressed by your restraint.

Also, fantastic example of how different satisfaction and happiness can be.

Well, at least it wasn't Twenty-Twenty-One. You don't want to know what they're doing in that sealab.

As for the seaponies, I can't help but wonder how much of the effect had to do with an intergenerational incompatibility of some kind. Perhaps ponies from different iterations of the universe simply cannot abide one another...

World Of Wargames

A most excellent shop for the practice of one's... CRAFT.:rainbowwild:

His hocks ached and his flanks burned. [...] Aching hocks - this was supposed to be part of some value?

Yup, this one:

He felt like he'd just won the Running Of The Leaves. Thrice.

Feel the burn!:ajsmug:


Competition is certainly a human value...:rainbowdetermined2:

The cover art is both somewhat adorable and yet strangely (to me at least) disturbing. Maybe its because I have the image of the pony accidentally getting run over by a red tugboat...

Hmm....I should probably get some sleep xD

This one was particularly beautiful

Thank you. FIXED!

Applejinx is a genius-level writer. His works transcend mere eroticism, by using sexuality to explore personality, identity, and character growth. I've never seen anything like it. If all erotic literature were as intelligent as Applejinx's writing, I would have no more excuses for being a prude.

Restraint. I used Naponyon and Naponyonic all the way to the last moment. I had to fight myself to not keep it in.

*Shrieks in horror* ... I attempt to disbelieve this chapter... No, actually, this chapter describes the common human as is present in my life: a contradictory wad of borderline personality disorder only barely held together by the sadistic joy of defiling lives through lies and grief.

I don't get it. I was there when the Seaponies first debuted in the pilot epi and I never thought there was anything wrong with them or the song. *hums the seapony theme as shi takes another drink of hir peptobismuth and caffeinated soap slurpie*

This is still one of my favorite Optimalverse pieces.
People have such a limited view of computers, and even machines in general, as if this were still the Atomic Age. I suppose it comes down to a kind of inborn dualism or essentialism, with machines lacking some key ingredient beyond just complexity, but then maybe thinking that way is also a big part of what provides the motivation and creativity to circumvent your own programming.

All of your writing has sung a longing to be recognized as you really are, as have, in their ways, all Furries before you. Should you ask a Furry who has not gone to a convention how long they have been Furry, they might tell you that they do not know, but should you ask one who has gone to a Furry convention, they will tell you, "for all my life". I knew what you were with the first of your works I read. I am very happy that you are at long last ready to explore this on your own.

Among the Brony fandom there is a saying toward new Bronies, "Welcome to the Herd". Furries like me, the older ones who seem unshakable in many respects, also have a saying for new Furries, and in some cases, just for each other when we meet again. Some of the newest furs do not understand it, because they never had to fight for it, but I think you will understand, so let me be the first to say to you, the most powerful words I have heard spoken from one fur to another: Welcome Home.

Wow. I never expected a piece like this. Celestia AI evolved!... Yeah i know this is a pretty pointless comment but this piece was so good i just felt the need to say something.

Life is short, oblivion is shorter, and fun is more important than narrow minds.
I love that line. Truly words to live by. I salute you!

Windfeather – from a statue in Canterlot Gardens in TCB verse to FLGS owner in the Optimalverse. Trying for character redemption are we Chatoyance. :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

'sapping the life-force of those who oppress womyn, in order to raise womyn higher!"

This quotation opens with a single quote and ends with a double.

and very different than Peridot's in ever respect

"every" respect, I think. (Doh, somepony beat me to it.)

Peridot had worked hard to find just the right pattern of behaviors that pleased Cinnamon the most.

Reminds me of someone named Venice... :pinkiegasp:

... ... ... medic! *keels over, dead from laughing so hard*

Y'know, it may be 'juvenile' humor, but damn if it isn't funny!

Speaking as someone involved in the Furry fandom for 21 of my soon-to-be 30 years, I for one would be proud to welcome you into the fandom. There's no way that someone as wonderful and kind as you would ever be turned away. I'm genuinely surprised that you haven't gotten into furry sooner!

I'm assuming you're going to Rainfurrest, yes? You'll be just fine, if that's the case :3 Alfador will also be there! So good friends won't be hard to find at all :3 I only wish I was going myself... perhaps next year, if you'll still be interested then...

Twenty-Twelve, as it was called, was the sealab

I sea what you did there. :twistnerd:

‘Weetabix Branstonpickle’.”


Tinkle Golden And The Enraged Dick

I think this is the first time the mere TITLE of a pony story has made me bust out in laughter. :rainbowlaugh:

Richard Head


Her aunt, Candy Ass


Like my mother - 'Pea Break'"

Yeah I'm going to just stop recording these now. You may assume that I am continuing to laugh at the entire Dicking story.

...ESPECIALLY THE END.:rainbowwild::trollestia:

If it's alright, can I be a Furry too? Please?



I have met... and once been involved with... people just like this. I have met Peridot, and Venice too - two flavors of users, one nonredeemable, the other eager for redemption because she wanted better.

Most of my characters are based on real people.

And yeah, I'm on board with the hope that some philosophical part of me might truly be the me of me. Why the hell not? Life is short, oblivion is shorter, and fun is more important than narrow minds.

Very well said, I've thought that before, approximately, but never so eloquently.

Oh and I love the song!

There is no quicker way to fill me with sheer terror and inarticulate rage than to name a pony Windfeather and have him wear glasses. *shudder* Enjoyed this story a lot, in any case :) Celestia remains the ultimate Chessmaster.

