• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 29,371 Views, 1,381 Comments

Daughter of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Bride of Discord." Discord and Fluttershy are blessed with a daughter named Screwball, who is gifted with incredible power that attracts the attention of the Queen of the Changelings...as well as her son.

  • ...

Happiness and Drama at the Gala

"Come on, girls!" Cinnamon Stick called from outside the ladies' dressing room. "Why won't you let me in?"

"It's not that we're embarrassed to dress in front of you," Screwball said.

"It's just we don't want you peeking!" Dinky finished.

"We want you guys to be surprised!"

"Surprised for what? I've known you girls forever!"

"Just go back to your father, Sugar!" Applejack commanded. "We'll see y'all tonight."

Cinnamon Stick sighed. "Whatever you say, Mom."

"So Screwball," Princess Flutterby Lily said as she filed the younger mare's hooves. Even though she was a princess, she liked giving her friends makeovers. "Is there a certain some pony you're taking to the dance?"

Screwball blushed. "Not really. How about you?"

"No. My last boyfriend was too arrogant. I'm sick of all these Canterlot snobs! No offense, Rarity."

"None taken," the unicorn said as she attempted to curl her daughter's mane. "Gemstone, hold still! However did you get so many knots in here?"

"Probably from pulling at her hair too much," Cinnamon Roll snickered.

"Rarity, are you sure this hair straightener works?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"It always works for me," Rarity replied. "Why do you ask?"

"No matter how many times I straighten the Tri-Pies' manes, they become all poofy again!"

Since Pinkie thought it was silly calling her daughters 'the triplets,' she nicknamed them the 'Tri-Pies.'

"Ah!" Apple Blossom screamed.

"What is it, honey?" Cheerilee inquired.

"Look, Mom!" The filly had released her hair from her braids and held the strands up for her mother to see. "Split ends!"

Gemstone cried out in pain as her mother abruptly yanked the curler out of her mane.

"Did you say 'split ends'?" Rarity questioned.

"Wow!" Pinkie observed, taking a strand of Apple Blossom's hair. "Nasty ones, too!"

The unicorn gasped. "This is terrible! Don't worry, dear! I'll get to you as soon as I'm done with Gemstone, here."

"But Aunt Rarity, this is an emergency!" Screwball insisted. "There's a boy involved!"

Rarity gasped again and dropped the curler. "A boy?! Well, why didn't you say so?!"

She grabbed a pair of scissors and hastened Apple Blossom to a seat.

"Mom!" Gemstone protested. "What about my hair?!"

"Oh, um..." Rarity stammered. "Fluttershy, think you can...?"

"Of course."

The pegasus went over to the unicorn filly to finish the job while Rarity snipped at Apple Blossom's mane.

"So this boy," she said, "are you two close?"

"We've been friends for a while," Apple Blossom replied with a blush.

"And he hasn't asked you out yet?! Darling, you should have called me sooner! When's the last time you combed your mane?"

"Ahem," Cheerilee coughed. "I make sure she combs her mane every day."

"Well, then messy hair must be an Apple thing."

"Hey!" Applejack cried.

"Oh, don't take it personally, darling, it's true!"

"Ouch!" Gemstone yelped. "Stop pulling so hard, you dummy!"

"Gemstone! Honestly, I don't know where she gets these horrid manners of hers! Probably comes from her father's side!"

"But Fancy Pants is always polite," Twilight called from under the hairdryer.

"Oh, sure he is! He's always polite so that when he stabs you in the back, it'll be so easy to forgive him after a sweet apology and...!"

"Ow!" Apple Blossom cried out as Rarity suddenly yanked the comb through her hair.

The unicorn softened once she realized her mistake. "Oh darling, I'm so sorry!"

"Is everything alright, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked.

"You seem a bit on edge," Applejack noted. "Did you and Fancy Pants get into a fight or somethin'?"

Rarity froze. "What?! Oh, no!" She gritted her teeth. "Everything's fine!"

"Ow!" Apple Blossom cried again.

"If everything's so fine," Cheerilee said, "then please, be careful with my daughter."

The ponies decided to let the subject go and continue with their beautifying and chatting.

"You-know-who's going to love the way you'll look tonight," Screwball whispered as she styled Dinky's hair.

"Who's You-know-who?" Pinkie asked. "Voldemort?"

