• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 18 minutes ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle made it official; they got married. While on their Honeymoon, a tragic situation back home pushes a young filly to the edge. When they come back , they take it upon themselves to show Scootaloo the light at the end of the tunnel, whether she wants them to or not.

(Twidash with Scootadoption, if you like neither, you really shouldn't read this.)

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 152 )

Very intresting story, i'll be sure to follow , this is my fav parring and whats more Scootaloo is in it ,

Suddenly there are TwiDash+ScootAdopts everywhere!

I approve wholeheartedly. :twilightsmile:


Apparently they have a wall cluck on the wall ticking and tocking merrily in the silent library.

I like the idea, Scootadoption but then I got to the section with Twilight's parents... Sorry but you've lost a reader on that.

Needs editing, yeah, but whatever. I say, what the buck? I think I'll give this story a chance. :yay:
Damn. Twilight's parents are assholes. They could have been nicer about their disapproval, at least. :twilightangry2: Makes me wonder though- if I wasn't straight, how would my parents react? :twilightoops:

Just going to throw another "WTF is wrong with Twilight's parents in this story" onto the pile. I mean dang, that's just mind boggling. Even if you were homophobic and hated the idea of their relationship you're really going to insult them (including accusations of abuse) to the point where your own daughter is forced to hit you. Wow. And lets not forget just how impressive these two are: Heroes of Equestria (who have saved your lives multiple times), Personal friends with all three Alicorn Princesses (including your direct ruler who also happens to approve of their relationship), the most Powerful Unicorn/Pegasis in the entire world (her dad had to have lost his mind to get in rainbow's face like that), each destined for greatness (future wonderbolt and whatever Twilight would have done since they obviously didn't see becoming an Alicorn Princess in her future at this point), and you disown them... Oh right and also this is your loving daughter who until this moment you had nothing but love and pride for. All because Rainbow lacks a *ahem*. That's some shockingly bad homophobia right there. Not saying it's unrealistic or anything but...


It's pretty common with some families. I knew a 'girl' who's father put her in the hospital because she said she didn't want to be a man anymore. The jerk didn't even get arrested for it...

Anyway, it's a pretty generic opening so far but well written so i'll follow to see where you take me.

Which means squat. Yes I know that some families could do that, but not all. I see it as unnecessary drama that is contrary to the morals of the show.

I'm loving all of these Scootadoption stories with TwiDash. Keep up the great writing!

Great opening, I've enjoyed a couple of your previous stories.
Just notice a small error, you spelled "cluck" instead of "clock"
Other than that great job, looking forward to the rest of it.

it was a fight she was loosing.

Should be losing, apart from that and a missed capitalisation of Twilight in the paragraph after said misspelling, it was a nice opener to a Scootadoption fic. :twilightsmile:

I dunno what's up with all these Scoota-Twi-Dashie-ness, but I love it. :raritystarry:

Great chapter, interesting story, faved and thumbed up.


And I know a couple of transsexuals who weren't severely beaten when they "came out". Now I'm not saying everything was tea and roses, but frankly, it can't be an easy adjustment to have the person that you spent the last n years raising, suddenly come out and say that they're actually the opposite sex. Especially if the parents don't know anything about transsexuality, which is most likely true of most people. (To be perfectly clear, I'm saying that slow acceptance of the idea is acceptable, not hospitalizing your offspring).

All that said, who gives half a flying fuck what happens in the real world? Unless/until something is spoken about how homosexuality is viewed in Equestria in the actual show—which won't happen, because it's a show for kids—authors have complete latitude in how they portray the cultural attitudes in Equestria towards homosexuality. As such, having Twilight's parents being fairly extreme homophobes is dramamongering, pure and simple. It isn't quite enough to get me to drop the fic like it is for Celestias Paladin, but I'm not going to lie, it gives me severe misgivings.

I find myself commenting on a Scootadoption fic for the second time this week to point out something that is probably a minor item to most people who read such stories, but something that I can not help but see.

Unless I missed it somehow, you seem to have forgotten that before Twi and Dash got together there were already two principal characters sleeping in her bedroom at night, already two principal characters living in the library, and two principal characters whose lives would be deeply and utterly affected by Twilight being in a relationship.

Spike has lived with Twilight literally all of his life (according to herself in Dragonquest). When the time inevitably comes that she begins a relationship, it is going to have consequences for him. He'll go from being able to listen for her breathing if he has a nightmare to being banished to the basement so Dash can have some privacy as she boinks the closest thing he'll ever have to a mom.

I work with kids, and I know the effect that it has on children when their single mother, or their foster sponsor, becomes involved in a relationship. They might desperately want their parent/sponsor to be happy, like Spike certainly wants Twilight to be, but uncertainty about their new place "in the pecking order" reflects in their grades, sleeping, eating, and relationships.

