• Published 25th Jun 2013
  • 688 Views, 15 Comments

It's alright to be scared Scootaloo. - elue1234

Facing your fears can be tough. But when it's national dental hygiene week at school, what will a scared Scootaloo do?

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The truth, shall be revealed!

"Scootaloo! Is everything alright? You seem like your afraid of something." Soarin asked with some worry in his tone, as he entered Scootaloo's bedroom.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine. Just wanted to write in my journal." Scootaloo once again lied.

"Scootaloo, I have a feeling that's not it." Soarin said sitting next to the quivering filly. "I have a feeling that you might be afraid of something and you just are afraid to tell us what." Soarin continued. Scootaloo sighed, and hung her head down in defeat.

"I'm sorry for lying. It's just, this week had to come and I don't know if I can get through it all..." Scootaloo confessed. Soarin extended his wing, bringing the filly in close. Her shaking slowed down a little bit.

"It's alright Scootaloo. But, if were gonna get you through this, I need you to tell Dash and I what week it is. But you can write it down, or you could flat out tell us, it doesn't matter. As long as you tell us what week it is." He said, comforting the filly a little.

"But wait. Who is we?" The filly asked.

"Well, Rainbow and I." Soarin answered. "Unless, you don't want to tell her.I understand that, but she might find out sooner or later, might as well be sooner" Soarin said. Scootaloo nodded her head. She then reached over and picked up her journal. She opened it to the page she was writing on. She handed it to him, letting him read it. Just as Soarin finished Rainbow Dash entered the room, noticing Soarin reading it. Scootaloo noticed this and motioned for her to come sit next to her. As she did, Soarin looked up, noticing his wife's presence.

"She told me to." Soarin stated, almost like a young colt.

"That's fine, I just want to know why." She said with confusion. Scootaloo looked at Soarin, who looked back at her and nodded his head.

"Go ahead and tell her. She will understand." Soarin told the filly. Scootaloo turned her head to Rainbow and confessed.

"Okay. I lied earlier when I said I wanted to get home to write in my journal. I wanted to get away from school because there's a week that started and I don't want to say it flat out, but I did write it down.So when dad came in to check on me, he saw that I was shaking and when I had told him what I had told you, and he said he thought I was lying, so I told him the truth, I let him read the page I was writing in, and that's when you came in. So here we are now." Scootaloo finished, some tears starting to fall down. "I'm so sorry I lied to you mom." Scootaloo apologized. Soarin and Dash were shocked, Scootaloo had almost never called them "mom" or "dad". Dash then got a smile on her face.

"It's alright Scootaloo. Now do you want to tell me what week it is, that way we can help you not be so afraid?" Dash asked, wiping away the filly's tears. Scootaloo gave her journal, with the page open. When Rainbow finished, she brought the filly in close, embracing her in close." It's alright. It isn't embarrassing, to be afraid. Everypony has fears, and they handle them in their own way." Dash said, comforting the filly a little bit. Soarin was just nodding his head,agreeing with everything that Rainbow was saying."Well, I guess the truth has been reviled." Scootaloo said. Making both of the older mares let out a chuckle. All was well for the three at the moment. But little did they know, that someone will be talking to Scootaloo about her and her fears.

They next day, after school. Miss Cheerliee asked Scootaloo to stay behind after class. Scootaloo had a bad feeling about what it was. When the bell rang, Scootaloo stayed after to talk to her teacher.

"Yo-you wanted to see me Mi-Miss Cheerlie?" Scootaloo asked nervously.

"I want to talk about yesterday. You seemed to shake very much, which I seemed to notice, and it brings me to ask you a couple of questions. One of them being, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. Are you afraid of dentists?" The teacher asked calmly. Scootaloo began to squirm in her chair. Cherilee noticed and then trotted over to her. She started to stroke her back in a comforting manor. Scootaloo calmed down ever so slightly. Scootaloo sighed and told her teacher the truth. When she finished her teacher just had a slight look of surprise on her face. "There's nothing wrong with that, but I am kind of surprised. Because you told the entire truth. Not many fillies and colts do that." The teacher explained. Scootaloo just kind of laughed. She was about to respond when Dr. Colgate suddenly entered the room. Scootaloo froze in fear.

"Is this a bad time?" Colgate asked

"Actually no." Cheerlie asked.

"Do I need to go?" Scootaloo asked, with a hint of pleading in her voice.

"Well, do you want to tell her?" Cheerlie asked the filly.

"Ummm... I gotta go, bye Ms. Cheerliee! Bye Dr. Colgate! The filly said as she galloped out of the room, without waiting for a response.

"Is she alright?" Colgate asked.

"I don't know if she wants me to tell you this or not, but she is afraid of the dentist. But you didn't hear it from me."

"Alright. I guess I have talk to her." Colgate said with a sigh. But little did she know, Scootaloo heard everything. Scootaloo then ran off to meet her guardians. Where they flew home. They were all relaxing when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Scootaloo said getting off the couch. She went to the door and opened it.Who it was shocked her. She yelled for Soarin who came running up right next to her.

"Is this a bad time?" Colgate asked nervously.

"No. We were doing nothing anyway. How can I help you?" Soarin answered.

"I was wondering if I could talk to Scootaloo." Colgate asked. Soarin nodded his head and turned to Scootaloo.

"Why don't you go? You can do it." Soarin encouraged. Scootaloo responded in a whisper.

"Be on stand-by mode. Then I will." Soarin nodded his head and Scotaloo went outside where she talked with the doctor.

"You wanted to talk?" Scootaloo asked

"Yesterday when I came into your class you were shaking. After class I went to where you were sitting and I felt no draft. Fast forward to when I entered today, you froze stiff. Scootaloo, I want you to be completely honest with me. Are you afraid of my profession?" Colgate asked

"That all depends on what a profession is." Scootaloo answered.

"A profession is basically my job. Make sense?" Colgate asked. Scootaloo nodded her head, then sighed.

"Alright. I admit it! I'm afraid. I have been scared basically my whole life. This is the week I dread most. Is this getting through to you're head?!" Scootaloo answered, a bit of anger in her voice.Colgate was taken back by the filly sudden change in tone.

"It's nothing to be afraid of. The only reason we have this week is to remind fillies and colts on how important hygiene is." Colgate retorted.

"I think that this conversation is over." Scootaloo said turning around. Scootaloo then walked inside and slammed the door, leaving a shocked Colgate. Colgate then left. Thinking of a way she could talk to the filly without either her freezing up, or yelling at her again. Then, the idea struck her.

Back at the home of Scootaloo.

Dear journal,

Today, I was asked to stay after school. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling that it was bad. Boy was I right. Cheerlie asked me if I was afraid I told her the truth and I finished when nopony other than Dr. Colgate herself came in. I left and then she showed up at my doorstep later and she asked me if I was afraid. I knew she would, because I eavesdropped on Cheerlie's conversation with her. I can't believe her! She went behind my back like that! Well one thing is for sure, she has lost all of my trust. Now I need a plan, to get her back. But what? Well I can think of that later, right now, I am wanting to go to sleep. Goodnight! Scootaloo put her journal away and lied down.

"At least, the truth was revieled." She said with a yawn. She then fell asleep.