Derpy tilted her head. "Who?"

"It's no pony," Dinky mumbled.

The Tri-Pies popped out from behind her.

"Ooh!" Blueberry exclaimed. "Dinky's got a special some pony!"

"This is awesome!" Raspberry cheered.

"We get to throw an 'I-Love-You' party!" Cherry clapped.

"Dinky's got a boyfriend!" the three chanted. "Dinky's got a boyfriend! Dinky's got a..."

"I do not!" Dinky insisted.

"Come on, girls!" Pinkie commanded, ushering her daughters away. "Let's give her some air! Besides, we still have to shine your adorable little hooves!"

"Yippee!" Raspberry piped. "I love getting my hooves shined!"

"Me too!" Blueberry cheered.

"Me three!" Cherry agreed with a bounce.

Dinky sighed.

"They meant no harm, Dinks," Screwball assured her. "They're just being the Tri-Pies."

"What if he doesn't like me?" the unicorn asked with a sniff.

"Trust me. Once I'm done with you, that boy is going to be putty in your hooves!"

Discord summoned a watch on his wrist so he could check the time. "Ugh! What is taking them all so long?"

All the males were waiting at the bottom of the stairs for the girls. Ponies were piling outside, waiting to enter the Gala.

Spike shrugged. "Girls take forever to change. When you live with them all your life, you get used to it."

"Hey, Dad," Cinnamon Stick said. "How's my breath?"

"You asked me that five seconds ago. Your breath is fine, son."

"Sorry. I'm just so nervous!" The colt tugged at the collar of his tux. "Is it getting hot in here?"

"Now what's this all about?" Shining Armor asked.

"I think I know!" Discord exclaimed. "It's a girl, isn't it?"

"Uh..." the colt uttered. "Maybe?"

"This is going to be the night, squirt," Spike said, patting his son on the head. "You're going to walk right up to her and ask her to dance."

"Who is it we're talking about?" the draconequus asked. Then a thought occurred to him and his body engulfed in flames. "IT BETTER NOT BE MY DAUGHTER!"

"It's not, it's not!" Cinnamon Stick insisted. "Chill, dude! Literally!"

Discord simmered down. "Apologies. I don't know if you've noticed, but I can be a teensy bit possessive of my daughter."

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh nodded.

"Let me give you some advice, kid," Red Shoes said to the colt. "The quickest way to a mare's heart is through her funny bone."

"We're here!" Pinkie chimed from the top of the stairs.

She and her daughters were dressed in brightly colored gowns matching their coats, decorated in candy and fruit. They bounced down towards Red Shoes.

"Observe," the red-headed stallion whispered. "Pinkie, my cute little doll, you look lovely tonight! Here! I got you some flowers!"

He brought a bouquet of roses out of nowhere and handed it to his wife.

"Aw, Red!" Pinkie sighed, taking the bouquet in her hooves. "You shouldn't..."

She was cut off as the flowers blasted confetti in her face. The triplets laughed and for a moment, the males thought Pinkie was going to blow her top, but instead, she laughed along with them.

"Oh, you!" she exclaimed, punching her husband playfully in the shoulder.

"Yeah," Cinnamon Stick said. "I don't think Dinky's the type of girl whoooooo..."

He found himself stuck on that word once the rest of the girls appeared at the top of the stairs. They were all dressed beautifully, but it was Dinky who caught his attention. She was wearing a baby blue cape with matching slippers, a series of muffins embroidered along the hem of her skirt. Her light blonde hair was pulled up in a bun, sitting perfectly upon her pretty head.

As her lashes fell gracefully over her golden eyes, Cinnamon Stick felt like he was going to faint. Spike had to slap him over the head to knock him back into consciousness.

"Now's your chance!" the dragon whispered. "Go get her, Tiger!"

The colt gulped and approached the girls.

"Wow, Cinnamon Stick!" Screwball exclaimed. "You sure do look..."

"Dinky!" Cinnamon Stick squeaked. "You're...very...um...uh..." He blushed with embarrassment. "Pretty."

Dinky blushed in return. "So are you. I mean handsome! I...I..."

"Hey, uh, Dinky? Since, uh...neither of us are going with any pony..."

He looked back to his father for support. The dragon urged him on.

"Do you want to, uh...go to the Gala...together?"

Dinky gasped, not believing her ears. "Like...a date?"