You're hardly the only one to gloss over this aspect of Twilight becoming involved in a relationship, and I'll admit that I'm a little on-edge about it because I have a sneaking suspicion that the show is going to do the same when/if Twilight does get a love interest. Just, please, remember that Twilight already is raising a child, one that loves her very much.

Spike has nothing in the series except for Twilight, and now in this work he has less than half of that. When Scoots comes, he'll have a third of that. Leave him something, please.

just kill me pls ITS.TO.MUCH.

you just killed the story.

I doubt that this fic is meant to be completely canon, I doubt that any fic is going to introduce love in the way that they do between to women and have it canon, mainly because it would cause an uproar from homophobes, and it isn't really worth it. I think that the view Twilight's parents have taken is not canon, then again, neither is TwiDash, but it could be realistic. Things like that do happen a lot, so it can't just be ignored.

I can't deny that any of that wouldn't be true. I say toss Sweetie Belle at him, ever since I saw him and her dancing at the wedding I've thought they would make a good pairing.

I know it won't really fix things but it could help.


Since the beginning of the story starts when Dash and Twi get married, don't ya think they would have already dealt with Spike and these kinda things? That's something you do when Dash moves in, not after their married. However, when it comes to the Scootadoption, Spike will not be forgotten, I can promise you that.


Since I have gottan a lot of comments about this, I think I should probably deal with it. No hiding behind a computer screen for me, it seems.

Yes, the extreme homophobic parents are not exactly "cannon" but they have no personalities at all in the show. Their personalities are 100% head cannon, no matter what fic you read with them. Sure, we may have a generally accepted view of them, but altering that view for a single story should not take away from it, since you cannot claim they are OOC. Now then, as for the unnecessary drama, all I can say without spoilers is... the drama is not what's happened, it's what's going to happen. I have planned this fic extensively, there is nothing in these words that will be forgotten later in the story, meaning that pretty much everything mentioned will be coming back. From locations, to things ponies say, to things that happened in the past. And no, the drama does not come from the make up. What I can tell you, is things will get a lot worse for Twi's parents before they get better.


Thank you all so much! Thank's to all of you and many more, this story has made it to the popular stories list! Might not be the featured list, but it's on the front page, and for not I'm happy with that.

well that was a very great chapter and as i do with all twi-dash-scootadopt story's faved and liked hope to see more in the future (chapters):pinkiehappy::flutterrage:

It's not entirely true that Twilight's parents have no personality in the show and that everything is fandom/head cannon. We do see them a couple times (and know a bit about Twilight's childhood) so we can draw a few (very brief and minor to be sure) ideas about how they act.

That said I wasn't especially "against" them being opposed to her relationship with Dash as I was surprised at their reaction. People have brought up what happens in reality to explain it but frankly I don't think any of the kids mentioned here whose parents disowned/beat them were celebrated national heroes, with close ties to royalty/"gods", and reality breaking powers (which her parents have even been on the receiving end of... I doubt they had forgotten being turned into potted plants so quickly). Even if they hated the idea, blowing up in front of the couple seems unwise (as is accusing Dash of beating Twilight... Again, if Twilight wanted, Dash could be a fern in a jar, somehow I don't think abuse is the first thing that would come to mind).

Still this is entirely your story and you're more then welcome to do it however you want, I was simply posting my reaction to the events that happened, not asking for them to be changed or your position to be defended.

In my own defense, I'm not interested in what is assumed. I read fan-fiction because it is speculative, and it's the job of the author to create the world that the reader will be immersed in. I know that Twilight leaves Spike out of a lot... but her wedding? I saw "her four other friends and Shining and Cadance". It put me in a position of thinking that you, like a lot of authors, were going to deal with Spike in romance fics by "not dealing with him".

The fandom generally treats Spike like a "living chastity belt", a character who must be disposed of before they can do anything with Twilight romantically. Since Spike is not mentioned anywhere in this story, even when Dash and Twi return to the home he shares with Twilight, I believe I can be forgiven for making that assumption.

Once again, this is something rampant in the fandom, and in fan-fiction in general, and I don't mean to single you out.

I am glad that he will be included farther along. Thank you for your understanding.

He is mentioned, actually. When they get home directly after the reception I have Twilight taking him back to his room (he's sleeping on her back). However, did I seriously leave him out of the wedding? :facehoof:
I knew I was missing something. Half way through writing this fic I lost all my progress and I had to restart, and I knew I was forgetting someone when I re-wrote that scene, but I brushed it off. derp derp derp, I need to go add that, thanks.

