• Published 12th Aug 2013
  • 9,635 Views, 663 Comments

Moonlight - JasonTheHuman

"Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way."

  • ...

Festival of Fears

Scootaloo looked over her reflection in the mirror. She pulled the brim of her pith helmet down over her eyes, and loosened the collar of her shirt. Turning around, she checked the bandages she’d tied around one wing. Then, she compared the outfit once again to the illustration on the cover of the Daring Do book sitting on the dresser.

“Perfect,” she said.

As she stepped out the front door, the sun was just beginning to set over the mountains in the distance, and the sky was turning a light purple. She suddenly felt self-conscious being dressed like this out in the street, but then a pair of fillies dressed as a ghost and a ladybug ran past, laughing. The night had officially begun.

Ponies at school had been talking about Nightmare Night for weeks now. It was hard not to get caught up in all the excitement of picking out costumes and getting ready for all that candy.

Of course, there had also been a lot of talk about Nightmare Moon coming back. The foals at school never called her Luna, just Nightmare Moon. And somehow Scootaloo didn’t think they’d be seeing her again this time. Come to think of it, she hadn’t seen Luna since cider season, but the princess probably still had a lot to do.

“Well, would you look who it is?”

Scootaloo turned around to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walking side-by-side. Neither of them were in costume.

“What are you two doing out here?” Scootaloo said.

“My daddy’s having a party tonight,” Diamond Tiara said. “You weren’t invited, of course.”

“It’ll be way more fun than the boring old festival in town,” Silver Spoon added.

“Are you still dressing up for Nightmare Night? I can’t believe you still do that. Afraid you’ll get eaten up if Nightmare Moon catches you?” Diamond Tiara smirked.

Silver Spoon looked over Scootaloo’s pith helmet and khaki shirt. “What are you even supposed to be, anyways?”

“Just buzz off, will you?” Scootaloo muttered.

The street darkened as dark clouds gathered overhead. There was a low rumble of thunder.

“Come on,” Diamond Tiara said. “Let’s get out of here before it starts to rain. Our manes will get ruined.”

As they turned to leave, they noticed that the street was deserted. The other foals in their costumes were nowhere to be seen.

And then something moved in the shadows. A dark shape moving from one alleyway to another, too quickly to get a good look at. The sound of galloping hoofsteps thudded in the distance.

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Is this some kind of joke? Totally lame.”

“Yeah. Lame,” Silver Spoon repeated.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the end of the vacant street, charging towards them at an impossible speed. A cape flared out behind it, and as it came closer into view they could see it didn’t have a head.

“I-Is that s-supposed to s-scare us?” Diamond Tiara tried to sound unimpressed, but her voice was quivering.

Scootaloo’s hooves were frozen to the spot as she watched the dark figure thundering down the street, directly towards them. Once it got close enough, the Headless Horse leapt into the sky, a shadow against the dark sky, nearly on top of them.

“Run!” Silver Spoon had to drag Diamond Tiara by the mane to get her moving, and they took off screaming into the night.

The Headless Horse landed right in front of Scootaloo. It raised its hooves, pulling the cape down over its neck.

Rainbow Dash’s head popped out of the collar. She shook her head, trying to get her frazzled mane back to normal, then watched Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as they ran down the street, still shrieking.

“Aww, yeah,” she said, grinning. “That was totally worth it. Takes forever to get the clouds into position, though.” She stared up at the storm clouds, which had started to thin out in the breeze.

“That was amazing!” Scootaloo said, her wings buzzing excitedly. The bandages around them began to unravel.

“I’m just getting warmed up,” Rainbow said. “There’s a ton of ponies out there just waiting for the scare of their lives, and I’m more than happy to give it to them.” She turned back to Scootaloo. “Nice costume, by the way.”

“Thanks! I worked really hard on it.” Scootaloo adjusted the hat. “You really think it’s cool?”

“Totally,” Rainbow Dash said. “Now, I’d better get back to work. Nightmare Night only comes once a year, you know.”

She pulled the cape back up and her head vanished again, then took off galloping down the street. Scootaloo watched her disappear into the darkness. A few short moments later, there was the sound of more screaming and Rainbow’s cackling laughter.

Scootaloo looked down at her costume, a smile still plastered on her face. Rainbow Dash had liked her costume. Scootaloo had known that she would, but it was still awesome to hear her actually say it.

