• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 12,371 Views, 511 Comments

Lavender Unicorn Syndrome - Sharaloth

A lavender unicorn has a terrible day when every lavender unicorn starts turning into copies of her best friend, the lavender unicorn!

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Part 5: How This Is All Going To Get Fixed

On a hill overlooking Ponyville stood Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. Her green eyes gazed upon the town with unhidden contempt. Her black lips curled, revealing her sharp, white fangs as she pawed restlessly at the dirt. Others had stood here recently, the taste of fear and bravado still hanging in the air. Her opponent had been here, too. The hated Twilight Sparkle.

“Come to me,” she commanded, her doubled-over voice vibrating with changeling magic. They answered her call, the ones she had gathered, the ones with whom she would gain her revenge. “Come, my champions, my Spirits of Disharmony!”

A griffon dropped from the sky with a screech, landing next to the Changeling Queen and spreading her wings in a proud display. She glared at Chrysalis for a long moment before snorting and turning her attention to the village laid out before them. “Gilda,” Chrysalis named her. “The childhood friend spurned. With swift wings and sharp claws, you are the counter to Rainbow Dash. You are my Element of Betrayal.”

A pair of red-and-white-haired unicorns stepped up behind Gilda; one mustachioed, the other clean shaven. They wore identical blue and white outfits, their heads adorned with blue-banded hats. They shared a questioning look before shrugging in unison and taking their place at the crest of the hill. “Flim and Flam. Hucksters, opportunists, liars. With twisted words and callous avarice, you are the counters to Applejack and Fluttershy. You are my Elements of Deceit and Cruelty.”

A blue unicorn in a tattered purple cloak limped on three legs up to Chrysalis’ side. Her eyes darted nervously around, flicking to the Changeling Queen and away as if she were afraid to to look at Chrysalis for too long. “Trixie Lulamoon,” Chrysalis purred, grinning down at her. “The showmare twice made a fool. With illusory magic and very real determination, you are the counter to Twilight Sparkle herself. You are my Element of Dark Magic.” Trixie cringed at those words, trying to disappear under her cloak.

“You all know me. I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings,” she flared her diaphanous wings, her eyes burning with an evil green light. “My lust for the love-energy of Equestria led to my defeat, but I have returned, and I have sworn revenge on the ones who foiled me! I am the counter to Rarity. I will be the Element of Greed.”

“Now, the final member of the Spirits of Disharmony!”

“Raise me up,” a dark voice growled. Trixie sighed and raised her right forehoof. There, covering half her leg, was a black sock with the broken end of a crimson horn poking out of the top. Glued-on googly eyes wiggled haphazardly above a gnashing pair of sewn-in novelty plastic fangs. Trixie reluctantly raised the sock-puppet above her head, where it glared imperiously down at the town.

“King Sombra,” Chrysalis intoned. “Deposed tyrant, creature of shadow. With undying rage and endless terror, you are the counter to Pinkie Pie. You are my Element of... of... whatever the opposite of Laughter is. Incoherent snarling, maybe?”

“I don’t get this whole ‘spirits of disharmony’ thing,” Gilda spoke up as Chrysalis faltered. “Do we have to go with that hokey stuff?”

“Silence!” Chrysalis commanded. “Of course we do. It’s the whole point.”

“A moment, my dear,” Flim interrupted. “But my brother and I were talking.”

“Discussing, you might say.” Flam elaborated.

“And we decided that we don’t want to be Deceit and Cruelty.” Flim declared.

“Indeed!” Flam exhuberated. “We find them quite offensive!”

“We never lie about our wares!” Flim expanded. “I assure you we control quality quite tightly!”

“What?” Chrysalis said, rounding on the two of them. “I heard your cider had rocks in it. Rocks! How is that quality?”

The brothers shared another look. “A unique circumstance, madam, I assure you,” Flim assured her.

“I say, a single time occurence,” Flam collaborated.

“And I suppose by now you’re wondering,” Flim exclaimed, beginning to get into the rolling salespony cadence that served the brothers so well. “Just which spirit we should represent!”

“No,” Chrysalis said, stopping them in their tracks. “You’re Deceit and Cruelty. Live with it.”

“Can we at least talk about Cruelty?” Flam requested.