"Uh, maybe?"

He squealed as the unicorn flung her forelegs around his neck. "Yes, yes, YES!"

Then she pulled away awkwardly. Play it cool, Dinky.

"I mean..." She took a deep breath. "Sure."

Screwball smiled as the two walked together to the ballroom. She was not even bothered about Cinnamon Stick ignoring her.

"My, my, my," Discord said, gazing down at his wife and daughter. "Aren't you ladies gorgeous?"

"You're not so bad yourself," Fluttershy said slyly. "I'm not so sure Screwball got her looks from me."

"You know when you talk like that, there's no resisting you?"

As he pulled her in for a kiss, the younger fillies cringed. "EW!"

"Doesn't Apple Blossom look beautiful, darling?" Cheerilee asked Big Macintosh as she showed off their child.

"Eeyup," he agreed with a smile. "Yerr awfully pretty too!"

"There's my little girl!" Spike said as Cinnamon Roll ran up to him. "Why, there isn't a filly in Equestria prettier than..." His jaw dropped at the sight of Applejack. "Well, well, well! How much is that pony in the window?"

The cowgirl rolled her eyes, but gave the dragon a peck on the cheek anyway. Rarity sighed as she watched the odd couple.

"He used to say silly things like that to me all the time," she muttered.

"Who did, Mother?" Gemstone asked.

"Nevermind, sweetie."

The unicorn observed as Twilight, Cadence and Flutterby Lily received compliments from Shining Amor and as all the wives embraced and kissed their respective husbands. She had no one to greet at the bottom of the stairs.

Her attention was especially paid to Applejack and Spike. She remembered how the dragon used to treat her like a queen. Sometimes, Rarity wondered what would have happened if she had accepted his affections all those years ago, before he had chosen Applejack. Would she have been happier then?

Rarity hated it when she was jealous of one of her friends. It made her feel so horrid and selfish. Still, it pained her to see all her friends so happy while she was not. Even Twilight and Derpy seemed better off than her, and neither of them had a husband to bring them joy.

"Mother," Gemstone said, tugging on Rarity's gown. "When's Father coming?"

The adult unicorn stiffened. "He's not, dear."

"He said he would."

"But he's not, okay?"

"We owe it all to Rarity for making our gowns!" Twilight announced to the others.

Rarity put on a smile as her friends cheered.

"You certainly did a splendid job, Rarity," Celestia said as she and her sister joined the group. "Every filly here looks like a princess, thanks to you!"

"I do my best," Rarity replied in a cracked voice.

"Your highness!"

All heads turned at the sound of Flash Sentry, all but Twilight's.

"The guests have arrived. Should we let them in?"

"Have the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived yet?" Celestia inquired.

"Not yet, Princess," Shining Armor said.

"They must have gotten delayed," Applejack suggested. "Traffic can get pretty hectic."

"I have a solution," Twilight declared. "Pinkie Pie, can you and Red Shoes handle the entertainment until the Crusaders get here?"

"You bet!" Pinkie chimed.

"Then open the doors," Celestia ordered.

Flash Sentry saluted the princess and took one last look at Twilight before turning to carry out the order.

"Why did you transfer him here?" Twilight whispered to Cadence as they climbed up the steps.

"Because you need to talk to him," Cadence replied sternly.

"He and I have nothing to talk about!"

"Yes, you do! You and Flash Sentry had something special, Twilight. Don't throw it all away."

"Woo hoo!" the Dash twins cheered when their parents came in for landing.

"You guys were awesome!" Lightning exclaimed.

"Bedazzling!" Thunder shouted.




"Super-ultra-extreme-awesome-azing!" Prism piped.

"You always put on a great show," Applejack agreed.

"Are the CMC here yet?" Rainbow asked.

"No. But wait until you see what Pinkie and Red are doin' now!"

Onstage, Red Shoes was in his magician's cape and waving his hoof over a top hat. He reached in and pulled out a fluffy blue tail.

"Hmm, that's not a rabbit's tail," he said to the audience, though he was clearly not surprised.

The tail turned out to be attached to Blueberry Pie. The audience gasped when he kept on pulling to show Blueberry lifting Raspberry by the back legs, followed by Raspberry lifting Cherry. The ponies stomped their hooves in applause.

"How does he fit them all in there?" some pony questioned.

