• Member Since 5th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2013

Bill O'Reilly

Hello everypony My name is Bill O'Reilly, I'm a political commenter on Fox news. When I'm not busy curing gays with prayer I like to write stories about ponies. God Bless America.

Comments ( 236 )

I can complain about any number of things about this, but I won't, because this is fucking awesome.

...Is it wrong that I laughed all through this story?

I mean, of course it's an elaborate troll fic. However, it's quite a funny one at that.

I applaud this fic for the laughs I got out of it, xD

How long do you think it will take for this to get featured? Because I'm 1000% sure it will.

I can't tell if I'm incredible nervous, or TOTALLY STOKED to read this. Only one way to find out!

BILL! how you doing buddy! Love the new fan-fiction. Made me shed a manly tear!

Well...Jesus did curse...and...he does drink wine...and he's more than willing to hang out with people...

But this is...what is this?

(Coming from a Christian)

I want to kill you in the most violent way possible... then shake your hand. Well done?:applejackunsure:

Okay, after reading this, I still can't tell how I feel about it. I can say that I loved it, though!

this is made of jeesus juice also known as win :pinkiehappy:

Pro:I laughed all the way through :rainbowlaugh:

Con: I feel like I need to go cleanse myself for laughing at my savior (Christian here, but lets not delve any deeper into religion here.)

This is the worst thing I've ever read. 5 stars.

Oh god, this is perfect. :heart:

Yep just how jesus really was before the bible edited him, freaking
Power abusive

(pre reading)
omfg, what the hells is this. alright, im not going to be judgemental and give it a try like i did (and regretted) to Princess mollestia, sweet apple massacre,
CUPCAKES, Rainbow factory, twidye sparkle, and many other fanfics. *pokes with 10 feet pole and opens it*
Here goes nothing!

(Post reading)
someone call Ratherhomely, we got the next contender for and MPPT3K


This right here.
I cracked up at the "Oh come at me all ye faithful!" line. Jesus was like, I got this bro.

Trollestia will not be pleased... :trollestia:

240775 Id pick Trolljesus over Trollestia anytime of the week

The adventures of Jesus. Ahhhh yeeeaaaah!

When I read the title I was thinking: "Who would actually have the balls to create this!?" :duck:
I then look to see who created it and it was Bill O'Reilly and I thought: "...GOD BUCKING DAMMIT! *flips a table in the process*" :flutterrage:

Well played by the way. :pinkiehappy:

You know.... I'm Roman Catholic... It seems offensive yes but,..... WHAT THE HECK I'LL LAUGH ANY WAY!!! 5 Ratings and my Like!! BA DA BOOM!! :rainbowdetermined2:

Despite being a masterful horrible piece, it still deserves to be destroyed.

Oh hey Bill O'Reilly, great story you have here :rainbowlaugh:

GREATEST STORY IN THE HISTORY OF FOREVER. Thank...something...that you didn't take this seriously. This story had everything: Explosions, K5 Blazers, shoot outs, weed and grain alcohol. I wish i could give you five stars. I thought it would have been funny if Celestia or Luna has appeared and a drunken Jesus was hitting on them. Seriously this was a fun story especially if you're meh over the whole religion thing.

Jesus Christ, Superstar ridin' down the highway in a stolen car.

Peace Out.


This could either be terrible (by being actually sincere or by being over the top sacrilegious) or awesome (I don't even know how). Reading anyway.

This is one of those so bad it's good things. Just like everything Bill O'Reilly says in real life.

Well, fuck me with a spoon and call me a sundae!

This story actually enabled me to understand to a degree what some of my readers meant when they say I destroyed their minds for a few hours. Luckily, I am immune to such mental beatings. I only wish I were more immune to atrocious grammar.

Also, Bill, are you still on for the Jock Strap Club in San Fran? It's gonna be off da hook, baaaaabe! :raritywink:

Fuck it you win the internet i love you.

touchy subject.

You can't explain this.



I thought this was gonna be christian propaganda.... but instead this actually is pretty damn enjoyable!!!

Characters not OOC (majorly), jokes work, Jesus is funny...

Yes sir, I like it.

I approve of this story!:raritywink:

Wow... Jesus is kind of a dick:rainbowlaugh:

As a Catholic, I laughed my ass off. Thanks for that, now pay for my medical bill to sew it back on. :derpytongue2:. That being said, This story RULES.

I don't even...

I mean, I'm a serious atheist, so I admittedly read this with the intent of flaming it to cinders. But...the sheer stupidity kinda stole my thunder.

Instead, I will whine about the errors in form, grammar, and general craft. Dialogue from different characters should be in a new paragraph, for obvious reasons. If they're not, it's confusing and difficult to read. Second, repeated use of passive voice. Bad. Third, a whole bunch of incorrect punctuation, which is too numerous to point out examples of.

After all that, I'm just going to come right out and say it: I don't get it. I just don't.

Bill o reily, wherever you are....... Thank you:rainbowkiss::twilightsheepish::fluttershyouch::ajsmug::raritystarry:

This should be on equestria daily.


Saw this and thought to myself, "Seems ligit" :applejackunsure:

240902 It's trollfiction, anything can happen. Trollfics just don't care about grammar and are meant to just confuse you.

That was interesting.
Not completely terrible, but not fully awesome either.
Jesus was just too OOC I guess.

Jesusfied spiderses.

wha... WHAT?!?!?! ... the only reason i'm reading this is because i wonder what celestia and luna's reactions will be like.

Someone told me to do an MST of this.
I'm not sure I can.

MFW I saw the author/title combination: :rainbowlaugh:

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