• Published 26th Feb 2012
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Subject Delta - Rapturous for Equestria - TheMightyT

Subject Delta escapes Rapture, but find himself in an even stranger place. --Bioshock 2 Crossover--

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Protecting His Charge (Chapter 5)

Subject Delta – Rapturous For Equestria


Chapter 5: Protecting His Charge

“ The Butterflies Flutter, The Angels Call, Come Out And Play With Your Daddy…
To Walk The Halls, Of The Golden City, As Good Girls Gather…
The Butterflies Rest, The Angels Wait, Now It’s Time To Sleep…
Goodnight My Sweet Little Sister, Hush Now Sweet Daughter Of Mine…
Lay Your Sleepy Head, Rest Your Tired Mind, I Will Guard…
Until The End Comes, I Will Guard…
-Written in blood on one of the walls of Persephone, the Detention Facility of Rapture.

The light of the moon fell on his back, the wind blowing through the once beautiful stained-glass windows; slowly caressing the plants that had overgrown the castle. Three Timberwolves laid death, killed by his hands. The last Timberwolf was still smoldering, it already being robbed of its life. The room was filled with death and decay… but there was still some life left…

He carefully reached for the purple pony, trying not to hurt it while he was pulling it out of its hiding spot. He could see it breathing, feeling eased by that sight. It was laying at his feet, her head resting on his arm. He slowly pulled her into a protecting embrace, cradling her like he would his Daughter. It laid on its back, still slowly breathing in and out. He carefully lowered its head on his biceps, hoping that it would be soft enough for it to sleep on. The moment her horn touched his arm he felt a surge going through his body. He felt... strange. He wasn’t hurt, but he felt… connected in one way or another too this little pony, sleeping in his arms. He hoped it was having a healing sleep, not the sleep that one would never wake up from…

He slowly began walking, there wasn’t anything left here to save. He held the little pony close, it… she would be his way out. He didn’t understand how he could possibly know this little pony in his arms was female… but he just knew. He only hoped he could warm her with his body warmth, if he had any left…

He left the castle, leaving nature to do its thing. The forest was already busy taking the ground, where the castle was built on, back. The old bridge came in sight again, as Subject Delta was slowly descending the same eroding stairs he had run up, hoping to find Eleanor. She wasn’t here… but he had found something else.

Subject Delta didn’t knew where he was, nor did he care. His plan… their plan was to escape Rapture. He never had dared to hope he would escape too. He was wounded, dying… the only thing keeping him going was his Daughter. She had escaped, he was sure of it. But he, he didn’t know if he had escaped Rapture… he could be trapped in an eternal nightmare for all he knew. No, this felt to real; this was real. He just wasn’t where his Daughter was…

Subject Delta went over the bridge, slowly. He didn’t want to fall down, now that he had her in his arms. He had more to live for now, there was a life depending on him. He wouldn’t let her down…

Subject Delta was different from the other Alpha Series Big Daddies… He was the first to be successfully bounded with a Little Sister. He would be researched, he and his Daughter; as they were trying to find a way to replicate the results. But even when the scientists managed to do that, he still was different from the others. He still had a mind of his own…

Normally, when he was protecting his Daughter from the dangers off the city; he didn’t had time to think. All his senses went to his Daughter, to protecting her from harm. But sometimes he would just think… think about his life, his Daughter, Rapture. Never was he able to finish his thinking, always being interrupted by his instincts. ‘You can think later, Eleanor is counting on you to protect her.’ And he would listen to his instincts, always… but his Daughter wasn’t here now.

He had made it to the other side, the forest casting its cold shadow on them; as the moon was shining her beautiful light. Without any second thoughts he went back into the lush jungle, trying to make his way to the North; still being helped by the star-spangled night. He kept his pony close, she was still breathing; but now the look of utter despair and fright was wiped of her face, as she was nudging closer in her sleep, trying to get comfortable next to her heat source…

His heavy footsteps resonated through the Everfree Forest, its dwellers staying out of the way of the passing golem. Subject Delta lumbering footsteps made sure everything knew he was coming. He wasn’t afraid of the forest, as he was able to defend himself. That didn’t mean he was enjoying himself, trudging through the thick underbrush. To fight between these trees would be a new experience for him, as there weren’t too many trees in Rapture. Everything that lived here, in this dark forest, would have the advantage of knowing the surroundings… something he didn’t have. But strangely enough, he felt… safe.