“No,” Chrysalis refused. “I’m working with what I have here, so you get what you get. Besides, I think neither of you should have a problem with a creature as milquetoast as Fluttershy. Right?”

The brothers looked at each other one last time before taking off their hats and smiling at the towering changeling. “Well, I suppose,” Flam allowed.

“You are paying us enough to overlook this,” Flim capitulated.

“Wait, you two are getting paid?” Trixie cried out, glaring at the salesponies.

“You aren’t?” Gilda asked. “Lady, you look like you could use the money.”

“Trixie is perfectly capable of providing for herself, thank you!” Trixie said with a haughty huff. “But this... why?”

There was a long moment of silence as each villain examined their own motivations. Then Sombra spoke: “I invented Dark Magic!”

“Oh, you did not!” Trixie snapped.

“I should still be the spirit of Dark Magic!” sock-Sombra growled.

“You got beaten by their pet wyrmling,” Chrysalis said, rolling her eyes. “Trixie here actually enslaved the town once. She gets to be Dark Magic. You get... um, what was it again?”

“I enslaved an empire!”

“You got exploded by a bunch of good feelings,” Gilda snickered. “It was in the paper and everything.”

Weaponized good feelings!”

“Enough!” Chrysalis commanded. “No one gets to switch spirits! Except maybe King Sombra, whenever I figure out what the opposite of Laughter is.”

“Eeeeeeviiiillllll!” sock-Sombra supplied.

“No!” Chrysalis said, stomping her hoof. “We’re all evil, there will be no spirit of Evil!”

“I’m not evil,” Gilda said.

“We will admit pettiness,” Flim protested. “Under duress.”

“But never evil, madam,” Flam concurred.

“Trixie is not evil!” Trixie said, then looked sheepishly at the ground. “Um, anymore, that is.”

“Fine! None of us are evil!”

“I am.”

Most of us aren’t evil,” Chrysalis snapped. “Look, this isn’t that difficult. We are going to go down there and exact our revenge on those we hate: the Elements of Harmony, especially Twilight Sparkle!”

“I don’t actually hate them,” Gilda said, squinting at the town. “I just think they’re all lame. Just like you guys. So. Totally. Lame.”

“Trixie does not hate them either.” Trixie said. “Trixie has made her amends and wishes no further harm on Ponyville.”

“You barely apologised and ran away,” Gilda pointed out. “You got some weird ideas about ‘amends’, sister.”

“Silence!” Chrysalis commanded. “You both hate Ponyville. I have looked into your hearts and I know how much anger you harbor. You, Gilda, towards Pinkie Pie!”

“Well, yeah, I guess. She could use a good smack.”

“And you! Trixie! You hate Twilight Sparkle almost as much as I do!”

“No, Trixie is serious, we’re friends now! Friends!” Trixie desperately asserted.

“I hate all of them!” sock-Sombra snarled, rattling his plastic fangs.

“Yes, we know,” Chrysalis said. “See! Your hatred for them empowers me, and together as the Spirits of Disharmony we shall take our revengeancy!”

“Trixie does not think that is a word.”

“Silence!” Chrysalis eyed the salesponies. “I suppose you’re going to say you don’t hate them either?”

“No, madam, we are not,” Flim contended.

“No pony holds a grudge like a salespony,” Flam detailed.

“Well, good,” Chrysalis said, narrowing her eyes and giving all of them a hard look. “Now, you all remember the plan, right?”

“Wait, there was a plan?” Gilda asked. “I thought I was just supposed to challenge Dash to a race.”

“We each have our own tasks,” Chrysalis said. “The point is to utterly defeat and humiliate them.”

“She’s lying!” Trixie snarled. “She really wants–” Trixie’s mouth snapped shut as Chrysalis’ horn glowed with a sickly green fire.

“No spoiling your own task,” Chrysalis purred, a vicious smile twisting her face in glee. “Perhaps you need a reminder of how much you really hate Twilight Sparkle.”

Trixie’s eyes flashed with a green light, and then she was frowning, kicking at the dirt and casting dark looks at Ponyville. “Of course Trixie hates Twilight Sparkle, she ruined Trixie’s life!”

Chrysalis bent down to put her mouth next to Trixie’s ear. “You will do as you’re told, yes?” Trixie nodded. “Good.”