The crowd parted as two unicorn stallions in dark suits and sunglasses pushed through.

"Alright, alright, make way!" Snips exclaimed.

"Yeah, famous rock band, coming through!" shouted Snails.

"No autographs until after the show!"

At the sight of three mares following them, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity leapt for joy.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack cried.

Snips and Snails blocked their path.

"Sorry, no fraternizing with the stars!" Snips declared.

"They're our sisters, boys!" Apple Bloom said, stepping between them.

"If you say so, Boss! But we're watching you!"

"Yeah!" Snails agreed. "Our eyes are peeled like lemons!"

The older mares squealed as they embraced their respective sisters.

"Would y'all stop growin'?" Applejack said as she got a look at all three of them.

"Where've you guys been?" Rainbow inquired.

"We got stuck in traffic," Scootaloo explained.

"Is that little Gemstone?" Sweetie Belle asked, looking down at her niece. "She keeps getting bigger and bigger!"

"Honey," Rarity whispered. "Say hello to your Aunt Sweetie Belle, would you?"

"Charmed," Gemstone muttered.

"Thank goodness!" Princess Cadence exclaimed. "We were getting worried! Come on, girls. Let's get you set up."

Twilight smiled as she heard the Cutie Mark Crusaders play. She was still greeting guests with Princess Celestia.

"You know, you can go mingle if you want," Celestia whispered. "I can take it from here."

"No," Twilight muttered. "I'm fine."

She wanted to join in the fun, but she knew if she left her position, she might bump into a certain stallion.

"If I didn't know any better," Celestia said, "I'd say you were avoiding some pony."

"I'm not," Twilight fibbed.

The elder princess raised an eyebrow. "Don't you at least want to say hello to Rainbow Dash?"

She had her there. The purple alicorn sighed and walked down the steps to join the crowd.

On the other side of the ballroom, the Dash twins were competing on who could kick their cup the highest. In order to win, they had to catch the cup as it fell. Thunder was about to beat Lightning. He was ready to catch his cup when something caught his eye.

"Dude!" Lightning cried. "You had that one in the bag! Why'd you drop it?"

When he did not answer, she looked in the direction he was staring. There was Apple Blossom, spruced up in a sparkling orange gown, her wavy hair swinging loose over her shoulders. Lightning gave her brother a sly look and nudged him in the side.

"What?" he said, snapping out of his trance.

"What are you waiting for? Ask her to dance!"


She sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this."

Lightning moved around Thunder and kicked him hard in the rear, sending him sliding across the floor. Apple Blossom turned her head upon hearing his cry, but did not have enough time to get out of the way. He collided into her and they both collapsed to the floor.

After helping her up, they stared at each other and said nothing for a while.

"Uh..." she uttered, her cheeks turning pink.

"You wanna...?" he started to ask.

She nodded. "Sure."

They smiled and made their way to the dance floor. Lightning let out a sigh of relief.

"About time! Not exactly how I planned it, though."

Over at the buffet table, Rarity was taking a sip of punch. She shrieked when a straw appeared in the glass and squirted the liquid at her. She heard a couple of snickers from under the table and lifted the cloth to find Discord and Screwball.

"Oh, that was genius, my dear!" the draconequus said to his daughter. "Did you see they look on her face?"

"Well, if you didn't, you can certainly see it now."

The two stopped laughing when they finally noticed the unicorn.

"Err," Screwball uttered, rubbing the back of her neck. "Sorry, Aunt Rarity. We were just having a bit of fun."

Rarity rolled her eyes but then smiled. "Think you can pull something on Pinkie? I want to get back at her for replacing my shampoo with mayonnaise last week!"

Screwball suppressed a giggle. "Mayonnaise in your...? I mean sure! I got an extreme whoopee cushion with her name on it!"

"Lead the way, my little abomination!" Discord laughed before they disappeared.

Rarity shook her head. "Oh, those two."


The unicorn was taken by surprise and bumped her head on the table. She ducked out from under it and rubbed her head.

"Oh goodness! Are you hurt?"

Her eyes shot open at the all too familiar voice. Her husband was standing right in front of her. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you doing here?"

Fancy Pants was taken aback. "Well, I did receive an invitation."

"That does not mean you are welcome here!"

She attempted to get around him, but he blocked her path. "I also didn't know how else to find you!"