He let his body and instincts do the work, giving him some spare time to think. There were so many questions to mull over… but where to start…

The Timberwolves… they made him think of the Splicers back in Rapture. He had killed them as he would crush the members of Sofia Lamb’s Family, who were trying to stop him from reaching his Daughter, but he had forgotten that he wasn’t in Rapture anymore. It wasn’t a fair fight, four wolves without any weapon or Plasmids against a battle-hardened Big Daddy… He felt… guilty. Strange… He didn’t experience that feeling before… or maybe he did, long ago. He felt guilty for leaving something or someone behind, as he was responsible… But what? Who was he?

He knew he wasn’t born a Big Daddy, he was slow but not stupid. He was made, manufactured by a city in need. He was a Protector, his Daughter a Provider... He was the first successful Subject, the fourth one to undergo the process. He didn’t remember to much from that time, everything was a blur… He knew there were answers buried in the deepest reaches of his mind, but… something… something kept him from accessing them…

He came to a small clearing in the forest. Some light of the moon had managed to break through the thick canopy, illuminating the dry forest floor. How deeper he went into the forest, how older the trees looked. He wanted to find a puddle of water, to try to wake up his little pony. He saw a small hole in the ground, beneath a vine-covered three. It looked dark and filthy, but any water was good for his goals. Suddenly a thought popped up in his mind, just like all those times before, telling him something he was sure he didn’t knew before: ‘Don’t drink from still water!’ Maybe it was best to listen to that advice…

He wasn’t going to drink from it. But if still water wasn’t safe to drink, he wouldn’t risk using it to wake up the little pony in his arms. He stood still, listening for sounds from the forest. The forest was quiet… too quiet. It was best to move on, he was vulnerable standing in this clearing. Looking back at the stars, he went back to his aimlessly trudging through the forest, pondering once again.

This isn’t his world. This isn’t Rapture. He should be careful of his actions. Anything could be more dangerous than it seems. For all he know the pony, now muttering in his arms, could be a merciless killer. Not that he thought that, but he should be careful who he decides to trust…

He had changed. He had never felt guilty before. He never trusted anything without a reason. But here he was, carrying a small, purple pony in his arms; hoping that she would hold the answers he sought. Why did his Drill work here? It is out of fuel, since the last battle he fought in Inner-Persephone. And why did his Plasmids work? He was out of EVE before going to Persephone, but he had used ‘Incinerate!’ to fry a wolf made out of timber! This place… it was even more abnormal than Rapture. Heck, even Rapture had a logic to it. But here… it all was like magic trick…

Once again he was brought out of thoughts by the pony in his arms. He could see her eyes moving below her eyelids, like they were following a wondrous lightshow. He saw that she had managed to get the tip of one of her hoofs in her muzzle, softly sucking on it. He felt a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time… Who was this pony, that she could warm his heart that was claimed by his Daughter? Why did he feel so… connected?

Rustling in the forest. Footsteps. The thick underbrush being pushed aside by something big. He saw a shadow before him, a glimpse of various parts of different animals. A scorpion-like tail towered behind it. It had seen him. He stood still and stared back. The shadow backed off, not wanting to start a fight with this strange creature. Subject Delta was glad he didn’t have to fight this time. He didn’t want to wake up his little pony.

The sound of streaming water reached him through the forest. Their surely was a river close by. Listening for the sounds of streaming water he made his way through the forest. The trees were spread more sparsely as he came closer to the river. He saw the glistening of the water under the moonlight. He stood still in the shadows of the tree line. There were no trees close to the river, it was a big clearing. The river was quite long, as he could see it going on deeper in the forest. To his left he saw a small lake, being fed by the river. He didn’t want to go in the clearing, where there were no trees and shadows to hide him. But he needed to wake up the pony in his arms.