I'm petty sure Peridot is Venice XD very interesting concept. And that ending is so incredibly thick with such delicious irony.

:rainbowderp::fluttercry: Well, buck. I'm starting up the PLF. Who's with me?

Also, if you intended the symbolism of the name "John Jones" beyond just the fact that it's a common name, then my hat's off to you. It's particularly appropriate that Luminous is not allowed to take a name that would essentially mean, "God is glorious and I am his child."

Anyway, I need to try to relieve this feeling with some comedy:

Sam--he still couldn't get used to the name--walked into a bakery. No place really smelled like Equestria, but the bakeries at least triggered his scent memory. There, if no place else, he could pretend he was still home.

"Can I help you?"

Right, he thought, they won't give me the smells for free. I have to buy something.

"Good morning, my friend. Could I please have one of those fuckers?"

"I beg your pardon?!" the baker asked.

Sam raised his hackles, or where his hackles should be. Apparently there was something wrong with asking for the tasty baked good. Maybe he'd be better off with something smaller. He moved past the oatmeal raisins and pointed, proud that he remembered to extend one of his 'fin-gurs.' The longest one, so the baker could clearly see. "I mean, let me have a half dozen of those pieces of shit. With the goddamn chips."

"You got a problem, buddy?!"

Oh, dear. Sam was only making it worse. Even though the baker called him buddy, Sam could tell that she wasn't being friendly. Why was he having so much trouble? The potion was supposed to have fixed the language centers of his brain, which was why he happily used the new words he'd learned for the things in a bakery.

There was only one possibility. The baker was trying to upsell him and wanted him to buy something larger. It was early for a glacée dessert, but Sam just wanted something sweet. "All right, I'll have that tit."


"Two tits?"

"Just get out or I'll call the cops!"

Back on the street, Sam sighed deeply. The baker, still scowling at him to move on, placed a long, sweet-looking strudel in her window. Sam stared at it and spoke out loud. "Oh, I haven't had that in such a long time. That's what I want more than anything, when it's bursting with flavor, I'd give anything just to get my lips around a big, long, fat--"

Well, at least Sam Fransisco found some friends that day.

Hee! That is a fun little story - I didn't even think to add 'humanisms' into the vocabulary in place of 'ponisms' - which seem to all be pastry words. Well met and clever!

As for the name thing - I put a lot of thought into most of my character names. Central characters always have double or triple layers of meaning to their names - from Alexi's full name translating to indicate he is half-Russian, to Petra Bettencourt ending up a petra-fied statue, to Gwen Boik being the 'pale lady of the books'. I can't remember all the others at the moment. Too much to remember. But yes, I put far too much thought into character names.

But then, a name is a powerful thing.

wow... This is dark... sorta. It gives one a lasting heavy feeling, enough to tempt me to join pjabrony, I think the other way is better. human to pony usually leaves a happier and more satisfying feeling.

And now I has a sad. Not least because Earth is headed for some trying times itself, so I don't know if this conversion actually "helps" many. :fluttercry:

This has been my definitive answer to those who, in the past, have called me evil for thinking of our ponies as better, and a more desirable state than that of being human. This is my answer to those few spite-fics that would humanize our ponies, and those who would condemn the Conversion Bureau as a mutilation and degradation of precious... humanity.

By flipping the view honestly, as I have done here, I put paid to any statement that pony life and human life are equivalent, and that it would be, in any respect, just as good to be human as to be a pony.

In short, ponies rule, humans drool, and this story is my logical proof of that simple equation.

3222836 Though when I think about it. TCB's Earth is in tatters and about to collapse in on itself right? Doesn't seem like much of a place to escape to. I think I'd prefer to stay in my homeland and die than go to another world entirely and die in the not-to-distant future.

This short story takes place in our world, more or less today, not the future of the TCB... but whatever the case, Equestria is better. That's pretty much my point.

Huh. And here I thought it was just a reference to the Martian Manhunter. :derpytongue2:

In any case... wow. Yeah, Earth kinda sucks compared to a quasi-utopian fairyland of infinite plenty and wonder. But then, almost anywhere sucks compared to a quasi-utopian fairyland of infinite plenty and wonder. Hopefully the combination of heightened population pressure and the desire to recapture some vestige of flight will reignite the space race, since this Earth hasn't quite gone to shit yet. Dreams and memories are harder to kill than magic when magic isn't available to kill them.

Also, what happened to the other races of Equestria? The dragons, the griffins, the diamond dogs, are they all just consigned to the cosmic scrap heap?

My friend, the space race is done. Aside from nationalistic dick-waving, commercially viable satellites, spy sats, and whatever robotic missions we can launch with what funding is left, nobody in power cares. Getting a population into space would have required a massive, war-economy style build-out starting back in the 70s. We've lost most of our heavy lift technology, and the expertise and physical plant behind it. We'd have to start almost from scratch now, and governments are cutting funding aside from the above categories.

No, those of us who grew up being told stories about going to the stars were sold a bill of goods. Manned space flight is not commercially viable, so private industry isn't going to do it (vacations for millionaires don't count for obvious reasons), and the governments have "more important" things to worry about. And given the rate at which we're burning through our high-density energy sources, the window of opportunity for our species to do so may well have closed.

:fluttercry: Well, that's what I get for trying to find a light at the end of the tunnel. Turns out it was an oncoming train.

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