“Delicioussss,” sock-Sombra leered.

Gilda and the brothers watched this with no small amount of worry. “Okay,” Gilda said. “I’m glad I took the cash, then.” The brothers nodded in synchronized agreement.

“There, now, are there any other complaints?” Chrysalis asked. They all shook their heads, Trixie wiggling her hoof for sombra. “Good.” She turned back to the town, the ones she had gathered lining up to either side of her, their target for conquest clear in their sights. She sneered at the homes and businesses of the ponies she hated so much. “Such a peaceful little place,” she commented, then reared up, spreading her wings and letting her magic flare in bursts of green fire all around them. “Prepare yourself Ponyville! For your champions fall this day, to the Spirits of Disharmony!”

A moment later Gilda spoke up. “Hey, is it just me or is it super-bright out today? My eyes are killing me.”

“I am feeling quite the sting,” Flim expounded.

“You as well, brother?” Flam queried. “I thought it was just me.”

“Trixie’s eyes hurt too.”

“I am fine... no, wait, me too.”

“Seriously?” Chrysalis sighed, dropping to all fours. “So it’s a little bright out. Celestia hates me, so what? Let’s just get going.”

“Whatever you say, you’re the boss,” Gilda replied, and they all started down the hill into town.


“This is incredible!” Twilight said, poking at Spike’s new horn.

“Twilight, stop that!” Spike complained.

“Oh! I’m sorry, does that hurt?”

“No, it’s just really, really weird.”

“Twilight,” the lavender unicorn asked. “Do you have any idea what could possibly cause this?”

“I have a few ideas,” Twilight said, her eyes still locked on Spike.

“We think it might have been Discord,” the lavender unicorn said.

Twilight shrugged. “He’s got the power to do something like this, sure, but it’s really not his style. Has he been showing up and taunting you?” There were lavender head shakes all around. “Then it’s probably not him.”

“How about Poison Joke pollen?” Applejack asked.

“Or the Elements messing with us again?” Dash added.

“Poison Joke is usually personalized,” Twilight pointed out. “This isn’t. Look, speculation without evidence isn’t going to help. I need more information. What were the early symptoms again?”

“Light sensitivity, headache, weakness in stallions, massive moulting for pegasi,” the lavender unicorn supplied. “Then you start turning lavender.”

“Spike, were you experiencing any of that?” Twilight asked.

“No! I was fine right up until the worst belch ever!”

“Interesting,” Twilight said, eyes alight with new thought. “This is important. You can feel it, though? When I touch it?”

“Yes, Twilight, I can feel it,” Spike assured her. “Now stop poking me!”

“So it’s integrated into your nervous system,” Twilight said, humming to herself as she mulled it over.

“Do you think you can fix it?” Applejack asked.

“Maybe. This is a very enlightening reaction. Dragons are very magical creatures, and they grow differently from ponies. Remember Spike’s greed-inspired growth?”

“I don’t believe I shall ever forget,” the lavender unicorn replied.

“Yeah, it was kinda... big,” Rainbow Dash added. Spike’s gaze dropped to the ground. “Not that it was your fault,” Dash said quickly. “You’re over all that, right?”

“Yeah,” Spike said, sighing. “I’m over it.”

“I think this,” Twilight pointed at Spike’s new horn. “Is connected to that sudden growth. I think that whatever this is is affecting the draconic mechanism for physical change. That’s why his alterations are coming with bursts of dragonfire and he isn’t experiencing any of the symptoms ponies do.”

“What could that mean?” the lavender unicorn asked.

“It could mean a lot of things,” Twilight said. “But it gives us a clue to the nature of this... whatever it is. Captain Noisy!”

“Yes, princess?” a unicorn guard responded from where he was being untied by a lavender citizen. He looked over at Twilight, but winced and had to visibly force himself to keep his eyes open.

“Are you experiencing any difficulty with bright light? Be honest.” The guard paused for a moment, as if debating whether to admit the clear truth or not, but finally nodded.

“A moment, dear,” the lavender unicorn said, then walked over to the guard. A quick inspection confirmed her own suspicions. “His horn has begun to turn lavender. It’s progressing quite quickly. It took all of yesterday morning for my own horn to go completely lavender, and I can already see it seeping down his spiral.”

