• Published 28th Jul 2013
  • 34,674 Views, 502 Comments

The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle - Rated Ponystar

Twilight is killed and Celestia tries to recover from the loss

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The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle

By The Rated Ponystar

Edited by: Clavier and Unnamed Pawn

Art done by: Viofriedsebe

Art in this chapter done by Ende26


Many visitors would often say the greatest thing about the castle in Canterlot was the garden. It was the largest one in all of Equestria, containing various flora from different countries. There were many sections to be explored such as the Garden of Heroes which held the statues of all of Equestria’s greatest historical figures. And yet there was one place in her gardens that she hated coming to. It was one that she had to expand every so often whenever she took an apprentice.

The Memorial Gardens.

It was the place where all her students were laid to rest for all eternity. Celestia stood at the hedge entrance, enchanted so that only those with her blessing could enter. And yet she couldn’t find the courage to take a single step forward. She had been her many times, so why was it so hard to enter the gardens now?

This is ridiculous, Celestia. You’ve seen Twilight’s body; you were there at the funeral… just… go…

Taking a deep breath, Celestia raised one front hoof… only to freeze up when she saw somepony coming out of the entrance. The other pony was equally shocked as well. For a long time, the two continued to stare at each other without speaking a word. Finally, Celestia uttered her name, “Velvet…”


It was beautiful, and Celestia was sure Twilight would have thought so too if she could see it. If this had been any other occasion, Celestia would have thought it was the most perfect arrangement of flowers she had ever seen. With all her other apprentices, Celestia let the best gardeners design each of their memorial gardens in a way that best reflected their personalities, and this one she spared no expense for.

Her eyes slowly turned to each of the six star shaped flowerbeds that surrounded the biggest one in the middle of the field. Each of them made with flowers suited to the color of Twilight’s six closest friends: green dendrobiums, blue geraniums, orange marigolds, white roses, pink lilies, and yellow sunflowers. All of them circling a large bed of violet lilacs, also formed into a large six pointed star. And there, in the center of the largest star, was Princess Twilight Sparkle.

She’s so beautiful, and she should be remembered as such, thought Celestia as she slowly made her way towards her fallen apprentice. She passed the small group of those closest to Twilight: her parents, brother and sister-in-law, Luna, Spike, and the other Elements and their families.

The state funeral where her subjects could see their princess one last time had concluded hours before, and Celestia had Twilight’s casket carried to her resting place for this private one. Even if she wanted nothing more than to break down and weep like the rest, Celestia knew she had to be strong for this event.

Upon reaching the glass casket, Celestia couldn’t help but be reminded of the old tale of Snow White and how much Twilight looked similar to the story. She was dressed in the same outfit that she wore on her coronation day but with a few new designs for the sorrowful occasion. Her body looked so completely scar free that it nearly frightened Celestia, having been haunted by Twilight’s fatal wounds for the past few days. Twilight’s peaceful expression made it look like she was only taking a nap on the red pillow, her forehooves crossed over her chest while holding a small bouquet of each flower in the gardens. Celestia lowered her gaze onto the casket itself. While mostly made out of glass, there were special markings on the casket’s lower half. The six symbols of the Elements of Harmony were there, each jeweled and shining like stars in the sky; the perfect bed for her student to rest in.

Remembering the speech she had planned, Celestia bit her lip and turned around to the audience. “My dearest friends. We have gathered here today to give our final farewells to Princess Twilight Sparkle, The Element of Magic. In life, Twilight was more than just a hero or a princess. She was a light in our lives that shone upon us all, making us feel more joy in life than we ever thought possible. All of us have been touched by this noble mare that sleeps behind me… and yet…” Celestia started to choke up as she remembered, as if they were playing right in front of her, the time she had spent with Twilight Sparkle. All the lessons, nuzzles on the cheeks, warm hugs and joyful laughs they shared all came down upon her in one blow. But then came the tears, blood, and misery that had all ended those happy memories only weeks ago.

She shook her head and, ignoring the concerned faces directed at her, pressed on with her speech. “W-we must not give into despair. We must never forget her deeds, her lessons, her memories. Nor her s-sweet smile…”

Celestia slowly turned her head towards Twilight’s smiling face once again. She wished that her faithful student-no, her faithful daughter-could look at her one more time with open eyes. “I will never forget her… nor should any of you. And while she has gone to her final rest before us all, we must remember that one day we will meet with her again. Until that day, we must move on and… and… strive and such…”

Celestia shook her head and wiped a few tears that she couldn’t hold back. She hated being this weak in front of her subjects. Keeping her eyes on the ground, she continued, “If anypony wants to say something, please come up now and speak.”

