• Published 11th Jul 2013
  • 6,046 Views, 227 Comments

My Little Pirates: Set Adrift - Sanji in Equestria - River Road

After his battle with Kuma Sanji finds himself on a new island, but not for long. Edit: Now the second longest One Piece crossover on the site and the first one to be actually completed (as far as I know).

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Sunfall and Sunrise

The first rays of sunlight woke Sanji from his sleep. He pushed the blanket off and rolled himself on his stomach. It was time to prepare breakfast for Nami and Robin, and the rest of the crew. His body felt a little sore and overall strange. Groaning he stretched his wings.

He stared at them for a while as the previous day caught up with him.

Twilight awakened to the smell of Spike making breakfast. She opened her eyes and smiled at the thought of her oldest friend and ´Number 1 Assistant´. She turned around and watched the baby dragon stir in his sleep across the room, waking up to the smell as well.

It took her sleepy mind a moment to piece everything together.

Downstairs in the kitchen Sanji had prepared a simple breakfast after the feast of last night. He had apparently found the haybacon and had prepared a few sandwiches to go with it. A few pieces of bacon looked like they’d been burned, but Spike assured her that they tasted just as good and he seemed to enjoy the crunch.

They had barely finished breakfast when Twilight heard a knock at the front door. She opened to find her protégé, Princess Celestia herself, standing outside. The Princess gave her a smile, but she looked worried and the smile seemed forced.

“Princess! What are you doing here?” Twilight wondered if something had happened in Canterlot that the Princess would come to Ponyville personally.

“Hello, Twilight. Do you mind if I come inside?”

The Princess had already passed her and looked around the library’s main room. Twilight noticed her friends standing a few feet away, giving her confused looks. They had probably seen the Princess arrive and had followed her to the library.

Spike walked out of the kitchen, curious as to what was going on, and was followed by Sanji. Princess Celestia looked the stallion over and held out a hoof for him to shake. “You must be the stallion Twilight mentioned in her letter. I am Princess Celestia. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Her voice sounded as wise and regal as always, but something still seemed off to Twilight. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, though, so she simply ignored it.

Sanji hesitated, but cautiously took the offered hoof and shook it. “I’m honored. My name is Sanji. I’m a professional chef.” Twilight realized that he had deliberately left out that he was also a pirate. Maybe that was for the best. So far they couldn’t even prove that he actually was the pirate he claimed to be. He had definitely proven his talent as a chef, at least.

“It is probably best if I tell you the reason for my visit now,” Celestia said. “Twilight told me in her letter that you claim to be from a place that she had never heard of. This place wouldn’t happen to be called ´the Grand Line´?”

Twilight was only mildly surprised. Of course the Princess would already know about this place. “That’s exactly what he told us. What do you know about the Grand Line? Have you been there? What is it like?”

The Princess gestured for her to calm down and continued, “I have heard stories about the Grand Line, but I always just took them for another old pony’s tale, which is why I would like for your friend to accompany me to Canterlot to tell me more about it. Immediately, if possible.”

Twilight was already running around the room, levitating books, scrolls, quills and Spike into an empty suitcase. “Of course! I just need a second and–“

“Actually –“ the Princess waited for her student to come to a halt, “– I would ask you to stay here for a bit and see if this library has any information on the topic. Every piece of information you can find would be very helpful.”

Twilight wanted to say something, but Rarity cut her off. Her friends had followed her into the library and listened to the conversation. “Well, I don’t know about Twilight, but I haven’t been to Canterlot for a while. I’d love to see the city again and chat with some old friends.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie chimed in, “we haven’t visited Canterlot for weeks! I bet everypony there misses me and my parties.”

“I wouldn’t mind a short trip to Canterlot…” Fluttershy murmured.

“Then it’s settled,” Applejack concluded. “Twilight can look through her books later, for now we’ll make sure that our new friend doesn’t get lost in the city.”

They surrounded Sanji and started talking about the things they wanted to show him while in Canterlot, so Twilight was the only one who saw the scowl on Celestia’s face. A second later it was gone and replaced with her normal warm smile and Twilight wondered what kind of tricks her mind was playing on her.

“Very well then,” the Princess tried to get the attention of the other ponies, “I suggest you take the train to Canterlot while I invite Sanji in my sky carriage and fly ahead. I’ll meet you in Canterlot later this day.”

“Noooo!” Everypony stared at Pinkie Pie who was clinging to Sanji and obviously didn’t plan to let him go. “Train rides are always so boring, and I bet Sanji has a whole lot of stories to tell about pirates and treasures and zombies and a big island floating in the sky. We didn’t get to hear any adventure stories yesterday and the next train to Canterlot arrives in a few minutes, anyway.”

“I don’t mind a train ride,” Sanji finally spoke up. He didn’t want to leave the mares behind, either. The Princess seemed nice and the other ponies all seemed to trust her, but so far his experiences with rulers and the government hadn’t been the best.

“Canterlot Station!” the voice of the conductor carried through the train. Six mares and one stallion were gathered in one corner of the wagon. Spike had decided to stay at the library and watch over Ponyville in case a new problem would show up.

