• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 2,009 Views, 14 Comments

The Changing Lives of the Changeling Hive: A Documentary - Grazy Polomare

A documentary film crew is invited to the changeling hive!

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Prologue: Arrival

What is a changeling?

As it turns out, the question is easier described by those with little knowledge on the subject. Changelings, if you asked the average pony-as we did in our survey-are the vile heathens who attempted to capture Equestria and use it as a feeding ground for its population. We are here to shed some light on this observation.

As you may or may not know, the most recent attempt of enemy occupation occurred during the grand wedding of Princess Mia Amore Cadenza and Captain of the Guard Shining Armor. The leader of these supposed shape-shifters is an individual known as Queen Chrysalis, who staged a coup to take over the city from within. We do not know how it happened or even at what lengths it took to make it happen. What we do know is that in the end, Chrysalis replaced Cadance, and portrayed her role as the bride, feeding off the magical properties of Shining Armor's love. She even went at such lengths as to hide both the princess and the Element of Magic in a long forgotten cave under the castle.

However, Cadance managed to unveil the Queen's plot, only for her to be too late. Before anypony could react, the Queen had already rooted herself at the center of power, setting forth a chain of events that initiated what would be known as the Invasion of Canterlot. While those at the wedding could describe Chrysalis vividly, most of the ponies had come snout to snout with her subjects. The changelings themselves appeared ruthless, turning into living meteors as they laid siege to the city. Upon landing, all the guards were incapacitated, the Elements captured, and the royal court taken hostage. Even Princess Celestia was defeated by the power Chrysalis had gained from Shining's love. Only by a stroke of luck, the soon to be married couple was re-united and their combined love produced a magical shockwave that sent the entire changeling armada into the air, landing in various places around the Equestrian countryside.

This is where we get to the part few ponies know of. Lost, disoriented, and rather perturbed with themselves, the changelings attempted to lay low, hoping to wade out the storm in anticipation for a second invasion. However, despite various attempts, that invasion never came to be. Instead, it appeared most changelings were -as they said- fed up with life in the hive and attempted a very risky, if not downright dangerous, maneuver. They attempted to show ponies who they were. Their gamble paid off as several ponies opened their hearts and tried to convince their peers of the changelings' good intentions. So, with time, Chrysalis and Celestia met to discuss the terms of peace. Within a week of the invasion, the changelings were adopted into Equestria's allies.

However, as newfound peace always turns out, it is not an immediate transition. Both ponies and changelings on both sides were at odds, still not entirely trusting the other. Some ponies didn't understand how the Princess could accept those responsible for a recent attack on their capital, considering the peace to be another act of deception. On the flip side, several changelings didn't want to associate with ponies, seeing them as a snobbish race that would make a better food source then a friend.

But with time, the changelings learned to love on their own, and even adopted normal food into their diets. They were no longer forced to scavenge and steal the magical emotion to supply their own arcane abilities.

As the months passed by, I myself learned to get use to changelings and even befriended one known as Larvas. He is quite friendly if not downright interested in my side-job as a documenter. And well...my main job on the weather team. In fact, it was Larvas' idea to make such a documentary on his kingdom. Believe it or not, the changelings still reside in their homeland, a vast network of caves and ravines known simply as the Hive.

I considered the project, bringing it up to Celestia, who then met with Chrysalis to discuss the issue. I was absolutely thrilled when I got the word to proceed. Apparently, they saw this as an effective approach to showing how changelings were when they weren't disguising themselves as ponies. Now with the permission to go about with my project, I decided that I would lead a small expedition, so as not to alarm the Hive of our presence, in order to film the daily comings and goings of this immense empire. It would consist of myself, acting as head expert. Larvas would act as our guide, explaining what most of the changelings did. Finally, my local mailmare-and former co-worker at Amanezon-happily accepted the position of our camerapony. Considering that our budget was low to begin with, and that she would only accept payment in muffins anyway, I decided that we could spend the rest of our bits on a camera built for extreme conditions. And lessons for my former co-worker on how to use it properly.