He stepped out of the shadows, glancing to his left and right. He looked for ways to escape. If he needed to, he could just wade through the river. It was quite wide, but he should be able to cross it without any problems. Having his Plasmids back he could even try something new… he always wanted to try freezing water with his ‘Winter Blast’. If needed, he would have the chance to try it out. He looked across the river. Did he just see something move in the shadows? No… no, it was just his mind trying to drive him crazy. It was perfectly safe here…

He stopped at the bank of the river. Slowly putting his hand beneath her head, trying to avoid getting her mane stuck between his gloves, he began lowering her to the ground. He laid her on her side, carefully. With the moon shining above him he could finally examine her closer. She didn’t have a purple fur, it was more a lavender colour. Her horn sat in the middle of her streaked mane. The streaks were pink and a more light purple surrounded by darker purple. Her tail was the same, the two sorts of streaks surrounded by a darker purple than the rest of her coat. He could see some kind of markings on her haunches. One big star surrounded by five smaller ones… Why did that seem familiar to him?

Then it dawned on him. ‘Rapture Best and Brightest’. The picture he had seen in Rapture before. Andrew Ryan, his Dream, his City, his Nightmare. And the five others surrounding him, his Elite. Brigid Tenenbaum, the one he had helped to save the Little Sisters, to save them from Rapture. An unknown man, the tingling of passion for the arts in his eyes. Gil Alexander, the one he saved and killed. Sofia Lamb, the one that killed him and took his Daughter. The one that severed the Pairbond, trying to finish the job. The one that blew them up. Eleanor’s mother… But there was another one. An Asian doctor. His name was… Suchong…

Images flooded his mind. Memories of pain and suffering. A clinical smell. Pain in his throat. He slowly lost himself to his past...


Darkness. Pain. He wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn’t. He wanted to scream, but he couldn’t. His throat felt like someone had driven spikes through it. He could feel needles in his arms, pumping a fluid through his body. He didn’t know where he was, his memory being hazy. All he could do was breath...

Footsteps coming closer. Voices. He could hear two males talking. The words reached his ears, but his brain wouldn’t process them. He kept concentrating and he began to understand some things.

“...work, Augustus! Where did you get him, anyways?” The man had a thick Asian accent.

Another man, with a slight accent he didn’t recognize, answered: “You’re asking the wrong man, Suchong. I didn’t locked him away and threw the key in the abyss below Rapture. You need to ask the man that tortured him to get answers...”

The voices went fuzzy again. He felt so tired, he had so many questions. If he only could remember...

The two men had stopped talking, as another pair of footsteps could be heard. The man who entered the room seemed to be fairly important as the other two greeted him as Mister Ryan.

“I was just talking with Suchong here, Mister Ryan, and he was complaining about the state of his “test subject”.” Augustus seemed to be enjoying himself, as he had put his “friend” into a difficult position.

“Yes, yes. Sometimes you have to try everything to get to the truth... But, that isn’t important now, gentlemen, as I have one simple question. Is he a fit for the program?” The voice of the man carried authority, this wasn’t a man to meddle with...

“I have to do more testing to be sure, Mister Ryan. But-” Said Suchong.

“But what, Doctor Suchong? You told me you where capable of completing the ‘Protector’-program! So, are you!?” This Ryan fellow began to get worked up...

“Sure, Mister Ryan... I only need to do some more testing-”

“More testing!? I thought you had done all the testing when you still worked under Fontaine!”

“The Pairbonding-process is very complicated, Mister Ryan. There were some unexpected complications last time, but I’m sure that with the new technique everything will-”

“Yeah, we know that, Suchong. You said that the last time and the time before that. You said that the Little Sisters couldn’t be killed. They proved you wrong on that. Then you said that Plasmid hadn’t any side effects. Oh boy, they had to freaking scrape the guy off that wall!” Alexander didn’t sound angry, only slightly amused.

