• Published 13th Aug 2013
  • 23,332 Views, 1,172 Comments

Storm on the Horizon - moguera

Ponyville's problems with Cloudsdale reach fever pitch as a conflict over drought threatens to escalate into all-out war.

  • ...


Chapter 16: Re-Revolution

Fluttershy yawned as the sun crept through her blinds. A blissful smile crept across her face as she snuggled deeper into bed and that warm, slightly moving pillow. The smile faded slightly as her sleep-addled mind processed the fact that that wasn't a pillow, but a stallion. Caramel lay in bed beside her, his arms wrapped around Fluttershy's slender form, holding her close. His muzzle rested gently against her mane, his soft breaths stirring the pink locks in a pleasant rhythm.

The events of last night slowly began to run through Fluttershy's mind. Caramel had taken her up on her request. The two of them had gone up to her room and they'd...done nothing really. Oh sure, there had been a lot of kissing, nuzzling and more than a few tender embraces. They'd more or less tumbled into bed instead of climbing into it. But Caramel had been a complete gentlecolt the whole time. Once in bed, They'd simply fallen asleep in each other's arms.

The more she thought about it, the more Fluttershy realized that she liked this position. She wouldn't mind waking up like this every day. Her smile returning, she wriggled a little to snuggle further up against Caramel, closing her eyes again as she decided to sleep some more. The day could wait a little longer.

Rainbow Dash was a broken mare when they came for her in the morning. In a sense, she would have been glad that it was nopony she knew that came to get her, just a pair of the Cloudsdale Guard. Unlike Meadowlark's personal group of flunkies, the ones that maintained security at the weather factory, these two were too professional to try and taunt or belittle her in her current state.

She was led to a room with a table, where she was served what was probably supposed to be her last meal. But Rainbow couldn't even bring herself to touch the plate. She simply stared sullenly at it until her time was up. The Guards took her meal away and wordlessly led her out of the room, where her wing restraints were reattached and Rainbow was loaded into a carriage to be flown to the place of her execution.

Meadowlark, it seemed, had a sense of irony in choosing the Cloudeseum. It seemed fitting that the location of Rainbow Dash's most uplifting achievement would serve as the place of her ignominious demise; or perhaps it was just because it was the place where she could gather the most ponies to watch Rainbow's end. As the chariot approached, Rainbow barely noticed that the city below seemed deserted. There was no sign of the Guard, or even Meadowlark's thugs. There was a strained silence in the air.

The carriage crested the wall of the Cloudeseum, giving Rainbow a full view of its interior. The last time she had been here was for the Best Young Fliers Competition. During the competition, the floor of the Cloudeseum had been opened up to provide the competitors with the maximum amount of space with which to exercise their creativity in their routines. But now, the floor had been closed, cutting off the view of the ground far below with a solid wall of white.

The stands were packed with pegasi. The stadium had clearly been filled to capacity and then some as Rainbow could see ponies occupying every inch of standing space as well. Meadowlark's cadre of thugs lined the top wall of the stadium. Some rested their hooves on the clouds, while others hovered in the air, maintaining a screening formation, should Rainbow attempt an escape. In the crowds below, members of the Cloudsdale Guard had apparently been posted to keep order, their familiar presence helping to keep the ordinary ponies in line.

Looking over, Rainbow could see the VIP box, from which Princess Celestia had watched the competition. It was perhaps the only place in the Cloudeseum that wasn't standing room only. It wasn't unoccupied however, as it now played host to over a score of ponies wearing familiar blue and gold flight suits. The Wonderbolts were here to watch and had the best seats in the house. Rainbow directed a sullen glare in their direction as her eyes picked out the familiar fiery mane and yellow eyes of Spitfire among the elite flight squad. She returned Rainbow's look with a cold, emotionless stare.

Looking down, Rainbow could see that the floor of the Cloudeseum directly below the VIP box was occupied by a raised stage. At its head was a long rectangular portion, where a group of ponies stood, waiting to preside over the execution, Meadowlark waiting in the most prominent position at the center. Standing at her right, Rainbow saw Soarin'. Like the rest of the Wonderbolts, he was in uniform, but it was odd to see him there instead of up with the rest of his team. To Meadowlark's left stood Perlin, looking bored out of his mind. The sunlight reflecting of his mithril feathers nearly blinded Rainbow.