None the less, I had anticipated an easy excursion, since the adopted language is Common, a form of Equestrian. The night before, I couldn't sleep, despite Larvas' best attempts to assure me we had a long flight ahead of us. I dismissed him, believing that my experiences as a weather pony gave me an edge when it came to strenuous travel.

Sure enough, the changeling was correct about a long flight. Thankfully we all have wings, and made it without much incident, arriving at the base of the hive. And here is where our adventure begins.


"Raindrops?" a light grey pegasus called out, her yellow mane bouncing in the sunlight, "Raindrops where are you?"

"Here!" Raindrops answered back, pressing the red button on the side of the grey recorder. She had just finished her very long prologue, which she had somehow forgotten to do back home, when her mailmare and current camera pony appeared over an orange boulder.

"There you are," the pegasus breathed, relieved to see her jasmine-coated friend still intact, "I was worried something got you! Or that I somehow got you injured."

"It's okay Derpy," Raindrop sighed, "How's Larvas?"

Suddenly, a jet-black equine leaped from the shadows, his piercing artic eyes scanning the desert terrain for any signs of danger.

"Is pony alright?" His voice had managed to sound more and more like a stallion's but there was a still a faint hint of the accent he must have had before.

Raindrops managed to give out a little chuckle, the sound dying in her mouth from the heat. Looking around, she couldn't imagine such a place. In fact, this was almost as bad as Appleloosa. Taking out her camera, Raindrops hoofed it to Derpy, who began to juggle it in her hooves before precariously catching it with her teeth.

"Remember to strap it," Raindrops indicated the motion, "That thing cost me 100 bits."

"Okay Raindrops!" Derpy grinned, attempting to lift the strap without dropping the camera. It almost seemed that she would tangle herself with the strip before she proudly got it over her neck. "Ready to go Rainy!"

"You know which button to press right?" Raindrops prayed that Derpy had remembered. With a jubilant nod, Derpy pressed the big red button on the side, a bright orange light beeping to indicate it was recording. Breathing in, Raindrops smiled, seeing that the fates had not abandoned her yet.

"Alright," Raindrops spoke into the camera, presenting the arid landscape behind her, "Welcome to the Badlands!"

Derpy revolved the camera, managing to shift her position without having to shake the device like a rattle. Large, orange peaks and rolling tumblweeds surrounded the trio, the dust covering their hooves as the scorching sand nipped at their snouts.

Derpy concentrated as if the slightest drop would cause an explosion. And considering her luck, it wasn't that far fetched either.

"At first glance, this doesn't look like the foundation to establish an empire-" Raindrops paused for the effect "-But underneath this arid landscape lies a hidden empire that belongs to none other then the most notorious bunch of shape-shifters this side of the world."

Turning her head to face Larvas, Derpy carefully moved the camera, fearing that any small misstep would spell doom for her and her muffin pay check.

"This is Larvas"- Raindrops presented the changeling as if she was showing a model-"a changeling who will be our guide throughout this here Hive. Well Larvas, tell us a bit about yourself."

Larvas seemed to sweat under the gaze of the lifeless machine, occasionally shuffling his hooves, before managing a squeak. After what seemed like another minute, he finally took in a deep breath. "Well...name is Larvas...as mentioned earlier. I am changeling, changeling who resides under Queen Chrysalis."

He paused, glancing hopefully at Raindrops to see if this was all she needed. Seeing that she would need to direct her fellow guide, Raindrops began to ask a few questions. "What did you do in the Hive, Larvas?"

Larvas once again stared at his hole-covered hooves, prompting Raindrops to yell cut. As if she was a machine herself, Derpy immediately flicked the switch on the red button, winking at Raindrops. "No recording Raindrops."

Raindrops nodded, grateful to see her friend was picking up the camera stuff quickly. Turning back to Larvas, however, her smile turned into a frown. "Larvas what's the matter?"

"I can't do it," Larvas cried, his hoof pointing accusingly at the camera, "that thing...it scares me. So lifeless...so weird. I don't need to be under that kind of pressure!"