“How could I have known that the test subject was allergic? I’ve did the tests and it had a ninety percent change of-”

“You should have known that, Suchong, it’s your job. And that was just the start of you thinking you knew something... Do you remember Subject Alpha? The poor fucker tried to swim across the Seawalls because your “Pairbonding” wasn’t strong enough!”

“The Pairbonding-process was just starting to begin to work, Augustus. And no harm was done, everyone undergoing the process dies when going too far away from their Little Sister. We have had much improvement since then-”

“And Subject Beta, oh boy. That was a different story all together. He was so captivated by his Little Sister he didn’t notice the Splicer killing her. It took twenty-five men, armed to the teeth, to take the crazed fucker out!”

“You need to stop critique my work, Augustus. It’s not like your deals went completely as planned. If I remember correct you had that one deal with Fontaine-”

“Well, you worked for Fontaine, Suchong! So, who-”

“Stop it you two! Augustus, I want you to go back to Persephone. If I remember correctly you have some “unfinished” business there...” Ryan talked slowly, his voice filling the room.

Footsteps left the room. An awkward silence stayed for a moment, only being broken by the slight beeping of machines that filled the room. Andrew Ryan broke the silence.

“And Doctor Suchong, I need you to help Doctor Tenenbaum with the Little Sisters. She seems to have problems with them lately. The last batch of Little Sisters seemed to have suffered from some kind of disease. And when you’re there you can do all the testing you want, maybe you can find one for your “testsubject”.”

“But, Mister Ryan-”

“Doctor Alexander will help you on the ‘Protector’-program from now on. He seems to have many ideas to improve the suits...”

The voices became hard to hear. He couldn’t feel the pain in his throat anymore... The darkness consumed him once again...


The little pony was mumbling again. It tore him out of his thoughts. He just had seen flashes from his past, from his... creation. That was new...

There was time to think about his past later, now he needed to wake up this little pony. He went through his knees next to the river, dipping his hands in the water. He then kneeled next to the pony flicking his hands above her. Tiny drops of water fell on her. She moved, turning onto her other side; muttering to no one in particular: “Um... five more minutes, Spike...”

He was not going to give up that easily. Once again he dipped his hand in the water. This time however he formed them into a bowl, filling it with water. He brought his slightly dripping hands above the pony. The water washed over her, immediately waking her up. She jumped up, looking frantically around while shaking her head. She was awake now...

Subject Delta slowly stood up, giving the pony some room. She looked around, trying to find out where she was. Her eyes went over him. She looked away from him to the lake on their left. Her movements froze, her head slowly turning back to him. Her eyes stared at him, big and wide. Subject Delta honestly thought that her eyes were going to fall out of her head. He stayed back, staring calmly in her eyes. He could see that her breathing became more rapidly, as she began to panic. Her legs began to tremble beneath her. Subject Delta moved a bit further away, hoping that she would calm down.

The pony kept looking at him, eyes wide. He could see his movements in those big eyes. Eventually her frightened expression changed to an intrigued look. She kept looking at him, trying to find something hostile in his posture. When she didn’t found anything, she once again looked around trying to recognize her surroundings. She slowly turned around to look behind her, glancing back at him to see if he had tried to come closer. She turned back around, looking at the trees across the river. Suddenly she jerked her head back, like she expected that he was standing just behind her. It was like they were playing a game...

She became curious, taking a small step closer. She began examining him, staring at him with her big, purple eyes. He could she them twinkle in the bright moonlight. Had the light of the moon just become brighter? She opened her mouth, as she was going to speak; but she closed it again. They could hear some rustling in the forest behind them. Subject Delta turned around, he could swear he had saw some kind of light coming out of the forest... He turned back around to the pony. She glanced at the forest and then back at him. She opened her mouth again and she began to speak.

“Um, hello.”

Subject Delta didn’t answer. She tilted her head slightly in confusion. She took a small step closer. She glanced up to him, trying to look him in the eyes. When she realized that he was wearing a helmet, she began speaking again.


He didn’t respond. “Um, can you understand me?”