She continued down the street, past the houses with their fake skeletons and smiling pumpkins glowing on the porches. Up in the sky, a crescent moon was shining brightly through the clouds. She stared up at it as she walked.

Scootaloo looked down again, and paused. Off in the distance, she could see Twilight Sparkle walking down the path to the woods, next to a tall hooded figure. She watched them talk for a while, though she couldn’t make out the words.

She took a deep breath, then trotted over to them. As she got close enough, she caught a glimpse of a glowing blue mane under the hood.

“Luna?” Scootaloo said. “I didn’t know you’d be coming here.”

Twilight turned her head. “Oh, uh…” She looked back at the other princess. “Luna, this is Scootaloo. She’s one of the local fillies here in Ponyville. I guess you must have made a good impression on them last year, huh?”

“It would appear so,” Luna said. Her eyes glinted in the dark, and she smiled faintly. “It is… a pleasure to meet you.”

“I just thought you’d be busy with other stuff,” Scootaloo said. “Uh… royal duties and that kind of thing.”

Twilight looked down at Scootaloo. “The Princess just arrived a few minutes ago. We’re still getting ready for the celebration tonight. She’ll be here to scare you later, though.”

“It is quite alright, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said. “I am here for the sake of the children, after all. I trust it would not be too inconvenient if I take just a few moments?”

“Oh.” Twilight blinked. She looked at Scootaloo, then back to Luna. “You’re sure?”

“You may go ahead. I shall join you at the statue shortly.”

Twilight nodded slowly, and gave Scootaloo another strange look before heading off down the path.

Scootaloo waited until Twilight was out of view. “I haven’t seen you in a while,” she said.

“Indeed…” Luna said in a low voice. “I am sure I will be requiring your assistance again soon enough. The patterns of these nightmares are difficult to predict, but I am certain they are far from over.”

“I had a feeling you’d say that...” Scootaloo frowned.

“But I assure you it is none of your concern tonight.” Luna smiled. “You should enjoy the celebration while it lasts.”

“What about you?”

“Perhaps a brief respite would do us both some good,” Luna said. “And Twilight Sparkle assures me that the citizens of your town do, in fact, want me to return this year.”

“Well, obviously!” Scootaloo said. “Last year was just about the best Nightmare Night ever. Everypony’s still talking about it.”

“And I shall do my best not to disappoint,” Luna said. She glanced over towards the forest. “Twilight will be expecting me. She had not yet finished explaining the plans for this year. Perhaps we will see each other again before the night is over.”

“Yeah.” Scootaloo nodded.

The Princess seemed to drift down the path into the forest, her cloak hanging motionless despite the wind. Even in real life, Scootaloo had to admit there was always a dreamlike quality about her.

As Scootaloo trotted into the center of town, she could hear a few slow notes on a fiddle drifting on the wind—the sound of the band warming up. It was joined by the excited laughter of ponies, already enjoying the festival.

A few zombies ran in front of her, headed for the apple bobbing tanks. She heard the sound of a catapult firing off, and saw a pumpkin arc through the air. It splattered against a target as a cheer rose up from the crowd.

On this night every year, Ponyville was completely transformed. It wasn’t the same place it was yesterday, and these weren’t the same ponies. Then, the next morning, it would all be gone again. Tonight was almost like a dream itself.

Even compared to other years, though, Nightmare Night had never been quite like this. There was an energy in the air that could be felt. Maybe it had something to do with Luna coming back after last year. Ponies would definitely be excited for that. It had always been Luna’s celebration, after all.

Scootaloo tried to find a familiar face somewhere in all the ten-gallon hats, horned helmets, monster masks, and mummy wrappings.

“Hey!” Sweetie Belle ran up behind her. She wore a rather familiar-looking pink dress and tiara. If it wasn’t the same one from the Crystal Empire, it was awfully close.

“Sweetie Belle! Whoa, that’s some costume.”

“Thanks,” Sweetie Belle said, doing a twirl. “Rarity made it for me. You look great, too!”

“Are you coming with us for candy? I think Pinkie was just getting a group together somewhere around here.” Scootaloo glanced around.

Sweetie Belle frowned, and shook her head. “Sorry. I’ve gotta get ready for the show tonight. Did I tell you I’m performing at the festival later?”