In front and below them was a broader, squared section of the stage. It was there, Rainbow realized, that she would meet her end.

The carriage swooped down and rolled across the large, empty expanse of the Cloudeseum, coming to a stop just in front of the platform where Rainbow was due to be executed. The Guards pulled Rainbow off the carriage and led her up the steps onto the platform. There they left her, flying away to take their stations on the upper wall of the stadium.

As she stood there, a strange sense of calm washed over Rainbow. She had cried and mourned the night before. Now, all that was left was her end. And she would be damned if she let Meadowlark have the satisfaction of seeing how broken she was. Her gaze swept over the packed stands, the faces of all the watching ponies blurring together into an indistinct mass. Every once and a while, Rainbow could pick out individual faces and expressions, most of them betraying anxiety and fear. She half expected to see more than a few faces filled with scorn, but couldn't pick any out. It seemed to Rainbow that this was the last place any of these ponies wanted to be.

The sound of hooves alerted her as Soarin' and Perlin took up their stations on either side of her. "What's with all these ponies?" she whispered to the colt, who gave her an amused smirk.

"Meadowlark's been ecstatic that she gets to preside over the execution of a pony who humiliated her so badly. So she invited everypony in Cloudsdale to watch, whether they wanted to or not."

So that's it. Meadowlark was furious at being so thoroughly thrashed by Rainbow on that day so many years ago. Now that she was in a position to take her revenge, she wanted as many ponies to see it as she could get.

Rainbow cast a look over her shoulder. There was Madowlark, looking smug, as though Princess Celestia had just abdicated the throne to her. On either side was a retinue of ponies, many of them much older than the crimson mare. Rainbow could place a few of the faces, recognizing many important members of Cloudsdale's elite, the ponies that held the other two tribes in such contempt. She remembered seeing a few of them before at her expulsion hearing.

Everything in place, Meadowlark had apparently decided that it was time to get things started. Stepping up to the microphone set on the stage, she tapped it gently, the thumping sound carrying far and wide across the Cloudeseum. Satisfied that it was working, she began to speak.

"Citizens of Cloudsdale; I come before you on this momentous occasion to carry out justice on the behalf of all pegasi. Those of you who have been properly educated in our history know of the superiority of our kind. We pegasi were born to stand above all other ponies, the might of our people providing us with the right to rule. We pegasi stand at the peak. Below us are the unicorns, then the earth ponies and then the other creatures that crawl upon this world. But many of you probably don't realize that there is an even lower niche, one reserved for the lowliest and most loathsome of all beings...traitors."

Meadowlark jabbed an accusing hoof at Rainbow. "Before you all now stands an example of that walking excrement. These are the ponies who turned their backs on our cause and on us. They neglect their duties and their destinies, choosing to side with the inferior and the weak. Even worse, when those of us seeking to do the right thing attempt to restore the proper order of things, they oppose us. They would see us dragged down to the mud and filth of the ground, to become like the ponies we stand above. They pledge loyalty to a pair of freaks in the unicorn bastion of Canterlot instead of to their own glorious kind.

"And as traitors go, this mare is a particularly detestable individual. When we were but fillies, she once deigned to strike me when I spoke for our cause. When she was given a punishment much more merciful than she deserved, this mare chose to abandon our great city and instead settle among the walking filth upon the ground, where she works as a slave for their amusement and pleasure.

"Even more recently, as we began making preparations to take back what is ours, this mare again stood against us. Only this time, she went so far as to act in direct defiance to the law. But when we went to take her to account for her misdeeds, did she stand up for her actions? No. Instead, she hid behind her friends and her ground-bound allies. She had fallen so far that she could no longer even fight her own battles. And now, she has slunk back into Cloudsdale, not seeking repentance or to own up for her crimes, but as a spy, seeking to report to those false rulers in Canterlot our plans so that they can stop us.

"When she displayed hostility, we showed mercy. When she showed cowardice, we overlooked it. But treachery warrants no mercy. Because of that, it is our decision that Rainbow Dash must die for the crime of treason against all pegasus-kind..."