Subject Delta slowly nodded his head. The lavender mare seemed to be happy he could understand her. She seemed to be very interested in him, while anyone else would just try to run away...

“Can you speak?” Subject Delta shook his head.

“Oh... Why did you take me here?” Subject Delta couldn’t answer, he just show her his hand; still slightly wet.

“You brought me here to... wake me up?” He nodded.

“Um, okay. Why did you wake me up? Why did you protect me? Oh yeah, you can’t really answer these questions...” Subject Delta slowly nodded, bringing himself to one knee, so the pony didn’t have to strain her neck looking up at him.

“Yes... Let’s start over, shall we? My name is Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight if you want. Um, do you have a name?” He nodded again, bringing a gloved hand to the symbol on his right hand.

“Your name is... Triangle?” Subject Delta shook his head, this wasn’t not going to be easy. He couldn’t communicate with this pony, so how was he going to ask her for help? Let’s just try to show her that he is friendly. After all that happened she probably will want to go home, so maybe she knew the way back...

He reached out his hand. Twilight looked at it, investigating it. She responded with reaching out with her hoof and he shook it. She smiled at him and he would possibly returned that smile, if he wasn’t wearing a helmet. Twilight opened her mouth to start asking questions again, but he had this feeling he was being watched...

Subject Delta slowly looked up at the moonlit sky. He could see the stars, still twinkling. Then he saw something coming closer in the far east... Something? Tens, no, possibly hundreds of tiny blobs with wings were coming closer to them. Without any further thinking he reached for Twilight, pulling her once again into his arms. He began running back into the forest, trying to hide. But before he could hide in the shadows, he heard sounds deeper into the forest. That way was out of question too. There was only one choice left...

He ran back to the river, Twilight saying something he didn’t catch. He took his left arm beneath her, while still holding her tightly in his other arm, and closed his left fist. He could feel the familiar cold sitting in his hand, so he threw it at the river; effectively freezing it. With three big steps, he was over the river. He could see the blobs in the air coming dangerously close, now casting shadows on the flowing water. Subject Delta began running again, back into the forest; only to find his way blocked by three more ponies.

They all looked strangely the same in their golden armor. It looked like how he looked like for the Little Sisters. When he was captured in Inner-Persephone by Sofia Lamb’s family his Daughter managed to reach him. She and another Little Sister helped him to take control of the Little Sister for a short while, so he could bring a Big Sister Suit to Eleanor. She needed it to escape herself, so she could help him...

It was strange to be in control of the Little Sister, as everything felt familiar, but also so very strange. It was like he had never left his body, but Rapture... It was then he understood how his Daughter always talked about the Angels that where waiting for her. Through her eyes the city was perfect in architecture, Splicers all looked like the most sophisticating men and women. The Angels were the dead bodies the Little Sisters harvested, the butterflies being mirages... It was a cruel sight. But then, he saw how the Little Sisters saw him, as a Golden Knight, there to protect them from mere bullies; unlike the malformed Splicers he was used to see them as. That was the first time he doubted about everything...

Stern looks where on their faces, prepared to do anything to stop him. Only one of them had a horn, he also was the only one that hadn’t a white coat; his coat was more brownish. They all had that golden armor, with some kind of... saddle on their backs. They also were carrying some strange helmets, only protecting the top and the back of their heads. They looked not very threatening to him.

The horn of one of the guards lighted up, surrounding by some kind of light gray aura. Taking no chances Subject Delta hit him in the chest with ‘Electro Bolt’, making the guard fell on the ground; trembling spastically as the electrical surges paralyzed him. The other two guards charged in to try to stop him. How amusing...

Subject Delta dashed forward, the same thing he would do to knockdown anyone with his drill, now only less deadly without his drill as he didn’t want to kill them. The two guards flew through the air, the path cleared to go in the forest. He heard shouting from across the river, but he ignored it. With haste he went into the forest, hoping to shake off his pursuers. Out of the corner of his eyes, when he just ran between the first trees, he could see something coming down out of the air.