“I don’t think so. That should still be fun, though,” Scootaloo said. “You’re sure you can’t make it, though? Even just to hit a few houses?”

“I don’t think so. It’s really okay, though. Do you know how much I’ve been looking forward to getting to go on stage again?” Sweetie Belle was nearly bouncing with excitement.

Scootaloo gave a weak smile. “Okay. See you later, I guess.”

She turned around and scanned the town square for anything pink. It was hard to focus on anypony with so much to look at.

“Hey, Scootaloo! Over here!”

She turned around at the sound of Apple Bloom’s voice. She was dressed in a scarecrow outfit, probably made out of pieces from Applejack’s costume last year. Straw was falling out of her sleeve as she waved a hoof in the air to get Scootaloo’s attention.

“There you are!” Scootaloo ran over, putting a hoof up to keep her hat on her head. “Where’s Pinkie?” She glanced around, then noticed the oversized alligator standing in the middle of a crowd of foals. “Never mind.”

Pinkie had rolled a map out on the ground in front of her, and a herd of fillies and colts were clustered around her trying to get a closer look. “Make room, everypony. We need to get started,” she said. “Based on my years of Nightmare Night experience, these are the houses with the highest average rates of candy-giving.”

“It’s amazin’ how serious Pinkie gets when it comes to somethin’ like this,” Apple Bloom muttered. Scootaloo bit her hoof, holding back a laugh.

“We’ll start out here.” Pinkie thrust an oversized green claw down on the map. “Then, we’ll make our way through Ponyville like so, making sure to hit all of these key locations along the way. Any questions?”

The foals all traded glances, then shook their heads.

“Let’s go!” Pinkie pointed forward with one talon. “There’s no time to lose when free candy is on the line!”

The first stop of the night was Carousel Boutique. It was tastefully decorated in orange and black ribbon, and a meticulously carved pumpkin glowed by the door.

Pinkie led them up to the front door and knocked impatiently until it swung open. Rarity stepped out, and gave a start when she saw Pinkie’s huge, but toothless, alligator jaws.

Scootaloo joined in with the other foals as they chanted: “Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!”

“Oh, your costumes look absolutely darling!” Rarity said. She turned her attention to one of the foals in front wearing a cowboy costume. “Such lovely color choice, and the craftsmanship…” She bit her lip. “Oh, but it seems a few of these stitches aren’t quite even…”

“Rarity!” Pinkie was impatiently hopping up and down. “We’ve still got a bunch more houses to get to! Where’s the candy?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. Her horn glowed as she produced a bowl of candy out from behind the door, and dropped a few pieces in each bag. “Honestly, Pinkie, it’s wonderful that you volunteer to watch all these children, but sometimes I think you’re even greedier than they are…”

Pinkie didn’t stay around long enough to respond, and took off for the next house that had its lights on.

Scootaloo watched her, then stepped up to the front with Apple Bloom at her side.

“Happy Nightmare Night, girls,” Rarity said, with a sigh. “Promise me you won’t grow up like her.”

“Thanks, Rarity,” Apple Bloom said as she watched the treats fall into her sack.

“Yeah. Thanks!” Scootaloo said. “Come on, let’s catch up with the others. I don’t think Pinkie will slow down for anything.”

Pinkie Pie had led the foals on a whirlwind tour of nearly every house in Ponyville until their treat bags were sagging with the weight of the candy they’d collected. Eventually they circled back around to the town square, where the festival was still going strong.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom took a rest near the apple bobbing tanks to compare their hauls.

“You girls have fun out there?” Applejack trotted over.

“Sure did!” Apple Bloom said.

“I’m pretty sure this is, like… twice as much candy as I’ve ever gotten,” Scootaloo said, staring into her bag.

“And we ain’t done yet. Look!” Apple Bloom pointed up towards the stage in front of the town hall.

Zecora stepped up through a glowing green mist. Her hair hung in stringy waves around her face. “Gather, children, there is something you must see. Join me at the edge of the Everfree.”

“Ya hear that?” Applejack said. “You girls have fun.”

They trotted over to join the other foals in front of the stage. Zecora stepped down and led them away from the festival, towards the forest path.

It grew quiet as they left town. The music and screams faded away, and the shadows deepened.