"Larvas," Raindrops put a reassuring hoof on the changeling. "Listen to me, I need you to get comfortable under the camera okay? You are our guide after all."

Larvas nodded meekly, "Indeed I am guide Raindrops, but I cannot tolerate camera is all. Can't we just write a book or something about Hive life?"

Raindrops stood back, admonished. "Of course not! Larvas, we cannot make a documentary into some book. We want ponies to be entertained. Imagine how successful this would be if we just wrote about it? There is room for doubt! Ponies would say this and that we're far-fetched. But with video, the evidence is indisputable. And ponies react better to pictures anyhow."

She paused, waiting for it to sink in. "Wasn't this your idea in the first place?"

Larvas seemed to gaze off into the distance, his lower lip falling under his scythe-like fangs. "I...see what you mean Raindrops. Very well...I will try...but it will not be easy thing to do."

Raindrops smiled, "Just think of Daring Do, you like that book series right?"

Larvas let out a sheepish smile before nodding.

"Well then," Raindrops explained, "picture me as Daring Do and you as my trusty guide helping me out."

Using the creative imagination stored in every changeling -or most changelings- Larvas began to morph his perception. Raindrops' Tiffany blue mane began to grey, a familiar pith helmet forming over her noggin. Despite it being temporary, the mental image helped. Slowly but surely, Larvas started to feel a bit more comfortable, his lips falling back into place. "I can do that! But what about Derpy?"

Raindrops studied the pegasus, who seemed entranced by the record button, before making up her mind. "Think of Derpy as another adventurer. Picture her without the camera. Maybe...she's...a...ummm..."

"MUFFIN!" Derpy blurted, her eyes riveted on Larvas. His teeth practically shining in the light, Larvas nodded enthusiastically.

"Good," Raindrops sighed, "Now Derpy! In three...two...one! Action!"

Larvas kept his smile, even waving at the camera. "My name is Larvas. I am resident of Hive hidden here, and we are not too far away. If you will follow me, we can avoid all the scary places no pony wants to end up in."

Indicating with his hoof, the pegasi followed their guide through a winding cliff, coming to a rather large-looking rock formation that resembled an anthill. Swiveling his head around, Larvas began to explain. "This is entrance to Hive C!"

"Hive C?" Raindrop repeated, confused. "What is Hive C my good friend?"

"Well," Larvas explained, "Hive C is one major section of Hive Complex. Hive Complex is composed of many wings, ranging from A-Z3."

"Z-3?" Raindrops inquired.

"Yes," Larvas agreed. "Queen has so many chambers we go through alphabet THREE times!"

It was at that precise moment that Raindrops wanted to faint. Three times? She knew that the changeling kingdom was quite enormous, but she dreaded the thought of not bringing enough power to keep the camera running throughout the entire duration.

Taking a deep breath, the pegasus began to relax herself, assured that no matter what, she would at least capture the good parts.

"Quite the hive then," Raindrops smiled at the camera. "So, I suppose we ought to let you lead the way?"

Larvas beamed, still caught in his daydream of being an actual guide for Daring Do. "I take you to hive, let's go!" And with that he began to skip down the sandy outcroppings, humming a tune to himself. Following behind, the two pegasi looked at each other despairingly, wondering just what they had signed up for.

"We are almost there!" Larvas cheered, skipping with more fervor. "I can't wait to-"

"HALT!" a thick, insect-like accent buzzed. The trio immediately froze, carefully scanning for the source. They were indeed at the bed of the cave, a rather ornate entrance decorated with several geometric shapes and caverns. Turning to smile at the camera, and vowing to edit the earlier segment out anyway, Raindrops pointed towards the dark, greenish edifice.

"Changeling architecture at its finest!" Raindrops prayed that her sweat wasn't visible. Meanwhile Larvas began to relay a series of clicks, checking under stones and over cliffs.

"The changelings," Raindrops continued, " unlike ponies, prefer geometric patterns and lines over actual portraits. Considering the fact that they can copy a pony simply through observation, one must wonder why they do not expend their artistic talents in their own empire. It is presumed that they do this because...well...they don't have much time on their hooves to begin with."