A lingering sigh drew Cheerilee's attention from the blackboard. Briefly glancing over her shoulder, she saw Scootaloo looking forlornly at the empty desk where Dawn Lightwing usually sat. The teacher resisted the urge to call the filly out. She was well aware of Dawn's circumstances and the reason he was away from school today. Scootaloo had every reason to be worried. And besides, she had earned some leeway over the past few months.

The turbulent first weeks of Dawn's enrollment had made Cheerilee question the wisdom of agreeing to his request to attend class. Starting with Scootaloo's verbal lashing of Rumble and the subsequent fallout between her and her friends over the matter, to Dawn's mysterious conflict with Scootaloo and the others, leading up to his ferocious verbal assault on Diamond Tiara and culminating in the colt coming back to class the following week in bandages...again, the cascade of disruptive events made Cheerilee wonder if Dawn could ever truly fit in among the colts and fillies of her class. She was beginning to understand how ponies at other times could have marked him as a scapegoat. Even if he wasn't evil, much less some kind of demon, Dawn's presence seemed at times to be a catalyst that set things in motion...sometimes in unpleasant ways.

However, that last event had been the turning point. Things calmed down considerably and, in fact, improved markedly. There was certainly no need for concern over Dawn's grades. He had been a fair bit ahead of the rest of the class on most subjects to begin with and was decently competent in the others. However, what startled her was the sudden improvement in Scootaloo.

She hadn't suddenly transformed into a genius academic overnight, but Cheerilee noticed that Scootaloo was gradually growing more attentive and focused. She was less inclined to outbursts of activity or bouts of daydreaming. With her improved behavior came improved grades. On top of that, Scootaloo seemed more serene and content than Cheerilee could ever remember.

The change made today's behavior quite jarring. It seemed as though Scootaloo was beginning to gravitate back to her old habits, now that Dawn was gone. But Cheerilee could see that it had more to do with the filly's concern and anxiety over the wellbeing of her missing friend than any regression back to her old ways.

A moment later, Scootaloo turned back to her work. Cheerilee turned back to the blackboard and continued writing down instructions for the next activity she had prepared. The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch and recess. Turning to face the class, Cheerillee smiled as they began rushing out the door, but called out, "Scootaloo, could I speak to you for a moment?"

The orange filly nodded and turned to bid her friends wait for her outside, before she came up to Cheerilee at the desk. Cheerilee gave Scootaloo a gentle smile to help assure her that she wasn't in trouble. "Are you alright?" she asked gently.

"Uh...yeah," answered Scootaloo after a moment's hesitation, "Why are you asking?"

Cheerilee gently reached out and ran her hoof over Scootaloo's mane. "I saw you earlier and noticed that you were looking a little...distracted." Scootaloo's head sank. "It's alright. You're worried about him, aren't you?"

A sigh escaped the filly's mouth. "Yeah. Rainbow Dash was so worried about the whole Cloudsdale thing. That's why she asked Dawn to go with her. And now they've been gone for a whole day and then some..." Scootaloo looked up to meet Cheerilee's gaze, her eyes watering with unshed tears. "What if something's happened to them? I don't want to lose Dawn and Rainbow Dash!"

Gently curling her arm around Scootaloo's shoulders, Cheerilee drew her into a hug. "It's alright," she said softly, "I know they're important to you. You just need to believe in them. Before you know it, they'll be back and everything will be fine. You'll see."

Scootaloo sniffed and wiped her muzzle before looking up at Cheerilee again. "Thanks." Cheerilee let the filly go on her way and head out into the yard with the other foals.

Once Scootaloo was gone, Cheerilee took a moment to look over the empty classroom before turning to gaze out the window and into the endless, empty skies. "Please don't make a liar out of me, Dawn...Rainbow..."

Rainbow Dash moaned as Meadowlark actually continued talking after that last dramatic declaration. Normally that would be the part where she actually had the execution carried out. But instead that mare just. Kept. Talking. Trust a drama queen like Meadowlark to make the act of murdering her boring. Rainbow wondered if, perhaps, Meadowlark wanted her to die of boredom. But, at this rate, she was likely to take half of Cloudsdale with her.

