• Published 6th Jun 2013
  • 33,012 Views, 2,015 Comments

The Witching Hour - Chaotic Ink

A new pony comes to Ponyville, but she's not all that she seems. Will the town accept Midnight Storm, or will Ponyville run her out like all the rest?

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Ch.16 - A Kirin's Mark

Darkness. All around her was darkness. “Hello?” she called out, her voice having a higher pitch to it than she remembered. “Where am I? Is anypony there?” Midnight walked farther into void, her hooves not making a sound as they stepped on nothingness. After what felt like several minutes, something began to materialize out of the shadows. “Um… Can you tell me where I am?” The figure took a few more steps closer, finally revealing herself; a white unicorn mare with a mane the same color as Midnight’s, only with two streaks of white in it. “Mom!?” Midnight cried out, now running toward the figure. The mare stared down at her, or at least Midnight thought she was; there were no eyes or mouth.

“What are you doing here?” The mare asked angrily.

Midnight skidded to a halt only a few hooves away. “Mom, I’m so sorry I ran away! I never should have-”

“What are you talking about? You leaving was the best thing that could have happened to me! I can finally live my life again! No more need to live in fear and shame, no more turning down important parties to look after you, no more feeding you expensive gems so you won’t eat a neighbor’s cat, no more worrying that you’ll throw a tantrum and turn into that thing! I couldn’t be happier that you ran off!”

Midnight began to cower as the mare punctuated each reason with a stamp of her hoof. “Mom, please, I’m… I’m sor-”

“Oh, you’re sorry! That makes everything alright! You’re nothing but a selfish little freak! Well, I’m done; I have been for years!” She turned back the way she came. “Don’t ever bring your sorry carcass anywhere near me again!” With that she began to walk back into the blackness of the void.

Midnight watched her mother begin to go, then got up. “Mom, wait!” The figure didn’t stop, and the filly kirin began to give chase. “Mom, please!” But, no matter how fast she ran, the white mare still outdistanced her. “Please, come back!” Midnight urged herself even harder and soon she could feel herself growing; legs and wings lengthening, her now adult body allowing her to run at full gallop.

Her mother still outpaced her and soon she disappeared entirely. Midnight continued to run after her until two figures blocked her way. She came to a skidding halt when she saw who it was. “Squeaks! Sapphire! Thank Faust you two are -!”

“What do you want?” Sapphire said, stepping in between her and Squeaks. "We already told you; we don’t want to live with a monster!” Sapphire’s eyes, for both of them had faces, unlike her mother, burned with looks of hatred and betrayal.

Midnight took a step back. “What!? Sapphire, it’s me! I’m not a -”

“Don’t lie!” Squeaks yelled from behind the pegasus. “We all saw you turn into that thing! I don’t want a monster for a mom! I hate you!

Midnight took another step back. “Squeaks!”

“I’m taking her back to the palace with me where she can be with normal ponies.” Sapphire said, backing away with Squeaks.

“I think that’s a perfect idea.” Out of the shadows emerged Princess Celestia. “Had I known what she really was, I would never have allowed her stay in Ponyville, much less adopt a foal. Equestria doesn’t harbor abominations.”

“I am not a monster!” Midnight yelled feebly.

“Of course you are,” the princess said, “a monster.”

“An abomination.” Sapphire continued.

“And a freak!” Squeaks said finally.

Before Midnight could respond, others began appearing from the darkness. Some had faces, others did not, but all were chanting the same thing.




“Stop it! I’m not any of those things!” Midnight yelled. The mob only continued to grow louder as they began to march toward her, enveloping Celestia, Sapphire, and Squeaks into their midst. Midnight backed away from them, pleading with them to stop and understand. “I don’t know why I can do it, but I’ve never hurt anypony! I swear!”




Midnight continued to back away from them until her back legs stepped into open space and she fell back, her front hooves gripping at the hole’s edge as the mob continued to move in.