Quickly making her way to the back, Celestia took a few more deep breaths as she tried to control herself once more. One by one Twilight’s closest friends and family went up, but Celestia couldn’t hear them. All she could hear was Twilight’s voice, telling her about a lesson in friendship she learned, or giving an explanation to a problem she had been tasked to solve. She would have given anything to hear Twilight speak one more time; even her entire kingdom and all her powers for just one more day. I would even give up my life for her to live. Why is that I, who have lived hundreds of mortal lives, must still live while Twilight’s life ended so early?


Celestia’s eyes snapped open as she returned to the funeral. A few of the ponies were getting a chuckle from something Pinkie Pie had said about Twilight trying to disprove her Pinkie Sense. Turning to her left, she saw her younger sister looking at her with worry. “Tia… are you well?”

“I… I just don’t know what to do, Luna,” whispered Celestia as she turned her eyes to Twilight once more. “How can I say goodbye to her like this? What should I say?”

“Whatever needs to be said, sister,” advised Luna, with a sigh. Pinkie Pie was sitting down and now Twilight’s parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, were moving up next. Velvet could barely stand as she continued to cry while Night Light was trying to support her, fighting his own tears at the same time.

“Twilight! Please, come back! My baby… my little baby filly… why…” said Velvet, crying into her hooves.

Celestia got off her haunches and made her way towards one of her closest friends. She placed her hoof on Velvet’s shoulder. “Velvet, I’m sor—"

Celestia never saw the hoof that smacked her across the face and forced her to the ground which made everypony gasp. Moaning, Celestia raised her head and looked up to face Velvet, tears streaming down her glaring eyes as she gritted her teeth in rage. “You… don’t touch me. Don’t ever touch me again, Celestia! You could have prevented this and you did nothing!”

“Velvet… I … “muttered Celestia, but Velvet leaned over her and flared her nostrils.

“Shut up! She’s dead, Celestia! My baby filly is dead! She trusted you! I trusted you! And you repay us like this?! Why couldn’t you protect her?!” screamed Velvet. “Why didn’t you do something to make them see my daughter wasn’t a threat! Why did she have to suffer after everything she’s done! I wish you never made her a princess in the first place!”

“I-I didn’t know this would happen! If I had known—"

“You should have known!” yelled Velvet. Even though it was summer, Celestia couldn’t help but feel as if she was in the frozen mountains of the north. Velvet, weeping, turned to her daughter and placed a hoof on the glass. “When everypony kept speaking such… horrible things about her, I begged her to step down. That being a princess wasn’t worth it, even if it was her destiny. I knew, deep in my heart, that something bad would happen.” Velvet growled and used her magic to force Celestia up to her hooves and shoved her near the casket, once more gazing upon Twilight’s body. “Now look at her! She said you would make sure nothing happened! Well, what is this, huh?! What is this?!”

“I… I…” Celestia couldn’t say anything. All she could do was focus her weeping eyes on Twilight’s body. “I’m… I’m sorry…”

“Sorry?!” shouted Velvet as she threw Celestia away and growled. “Sorry won’t bring my baby back! I hate you! I hate you and wish it was you! You should have died, Celestia! Not my Twilight! It’s your fault!”

“No…” whispered Celestia, horrified as she slowly backed away. “No… I … I did what was best for her… I…”

Velvet lowered her head and muttered, “You’re just as guilty for her death as those who did the deed themselves.”

Celestia tried to breathe, but she couldn’t. She tried to look away from Twilight’s body, but it wouldn’t fade from her mind. Every accusation from Velvet echoed in her mind as she tried to find some way to deny it. She loved Twilight. She never meant for any of this to happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen!

Celestia screamed. Everypony held their hooves to their ears as Celestia yelled so loud that the glass coffin even shook. A large blast of bright light blinded everypony before they saw their princess was no longer in the gardens.

On the other side of the castle, all could hear the sun princess scream and cry inside her room.


Celestia and Velvet continued to stare at each other in silence, neither taking their eyes off one another. The mountain could have exploded and it would not be enough to distract the two. Celestia carefully examined Velvet’s expression, finding shock equal to hers as well as fear. It was much different from the raging face she saw four months ago. Just as she was about to speak, Celestia stopped when Velvet raised her hoof and closed her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she muttered, “I’m sorry…”

Celestia blinked twice before tilting her head. “W-what?”

“I’m sorry. For what I did to you at the funeral,” said Velvet, sighing. She looked at the grass with her misty eyes in shame. “I know it wasn’t your fault. You did what you thought was best. I just… I just needed to yell at somepony, anypony. I didn’t mean to hurt you… I just…” Sniffling, she looked at Celestia and shook her head. “I just wanted my daughter back!”