"There you are!" the accent buzzed again, causing Raindrops to reduce her eyes to slits as thin as her mouth.

Within seconds, another jet-black changeling appeared over the rocks, almost identical to Larvas. Although in this case, he was clad in an indigo set of armor. Well, rather an indigo piece of armor, albeit it looked like it was made of rubber. The changeling seemed to have concocted, or molded himself, some sort of helmet that covered the upper area of his neck and cheeks, with a hole for his horn.

The new changeling had a scowl on his face, clearly irritated by the fact he had lost them in the outcroppings.

Landing with a thump, Raindrops noted his spear, a dull stone tied to a twig. Sighing, she gestured to the guard, hoping to sound like this was intended. "And who is this Larvas?"

Larvas seemed to shudder under the harsh gaze of the sentinel, but none the less turned to the camera, an anxious smile now on his lips. "This is...a...sentry...one of many in Chrysalis' care. Sentries patrol the entrances to hives."

By this time, the sentry had noticed the camera, displaying a similar reaction that Larvas had earlier. However, this changeling simply shook his head, trotting forward to have a better look. "What is this?"

"Ummmm..." Raindrops began uneasily, "...a camera?"

"Sentries don't get out often," Larvas hissed in his companion's ear, "that and I don't remember him."

"Don't remember him!" Raindrops almost shouted the words, before covering her mouth. "Don't remember him? Aren't you all related?"

"Yes..." Larvas admitted nervously, "...along with around 800 others. I've been gone for a week at least Raindrops."

"I see," Raindrops sighed. She should at least count her blessings that Larvas had remembered enough to trace back across half a continent. Raindrops was sure if she was jettisoned hundreds of miles away from home, she wouldn't even know which road to take. Meanwhile, the sentry was now practically covering the camera's focus, examining it as if it was some sort of weapon.

Raindrops facehoofed herself, These idiots sure take their jobs seriously.

"I see you've never been acquainted to a camera before," Raindrops tried to imitate her best smile. "No worries though, this thing isn't a weapon."

"Not a weapon?" the sentry narrowed his bright blue eyes. "Then what the cocoon is it?"

"A camera!" Derpy triumphantly held the device up as if it was a piece made by Donatrotto himself. "It records what happens in the real world and turns it into a moving picture."

Raindrops wanted to cry at this point, but knew she couldn't have dumbed it down any further. Cocking his head, the changeling's previous conviction that the thing was hazardous now morphed into genuine curiosity as he inched ever closer. "This thing can take moving picture? Remarkable!"

"Yes," Larvas chipped, "it is quite...as you ponies say...cool. Now sentry, we need entrance into Hive C!"

Whatever the intuitive mind had wished to know was instantly replaced with a fierce determination to observe one's duties. His momentary smile faded into a growl, and he slowly swiveled back, his moth-like wings beating a hundred beats per second as he flew up to the two equines. Apparently whatever the intuitive mind wished to know was replaced with a fierce determination to observe one's duties

"Where are your passes then?"

"Passes?" Raindrops shook her head. "We didn't receive passes, just your Queen's word that we would be let in without having to go through a hassle."

"Oh please," the sentry scoffed, "you little pony think you can just waltz in here with no pass? And even say my Queen gave you her own permission to enter? I've heard better excuses from Morpheus!" The changeling paused, as if regretting that last sentence. Turning to the camera, he whispered. "Don't tell him I said that!"

Derpy nodded, her cross-eyed appearance giving little confidence that she would fulfill her promise. Gingerly flying back, the guard landed next to her, engaging themselves in an idle discussion about cameras and how their day was going.

"Sentry sir," Larvas stammered, "can we just go through? Queen Chrysalis will recognize us!"

The sentry seemed to ponder on this thought, before shaking his head. "You try to deceive me into taking you to hive. Then, when my carapace is turned, you three will make a hasty escape and I get maintenance duty. No! I've worked too hard to get position and will not give it up for two little flying ponies and fellow changeling brother."

