• Member Since 28th Jan, 2013
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Narlepoax III



[Comment driven story.]
[Second person.]

You wake up in a jungle with a pounding headache. You are completely naked, and totally alone. That's scary enough, but you start to get really worried when you realize that you don't know who you are. You do know one thing, though...

You have to survive.

[Note: Ponies will happen, but not for quite a while]

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 169 )

Naked and afraid. Season Equestria

This is very nice and I like where this is going:moustache:

a certain music video on a brony song

September? I'm getting a nice 'species society set back by a long ways after apocalyptic event' vibe here.

Grab the spear, it's the only tool of survival in your possession. Go uphill, to see if you can find some sort of vantage point in order to find a way out or a source of water, like a river.

Water does help after all, and the risk of following a pygmy pony back to what is probably its pack may be worth it if you can find some way not to be wandering a jungle blindly. Oh, and try to make some sort of clothing/covering for yourself for yourself. You're a human being, not some common animal!

Nope, it's not September. :twilightsmile:

I'm not sure if I've seen that one yet, is it the one by TheLivingTombstone?

You have aroused my curiosity.

Thank you for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

You shoulda written out pi to the sixty fourth digit

Oh and another thing, comment driven stories are a bit difficult cause well in this situation there is so many possibilities, but good luck I fav it. I would've suggest wait to see which direction the sun is setting and head towards the north.

Get the spear. Now time to go stone-age and work my way up the history of mankind because I'm pretty sure I am from an advance time period. And try to get something to hide my pride.

Since his brain is full of curiously detailed history and math (he wasn't a season champion on Jeopardy, was he? heh) I wonder if that brain doesn't also have a encyclopedic amount of lore on survival? Too bad he doesn't have a multitool, Survival Man always has his and I do to, they're very helpful. Being naked in the forest isn't just annoying, it's painful. Tender bits getting thwacked by wayward twigs, blood sucking insects going for you there because they know how annoying that is.

Hey! You said there wouldn't be ponies for a long while... we got 'em in the first chapter. Or did you mean civilized ponies rather than the adorably cute pygmy ponies with pokers?

Aye, real MLP ponies will not happen until later on in the story.

How much interaction we get with the Pygmies is up to the comments.

it will be cool if its the like a million years in the past and hes living in the everfree jungle alone also hes immortal then after some time skips hes found by the main 6 still living alone in the forest forest (because over time it shrunk) and that they find out he was the first to discover magic and gave the ponies the gift of cutey marks and even created the alicorns witch will leave everypony shocked even celestia over how much he has shaped there world using his immense magical skills......................this is just some thought i have:pinkiehappy:

I ain't makin' no Gary Stu.

It is kind of interesting, though. You could do it yourself. :ajsmug:

Feel free to keep guessing, though.

Remember, I said,

If you can guess which music video before I cross this story with the events that unfold in it

The events in the video haven't happened, yet.

Good story so far, I've always liked survival tales.


Yes, September is the one by LivingTombstone. I don't usually read comment driven stories, but I like the premise so far. Good luck fleshing things out from here!

As I have been reading lots of Homestuck lately I will narrate all my suggestions with the Homestuck narrator voice from the videos.... Ahem

"Unnamed Protagonist, It is suggested that you retrieve the spear and make a pair of crude undergarments out of jungle leaves."

You have to equip your hands before you can do that.


But I'm not sure that's the verb copacetic with the abstract behavioral median in the realm in which he dwells.

Of course it is. What else would you do? Throw them?

>Unnamed Protagonist: Add Spear to your Inventory.
>Unnamed Protagonist: Equip Spear.

Going toward the pigmy pony would only bring you trouble, considering he probably sees you as a threat. So,

>Unnamed Protagonist: Go Uphill, try to find a source of water.
>Unnamed Protagonist: Listen to your surroundings. What do you hear ?

He better drink his own piss :twilightoops:

Gather the discarded spear and use it to cut off a length of any of the vines around you to use as rope after doing that carefully head up the hill that the pony fled towards once there use your new vantage point to find anything that might get you to some thing of signifigence such as a water or food source or at least something of signifigence or direction.

Dont know why, but reading this reminds me of the beginning of the show: Kyle XY :)

That's pretty weird, man. :unsuresweetie:
Then again, I barely watched three episodes of that show, so I don't know what went on in it. :trollestia:

Deploy wits and cautiously follow the hoof print. Grip the awkward to use stone spear/ knife a little tighter.

>Unnamed Protagonist: Equip Spear.

That, and all of those options at the top made me think of an old school resident evil game, when your going into the item select screen :).

