• Member Since 18th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen May 28th


An interdimensional Being known as The Character, writing stories for the people of Equestria (whatever internet is provided) and the people of Terra in the sector of Sol.


What if there was another world as well as yours, and both were in danger? What exactly would you do?
That's exactly what Indy and Daring are asking as they are called upon by a Interdimensional Being who asked for their help. They soon think that it was all a dream, when they realized that they've changed... physically.

A Mystery Revealed! Villains will Return, and New Ones Are Made! Friends Return, and New Friendships are Made!

Will They Succeed In Saving the Earths, or Is It Pointless, and They're Doomed?
Read to find out.

Thanks to Tzelly-El for the cover that was already made.
Click Here to Read the First story

Now on FanFiction.net
Original idea by Fernin
Place on Semi-Permanent Hiatus until further notice!
Thank You

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 14 )

.....Did the author give you permission for this?

I suggest not doing this. Start with a fresh idea; your own.

Anyone who reads this is going to compare it to Fernin's story, and that's not a race you're going to finish well in.

Since you want that someone tells you your mistakes

She was about to ask why, when he suddenly placed the notes into his lab coat, then trotted past Daring, Flint, and Trowel.

Flint nibbled on his nails in nervousness, while Trowel was in awe, and Daring was trying to find a way to quickly help her friend.

There you have it. Two instances in which you should have 'Chisel' instead of 'Trowel'.

3351306 Oops, I'll fix that in the re-edits soon.

A legend on a medallion...

Should be 'of' not 'on' (unless the legend is written on the medallion)

...and The Medallion of Darkness.

Should be 'Shadow' not 'Darkness' (unless you're renaming it to sound better)

Cool, I knew that Indiana would be a pegasus; hope you finish the story. Maybe in the third one they'll fight side by side or something. Haven't read it yet, just by looking at it, it looks like Indy and Daring get sent back to each other's worlds.

Okay, I had already taken this with a grain of salt when I heard someone who wasn't Fernin decided to write a sequel. I just finished the first chapter, and by god....its...its horrible! I feel like I just had a bait and switch happen to me.

Look, I get what your trying to do, but this entire thing needs to be rewritten. If your going to do a GOOD fanfic, especially if its based on someone else's work; you need to get into the heads of the characters your working with. From the first chapter alone its clear you don't know a thing about these characters. My advice watch all the Indiana Jones Movies, read the Daring Do books, learn the characters.

Until then, I'm taking this out of my read later list and giving it a I don't like tag. Then hope someone can convince Fernin to do a sequel. Good day to you sir!

4628993 Very constructive criticism, dear sir. Well, I'm working on my other story right now, so the only thing I am capable of doing is fixing the chapters.

A whole re-write is something I cannot do at this time. I do hope that you may try your hand at my other stories, and I would also like some help in the writing department.

Btw, I do wish you good luck in convincing Fernin in creating a sequel, but he said that he left it open for others to take a wack at.

Thanks for the comment.
-The Character

4632594 That's understandable. My best advise is to finish your own story first, then should you wish it rewrite this story.

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