He cleared his throat, glancing back at Larvas. "Although changeling brother can go through if he wants. No harm in that."

Larvas sighed, before turning to Raindrops. "I have to go and get the Queen, won't be a moment long."

"NO!" Raindrops cried out. Both changelings and even Derpy gaped at her outburst, causing Raindrops to let out another failed giggle. "I mean...why can't this sentry just go in and get his Queen?"

Secretly, she didn't want to be left alone with this stubborn sentinel and her own...well...clumsy camerapony.

Larvas turned hopefully to the guard, who shrugged. "I can go and see."

Raindrops breathed a sigh of relief, bowing before the changeling. "Thank you thank you!"

The sentry waved a dismissive hoof. "Oh please, I will be back with Queen's permission and passes for you three in no time." With that, he darted off. Raindrops watched him go, chiding herself for this rather poorly planned expedition. Slowly turning to Derpy she managed to say the words, "Cut."


30 minutes later

"How long do we need to be here," Raindrops moaned, "I swear he said he was going to be back in no time! Does he understand the meaning of time?"

Larvas shrugged, observing the sun's pathway as it crossed overhead. "I told you I should have gone."

"We didn't even get his name," Raindrops ignored her companion as she began to roll around in the dust, creating a sandpony. Derpy on the other hoof, was still holding her camera, determined to be ready when Raindrops gave the go to record.

Larvas turned to view the cave, where a soft breeze was flowing through. "Well if he doesn't show up, I will be going myself."

Raindrops' felt a cold chill run down her back. "And leave me here with Derpy? Celestia knows how long it will be until you come back."

"That guard changeling really wanted to talk about himself," Derpy blurted nonchalantly. Raindrops froze, but quickly scrambled to her hooves, rushing to the grey pegasus.

"Did he give you a name?" Raindrops almost sounded hysterical. She did feel a little out of it, although anypony standing in the heat for more then ten minutes would probably have had their brains cooked.

"Someone," Derpy chirped cheerfully, "interesting name. I said mine was Derpy and we talked about muffins. Did you know Someone doesn't know what a muffin is?"

This news seemed to astound Derpy, while Raindrops just sunk to her hooves once more, burying her snout in the sand.

"This is hopeless."

Author's Note:


Okay, so this is a fictional mockumentary. The portrayal of these characters are purely fictions and the Raindrops Documentary Foundation (or RDM) does not accept any kind of outburst on the authenticity of the characters portrayed here. If you have a personal issue, or have somehow tied your hooves in the projector, please contact or get somepony to write a personal letter to Raindrops Documentary Foundation located in Ponyville (you can't miss our sign!). As you can see, it took a lot of diplomatic negotiations to approve of this picture. As a result, we take no responsibility for viewers who feel that this project has somehow influenced them to resort to any form of violence or rude behavior. Nor do we take responsibility for any viewer who suddenly feels the need to tell us that such project, portrayal, or other facet involved has caused them to question their life, values, morality, immortality, or why they chose the blue cloak over the red one (in this case, you had a choice and green is what you should have chosen). We at the RDM trust that you understand these rules and will enjoy the show. If you do not enjoy it, re-read the above and then quietly leave through the back entrance. And be quiet while doing so, because ponies are watching this film and nobody likes a party pooper obnoxiously leaving the entrance. We are not discriminative, but if a troll wishes to sing the song of his native kinsmen, we kindly ask you quietly leave the auditorium. However, once again, we only ask for your upmost attention (and patience). If you've read this warning and understand it, you may now go and receive your complementary pack of hay fries that was supposed to come with this presentation. If you did not receive said hay fries, then please contact the Hoity Toity A La Moity Corporation- located at 116 Fancy Pants Lane Canterlot, EQ.

If you still have a complaint, please visit our complaint bureau at 001 Cave Smokey Mountain, EQ.

We apologize in advanced for any errors associated with this picture as we had a deadline and all of us know how that feels. So please excuse us and, as long as it is appropriate, any further inquires will be answered by our highly trained staff of goats.