“It’s an ongoing effect that’s been getting stronger, then,” Twilight mused. “I seem to be unaffected so far, but that could be because I’m an alicorn. Or it could be because whatever this is doesn’t recognize that it has to change me at all.”

“Recognize? Are you sayin’ that this has got some sorta thinkin’ behind it?” Applejack asked.

“Maybe not the effect itself, but the odds of something this bizarre and specific arising by chance are, well, infinitesimal,” Twilight said.

“That’s very small, right?” Applejack asked.

“Yes,” Twilight confirmed. “Very small.” Her brow furrowed as she thought about it. “Nurse Redheart!” she called out. The lavender nurse stepped out of the lavender crowd. “Do we know who patient zero is?”

Redheart shook her head. “No. However, Rarity was the first case to start turning purple.”

“Lavender,” the lavender unicorn corrected absently. “And so far as I know I was also the first to complete the transformation.”

“Then you’ll do,” Twilight said with a determined nod.

“Do for what, Twilight?”

Twilight didn’t seem to register the question, instead turning to the crowd and raising her voice to be heard. “I don’t know what’s causing this,” she said. “But I promise all of you I will find out, and I will find a way to reverse it. To do that I need to go to the library, where I have equipment and books that can help me. In the meantime, it would really help if you all stayed here. If I haven’t found a cure by tonight then you can go home and sleep, but I’d like it if I could have as many of the affected ponies in one place as possible, to avoid spreading this beyond Ponyville. Captain Noisy, follow the mayor’s direction.”

“Princess, we should be with you,” the captain said, though pain and stress were clear in his voice. He tried to rise, but a lavender hoof held him down.

“Nnope,” Big Mac said, shaking his lavender head. “Trust me, you won’t be good for anything for a while.” The captain turned to Big Mac angrily, but when he opened his eyes to glare he ended up shrinking back from the pain. After that he didn’t protest.

“Alright, girls,” Twilight called to her friends. “To the library.”

They rushed out of the town hall, Spike in his customary place on Twilight’s back. The library wasn’t far away, and soon they were safely within the living building. Twilight dumped Spike on the floor and told him to stay put.

“What do you need us to do, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“I’m going to get a few things from the basement,” Twilight said. “While I’m doing that I need you guys to find these books.” She rattled off a long list of titles.

“We’ll do the best we can,” Applejack promised, grabbing Dash and Pinkie and pulling them to the shelves.

“I’ll help you,” the lavender unicorn said, stepping up beside Twilight. “I have something to ask you, anyway.” Twilight nodded, and the two of them walked down to the basement.

“What did you want to ask?” Twilight inquired as they came to the floor of the spacious basement. “And could you grab that phase transition modulator?”

“The what?”

“The boxy thing with three dials on it,” Twilight clarified.

“Ah. What I wanted to ask was about that ‘patient zero’ thing you were talking about. Why is that important?”

“Well, you know that patient zero is the first confirmed case of a sickness, right?”

“I do.”

“Magical transformations like this are tricky things,” Twilight explained as her magic began sifting through the boxes of wires and machinery that were scattered about the basement. “There’s only a few ways to accomplish it on this scale and on so many different creatures. With how it’s affecting Spike I’m suspecting that it’s following a viral format, changing and mutating to accomplish its purpose, namely to turn everypony into physical copies of me.”

“A magical virus?” the lavender unicorn gasped.

“Not exactly,” Twilight said, grabbing several more items from storage. “But similar enough to count. The one affected earliest will have the most basic version of the, um, ‘virus’.”

“Which means me,” the lavender unicorn reasoned.

“If you really were the first to change, then I think so, yes,” Twilight confirmed. “If I can get a handle on what this thing is, then knowing what it was in its earliest form will help immensely in finding a way to counteract it.”

The lavender unicorn gave a curt nod. “Well then, let’s not delay.”

When they came back up to the main floor of the library there was a small panic going on. “Twilight!” Spike called out, causing them to run into the large main room. Spike was exactly where they had left him, but the transformation had progressed. His claws were gone, replaced with lavender hooves, and pony legs were attached to his still baby-dragon shaped body. He stood awkwardly and looked extremely unhappy. “This is not going well! Not well at all!”