Tears poured down Midnight’s face as she continued to try and pull herself up, her wings flapping uselessly. Then she heard something down in the pit. Looking down, she saw two large, blue draconic eyes staring back at her, then the head of a dragon, no, a wyvern, emerged from the pit, eyeing her hungrily. Midnight whipped her head forward and continued trying frantically to pull herself up. “Please, I’m not- I don’t want to-!” The crowd had reached her now, all eyes, existent and non-existent, were on her. “Please!” Midnight reached out a hoof to them. As one, they pulled back their hooves, then kicked her off the edge. Midnight fell back into the pit, shouting but no voice came out. The figures on the edge disappeared as the wyvern’s jaws closed around her.


NO!” Midnight bolted up, or least she tried to, but sets of hooves pushed her back down. She tried to swat them away but both her front legs and tail seemed to be restrained. “GET OFF ME!” she roared, letting loose a burst of flame. The ponies holding her down disappeared, one of them yelling out in pain and immediately there was more yelling. As soon as they were gone she began twisting and tugging at her restraints. Almost immediately she let out a roar of pain when an obscene amount of it shot up from her left rear leg, forcing her eyes shut, but her efforts did bear fruit as her tail came undone and began to swing wildly.

“Some pony get her under again, before she-!” A series of crashes sounded from somewhere to the side as the kirin flailed about. Somewhere a door slammed open and the yelling increased. The flat side of her tail blade impacted with something and a dull *whump* told her she had knocked it into a wall. Once again she let out a blast of fire to drive whoever was there away, but this time something pushed back against it. Opening her eyes slightly, she could see a golden aura smothering the flame, then it turned on her, forcing her limbs to hold still. Looking to her side she saw an alabaster figure staring down at her with more of the golden aura floating around her head. Suddenly she felt very tired.

“You… you…” and the world went black again.


Midnight let out a soft moan as she woke up. Her eyes cracked open slightly, and a golden aura met them. “Wha… where…?”

“Easy Midnight, everything is alright. You’re in Ponyville Medical.”

Midnight tried to move her head to see the speaker, but it remained firmly in place. “Why… why can’t I…?”

“The last time you woke up, there was… quite a scene. I need to know it won’t happen again before I let you go.”

Another voice scoffed.

Midnight’s head buzzed. How could a unicorn be holding her down with magic? Then everything slammed to the forefront of her mind. The hydra, the fighting, Squeaks in danger. “Squeaks!”

“She’s alright; everypony made it out safe, thanks to you.”

The kirin calmed down slightly at this but she still tried to turn and see what was going on. “Where is she?”

“Squeaky Wings is right outside but we need to make sure you’re okay first before you can see her.”

“I’m not dangerous!” Midnight yelled, redoubling her efforts to get loose. “I’m not going to hurt her! I would never hurt her!”

There was a pregnant pause from the voice. “Midnight, nopony here thinks you’re going to hurt anypony.” There was a touch of confusion in the voice.

“Then why am I being held down unless you think so!? I can control it!”

“I know you can. I’m holding you down so you don’t hurt somepony like last time.”

“Last time? What… what do you mean ‘last time’? It was a dream, a nightmare.”

“And a very vivid one. The doctors brought in orderlies to keep you down so you wouldn’t hurt yourself further or reopen your wounds. Then you woke up and, well, let’s say things quickly got out of hoof and I had to step in.” There was the sound of somepony walking towards the bed, and Princess Celestia came into view. “You managed to burn an orderly and knock a doctor into a wall before I could restrain and sedate you.”

A small knot formed in Midnight’s stomach. “How… how bad was it?”

“It could have been worse." Nurse Redheart came into view. "The orderly has a lot less mane and a first degree burn and the doctor may want to avoid strenuous activities for a bit but nothing permanent or long-lasting.”

The knot went away slightly and Midnight breathed a sigh of relief only to suddenly be confused. “But… how did I get here? I don’t remember anything after the fight.”

Celestia suddenly looked crest fallen. “You were very badly hurt Midnight. I used my magic to stop the bleeding and heal some of the wounds, but you had already lost a large amount of blood by the time we got you here.”

“Then… how am I still alive?”

“Sometime before my sister was banished, there was a unicorn doctor who learned how to make the body reproduce blood at an accelerated rate. Princess Luna and I learned this spell from him, although I haven’t used it in quite some time. For a little while I was afraid I might have forgotten it.”