A cold wind rattled the branches of the trees as they headed farther into the woods. Just like any other year, they weren’t really going that far, but in the creepy atmosphere tonight it felt like they were miles away from home.

Zecora slowly led them into the forest clearing. “It seems you’ve collected many a treat, but tonight’s tale will not be so sweet.”

She stopped under the statue of Nightmare Moon. A hush fell over the group as they stared into the snarling face, almost certain that the lifeless eyes were watching them.

Zecora continued with the familiar spiel, the same story they listened to every year. “Listen close, my little dears, and I’ll tell you where you got your fears,” she recited. “Of Nightmare Night, so dark and scary. Of Nightmare Moon, who makes you wary.”

“Ya think she’s comin’ back this year?” Apple Bloom whispered. “Last time was the scariest Nightmare Night ever!”

Scootaloo stared at her. “Well, uh… She’s not that scary, is she?”

“Every year, we put on a disguise to save ourselves from her searching eyes…” Zecora leaned forward slightly before she continued, her voice rising louder. “But Nightmare Moon wants just one thing: to gobble up ponies in one quick swing!”

As she spoke the last word, there was a flash of lightning, and the statue came to life.

The face of Nightmare Moon was illuminated by her glowing blue mane, the eyes an empty, burning white. “Ah, my loyal subjects! You have once again brought me a generous offering!” Her voice was a booming echo that seemed to come, not from her, but from everywhere all at once. “I shall see if it is enough to satisfy me, or if I shall have to eat one of you instead!”

The entire crowd of foals screamed.

“Quick, everypony, give her some candy and let’s get out of here!” Pinkie shrieked. She turned over her sack and dumped about half of it in front of Nightmare Moon, then took off back towards the path.

The other foals quickly followed her lead, and took off in a stampede with their treat bags dangling from their mouths. Before she even had time to process what was happening, Scootaloo was swept up with the rest of the crowd as they scrambled to get away.

Nightmare Moon’s booming laughter followed them into the dark woods, until the lights of Ponyville could be seen in the distance once again. The shrieks of the foals quickly dissolved into giggling.

“Did you guys see that? That was so cool!”

“I told you Nightmare Moon would come back!”

“Everypony still here?” Pinkie turned around, and quickly counted heads. “I bet they’re going to start the spider toss soon! Let’s go!”

Still chattering amongst themselves, the rest of the foals followed behind her and Zecora as they left the forest to head back towards the lights of Ponyville. Scootaloo hung back, and once she was sure nopony was watching, slipped away and headed back the way they had come.

Everything was quiet out here. Aside from a few leaves skittering across the path in the breeze, it was utterly motionless. Scootaloo squinted in the darkness as she came back to the statue.

Luna stood alone in the clearing, staring up at the statue in the dim moonlight. She was back to her normal form, the armor and glowing eyes were gone. She seemed small, despite the fact she was still over twice Scootaloo’s height. A pile of candy sat ignored on the ground at her side. She turned her head as Scootaloo trotted up to her.

“Greetings, Scootaloo,” she said. Her voice sounded tired. “The others have gone back to Ponyville, have they not?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah. I just wanted to see you.”

“I still plan to join everypony at the festival in just a moment. I simply… wanted a rest. Nothing more.”

“Oh.” Scootaloo stared down, kicking at the dirt with one hoof.

“Would you like to join me?” Luna said.

“Uh… sure.” Scootaloo sat down next to her, near the base of the statue.

Luna knelt down as well. Her horn glowed as she lifted a piece of candy in the air, turning it over, inspecting it with vague interest. “I must admit, I haven’t entirely developed a taste for such things… This sort of confection was not made one thousand years ago.”

“Really? It’s just candy.”

“You would be surprised at what can change in that much time. I am not sure most ponies can even imagine how long that is,” Luna said. “The Equestria I remember would be utterly unrecognizable to anypony today.”

Scootaloo nodded, and reached for a piece of candy from the pile. “We sure gave you a lot, though. I thought that’s what we were supposed to do.”

“It is as your traditions say.” Luna let out a sigh. “I suppose I am merely playing along with what everypony expects of me.”

“You don’t sound too happy about it.”

Luna slowly unwrapped a piece of candy and took a small bite. She hesitated before speaking again. “When my sister first told me of this celebration of yours, I was unsure how to respond. She was not able to remember just how long it has been observed, though she told me it has been for hundreds of years…”

“It’s been around as long as I can remember, at least,” Scootaloo said.