Sanji told the six mares about his time at the Baratie and Luffy’s fight against Don Krieg, as well as Zoro’s encounter with Mihawk. He had just told them how ´moss-head´ had left with their ship, taking his dear Nami with him, when the train reached Canterlot.

Pinkie Pie gave an exaggerated groan. “Awww, I hate cliffhangers!”

The Princess, along with a few royal guards was already waiting for them. Even now she didn’t seem very happy and Twilight wondered what kind of politics she had to take care of in the last days that would leave her in a mood like this.

“If you don’t mind,” the Princess said, “I would like to have a word in private with our guest. Feel free to spend some time at the town; you can meet me – us – at the palace later.”

The six mares didn’t even spend a second thought on the Princess’ proposal and quickly said their goodbyes to Sanji before heading of for the streets of Canterlot. Sanji hesitated a bit, watching them leave, but decided not to argue and instead followed the Princess and her guards to the castle. The other ponies trusted this Princess, after all.

“So, what do you want to do first? It’s been so long since we’ve all been here. *Gasp* Do you think that place in Emerald Street still sells hayfries. Those were delicious.” Pinkie Pie was bouncing around the rest of the group and happily chatting away.

“Ah don’t think they had to close down in the last two weeks, Pinkie,” Applejack remarked. “Though some lunch does sound like a good idea right now, and those hayfries were pretty good.” Everypony instinctively looked at their saddlebags to make sure they didn’t forget to take some bits with them.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash let out a gasp. “Oh no! I totally forgot I even had these!”

Everypony turned around to look at her. Applejack realized that her friend had been uncharacteristically quiet the whole morning, even though Sanji’s story had obviously impressed her. “What the hay are you talking about?” she asked.

“I still wanted to give him these cigarettes and–“ Rainbow Dash stopped as she seemed to realize something.

“´Cigarettes´?” Twilight asked. “You mean with Poison Joke? Where did you get those?”

Rainbow Dash suddenly seemed very interested in her hooves, the way she was staring down at them. “I picked them up. You know, I was up early, couldn’t sleep, so I went to fly a bit. Then I noticed that I was flying over the Everfree, so I thought I could pick up some Poison Joke and try to make some of those cigarettes. Just so I could some more of Sanji’s stunts and stuff, you know. Because it looked cool. That’s the whole reason.”

Twilight was more than a little concerned. “Rainbow Dash, Poison Joke is dangerous. If you touched it you’re going to be cursed again tomorrow. Don’t you remember the last time that happened?”

“Don’t worry,” Rainbow said, “I didn’t touch any of it. I had some equipment with me. I mean–“ She hesitated again. “Look, it doesn’t matter. Just wait here, I’ll be back in a minute.” Before anypony could say something she beat her wings and took off in the direction of the castle.

“Ya think we should follow her?” Applejack asked nopony in particular.

“Well, duh.” Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. “If we don’t help her she’ll get Poison Smoked.” She pointed a hoof at the pegasus in the distance and yelled “Follow that pony!” before galloping off to the castle.

The four remaining ponies looked at each other in confusion and quickly set after her.

“So you say you came here from the Grand Line?”

It hadn’t taken long for Rainbow Dash to spot the two ponies through one of the castle’s large windows. Princess Celestia and Sanji were alone in one of the larger rooms and the Princess had just started the conversation when Rainbow Dash found them, so the pegasus stayed on the ledge outside the window, out of sight, waiting for a good moment to enter the room. She didn’t want to interrupt them, and maybe she was just a little curious, too.

“That’s right,” she heard Sanji reply, “I’m not sure how much you know about the Grand Line, but–“

“I know quite enough about that place,” Celestia cut him off. There was a harshness in her voice that Rainbow Dash didn’t know from the Princess. “I also know more than enough about your kind, human, which is why I cannot allow you to leave this room on your own.” From her position Rainbow Dash could only see a short flicker of light. She peeked around the corner of the window and saw that Sanji was standing in a different spot than before. On the floor where he had been was now a small scorch mark. The Princess’ mane was glowing brighter than usually and seemed to flow more violently around her.

“Of course my reaction wouldn’t come as a surprise to a pirate like you. Let me assure you, though, that I will not let you escape. Cooperate, and I will simply turn you over, to the authorities that usually deal with you pirates.” Celestia sent another beam of magic at him and Sanji quickly jumped out of the way.

“Hey! Stop it!” Both ponies turned to look at Rainbow Dash, who was now standing completely on the windowsill. She would not just stand and watch those two ponies fighting.

“Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?” Celestia asked.

“That’s what I was going to ask you! What’s going on here?”

“This does not concern you!” The Princess was obviously not happy about this turn of events. “I am dealing with a threat to Equestria. Leave, lest you get involved even more in this fight.”

“What? No! I don’t know what’s going on here, but this is not the Princess I know.” She blinked. “Of course! You’re a changeling, aren’t you? Sanji, get away from her!” She crouched down, ready to charge at the impostor. “Who are you really, Chrysalis? Didn’t you learn your lesson the last time?”