“We got your books, Twilight!” Dash said from beside a stack of heavy volumes. “At least, I think we do. Whoever organizes this place makes some weird shelving decisions.” Both Spike and Twilight glared at Dash. “What?”

Twilight shook her head. “No time. Spike, put this on.” She floated him a hat-like device made of metal. Wires and lights studded the device, giving it a bizarre, cobbled-together appearance.

“I remember that!” Pinkie said, grinning.

“Yes, well, it should actually work this time,” Twilight grumbled, magically assembling all the items she and the lavender unicorn had brought up from the basement into a machine that blinked and buzzed and began spitting out a ream of paper with lined on it. She attached several wires from the machine to the metal hat as Spike fumbled with with his new hooves at the securing straps.

“Oh, Spike, let me help you with that,” the lavender unicorn said, reaching out with her magic to take hold of the straps. Immediately Spike’s annoyed look softened. “Don’t worry, dear, this should all be sorted out soon enough.”

“I’m not worried as long as you’re not worried, Rarity,” Spike said, grinning.

“Okay, we’re set-up,” Twilight said, flicking a switch on the machine that made the lines on the paper begin to come out in smooth sine curves. “Spike, how are you feeling?”

“Really, really clumsy!”

“So what’s this thing gonna tell you?” Dash asked.

“Since Spike’s transformation is happening in bursts of instantaneous change I can get a lot of data on exactly what is causing it,” Twilight said. “This will tell me the magic involved, what focusing method it uses, whether there’s any residual effect or stasis change between before and after a burst–”

“Whoa! Whoa!” Dash said, holding up her forehooves to ward off a lengthy explanation. “I don’t need the technical manual, I just want to know if this is gonna tell you how to fix us or not.”

“It will help,” Twilight said.

“So what do we do now, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“All we can do is wait until Spike experiences the next stage of the transformation,” Twilight said, sighing. “I’m sorry, girls, but there really isn’t anything else for it. I won’t even know which one of these books is important until that happens.”

There was a long moment of dead quiet as the lavender ponies waited for something, anything to happen.

“So,” Applejack said, breaking the silence, but had nothing to follow up with.

“Yeah,” Dash supplied. “Pinkie?”

Pinkie Pie looked up, looked around, scratched at her mane, then shrugged. “I got nothing.”

The lavender unicorn rolled her eyes and turned to Twilight. “Ahem. A magic mirror? Again?”

“Look, I have a perfectly good explanation!” Twilight protested.

“She got excited and poked it,” Spike said.

“I didn’t know!”

“I want to know where Princess Celestia’s been hiding those swords!” Dash said. “So. Awesome.”

“On that thought, I’m mighty interested in knowin’ exactly who I should be thankin’, in a religious sense,” Applejack said.

“What?” was Twilights response.

“Everypony’s confused,” Pinkie Pie said. “About talking about princesses and their princessing now that there are four princesses instead of one big princess and maybe Cadance somewhere not being talked about.”

“I... don’t know either,” Twilight said, frowning. “The whole princess summit thing was supposed to clear that up, and you all know how that went.”

“You didn’t have your talks afterwards?” the lavender unicorn asked.

Twilight shrugged. “Sort of? It turns out royal schedules aren’t very forgiving of three-day-long delays. We never got to the whole ‘religious implications’ part. Princess Celestia didn’t seem to think it was all that important.”

“Well, next chance you get, I’d appreciate it if you’d ask,” Applejack said.

“And ask if I can get one of those swords!” Dash added.

“No swords!” Twilight said.

“Guys!” Spike said, eyes wide. “I think it’s happening again!”

“Yes!” Twilight cried, turning to the machine. The smooth curves on the paper had turned into a chaotic-looking series of spikes that overlapped each other. “Incredible!”

“What is it, Twilight?” the lavender unicorn asked. “What’s happening?”

“This is extremely intricate,” Twilight said, her eyes darting all over the scrolling paper. “Whoever made this is a genius! Or a lunatic!”

“Oh, man, here it comes!” Spike groaned. Then he opened his mouth and spat out a gout of fire that split into two streams which curled back along themselves and splashed onto his body. As the fire cleared the gathered ponies saw that Spike’s tail had been replaced with a pony’s, and his head frills had become the long, straight mane of Twilight Sparkle.