Looking over, she actually had to stifle a giggle as she saw Perlin rolling his eyes dramatically and occasionally mouthing "blah blah blah" every few seconds as the crimson mare rambled on. Looking to the other side, she saw that Soarin' had not moved the slightest. Of course, the Wonderbolts, being a military force, would have certain standards for discipline. Soarin' had probably stood at attention for hours while he pretended to listen to ponies who thought they were important talk endlessly. Why did I want to be a Wonderbolt again?

Even though she hated him now, Rainbow felt her heart flutter at the sight of the stallion standing next to her. If she was honest with herself (Not always a guarantee, honesty was supposed to be Applejack's forte after all), Rainbow had to admit that she'd had a crush on the handsome stallion.

It wasn't that much of a surprise. As the second-in-command of the Wonderbolts, Soarin' was very much a celebrity, and a good looking one at that. Rainbow hadn't exactly gone for celebrity crushes and certainly hadn't carried one for Soarin' until the day she had got to spend with her idols after winning the Best Young Fliers competition. Soarin' was cool, in a goofy sort of way; always cracking jokes and just generally having a good time. While she hadn't gotten to talk to him a lot at the Grand Galloping Gala, Rainbow still remembered him fondly. It had been at the Royal Wedding where the two had finally gotten a chance to really socialize. Soarin' was just plain fun to be around. He tended to brighten up whatever situation he was in, just by being there.

Of course, all that had only made his betrayal hurt all the more. She still couldn't believe that the Wonderbolts had sided with the tribalists. The Spitfire that she knew, that had run the Academy, would never have done something like that. I just wish I knew what was behind all this.

Rainbow's musings were cut short as she realized that Meadowlark was suddenly addressing her. "Now then, have you any last words traitor?"

"Yeah," retorted Rainbow, "What the hay are you doing? You promised me an execution, not a torture session. If I have to keep listening to you much longer, I might just off myself."

Her voice apparently carried pretty far as she heard some muffled snickers from the crowded seats. Meadowlark's coat hid any blush on her part, but the way her nostrils flared made it clear she was not happy. Still, she made an effort to maintain her composure. She chose to ignore Rainbow's comment and instead nodded to Perlin.

The silvery-winged colt sighed and turned to face Rainbow. "So then, let's get this over with."

"Yeah whatever," muttered Rainbow. She looked Perlin straight in his yellow eyes. There was no real reason for her to be brave anymore. But she wouldn't give Meadowlark the satisfaction of seeing her cringe. Next to her, she could sense Soarin' tensing up.

"Make her suffer," hissed Meadowlark.

Again, Perlin rolled his eyes and glanced upward at his employer. "When you decide to get your own wings dirty, you can dictate how an execution goes."

"Why you..."

Meadowlark's voice was cut off as a green bolt rushed out of the crowded stands above and streaked straight down towards Rainbow. Before anypony could react, the blur tackled her. Rainbow felt a pair of strong forelegs wrap around her barrel and she was bodily lifted off the stage and carried across the broad expanse of the stadium. She saw a brief flash of silver as Perlin lashed out with a razor-edged wing, only to miss and cut through empty air as his quarry vanished. Stunned, Rainbow barely had the presence of mind to look up at her rescuer. Her jaw dropped at the sight of Lightning Dust as her wings carried both of them away.

"Are you crazy?" snapped Rainbow.

Lightning's eyes darted down to meet hers. Rainbow saw a mixture of fear and anger in them. "I wish I knew why I'm bothering to save your sorry hide," she admitted, "But letting things go on like this really grates on me."

There was no time for further conversation as blue and gold blur slammed into them, bearing the two mares down to the floor of the Cloudeseum. It had only taken Soarin' a few seconds to catch up. Weighed down by Rainbow Dash as she was, Lightning Dust stood no chance of getting away from them. Instead, when they hit the floor, Soarin' pried Lightning's hooves off of Rainbow and hauled her back, restraining the green mare tightly while, up above, the guards lining the top wall swarmed down around them.

And then Soarin' did something completely unexpected. Putting a hoof to his lips, he whistled. The piercing sound made Rainbow wince and cover her ears. The sharp noise reached every corner of the stadium. And then, everything went to Tartarus.