It stood quite tall, but not as tall as he was. The pony had both wings and a horn. It was quite easy to spot, as it was completely white with a strange, flowing mane. It also wasn’t wearing any armor. While he ran between the trees this pony seemed to always keep up. He needed to come up with a plan, surely the other ponies where entering the forest too...

He heard someone commanding him, possibly that white pony that was still behind him: “Stop, or we will use-”

‘Try to stop me,’ Subject Delta thought to himself, still running between the trees. Suddenly, something exploded behind him, almost throwing him in the trees before him. He shielded off Twilight, as he changed course, hoping that the smoke behind him would throw them off. The white pony emerged from the smoke, her horn surrounded by a golden glow. He didn’t knew how she did it, but she was trying to take him out...

Thinking quickly he ran around a big, old looking tree and he turned his body slightly around. When the white pony came across the corner he hit it square into the chest with a bolt of lightning. She was thrown off course for a second, but before Subject Delta could get far enough away the pony was following him again. Well, maybe it’s time for something more extreme...

He closed his fist again, followed by that familiar cold feeling. Now he just needed to wait for the right moment. He went between some trees, changed course by running to the right and then stopped in the middle of the forest. He just listened to the sounds of hooves coming closer. He also heard the flapping of wings in the distance, he really needed to shake them off. He looked down for a second, to see that Twilight still was in his arm. She looked distressed, but unable to do anything. Maybe she’s afraid of the pony’s following him? Well, if they are after Twilight they will have to go through him first!

Between the trees he saw the white pony galloping closer, he just needed to wait...



When he could see her magenta eyes, he hit her with his “Winter Blast”. She was stopped in her tracks, as the icy blast hit her on her left leg, which immediately froze solid. The rest of the body seemed fine though, as the ice only spread out a little ... that was strange. But before he could turn around, he saw a blue blur flying through the trees, hitting him in the chest. Twilight flew out of his arms and out of his sight. He got back up, ready to take down his assailant.

It was another pony, she too wasn’t wearing any armor. The pony stood approximately as tall as Twilight, but instead of a horn it had wings. Its wings were completely spread out, it looked like it was trying to intimidate him. She stood in front of the larger, white pony; who was having trouble breaking out of the ice that kept her in place. The pony had a light blue coat, with a strange mane. It looked like someone had taken a rainbow and made it into the dashes on her mane. She looked angrily at him with gritted teeth. It seemed ready to attack him again. Subject Delta wouldn’t admit it, but she had managed to hit him quite hard. If she stood in his way to get to Twilight and out of the forest... She had chosen the wrong Big Daddy to fight with.

The pony charged forwards, flying with a rainbow trail begin her. He tried to hit her, but failed; her hooves connecting with his helmet. The pony flew away, as he tried to rebalance himself. Once again she charged, but this time Subject Delta was ready. When she was close enough he quickly move forward, his left arm outstretched. Without any problem his hand found her neck and the pony stopped in midair, as she slammed into his body. He was holding her by her neck and he could feel her heart pumping through his glove. The anger was washed of her face, it being replace by a frightened look. She seemed scared for her life and if she was trying to get to Twilight... she should be.

Once again he was holding the life of another in his hands...

“For every choice there is an echo... Which each act we change the future... Which path do you take?”

Author’s Note: What will happen? Will Subject Delta choose to spare Rainbow Dash? Or will he end her life, to protect Twilight? That and more in the next chapters of Subject Delta – Rapturous for Equestria!

Some random trivia about this chapter:

* During writing the official soundtrack for BioShock 2 was used. To be more specific: ‘Sounds from the Lighthouse’; name of the song used: ‘How She Sees the World’.
*It’s the first 5000+ words chapter!
*The ending was different in the first draft, with Subject Delta being surrounded before he could get away. I changed it in the end because I thought it didn’t fit.
*The dialogue between Andrew Ryan, Augustus Sinclair and Yi Suchong isn’t from the game. I came up with that and you can expect more like that in the future. I think you’ll agree with me that it’s time to tie up loose ends…