“Spike!” Twilight crowed. “This is amazing!” She flapped part of the paper at them with her magic. “Do you realize what this means?”

“That I’ll have to borrow your shampoo?”

“No! I mean, yes, if it lasts long enough, I guess,” Twilight said, before shaking her head. “No, what it means is that I was right! This is some kind of viral spell. But it’s so much more than that! It integrates with the subject, using their own magic to augment their physical bodies into the spell’s target form!”

“Huh?” Dash said, speaking for all of them.

“The spell that turned all of you into me used your own magic to do it,” Twilight explained. “That’s why the dispelling blades won’t work on it, the runes think the spell is part of your natural magic and don’t activate. It’s why Spike’s changing so differently from the rest of you!”

“Does this tell you how to fix us?” Applejack asked.

“Well, no,” Twilight said, excitement dulling. “But it’s a start. I’ll have to check my books, but I’m sure I’ve seen a description of spells like this before. I can’t remember where, though, so it might take awhile to search through all of these.”

“How about this one?” Pinkie asked, sliding an open book over to Twilight.

“Wha... Yes! This is it. Thank you, Pinkie.”

Applejack gave Pinkie a nonplussed look. “What?” Pinkie asked.

“You know what I’m gonna ask,” Applejack replied.

“It was one of the ones I grabbed, and I got bored waiting for you and Dash to be done so I flipped through it, and that was the page I landed on,” Pinkie said.

“Eyup,” Applejack said, refusing to give it any more thought as she turned back to Twilight. “What’s it say?”

“Oh, no! This is not good,” Twilight fretted, staring at the page.

“What is it, Twilight?” the lavender unicorn asked. “Are we going to be stuck like this? Don’t tell me there is no cure!”

“No,” Twilight said. “According to this there’s several ways to create a cure to a spell like this, but most of them are very difficult and only work half the time. The other half, well, they make things worse.”

“That’s terrible!” the lavender unicorn cried. “Is there nothing better we can do?”

“Well, yes, there is one thing,” Twilight said. “It works one hundred percent of the time and is absolutely safe.”

“Well, why don’t we do that one, then?” Dash asked. “I mean, duh!”

“It’s not that simple, Dash,” Twilight sighed. “To use this cure we have to have help. We need a special creature that we can use as a pattern to create a counterspell from.”

“What kind of creature?” Applejack asked. “If we manage to track down Fluttershy, I’m sure she’d know where to find one.”

“Not one of these,” Twilight said. “What we need isn’t an animal. We need a Changeling.”

“Oh,” Applejack said, eyes going wide. “Well, that’s a bit out of our range.”

“Yeah, I mean, where are we gonna find a Changeling?” Dash said. “You can’t just whistle Chrysalis up whenever you need her around. Which was, like, never up until today.”

“Maybe if we asked nicely?” Pinkie said. “And offered to throw her a party? A not-invading-Canterlot-and-instead-curing-us-all party?”

“Oh yes, I see that working perfectly,” the lavender unicorn snarked, rolling her eyes. “Why, we could have Spike send her a letter! ‘Dear Queen Chrysalis. We, the ponies who helped thwart your invasion, would very much like it if you came over and let us test spells on you until we figured out how to undo a magical transformation on ourselves. Party to follow. Regards, us’. I’m sure she would just jump at the chance. Why, she’d be bursting down our door moments after such an invitation was sent!”

“Rarity,” Twilight chided. “Your sarcasm isn’t helping anyp–”

The library door rattled from a heavy kick to it. The five ponies and a (mostly) dragon stared at it. A second kick tore the door open, shattering the lock and twisting it off its top hinges. Standing in the open doorway, an evil green light burning in her eyes, stood Queen Chrysalis. Emerald flames surrounded her, licking at the doorway and obscuring the street from view. She reared up with her wings spread and a haughty grin spread across her face.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Chrysalis roared, her doubled voice shaking the loose books on the shelves. “Prepare to meet your – wait why are there five of you?” Chrysalis’ expression rapidly changed from triumph to confusion as she stared at the scene in the library. “What’s going on?”

There was a long moment of stunned silence before Pinkie Pie let out a low whistle. “Wow, Rarity. You are good!”

Author's Note:

To be continued...