“The very idea of the thing, though…” Luna gritted her teeth. “A festival of fear, all centered around my… past actions.” She closed her eyes. “Surely you can see why I might have reservations about participating.”

“I’ve been wondering about that,” Scootaloo said. “Why is everypony still supposed to be afraid of you? Isn’t that completely against everything we’ve been trying to do in the dreams?”

“Ever since my return, I have wanted nothing more than to be accepted by our subjects. When I first saw this celebration, and what my legacy has become, it was… disheartening, to say the least.”

“I guess we’ve always told scary stories about Nightmare Moon,” Scootaloo said. “I don’t think anypony really knew that they were about you. Until you came back, anyways.”

“And the stories are but a mere caricature of the truth. I suppose that is of some comfort,” Luna said. “I would prefer if the name of Nightmare Moon was forgotten altogether, though I know that to be impossible.”

“That’s not who you really are, though,” Scootaloo said. “I know it isn’t. You helped me a lot, not to mention Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.”

“I have done what I could.” Luna gave a weak smile. “But I cannot lie to myself. Nightmare Moon is a part of who I am, even if it is painful to accept it. Some nights, after my sister has lowered her sun, I can still feel that jealousy and anger rising up inside of me…”

Scootaloo stared at her, wide-eyed. “But… you’re not going to…”

“No,” Luna said, shaking her head. “No matter what happens, I shall not lose control again. Even after the things I did, my sister still allowed me to return. I cannot betray the kindness she has shown me.”

Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief. “But I still don’t understand why you scared everypony tonight.”

“After last year, I came to realize that there is some sense in what your friend Pinkie Pie says. Sometimes ponies enjoy a little fear, and that kind of fear is very different from the kind you and I fight against in the nightmares.”

“What do you mean?”

“Perhaps you will understand better than anypony, Scootaloo. You have had the rare opportunity to see into your friend’s dreams,” Luna said. “You have seen what they are truly afraid of.”

“These dreams haven’t been anything like what I expected. I’ve never had nightmares like those before,” Scootaloo said.

Luna shook her head. “I knew when I visited you the first time that those stories were not what you were truly afraid of. What you fear, as well as what Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom fear, is something far more difficult to run away from.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It simply means that you are growing up.”

Scootaloo said nothing. She stared at the pile of candy, and took another piece at random. Luna had barely touched it this entire time.

“All these scary stories on Nightmare Night are a momentary distraction from the real fears, those that are far more difficult to avoid,” Luna said. “Even your stories of Nightmare Moon are almost entirely detached from the truth.”

Scootaloo thought for a moment, then picked up her head and looked Luna in the eye. “Luna… Do you think maybe Nightmare Moon is behind these nightmares?”

“No,” Luna said simply. “Her power—my power—was lost when the Elements of Harmony were reawakened. Though… I have recognized the similarity. At times it has felt like I was alone in my struggle, but in truth it is not so unusual. Everypony has a side they are not proud of.”

They heard a voice in the distance. “Scootaloo? Are you out here, kid?”

Scootaloo picked up her head at the sound of the voice. Rainbow Dash swooped down from above the trees and landed in the clearing.

“There you are! I’ve been looking all over,” Rainbow Dash said. “Everypony said you just vanished. Sweetie Belle’s show is about to start, and she wanted to make sure you were there.”

“Yeah, uh…” Scootaloo looked back over her shoulder. “I’ve been out here. With Luna.”

Rainbow Dash took a step back in surprise, as if she hadn’t even noticed the Princess standing there.

“Oh, uh… hi,” Rainbow Dash stammered, staring up at her.

“You have nothing to worry about. Scootaloo was safe here with me,” Luna said. “If you are returning to Ponyville, would you mind if I accompany you? The night is only beginning. I… believe there is much more fun to be had.”

“Um… sure,” Rainbow Dash said. “What were you doing out here, anyway, Scoots?”

“I, uh…” Scootaloo looked up at the princess. “I got lost. Luna found me and was going to take me back to Ponyville.”

“The night is full of dangers for a young pony,” Luna said. “She is fortunate to have a sister such as you to look after her, Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah. I guess so,” Rainbow said. “Uh, the show’s probably going to start soon. Let’s hurry up.”