“Couldn’t one of the other unicorn doctors show you again? It has to be standard for them.”

Celestia shook her head. “He was a very talented unicorn, and the spell he created was very powerful. Very few unicorns can perform it and, if done incorrectly, the results could be… messy.” Silence reigned again for a minute. “When Sapphire Breeze comes in with the others, I hope you’ll thank her. If it hadn’t been for the letter she sent about what was going on, I doubt we would be having this discussion right now.”

Midnight nodded. Of course she would thank her, although she also wanted to know why Squeaks had been back at the fight in the first place.

“We shouldn’t be.” Redheart said, lifting up a clipboard. “Besides the broken leg, you’ve got deep wounds all over your body and several of your major arteries have either been nicked or cut into. The fact that you didn’t die of blood loss before the princess got you here is a damn miracle.” Celestia gave her a look but Redheart just shrugged.

“Um… princess?” Midnight asked. “Why aren’t you afraid of me? You saw what I can become.”

Celestia ended her restraining spell and turned towards the door. “If I may, I’d like to talk about that with the others, if that’s alright with you. And you as well, Nurse Redheart.”

The earth mare shrugged. “If you insist princess, although I have to ask that you not jostle or excite the patient or I will ask you to leave.”

Celestia smiled at her. “Understood. Midnight?”

Midnight’s face fell. “I guess it’s alright. They all know about it now anyway.”

Celestia opened the door, and something orange-and-cream colored ran into the room. “Mom!” Squeaks cried as she ran around the foot of the bed and up onto the chair on Midnight’s right. “I’msosorryIshouldhavelistenedtoyouI’llnevernotlistentoyouagainI’msosorry!” With that Squeaks collapsed onto Midnight right foreleg and began bawling.

Midnight tried to move her wing to stroke Squeaks, but found that both wings were restrained in medical tape. Gently, she slid her leg out from under Squeaks and used it to hold her as she continued to cry. It took a few minutes for the filly to finally stop, during which time Sapphire and the Mane Six entered the room and Nurse Redheart left.

“I was so scared I was going to lose you that I just had to go back and look.”

“And I’m touched that you were so concerned for me Squeaks but I hope that from now on when I tell you to do something, you’ll do it.” Squeaks tearfully nodded and Midnight gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“I’m sorry Midnight; it was my fault.” Midnight looked around to see Sapphire seated at the other side of the bed, looking anywhere but at her. “If I had kept a closer eye on Squeaky, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“I don’t blame you Sapphire.” The pegasus finally looked up at her in surprise. “I don’t really blame anypony, except maybe the hydra, and myself. If I hadn’t taken a nap, I might have read your letter in time to avoid all this.” Midnight smiled at her. “And, thank you, for doing your best to watch over, not only Squeaks, but all the girls. And for telling the princess what was going on. I owe you big time for that.”

Finally Sapphire smiled back at her. “That’s what friends do.”

Midnight raised an eyebrow. “You still want to be friends even after I turned into a wyvern?”

“Ya know, that’s somethin’ me and the rest have been wonderin’ about.” AJ said. “How can you turn into one of them dragon-wyvern-whatever thingies? I thought you couldn’t do magic?”

“I’ve been wondering about that myself.” Twilight added. “I performed a magic-scan on you and came up with nothing.”

Midnight made to start speaking when something brushed her legs. Looking down she saw Princess Celestia withdraw her wing.

“Perhaps I could explain a bit first?”

Midnight hesitated, then nodded.

“Thank you. Yes, Midnight can change into a wyvern, as I first suspected when I saw her cutie mark.” Celestia lifted the sheets to expose the mark in question. “I have only come across this kind of mark once before on a pair of kirin twins more than 1,500 years ago. They, too, could transform into wyverns at will, and as I suspect with Midnight, for a short time.”

“But, she has no magic!” Twilight insisted, “how can she do so without it?”