And I'm sorry that I missed that bit after the reception. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

As much as I would agree, anger, combined with confusion, can cloud one's judgement far beyond the point of rational thought. Though it will come up later in the fic, with the way Twilight's parents were raised (at least to my mind) and the way they tried to raise Twi makes it nearly impossible for them to even consider something like a homosexual relationship, never mind accept it. The confusion of their daughter being gay, along with the anger from the way they were raised, would have pretty much blocked any really rational thought. At that point they would have desperately grasped at straws to think of any way possible for Twi to not be gay. And, one of the possibilities, would be that Rainbow is forcing her. In the mind set they would be in, they would not consider anything but "My daughter's not like this, she must be forcing her" no matter what Twi has done or is capable of.

Hope this makes a it a little more... believable until I go over this in the story.


Yes, and I accept that. I never claimed that they were OOC. None of us did. I think that the reason that severe homophobia in MLP fanfiction is so off-putting to me is that I like to imagine Equestria as a better place than Earth, one where bigotry against sexuality is non-existent. While it is your prerogative as an author to make decisions on characters, it is my prerogative as a reader to complain about those decisions, and if necessary, quit reading. :pinkiehappy:

I did assume that the homophobia would factor into the plot somehow, and I am glad to see that the plot isn't the overused "reconciliation with parents".

(Nitpicking side note: the word is canon, not cannon.)


You seem to be analyzing the situation as if their reactions would be reasoned. They wouldn't be. Unless they had no emotional connection with their daughter (which we can assume in this case to be untrue), this would be an emotional reaction.

If they thought it through, would it make sense that RD could be forcing Twi into this relationship through physical coercion? No. But they just want to come up with some excuse as to why their baby girl isn't one of them.

Did they forget that Twilight is able to turn them into potted plants? Not exactly, but this is a question of power dynamics. Unless Twilight went around threatening her parents with potted-planthood whenever she didn't get her way, the power dynamic is still solidly weighted towards the parents. Until a child rebels and stands their ground, most parents feel that they have all the power. This makes sense since when we are children, they do have ultimate power over us, and for the most part, people continue letting their parents exercise that power over them. Usually it takes something really egregious to break/reverse that power dynamic.

And that "out of their mind" reaction is exactly what I was talking about in my original post. Apparently their homophobia is so deep/strong ("their daughter couldn't be one of them" as you put it) that they are going to ignore not only their love/pride for their daughter but also a metric ton of common sense reasons (and potentially their well being both current and future) in their rage and denial. If it was simply confusion or distaste it's entirely reasonable that they could restrain themselves enough to at least think of what a massive mistake doing what they did would be. Thus my original comment about how my mind was boggled/shocked at their homophobia.


Yes, these are people that actively hate homosexuality. If they just disagreed with it on an intellectual level, or slightly disliked it, they could probably take it on an intellectual level. However as they hate it, the "metric ton of common sense reasons" have absolutely no bearing on the situation. Whenever they think about homosexuality, their thoughts are consumed with hate and loathing.

I guess I just have less faith in humanity (or whatever the pony version of the word is) than you do, because I can believe quite easily that there are people that are that bad. Here is an example of shitty people:

(Important part starts at 2:52.)

Admittedly, the whole homophobia thing in general seems to be standing on shaking legs when the wedding between two mares is being officiated by the head of state and de-facto goddess of Equestria. :trollestia: Pretty hard to beat an endorsement But then again, people are that stupid about this sort of stuff in real life, so why not ponies.

I really like this chapter. Twilight's parents (well, mostly her father) are so terribly homophobic. But my question is, where are Cadence and Shining in all this? Cadence, as princess of Love should not care. But Shining is the one I have my doubts about...

As mentioned at the wedding, he is in attendance. Since he's technically the Prince of the Crystal Empire he's probably not going to be living with his parents. That being said, we will be seeing his involvement/position very soon.

An interesting idea. The narration didn't tickle my fancy, but it flows correctly and is to the point. I must say I'd be interested in seeing how Spike reacts to Rainbow Dash loving and moving in with Twilight, as mentioned by a few reviewers. That was never touched on in the few TwiDash stories I read.

I'm more interested in 'Scootadopt' than in the homophobia, so I'm looking forward to the next chapters.

I found two little lines that showed Rainbow's devotion for Twilight well, though I feel one can be bettered;

'For Twilight, she would wear her mane like that every day'


'Twilight was worth more then a single ruined dress,' where I'd have put 'so much' before 'more.'

Twilight calling her father by his own name was a nice touch. And must I conclude that Sugarcube Corner isn't 'as full as it had been at previous parties' because of other homophobes refusing to attent the party?