Stepping forward, Celestia wrapped her wings around Velvet as the two held each other. Their sobs were the only sounds that could be heard throughout the entire garden, not even the crickets were playing. The two heartbroken souls embraced each other for such a long time it felt like almost an eternity. Neither wanted to let go having found comfort in somepony who understood their pain. Celestia closed her eyes whispered in Velvet’s ear. “I’m sorry, Velvet. I did fail you and Twilight. I should have done something.”

Twilight Velvet shook her head and stepped away from Celestia. “You did all you could. Despite what I said back then, you did your best. I don’t hate you. I just… I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

“I don't either…” muttered Celestia as she looked toward the moon. “I don’t know how I can go back to being a princess, knowing that the very subjects I am serving are the cause of all this.” She summoned Starswirl’s book to her face and touched it gently with one hoof. “Twilight Velvet, did I make a mistake in making Twilight a princess?”

“No,” answered Velvet, shaking her head. “My daughter was meant to do great things. We all knew this the moment she took that entrance exam so many years ago. I wanted her to become great and she did. She became a hero and later a princess; all because of you and your teachings. No mother could be more proud of their child.”

“But if I didn’t make her a princess—"

“Stop, Celestia!” shouted Velvet, stomping her hoof. “You cannot blame yourself for this! Maybe this could have been prevented, but it doesn’t matter now… Twilight…,” Velvet started to choke up, “T-twilight is d-dead. Didn’t you say that we have to move on? Should you not take your own advice to heart?”

“I…” said Celestia, “I just… don’t know how I can just say it. How can I ask her to forgive me…”

Velvet walked over and placed her hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “I know my daughter, Celestia. She would never blame you for this. She would want you to forgive yourself and your subjects. She would want you to raise the sun with a smile that could cheer a thousand faces. Rule with the kindness and love you have in that heart of yours. And press on for the sake of Equestria and harmony.”

Celestia just stood there, lost in her thoughts as she could envision Twilight repeating her mother's words. Celestia smirked, Only maybe she would use more advance vocabulary. Celestia shook her head and took a deep breath. “I’m ready…”

“Good,” said Velvet with a smile. She started making her way away from the Memorial Gardens and towards the direction of the exit. “I need to get home. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”

“Are you sick?” asked Celestia, turning around and flapping her wings with worry. “Should I call my personal doctor?”

To Celestia’s surprise, Velvet laughed and shook her head. “Don’t worry, Princess Celestia.” She then sat up and started rubbing her stomach. “I’ve been through this twice. I’d say I’m an experienced mare.”

It took Celestia only a split second to realize what Velvet meant which resulted in her placing her hoof over her mouth in a gasp. “Y-you… you’re…”

With a proud smile, Velvet looked at the miracle she had inside of her. “Three months so far. Maybe it is life’s way of saying it’s sorry for what happened to my daughter.”

“If there is anything I can do to help you…” asked Celestia, smiling for the first time in months.

Velvet frowned and stared at Celestia before walking over, her expression not changing. Celestia was surprised by this, but kept her cool. Standing before the princess, Velvet narrowed her eyes. “I want you to promise me one thing. Promise me, that should this baby show any sign of the same magical potential Twilight had, you will not take her from me.”

“Wh-what?” asked Celestia.

“I don’t care if she goes into the school, that’s fine. But you will not raise this baby to be your apprentice,” ordered Velvet. “The military helped raise my son at a young age and you did the same with my daughter. Just once, I want to raise a foal by myself. Allow me this at the very least.”

The determination in Velvet’s eyes reminded Celestia of the same eyes Twilight had when she faced the Changeling Queen at the royal wedding years ago. Seeing such passion made it clear that Velvet was not in the mood for negotiations with this demand. In fact, it was in its own way even scarier than her outburst at the funeral. Although a part of Celestia wanted to take care of the foal, to feel some sort of remembrance of Twilight, she didn’t have the deny Velvet this one wish.

“I promise, Velvet,” said Celestia, lowering her head. “Besides, I feel that I will not be able to take another apprentice for a long time.”

“Thank you for understanding,” said Velvet, bowing as low as she could go. The two hugged once more as Velvet made for the exit again, this time not turning back.

Celestia knew she could not turn back from her original destination now. She slowly turned to the entrance of the Memorial Gardens and felt every bone in her body shake. Taking a deep breath she stepped through the enchanted opening and proceeded straight forward. Along the way, she noticed the entrances to all her other apprentices graves with their cutie marks made from marble just outside the openings. She wondered what her students of the past would think of Twilight Sparkle? Would they have been amazed or jealous? How would they feel knowing that she was mourning this apprentice more than any of them?