The whistle was all the warning Meadowlark's enforcers got before a score of blue and gold blurs slammed into them from behind, dropping twenty ponies in the blink of an eye. The armed guards whirled around to face the new threat, only to be confronted by the last opponent they had expected to face. The Wonderbolts hit hard and fast. Spitfire's commanding tones carried over the sounds of battle and the growing pandemonium of the slowly but surely panicking crowd.

"Guards of Cloudsdale! Strike down the oppressors and take back your city!"

A few of the ponies of the Cloudsdale Guard balked for a second. But the vast majority were already launching themselves into the air to clash with the armed tribalists.

"What is the meaning of this?" Rainbow looked over to see one of the stallions that had been standing on the stage with Meadowlark let out a startled exclamation at the unexpected turn of affairs, "How dare you betray us. Guards! Seize the Wonderbolts at once." Seeing his dark green coat jogged Rainbow's memory. His appearance matched the description of the stallion that had led forty Cloudsdale Guards to Ponyville in an attempt to have her arrested, among other things.

He flinched as a fiery blur landed in front of him. Before Sky Runner could say anything, Spitfire's hoof caught him in the chin with enough force to launch him completely clear of the platform. As the uniformed stallion flew in a graceful arc, Spitfire launched herself after him. To Rainbow's shock, her body seemed to burst into flame as she rushed past. Sky Runner screamed in agony before he landed on the clouds below, their moisture thankfully extinguishing the flames. Spitfire spared him only a single condescending glance before she turned back to the churning battle above.

"Impressive." Rainbow's eyes were drawn down from the massive furball above. Perlin was there, standing in the center of the Cloudeseum, his eyes following the fight above without the slightest concern and more than a small hint of amusement on his face. He continued, "You waited for them to commit to an approach. Here within the confines of the stadium it's much easier to surround and intercept anyone who attempts to escape."

"That would be right," agreed Soarin, coming up to stand by Rainbow. His left wing hummed, the edges of his primaries seeming to glow before the wing snapped out in a single, graceful move, slicing clean through Rainbow's restraints. "You knew what we were planning."

Perlin shrugged indifferently. "I had an idea. There was obviously no way that the Wonderbolts would ever defect, considering who leads them. Of course, Meadowlark and her ilk were too busy being thrilled by the prospect to actually think, but that's par for the course for them. I was wondering what had taken you so long to get to this point."

"Why didn't you warn them, if you were so sure?" asked Soarin'.

The silver-winged colt gave Soarin' a predatory grin. "I'm surprised you even felt the need to ask. I thought you knew me better. This..." he waved an arm to gesture to the battle above, "Is what I've been waiting for. I thought I was going to have to waste my time with this boring execution. But now you've made it very much worth my while."

"I think you won't be thinking that in a moment," growled Soarin' crouching down before launching himself in a charge.

Perlin seemed to ignore the incoming attack, instead striding forward as though he had all the time in the world. From above, two more Wonderbolts stooped down to attack. Rainbow's keen eyes picked out the manes of Misty and Fleetfoot as they dove to assist Soarin'.

Before any of them could close into striking range, Perlin suddenly extended his wings outwards. A tone, like the ringing of a bell, surged outwards from the mithril feathers. The ringing sound washed over the approaching ponies, as well as Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust. Rainbow's ears flared with pain. Misty and Fleetfoot both cried out and jerked as the wave of sound hit them, penetrating deep into their sensitive ears and disrupting their balance. The two mares ended up twisting away and slamming down into the cloud floor.

Soarin' was also affected. He managed to stay on course, but with only his forward momentum keeping him going. His eyes closed and his head was shaking as he tried to clear the ringing out of his ears. However, before he could recover, Perlin closed the distance between them. Before Soarin could react, the colt's wings swept forward, crossing in front of him, before sweeping backwards and upwards, the razor-sharp edges of those feathers making an X-shaped pattern on Soarin's chest and throwing him back the way he came.

"Soarin'!" shrieked Rainbow, in spite of herself as she dashed to check the stallion as he landed on his beck.

Looking over as she closed with Soarin', Rainbow expected to see Perlin laughing and gloating. Instead, he had a perplexed look on his face as he studied the feathers on one wing. Once she made it to Soarin', Rainbow began checking his injuries, expecting to find his flight suit soaked with blood. To her surprise, there was no sign of a wound anywhere. Soarin' coughed and opened his eyes.