You have an issue with said tags; lines should read as '"I speak," he said,' not '"I speak." He said.'

You also refer to Rainbow Dash being 'cyan' far too much. 'Cyan wing,' cyan neck,' 'cyan fur...' 'Cyan' adds absolutely nothing to the story; we know the color of Rainbow's coat. If anything, it detracts from the story.

Oh, and eyes are not orbs. Not when you refer to pupils and irises.

There are two sentences I feel could be better;

'Her own parents had failed to show up to her wedding,' where I believe a 'had refused to show up' or a simple, non-foreshadowing 'hadn't shown up' would fit better. 'Failed' can be understood to imply they actually tried to be at the wedding.

'She received a cyan wing draped over her shoulder as she did' would flow better as 'A wing draped over her shoulder as she did.'

Also, always start a new paragraph when the point of view shifts to another person.

'“Don’t lie to me, you dirty fillyfooler, Twilight would never affiliate herself with the likes of you!” That was the last straw'

should be

'“Don’t lie to me, you dirty fillyfooler, Twilight would never affiliate herself with the likes of you!”

That was the last straw'


'“Ha-ha, now are you gonna help me or not?” Twilight held in a small chuckle'

should be

'“Ha-ha, now are you gonna help me or not?”

Twilight held in a small chuckle.'

I found several typos;

'She smiled and (at) the gorgeous mare, Twilight returning the smile,'

'“I do(.)”'

'“I do(,)” Twilight replied,'

'While traditionally... ...but they had instead' where either 'while' or 'but' is unnecessary,

'She hop(p)ed up on her back,'

'as a lavender hoof beat hers (her) to the chance,'

'and sat (d)own facing the valley,'

'Before either of them (k)new it,'

'She glanced over to the wall cluck (clock) that ticked and tocked,'

'it was a fight she was loosing (losing),'

'Once again twilight (Twilight) leaned in'


'Rainbow grinned sheepishly(,) blushing a little.'

Wow, someone who actually took the time to review. I don't get a lot of that.
As to the actual review, thank you very much, I'll get onto those edits when I have some free time, and I'll see what I can do about the next few chapters in regards to my other mistakes. Thanks for taking the time to review, and I hope you enjoy the story.


You're welcome.

Something I forgot to specify; while I'm interested in Spike dealing with TwiDash, I never meant that it should be included in this story if you don't wish so. I was merely stating how curious I was about a subject mentioned in the comments.

I should keep reading this story, but I can't guarantee I'll review as soon as it's updated. It might take a few days, or one week, or two weeks...

It's good and I hope you finish some day

If my plan holds out, some day may come sooner then you think. If I can get what I want to done, this will continue in less then a month.

3206521 I am somewhat impatient but I gurss I can wait for this...

Have faith, good sir! I may not have a lot of time on my hands but my readers are almost always my #1 priority. This has been getting a few more favorites recently, boosting it much closer to the top of my list. As soon as I have time away from anything else (AKA this weekend) I hope to begin the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-I've lost track of how many times I've rewritten this chapter-re-re-re-re-write, one that I will hopefully be happy with enough to post it for your viewing pleasure.

3289235 Ok, anyways I was just wondering as I like both TwiDash & Scootadoption stories, they are both my favorite type of story, so when I found this I was happy. Anyways, keep up the excellent work.

TwiDash Scootadoption? Has been on my 'Read Later' list I don't know how long? I'm bored and want something touching to read?
Why did I wait so long? Oh yeah, the on hiatus tag.
Change that soon, please?

Like previous comments, and even blogs have stated, I hope to return to this within a week. No idea when the next chapter will be up, but it shouldn't be long now.

Well, I haven't seen the previous comments or blogs, as this is the first thing of yours to come under my radar. However, eager to see what comes next. I'll be patient.

TwiDash with Scootadoption, how has this NOT been updated for such a long time :raritydespair:

Rather good so far.
One edit problem I noticed. You described the cabin as being too stories tall.

Gah, always miss something when I edit.
Fixed, thanks.

Comment posted by Midnight45 deleted Nov 13th, 2013
Comment posted by Midnight45 deleted Nov 13th, 2013
Comment posted by Midnight45 deleted Nov 13th, 2013
Comment posted by Midnight45 deleted Nov 13th, 2013

Some suggested edits. (as it stands) (as it should be)
(gently as it mad its way) (gently as it made its way)
(Not quite expecting what to find inside if the outside looked like this) (Not quite knowing what to expect inside if the outside looked like this)
(more impressive then the last) (more impressive than the last)
(filled with an wide variety of drinks) (filled with a wide variety of drinks)
All in all a great story so far.

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