Celestia gave a knowing smile. “Actually Twilight, Midnight, like all kirins, does have some latent magical ability, but it is too hard for a unicorn, even one of your skill and knowledge, to detect. Only an alicorn such as myself or Princess Luna, can really detect it. Since both the twins and Midnight had a wyvern for a father, I suspect that is where the ability came from.”

“What do you mean?” Midnight asked, “what does my dad have to do with all this?”

“The same reason why such a large creature can mate with a pony: wyverns have learned to use the small bit of magical energy they posses to shift sizes. They can’t really control it more than going between normal size and being about the size of myself, but that is how you, and many other kirins, came to be. I suspect that somehow that ability passed on to the three of you.”

“Were they in control as well?” Midnight asked, a pleading look on her face.

“Marble and Quartz Stone were putting on air shows before the Wonderbolts themselves ever did. They had a nasty habit of scaring towns half to death when they would arrive but they never lost control of themselves. It was quite a shock when they first changed of course.”

No kidding,’ Midnight thought, remembering when she first changed.

“But, how do you know that was your special talent?” Rainbow asked. “I mean, did you just decide you wanted to be a dragon, or wyvern, or whatever, and BOOM, you were one?”

“The twins first changed during a heated argument and we suspected the intense emotions brought about the change. I can only assume that Midnight went through something similar.” They all looked her way but Midnight didn’t meet any of their eyes.

“Midnight, did something else happen the day you got your cutie mark? Is that why you thought I didn’t want to be friends with you anymore?” Sapphire asked.

Midnight stayed silent for a time, stroking Squeaks’ mane and not looking at anypony. Finally, she took a deep breath. “I did have one friend when I was a filly. Back then when I wanted to go outside, my mom dressed me up so that I looked like a unicorn. We explained away my eyes as the result of an advanced spell I had tried gone wrong, which also explained my lack of magical ability. Soft Glow didn’t care that I looked different; she didn’t have any friends either before we met. We played together all the time in the ally next to my house and we had lots of fun except when Shining Star and Crystal Goblet came around. Those two picked on us a lot like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon do to you sometimes.” She patted Squeaks’ head. “One day they decided to get a little rough. They stole the toys we were playing with and pushed Soft Glow into a puddle. I got so mad and I just wanted them to leave us alone for once that I just…” Midnight shook her head slightly and tears began to well up in her eyes. “The next thing I knew I was almost three stories tall and those two were running away screaming. I turned to Soft Glow to see if she was alright and she bolted too, screaming about how I was a monster. She never wanted to be near me again. Nopony else saw what happened so they all felt the girls had been over-reacting to the way I looked. You all are the first ponies to ever see what I really am and still want to be my friends.”

Silence hung in the air as Midnight finished. After a minute Celestia finally broke it. “I’m so sorry Midnight. When the twins changed they had the rest of the kirins to fall back on, and all of them were very accepting of them. Yourself, on the other hoof…” The princess fell silent again.

“Well, she can always fall back on us, right?” They all looked up at Pinkie. “I mean, we’re all her friends, right? And friends stick together, like gum, or taffy, or syrup! Mmm… maple syrup…” Everypony smiled as Pinkie licked her lips.

“It’s true Midnight. We may not hang out together as much but we all think of you as a friend and as a friend you should never be scared to come to us with a problem.” Twilight said, with agreements from the rest. “And then there’s Berry Punch and Derpy Hooves; I’m sure if you tell them about this they’ll understand. And I already told you Ponyville is different from the places you’ve been.”

Even Midnight smiled now. “I doubt they’d stay calm at the sight of a wyvern descending on the market.”

“That might set off a few alarms.” Applejack said with a chuckle.

“And I’ll be there for you, too.” Sapphire said.

“And me too!” Agreed Squeaks.

“Thank you, I really do appreciate it. But, let’s just keep it between the ponies in this room for now; at least until I’m a bit more ready?” Everypony nodded. “Thank you.”

Celestia stepped forward. “Now that that’s settled, I suggest we leave Midnight to get some rest and begin recuperating.”

“But, she’s been asleep for three days; why would she need to rest some more?” Squeaks asked.

Three days!?” Midnight yelled. “Young filly, have you been missing school!?”

