• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,140 Views, 124 Comments

Phases of Love - AMinorDisChord

A prequel to Bonum Tantibus, Nightmare Moon has revived after being broken down. James has been alone for most of his life.... Pony on Earth, Nightmare Moon x Human

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A New Moon

(Nightmare Moon's Point Of View)

The sea of light from up above, days to nights, nights to days.

Skies would cast a rainbow's light, before they slowly fade away.

A single sol, of age untold, that all the eyes admire.

A deepest blue, a sacred hue, burn with tiny dots of fire.

One is shown, the other shunned, by evening they rest beyond her art.

An anger tears and throws, her tear's in throe, an emptiness now fills her heart.

All she needed was a friend, to allow her suffering to end, and all would remain alright.

But who could look at her, not breaking, and let their heart to be completely taken, with a child of the night?

Every atom of whom I once was had felt the changes from light to dark. The sun floats across the sky, trailing the rays of life. I feel the moon and stars light the evenings as ponies party or... What ever they do at night. I especially felt the moon.

Even if I wasn't the one who controlled it.

How could I? My body has been shattered past existence. All of me has been broken by the so-called 'Elements of Harmony'. How is that, in any way, harmonious? I was destroyed, each particle spread across the vast night skies.

Oh, you didn't know? Each star that burned alive was once me. The beautiful nights where born of my power. But who could believe that? That something so horrid, grotesque, and cruel could possibly create such a miraculous sight.

Not me.

But why should I matter? My essence has been torn apart and put back together. By all means, I am dead, forced to know what lies in the minds of who used to be my subjects. By my own moon, all the fear I caused.

All the pain.

All the hatred.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I felt a slight pain in the back of my head.

Wait... Pain?

I'm not dead? ... What? I was torn into pieces and tossed into the sky, lighting up the vast unknown as I once did magically... So why does my head hurt?

I stood up shakily from my crouch. Stood up? I must have returned! I tripped over myself, without moving. Yep, I'm alive. OW!

Suddenly, memories rushed into me like a meteor. I have been on the moon for alone thousand years. I know what a meteor feels like.

I wondered if I have that bruise still...

That sadly needed to wait, as I remembered every negative emotion towards me. No pony had a single nice thing to think or feel. Not even my appearance! One thousand years ago, I would stand by the mirrors in Canterlot and checked myself out. I enjoyed it! A lot! Maybe a little too much. Perhaps they were right to say I was vain...

But I also had other rthings to consider.

I'm alive! I'm alive. I'm, alive?

I pondered this for a moment. I could not fathom why I was so elated to be alive. From what I remembered, it wasn't that pleasant of a life. One thousand years of being stuck on the moon, countless hours spent planning on how to gain the liking of my subject, which was utterly in vain.

I don't have anything worth living for here, I realized. No pony could possibly like me after what I made them feel. Oh, oh Celestia! What have I done? I tried to give them something I found so beautiful, but only managed to make them afraid. I caused so much pain! Those who once were my subjects now fear and hate me!

And believe I am dead. "I, I can't stay here," I whispered, surprised by the hurt and fear within my words. Perhaps, 'surprised' would not be the choice description. Rather, I was disgusted. A princess should not reveal those emotions.

But what kind of princess has no subjects? I was devastated by this.

"I won't let any pony fear me anymore," I felt so empty and dead. "I don't want them to fear and hate that much ever again! I saw their emotions, and I wish I could help them. I never meant for this to happen! I just wanted to be liked! But that will never happen now."

I couldn't help but cry as the truths stabbed me like rusty blades. I wept for every single one of the ponies which I so desperately wanted to love me as they loved my sister. And they would never know. All they would be aware of is how scared they were as I took away their precious day, how I threatened their whole world with darkness.

"If I stay, I will only make matters worse. They are afraid of me, and always will be. I have to leave, forever."

I continued to spill my royal tears, each droplet like a dying star. They burst and cascaded as they rushed to the ground.

"I have nothing here. My sister fears me, and will kill me on sight. The Elements would cast me into oblivion. My origin feels stronger than any other. I, I hurt Luna so much. My own counterpart, whom I have warred with over her form for countless generations, and I hurt her. She's so afraid, so alone. She fears she will turn into me again, so she doesn't let her emotions show. It's eating her up inside, and it was all because of me! I am so sorry! I am so sorry!" The torrent of pain had yet to cease, and I knew I deserved it, and so much more.

"I should not have the right to live."

I wish I could have ended my life, my suffering, right then and there. Death would be a true comfort, not only to me, but to every creature in Equestria as well. One less monster in the world. Alas, there were only a number of ways for an Alicorn to perish. I only new of one guaranteed way, but there was a chance that every pony within ten thousand miles of me would be killed as well.

I couldn't let that happen, no matter how much I ached.

