• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012
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Let ideas and all speech be free. I will respect your ideas, your characters, your ponies. Feel free to ask me anything!


A magical mystery crisis solved, Dusk Shine successfully saved the day once again by fixing his friends' destinies. But when something happens afterward, or rather DOESN'T happen, it seems his mentor Lord Solaris is confused. Dusk Shine, Lord Solaris's most fervent servant was Equestria's hope for a brighter future. When things don't go according to plan, Lord Solaris takes drastic measures to ensure the fate of Equestria...

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 29 )

I likey! This is awesome! Moar please!
Just one thing: saying prosperity components is like saying harmony elements, and when you think of it that way, starts to sound a bit weird...

2729994 Well, I like doing that, not just changing the words specifically but switching them around. Example being Short-tailed Spiraling Space, the gender swapped Star Swirl the Bearded. Notice how the title is in the front now. So Elements of Harmony became Prosperity's Components. Daring Do becomes Go Gallant and etc.

2731182 oh yeah, I didn't notice that. There's nothing wrong with it, actually, now that you mention it, it's kinda cool! :pinkiehappy:

2731583 On the particular line you mentioned though, it makes sense and I see how people can get confused so I do see what you mean. But at the same time, I don't see an alternative that would fit with what I've already established.

I suppose I'll just have to be careful about rushing these concepts. Thank you for the feedback.

2822871 General rule of thumb, I always add random because I love just adding some kind of randomness to a serious story in a Mel Brooksian fashion.

Adventure because it's an adventure, Alternate universe because technically, the guy universe is called Equestrion but... I wanted this specific title for obvious reasons, it just fits better.
Comedy because I hope it's funny! Crossover and dark... you'll see.

But it's good that you took notice of the tags, I'll ask you to remember the movie Equestria Girls. If you haven't seen it, obviously you know it involves humans.

So the question is, why did I leave out the human tag...?

Good, but...
Ponyville doesn't have a gender; it's not changed. Same for Canterlot and the Elements of Harmony. Plus, AJ stays AJ since Applejack is a guy's name.
Random tag doesn't work. Don't just add any tags you want.

Comment posted by Wireless deleted Jul 5th, 2013


Applejack is not a guy's name, it's the name of an alcoholic drink.

2826437 I know, but the 'jack' part would mean that it's meant more for guys. But, since AJ has it, that means it's unisex and her counterpart should keep the same name. Also, I agree with you on that last comment you made. If the next chapter isn't pretty flipping amazing, then I'm unfavoriting.

Well, that's a little harsh I think. If you like, I could spoil it for you and explain why the crossover tag is in there but then, what would be the point?

A crossover and even random is not something to just throw in randomly, it takes time to build up to and blend in properly. But crossover is going to be featured and soon. Patience, tis not going to be short.

The tags are there for a reason. The Dark tag doesn't fit in at this point but... I'd have to add it down the road. I actually have a plan for where this story is going and the tags are there for a reason, I assure you.

Also, flipping amazing? Something made you favorite it once so I must've done something right. Why each tag is there will be explained in time.

Dusk glanced at his own cutie mark. He remembered back to the day he earned it during his entrance exam into Lord Solaris's School for Advanced Unicorns. That was the day he met Barbara, too. His cutie mark was some sort of purple star, it went along with his name. But thinking about it... he wasn't sure what it exactly meant, either. Considering how he'd earned it, obviously it had something to do with magic. But what?
He started thinking about his friends' cutie marks. Applebuck's was three apples... but what did that mean? Was he good at harvesting apples or selling them? He'd had difficulty with both prospects in the past, Dusk recalled. Elusive's was three gems but he was a fashion designer, not a jeweler. While he did bejewel outfits sometimes, he was a dressmaker. So shouldn't his cutie mark be clothes?
The floodgates opened on Dusk Shine. Butterscotch's cutie mark was butterflies and yet he bonded with so many animals. In fact, Dusk hardly ever saw Butterscotch do anything with butterflies. Bubble Berry had balloons and that did make sense with the parties. But Rainbow Blitz's cutie mark was a cloud with a rainbow bolt coming out of it. What did that even mean? Blitz was Ponyburg's weather manager but he couldn't make the clouds fire bolts of rainbow-colored lightning. The sonic rainboom did make sense and maybe he did resemble a bolt of rainbow lightning when he flew... but what did it mean?

:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof: I don't think I can fit enough facehoofs here. Also, Sundance? 'Sunset Shimmer' is a parallel name to 'Twilight Sparkle', because she was supposed to have the same destiny as Twilight until she gave it up. Twilight, Sunset = night time. Sparkle, Shimmer = sorts of light. 'Sundance' is nothing like 'Dusk'.

No offense meant or anything, I'm going to keep reading.

2828465 Was going to call him Sundown but I like the name Sundance better.

2828499 I'd say Sundown Gleam is a good name. If you want it to keep it in the theme of the show, that is, And considering you took none of my past advice, I'd take that as a no.


"Spoil it"?

You don't want to describe your story to someone asking for a description because that would "spoil it"?

Jesus Christ. You don't really get this whole "making people actually WANT to read your fic" thing, do you?

Forget it. I'll just leave you to your clusterfuck of tags that utterly fails to describe anything or make me even remotely interested in reading your fic.

2828543 You are being really harsh with your criticism. I feel like I should criticize your criticism. Really, you haven't said a single thing you liked and you've threatened to unfavorite the story.