Squeaks rubbed the back of her head. “I’ve been getting my homework.”

“Tomorrow. School. No excuses.”

“Yes mom.”

“I’ll make sure she gets there.” Sapphire said.

“One last thing before I leave Midnight,” Celestia cut in. “I suggest a more draconic diet to help boost your healing ability. I’ll have the gems sent here and I believe Sapphire can handle the rest.”

Sapphire nodded. “We’ve got enough in the freezer for about a week and a half, maybe two.”

“I’ll see about sending more here if her recovery takes longer than that.” Celestia assured her.

“Um… excuse me princess but what are you talking about? All she needs is gemstones, right?” Twilight asked.

Midnight looked at her like she’d grown an extra head. “Seriously? You live with a dragon and you seriously ask that?”

“What? The only thing Spike eats that’s dragon-like is gemstones.”

“Spike is an earth dragon, Midnight. His kind rarely eats what other dragons do.” Celestia explained.

“Oh, that makes sense.”

“Of course it does, I mean, what else do… dragons… eat…” The gears in Twilight’s head finally clicked into place. “Oh.”

“Um… if it’s okay with you, your highness, I could ask my bear friend Harry and a few of my eagle and hawk friends if they could help get Midnight what she needs, I mean, if that’s alright.”

Twilight stared at Fluttershy. “How in Equestria-?”

“Well, um, she has fangs, and only carnivores and omnivores have fangs, so, I just figured-”

“But how are you okay with that!? Shouldn’t you be freaking out at the very idea!?”

“Well, some of my animal friends are carnivores, and I take care of them as well. I wouldn’t be very good with animals if I didn’t know what they need, even if I don’t like knowing sometimes. Also, a few of my animal friends have been telling me some stories about a black pony attacking from the sky.”

“Now wait a gosh darn minute, are y’all sayin’…?”

“I eat meat, yes.” Midnight finished for her.

“So, is that what that shed of yours is for?” Rainbow asked.

“I think that’s enough for now.” Celestia said, flaring her wings slightly. “Midnight has told us a lot about herself today and I believe she’s earned a rest. I’ll inform the staff of the food arrangements.”

They all said their goodbyes and promised to visit her in the following days. Squeaks took the longest to get out the door, of course. “I can come over after school, right?”

“Only after you’ve stopped in and made sure Sapphire knows you’re home and where you plan to go. You’re still in trouble, missy.” Midnight made sure to give her a big hug, though, and then only Celestia was in the room with her.

“I do have one more thing to ask. I think that, after such a close call as this, you should get in contact with your mother. I understand you and her parted ways years back but maybe now might be a good time to talk with her.”

Midnight turned and looked out the window, her eyebrows furrowed. “Princess, when Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon, did you want anypony else to be involved or did you want to keep what was happening between the two of you?”

Celestia frowned slightly. “I didn’t think anypony else could help her like I could. But, if I had asked for assistance from the few friends she did have, things may have turned out differently. In your case, you may have fewer nightmares of your own.”

Midnight whipped her head around and stared at the alicorn.

“Ponies who have gone through trauma such as your own tend to experience very vivid and horrible nightmares. When my sister learned what happened she used one of her powers to enter your dreams to try and head them off. She told me about the nightmare you had before waking up the first time.”

Midnight sighed and looked back out the window. “Having friends that know me, the real me, would make reconciling with her easier but I don’t think I’m ready right now. I definitely don’t want her to see me like this in a hospital after all this time. I will talk with her again, just not now.”

“Sometimes waiting a bit longer makes it too late.”

“That’s a chance I’m willing to take, Celestia. I’ve been doing so for nearly four years now.”

Silence. “Then I wish you good night, Midnight. I hope you feel well again soon.”

“Thank you, Celestia. Good night to you, too.”

Author's Note:

So, I hope I've explained some things properly. My proofreader says that since she had a near-death experience, it's not out of character for her to open up like that. Also, I promise no more harping about Midnight's mom from Celestia.

And seriously guys, with all the creatures Flutters takes care of, is it really a surprise she wouldn't have a problem with carnivores?