I knew what I had to do. I had to travel far from Terra in order to die and keep my little ponies out of harm's way.

Requiring to move, I discovered I had not opened my eyes yet. I didn't even know what time of day it was.

I slowly allowed the muscles clamping my eyelids shut to release their hold. Light softly seeped into my eyes. It was clearly not daylight, unless I was inside. My irises readjusted to the brilliance of my surroundings. When I could see again, what I saw astonished me.

I was inside, surrounded by glistening, stone walls. Pitch black mortar held the stones together, crevices . Emerald vines interweaved as they ensured the structure, their leaves held by spiral stems the width of a string. The chambers were sealed, save for a wooden door and a curtained window. Enchanted candles illuminated the room with flickers of mystic greens, blues, reds, among other tinctures. The scarlet curtains were haloed with a gentle white incandescence, which meant it was nighttime. The door had several metal bracers supporting the wood, which was in the early stages of rotting.

I forced myself onto my hooves, wobbling and nearly tripping due to the lack of practice. Now able to stand, I lifted my front right leg to take a step-

And landed on my face with a malicious force. I cried out in surprise and agony as my muzzle flattened against the cold, stone floor. Did I ever mention how much I hate walking? No? Well, as of that moment, I detested it with a burning passion. I braced my legs a second time and rose upward, more cautious this time. I reached my leg out again, but I did not let myself fall this time. My hoof landed lightly on the ground, and the subconscious kicked into action, each step after the other, not tripping once.

I was ecstatic. I could finally walk again. I had no time to question my joy as another question blipped into my mind.

What about magic?

I had nothing to test myself with, until I rediscovered the curtains. I focused and put my heart into making them move.

My horn lit up, judging by the new color on the ground, but the curtains did not move.

"This is going to be a long night."

On Earth...

A store, a restaurant, a hair salon, another store, a theatre. The buildings would come and go from view as people would walk past them, most of the time not heeding them any attention. Police station, town hall, restaurant, for lease, bar. Eyes would occasionally glance upon the names of such things, before moving on to the next thing that they would focus upon.

Or, at least, most do.

One person stood out in that perspective. He would stare at each establishment and wonder to himself how nice it would be to be able to go in, and buy something from them like a normal being.

He was homeless.

And few souls would care about the homeless. Except those that have been homeless themselves, or work at a shelter. Rarely was there a case otherwise. But that did not mean such lives did not exist.

James was one such creature.

He would give money to charity often, but he could never find the time to do physical labour for them.

He had just graduated from his school, but still hasn't started his life yet.

James Point Of View

Thank you for introducing me, narrator.

... Even though it was my turn. But, it can't be helped.

So yeah, I am James. James Knight. I know, it is an epic last name, right? Makes me sound like some sort of hero. Just imagine, a barely of age adult wearing a metal suit from day to day.

Getting off track here, sorry.

So, yeah, I am James Knight. But you seem to already know this already. You know, this would have sounded a lot better if I had known before hand I was going to tell my life story. I would have planned it out instead of blabbering on and on... You get the picture.


So, as my 'friend' was saying, I had just graduated college, but I didn't do much back then. You know how adults seem to tell you that as soon as your out of college, your life will begin?

Do. Not. Believe. Them.

I had been out for around six months. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nothing.

Oh sure, I had a job, but it sucked the life out of me. The adults were honest on that point. If only I had listened.

I was a... Actually, I don't even remember what my job was. Only that it was close to minimum wage and I was freaking bored out of my mind.

Here was the basic day: wake up, shower, work, home, eat, sleep, repeat.

Now, I couldn't complain about my job. At least I had one. Some people aren't so lucky. I usually saved up money from what I didn't spend on groceries, and gave it to the homeless shelter. I couldn't find the time to do anything else, otherwise, I would have lost my required six hours of sleep.

But that wasn't the worst part.

No, the worst had to be how lonely I was. I had my mom, dad, and little brother back when I was living with them, but my college was out of state. And before my twenty third birthday, I never had a girlfriend. I didn't even had my first kiss yet.

Everyone says you will find the right one at college.

They. Lied.

No dates, no kisses, no naughty nights, nothing.

So yeah, I was one of those forever-alone people.

I can live without electronics, and I don't need that much money, aside from buying groceries. But what has been hurting me inside, is that I don't have someone to share a life with.

No one to hold close to me at night.

To hold her tight in my arms and say it will all be alright.

To just take away all this loneliness inside.

To learn the rules of loving much and force my heart to abide.

So, yeah, you got to know me before anything important happened. Sorry if I'm not saying much about me at that point, but I don't really become who I am now until later.

It's weird, but you will understand.

I think.

I hope.

I digress.

Now let me tell you about when a miracle happened.

Author's Note:

I shall see you in the future.