"Did anypony get the number of that carriage?" he asked.

"You're okay," whispered Rainbow, resting a hoof on his chest, as though she was afraid that, any minute, she might find out otherwise.

"Yep," agreed Soarin', struggling to his hooves, "I thought you hated me now."

"I still do," snapped Rainbow, "Or I will...once I figure out what the hay is going on."

"I must admit to sharing similar sentiments," remarked Perlin, walking closer at a sedate pace, "I find it odd that you weren't cut. Was my strike off?"

"No, you were fine," replied Soarin' smugly, "As for why you didn't cut me...well, I'll leave that to your imagination."

Perlin tilted his head, as though he were studying an interesting painting. "Fine with me then. I will simply have to keep going until I figure out what is going on."

Rainbow looked between the two, uncertain of what to do. It was clear that, in spite of not being cut to pieces, Perlin's attack had still knocked the wind out of Soarin', to say nothing of the lingering affects of that sonic attack. Soarin' was unsteady and didn't look ready to fight yet. In spite of this, he stepped forward, clearly intent on putting himself between Perlin and Rainbow.

"Soarin'," whispered Rainbow, "You can't do this."

"I've got to," replied Soarin', taking an unsteady step forward, "I'm not letting him hurt anypony else."

"An admirable sentiment," remarked Perlin, surging forward, clearly trying to catch Soarin' off guard.

Seeing the coming attack, Rainbow made her decision and leapt in front of Soarin, crouched and ready to fight. Perlin continued forward, wings readying to strike...

A roar washed over the stadium, drowning out the sounds of battle above. Whatever the source was, it was getting closer. Rainbow only started to look around for the source of the noise, until she felt Soarin's hoof on her shoulder, pulling her back and down. Before Rainbow could do or say anything, Soarin' had already thrown himself over her, wings spread to shield the sky-blue mare. The roar rose to a deafening crescendo as the source of it slammed down into the floor of the Cloudeseum, throwing up a wall of white mist as the first layers of cloud were scattered by the force of impact.

Perlin flared his wings, coming up short before the obstacle that had just slammed down between him and his intended victims. Pausing to study the phenomenon, Perlin's eyes caught a brief flash of movement, sending the misty clouds surging in his direction. It was the only warning he got as he raised his wing. Abruptly, Perlin was slammed by an incredible force that drove him backwards, tearing a new stream of clouds off the stadium floor as it forced him back, all the way into the far wall, where he slammed into it with enough force to go crashing through it.

The noise and wind abated, Rainbow felt safe edging her head out from under Soarin's protective wing. For a moment, she simply stared, awestruck at the swirling mass of clouds. Her eyes picked out a dark figure standing quietly in the center of the dissipating maelstrom. She caught the casual sweep of a wing and then the obscuring mist was gone. She saw a familiar black coat and silvery mane, before the colt possessing them turned to regard her with turquoise eyes, marked with narrow, slit-shaped pupils.


Author's Note:

Looks left...Looks right...Is it safe?...Let's do this.

Sorry if I'm being overly cautious, but I'm still a little leery after what happened when I ended The Promise of a New Day. Granted, that was ending a whole story on a serious note of ambiguity, but still, wow. Granted, this marks the second time I've played the "He's dead Jim" card with Dawn, so I doubt very many people were actually fooled by it this time around. I have no doubt that any attempt to use it a third time will just make people give up, so I'm going to stay away from that plot device from now on.

Having Lightning Dust save the day...sort of...was something I had in mind ever since I saw Wonderbolts Academy as I felt that she really got the short end of the stick and should have had a chance to redeem herself before the show cut away (damn you twenty minute timeslots). This doesn't stem from some sort of erroneous belief that she didn't actually do anything wrong, she did. It stems from the fact that she got away with it. And when she's finally called on it and punished for it at the end of the episode, the pony allowed her to get away with all that junk, i.e. Spitfire, is allowed to basically get away with changing her mind about Lightning Dust without being called on it after spending the entire episode basically ignoring Lightning Dust's glaring faults. So yeah, I wanted to throw Lightning a bone.

By the way, here's what listening to Meadowlark rant on was like (fast forward to about a minute in if you want):

Next chapter: To quote Robin of Loxley: "Prepare for the fight scene!"