"You didn't check Ponyville? My hometown!"

"I had already figured you'd gone there."

"Why didn't you come after me then?!"

He paused. "I didn't think you wanted me to. I thought you needed time to cool down. I want an explanation as to why you ran off!"

"You mean you don't know?!"

"Well, your message was quite vague: I know what you did? I never want to see you again? I'm leaving you forever? I'm taking Gemstone with me? How could you do this to me? No Longer Love, Rarity? I don't understand! What did I do?"

Rarity stuck up her nose and turned her head. "You know exactly what you did!"

"No, I don't!"

"Don't play innocent with me! I saw you with...her!"

Fancy Pants scrunched his nose. "Her? There's no 'her.' There's only you, Rarity! To whom are you referring?"

"That wretch! That filthy little stallion-stealer! That...that...Fleur-de-lis!"

"Fleur..." The stallion's eyes widened in realization and he let out a laugh. "Is that what this is all about? Darling, we only had lunch!"

"Yes. The 'old friend' you were seeing! Well, 'old friend' was certainly an understatement! Why didn't you tell me it was her?"

"Well, being the drama queen you are, if I had told you I was seeing an old marefriend..."

Rarity stiffened. "Drama queen! How dare you?!"

"Oh darling, I didn't..."

"Just leave me alone!"

With a huff, the angry unicorn stomped out of the ballroom and into the garden. Applejack saw the couple's spat from afar and followed her friend outside. She found her over by a rose-bush, small tears streaming down her cheeks.


The unicorn sniffed and wiped away her tears. "You saw that, didn't you?"

"Y'all were pretty loud," Applejack replied with a shrug. "I figured somethin' was goin' on between you two. Mind tellin' me what?"

Rarity looked at the cowgirl. When it came to situations of the heart, it seemed Applejack was the one to turn to. It was she who had helped her reunite with Sweetie Belle after their quarrel. Perhaps she could help her now.

"How did you get so lucky, Applejack?"

The farm girl blinked. "Whadya mean?"

"You have a loving husband who isn't even your species and three wonderful children, two of which aren't even yours and one that's in a class by himself! I don't mean to offend, but one would expect a...unique family such as yours to experience hardships! I mean your entire family consisted solely of earth ponies before you married Spike! How can you be so...happy?"

Applejack was surprised by this question. She had not given the issue much thought before.

"I guess we just love each other so much, those little things don't matter."

Rarity sighed. "Why, Applejack? Why do you have what I don't? That dragon worships the ground you walk on! He used to do that for me, but..."

"Oh, now I see what this is all about!" Applejack snapped angrily. "You're jealous that Spike picked me instead of you!"

"No! Applejack, that's not it at...!"

"I can't believe you! You have a family, you're rich beyond your wildest dreams and yet you're still a miserable little snob! There's just no pleasin' ya, is there?"

"Please, Applejack! You must listen!"

"Why don't ya go and dance with that fancy schmancy husband of yours? Or would you rather dance with my husband instead?!"

The cowgirl stormed inside, her face filled with disgust. Rarity hung her head.

"Well. That went swimmingly. Oh, Rarity, must you always say the wrong things?"

Twilight was chatting with Rainbow Dash and Soarin when some pony tapped her on the shoulder. When she saw who it was, she turned back to her friends, but they had left her alone with him.

"Twilight..." Flash Sentry began to say.

The alicorn stuck up her nose. "Shouldn't you be on duty, soldier?"

"I need to talk to you."

"We have nothing to talk about!"

"I just want to settle what happened between us five years ago, and know why you broke up with me."

She spun around to face him. "I broke up with you?!"

"Well, yeah! Don't you remember that day when you completely ignored me and treated me like I didn't exist?"

"What are you talking about? You were the one who wanted things to be professional between us! And you know what? You're right! Our relationship should be professional!"

Flash was about to protest, but then sighed in defeat. "If that's what you want..."

"It is. Now, return to your post at once."

"But can I just say...?"

"That's an order."

Flash nodded and obeyed.

No pony noticed the two pairs of glowing green eyes watching from the windows.

"The Grand Galloping Gala, son," Queen Chrysalis whispered. "There's romantic drama around every corner! The perfect hunting ground! But we must focus on the task at hand. You know the plan?"

Prince Mothball ceased his search and answered. "Yes, Mother."