Really... you're being so hard to please, my head is hurting. I'll change the name. Please, for the love of Celestia, give a guy a gotdamn break. I changed the names of the places because it's an alternate universe, they're different styles, different names for all sorts of things.

I appreciate the feedback but really... would it kill you to say something positive?

2828566 It's a crossover with Left 4 Dead. I'm sorry you won't read something because of a tag.

2828566 It's not dark or very funny yet either and yet I have those tags. I'm sorry if you can't be bothered to have a little faith in something. Also, the language isn't really appreciated.

2828569 Sorry, my brain has been kind of broken recently :applejackconfused:. Looking back on it, those were a bit harsh. Truthfully, this is an interesting and original concept, and I can't wait to see more. I should probably eat a Snickers. :rainbowlaugh: Seriously, sorry dude. All good? :twilightsheepish:


OK, firstly, don't respond twice to the same comment.

Secondly, I am not refusing to read because of "a" tag. A tag would be fine. With a tag, I would know what I was getting.

6 tags is the problem. A "dark comedy random crossover adventure AU" doesn't tell me what you're writing. It tells me that you lack the ability to focus on an idea, and that your fic is going to be horrifically bloated. If I start reading it because I want adventure, all the darkness and comedy will bore me. If I read it for the comedy, it will be too dark and the adventure plot won't gel. If I read it for the darkness, etc. etc.

2828617 Thank you... thank you very much. Yes, all good. I'm sorry too. For... not living up to your expectations? Disappointing you? Something like that. Truth be told, my original idea for this story was that Solaris sends Dusk to the human world to find out what went wrong, my own r63'd original character gets arrested for something she didn't do and r63'd Cranky Doodle Donkey stumbles into the portal by accident.

All 3 wind up in the human world but it's not at Canterlot High, it's the middle of the city outside a Denny's.

2828639 If it has an element of something in it, I add it as a tag. It's not random, it's just checking all that applies. Same with characters.

I don't look at the tags as being like the categories for movie. Romantic comedy, dark adventure, that kind of thing. The tags tell you what to expect so you aren't surprised not what it focuses about.

Does it take a little mystery out of it? Maybe but it can also be interesting because now the reader's wondering when that tag will come up and where. Where if I'd left Crossover or Dark out, it might not be one someone was expecting and they might decide they prefer something else.

It's not specifically what it's about. If that were true, every story would pretty much only have Slice of Life or Adventure because those are two main types.

Ultimately, this is an adventure. It's going to be a ride that includes all of those things mentioned because they apply. There are too many stories on this site to just give them only one or two tags.


That's not how tags work. You don't tag for "an element", you tag when it's a major factor of the story. This is all explained on the submission page, when you are tagging it.

Look at the movie genres you posted - "dark adventure", "romantic comedy". Do you think that every single scene of a rom-com is either funny or romantic? No, of course not. It has elements of drama, slice of life, maybe even fantasy. But it's not called a romance fantasy drama slice of life comedy, because that makes no sense.

Pick the IMPORTANT genres, and then tag them. And if you plan to say "but all six tags are important" then don't even bother replying. No, they are not all important enough to tag the entire story.

>Does it take some of the mystery out?

Well maybe it does, but I NEVER MENTIONED THE FUCKING MYSTERY OF IT, DID I? Don't respond to my post and then respond to questions that I never asked.

>There are too many stories to just use one or two tags

What are you even trying to say here? What is this non-sequitur supposed to mean?

2828710 :ajbemused: As I just said, I don't look at the tags as categories for a movie but as a list of included elements. There are a lot of stories on this site and people look for specific things. That being said, mine is being very specific and the multiple tags should also hint at length.

They just added another tag to this site, if anything that's a reason to tag something more.

I didn't add sad, romance or tragedy because there's not going to be that in there. Did I add a human tag? No, again for a reason. I'm sorry if you're in doubt and disbelief but I've tried to explain it.

This entire argument should not be happening on the story itself. Is there anything you like about this story? Is there any one good thing you can say about it?


And as I said, "elements" is not how tags work. It is not how they work, it is not what they are meant for, it is not what you are told to do.

"That's just how I use tags" is fucking meaningless, because you're doing it objectively wrong. It's like:

"I spell the word house with an A"
"That's not how it works"
"That's just how I use it!"

2828784 I don't care how they work, I've never read anything that specifically states the tags are like movie genres.

I do remember specifically reading minimum of one, maximum of six, check all that apply.

I think what you're trying to say is you doubt that all the tags will blend together, you don't think they're relevant. Believe me, that is not the case.

you really shouldn't listen to anyone complaining about the tags. There are two types of tags on this site, the easy one to explain are the warning tags. They explain something is in the story you may not like. They are AU, Human, the new Antro, and Crossover. They should always be there if there is a hint whatever becasue that's the whole point. So that just leaves 4.

Theyr'e the other type, the genre tags. First off is random, which I really don't understand the purpose of entirely, but I've only ever used it on a fic where pinkie is the main character. A comedic adventure is essentially a road trip movie so obviously that's a thing.

Finally you have dark which is odd in that it marks the tone of the piece and is really has more in common with the sex and gore rating tags, but it's at the same time not quite the same. So far we have a road trip style movie, and now we know add the possibilitiy of dead hookers, guns, and other less ideal situations. It's perfectly clear really, some stories just have more tags.

2829560 Thank you my purple thestral friend. Your OC is adorable and I understand what the other guy says about tags as well.

But this story is going places. Not quite dead hookers but... you're not too far off.

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