“I cannot deal with you now. Leave!” Celestia’s horn lit up and a wall of fire shot up from the ground in front of the window, blocking the entryway. Rainbow Dash jumped back to avoid the heat and kept her position in the air a few feet away from the window. She scowled at the obstacle, trying to think of another way to get into the room as fast as possible.

Inside the room, Sanji was jumping and flying to dodge the barrage of magic beams that went out from Celestia and left scorch marks all over the walls.

“Give up, pirate,” the Princess announced. “You cannot keep running away, and you cannot hope to defeat me!”

“Pony or not,” the stallion replied, “I was raised as a gentleman and I will never try to harm a woman.”

“A likely story. I can’t tell if you’re making a poor attempt to trick me or if you are really that stupid.” One of the Princess’ beams grazed Sanji’s wing and he hit the floor, skidding over the tiles. Celestia recognized her chance and began focusing her magic in her horn for one last attack. “I don’t like to resort to violence,” she declared, “but this fight has to end.”

What could only be described as a gigantic laser beam left her horn and headed towards the pegasus who was still lying on the floor. The light was enough that even the Princess couldn’t see anything for a moment. Still there was no way that the pirate was still alive, even if he had somehow managed to dodge the core of the attack.

Celestia blinked the dancing lights in her eyes away and raised her head to look at whatever might be left of the room and the wall behind it. She had not wanted to unleash this kind of destruction, but the pirate had left her with no other choice.

What she saw instead left her mouth hung open in surprise and disbelief. Where the beam had been aimed, and should have eradicated anything in its way, stood a colorful dome, glimmering in the sunlight that shone in from the window.

Slowly, the dome opened up and revealed itself to actually be a giant pair of wings made entirely out of gemstones, every single feather a jewel on its own. The base of each wing came out of the blue fur coat of a pegasus. Dark blue smoke drifted from the cigarette in the pegasus’ mouth to the ceiling.

The pegasus coughed and turned her head to look behind her. “Yeesh, do you ever get used to this stuff?”

The five mares ran up to the door as fast as they could. After they had seen Rainbow Dash back away from fire in one of the palace’s windows they had wasted no time to get to this part of the palace as quickly as possible.

Applejack sprinted ahead and buck the door open. “Don’t worry everypony, we’re here to help– Whoa!”

Twilight entered the room right behind her and quickly took everything in. Celestia stood across the room, looking aggravated about something. Right next to the door they had come in through, Rainbow Dash had positioned herself between the Princess and Sanji. Two huge wings, sparkling in all colors of the rainbow, stretched out from her sides. After a moment of shock she could make out one of the cigarettes in her mouth.

“Twilight,” the Princess said calmly, “take your friends and leave! I will deal with that stallion.”

“Don’t listen to her!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “She attacked us! I think she’s actually one of those changelings!”

Leave now!” Celestia commanded in a much sharper tone than before. “The pirate has already corrupted you more than I had feared. Leave and let me handle the rest!”

Twilight looked from her mentor to her friends and back in panic. “I-I… What am I supposed to do? I can’t just–“

That is enough!” The door at the other side of the room slammed open and revealed a night blue alicorn. “Stop this madness, Celestia!”

“Luna!” Celestia’s eyes widened in fear as she watched her little sister trot in the room. “Get away! You don’t understand what I am doing here!”

“I think I understand quite well, maybe better than you, sister.” Luna walked past her sister and fixed her eyes on Sanji. “I understand who that stallion is and what he did for your student and her friends. After all, an encounter with a grown dragon is expected to bring some nightmares.”

Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy all turned to face Rarity who simply shrugged her hooves in response. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was trying not to draw any attention, making herself as small as she could.

Celestia made another attempt to reason with her sister. “Luna, you cannot seriously wish to defend this human.”

“I will be the judge of that. For now, however, how about I give our guest a proper welcome.” Luna’s horn began to glow and a blue light encased her. Twilight watched with interest – and a good share of confusion – as the magic aura changed its shape and revealed a new figure in place of the Princess. The creature was bipedal and had two paws with five long digits extending from each. It didn’t seem to have any fur on its body, except for the long, deep blue mane flowing down from its head, and it was covered in a strange selection of clothes.

“My name is Princess Luna, from the Lunar Pirates,” it declared “It is nice to meet y–“ Luna blinked and an amused smile crept on her new face. Celestia on the other hand glared at something behind Twilight in disdain. Twilight thought that she had heard a muffled sound.

“My...” Luna chuckled mildly. “After all these years it seems that pirates still haven’t lost their… unique charm." She turned her attention to Twilight. "You might want to help your friend.”

Twilight finally turned around to see what the Princess was talking about. Sanji lay on his back in a pool of blood, unconscious. A small stream of blood was still running from his nose.

Author's Note:

At this point, I should probably say that I do not want to promote smoking in any way. There are several reasons for you to believe me which I have listed in my very first blog post. There's also some jokes and more information on what exactly those Poison Joke cigarettes are (according to me, at least), so take a look.