Preoccupied with her thoughts, Celestia nearly missed Twilight’s cutie mark statue. She levitated the book closer to her and slowly marched forward. Her hooves felt like they were made of lead as she moved inch by inch to the center of the field. She could see the flowers, all bloomed and watered as their petals reflected in the moonlight.

And there in the center was Twilight Sparkle. Still in eternal rest. Still beautiful.

Even though Celestia had lived for nearly fifteen hundred years, and could never age, the trip seemed like ten of her lifetimes. Her sight never left the body of her student. It felt so wrong for Twilight to be dead and herself to be alive. She was the older princess, she was the one who had experienced all there was in life. Twilight had the ability to change Equestria, to shape it into a new form without her. And yet here Celestia was, still alive and kicking, while the one pony she loved like her own daughter lay dead before her.

Upon reaching the glass coffin, Celestia slowly placed the book on top of the glass lid as well as one of her hooves. It was funny. She had delivered speeches all her life in times of peace, war, tragedy, and joy. And now she couldn’t come up with the words to say goodbye to her beloved student.

Biting her lip, Celestia wiped away the tears in her eyes before taking a deep breath. “Hello, Twilight… I’m s-sorry it took this long to speak to you. I just…”

Unable to keep her balance, Celestia fell to the ground, silently sobbing as her tears watered the purple lilacs surrounding the coffin. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Twilight! I failed you! If I could take your place I would do it in a heartbeat!”

She raised her head and pressed her forehead against the glass. “You were so important to me. More than you’ll ever know. When I lost my sister a thousand years ago I always held a hole that could never heal. I had banished my closest friend, my own flesh and blood, to an isolated prison that I would never wish for anypony. Even though I had friends, husbands, and children in time I never was able to heal that hole.” She smiled and gazed up into the stars that twinkled just like Twilight’s cutie mark. “But then I met an amazing filly with so much power. So much potential that I knew you would be special for not just me, but all of Equestria.”

Slowly getting up, Celestia continued, “But I never thought you would help fill that hole. You were so innocent, so kind, that I couldn’t help but love you like a daughter. You were devoted to me and believed in me. In return, I found myself being truly happy for the first time in so long. But then at last came the day of your trial with Nightmare Moon. When I was sealed away in the sun, forced to deal with the agonizing pain of endless fire, the only thing that kept me going was believing that you would save us all. And you did. Me, my sister, and all of Equestria you had saved with the help of your friends.”

The tears had now stopped, only the proud smile of a teacher and mother-figure remained. “I knew at last my earlier feelings for you were right and so I decided to prepare you for the next step: to become an alicorn. Even though there would be pain to come with it, I was confident you would grow into your role and rule with me as we brought change to Equestria. I wanted this more than anything in the world.” The smile now faded and was left with a scornful frown. “But… but I lost you. Not to any of my old enemies, but to my own little ponies. And I don’t know how I can just go on and continue to rule them since they did this to you.” Teeth gritting, Celestia shook with rage as she tried to calm herself, but she let out a scream. “Why?! Why you?! You were innocent, pure, and kind! There is no reason you should have to die! I just… I just…”

Celestia couldn’t help it anymore and she wept. She wept for Twilight, for all she had touched with her warm heart, for Equestria, and finally herself. All her life she had suffered loss after loss because of her status, but none of them hurt more than this. She wanted to open the glass coffin, but stopped herself in fear of ruining the enchantment. To just nuzzle Twilight once more, feeling the same spark, she would kill for it. “I love you so much, Twilight. More than you know.”

For a long time Celestia rested her head against glass. Opening her eyes, she stared at the peaceful expression and kissed the coffin, right above Twilight’s forehead. “I will never forget you, Twilight. For you were more than just student. You were special in every way I can think of and I will never know anypony else as amazing as you.”

Raising her head up, Celestia sighed. “Yet I have to accept the truth. You are gone… and I will not see you again until it’s my time to join you. But I will make sure you are remembered every day and see your vision of Equestria come true. I cannot yet fully forgive my subjects, but I will try because you would want me to. Maybe, someday, I will forgive them all… and maybe someday I can come here and truly say goodbye. But for now, please settle on this…”

With a sorrowful smile, Celestia said, “Farewell for now, my beloved student, you have made me proud.”

After one last kiss on the coffin, Celestia slowly left the area.

Author's Note:

One more chapter to go