Well, going after a large creature with makeshift weapons. In the spirit of not wanting to die, I'd saaaay; go another direction.

1. continue up the stream cautiously
2. look for more flint, or large sticks
3. search for small animals
4. think of a title you could give yourself, without stroking your own ego too much
5. consider making an abacus, so you might work finances for the pygmy ponies,profit

Cautiously follow the trail, but stay to the undergrowth to keep hidden from any nasty surprises ahead.

Move through the trees and bushes off to the side of the tracks, you have no idea what to expect and you don't wan't to be caught off guard, so be stealthy to get the upper hand if you need it.

As you follow the ponies tracks take note of the much larger tracks, maybe to can find out what is also following the pony and how best to handle it, if you even can that is.

Tie rope to spear, so you can throw then retrieve it.
Tie other end of rope to a decent sized stone, to use as a weapon/grappling hook.

Come up with name for self.
Make leaf shoes, after figuring out tracks.

Survival in jungle with large predators alone is daunting, seek pygmy, perhaps save from predator.

Come up with more random knowledge.

p.s. fun fact, The guy that ran 25 miles died upon saying that they won. if i remember correctly.

That's what legend states...
I should probably add that in. He does have an incredible memory, after all.

attach nice sized rock to rope as a kind of swinging rock thing to smash into faces, make footwraps outa something like leaves or such, create camouflage to both hide your body from other creatures eye sight and also protect you more from the sun, make a hat outa leaves, make a pouch and fill with rocks to throw nice sized rocks at things, find a nice thick stick to be a walking stick or a smacking stick, tread carefully from now on, smear mud from the river on your body to cover your scent,protect your skin from the sun and to add to camouflage.

ill try to think of some more

Follow pony tracks, but stay close to the stream. Better to fight large one with your "enemies" than alone.

Did... did I just start a thing with the Unnamed Protagonist handle?:rainbowderp:

> Unnamed Protagonist: follow the tracks while keeping as close to the river as possible, keep an eye out for more tracks to possibly elude you in on what created the large disturbance. Also consider covering self in mud to keep cool and/or act as camouflage.

>Unnamed Protagonist: i don't think it wise to try to find the dangerous pony place yet so soon so under prepare side what can your stick do to a predator like that right now? but i guess if your careful and not die in the process you learn more and might possibly return the spear to it owner to not appear like a monster... side explore the terrain is good thing to do.
>Unnamed Protagonist:Camouflage and covering your scent before you begin your tracking of the pony.

saving the pony will make him or her indepted to the protag and without there spear what could they do to protect themselves?

2996670a man should not hesitate to save a life even when the odds are not in your ffavor

2996966 sorry im typing this on my ps3 very hard to see

2996973 sorry i thought the pony was fine and was tracking the creature it look like it was patrolling and thought it had a group not that far behind you don't go into a jungle all alone but i guess it would not hurt to much to check out and possibly help guess i re edit my comment again...

2996994 no need to apologies any logical man would have done what you say but morals wont allow most to let a unarmed creature die somethings prey especially if your the reason he/she is unarmed besides if the pony was in a group and you save one of there own it makes less one group of killer ponys to worry about

I just love this story! Not only is it well written but it's sort of a choose your own adventure story, which I love and have wanted to see in action on this site for a long time. (It also really excites me because I was able to get here near the begining) This deserves it's place in the feature box.:pinkiehappy:

Thank you! :twilightsmile:
That really means a lot.
This story is honestly going in directions I didn't expect it to. I couldn't get it published without adding in the pygmy ponies early, so this whole thing about finding him is just as new to me as everyone else. :rainbowlaugh:

Follow the trail but exercise caution, also find a good branch to use as a club it should make a better weapon than your tiny spear.
Emotional/moral: You're kind of responsible for the pygmy being disarmed and should always try and aid your fellow sentient creatures.
Practical/logical: If you can save the pygmy it will be more likely to aid you, if you can't whatever made the drag marks will likely go for the easiest prey (the pygmy) first and seeing what kills it will provide survival information.

I think, that before moving forward, you should try and find something to carry water in, even if it means using an old log or something of the sort.

>Unnamed Protagonist: i would advise you to get your self covered in mud and then head up hill. keep your eyes open for tracks of anytype or better weapons that you can use (ps that vine you grabed can be used like a wipe like WIPTISH [lol indiana jones ref] to scare or hurt anything that would like to take a taste of you...)

>Unnamed Protagonist: also i would woah woah woah wait redstone i have something to say ok say it RANDOM DANCING *starts to thrillier* NO NO DANCING {ok maby a little dancing...:3}

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