• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Episode 16: A Country at War

The Equestrian and changeling armies have suffered greatly from the battle. Esmeralda is ready to end the war once and for all and sets her sights on the last safe haven in Equestria: Canterlot. As Donna ventures into the Changeling Castle to find Esmeralda's greatest weakness; the Doctor, Twilight, and Angie take charge and Angie goes beyond what she ever expected of herself.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 76 )

Seeing every pony's reaction to Donna has made Donna remaining a human in Equestria completely worth it! :pinkiehappy: Gustus Amoris is a cool name. "Taste of Love" in Latin I believe.

Esmeralda's heart held separate from her body... very Once Upon a Time-y. :ajsmug:

Oh the suspense kills me! Why does it always end just as interesting things begin to happen? How did Donna know the arrow was poisoned anyway? :rainbowhuh: Oh well.

Donna could tell that the arrow was poisoned due to the fact that it emitted a series of green and purple colors as well as the fact that she felt slightly nauseous soon after the arrow nicked her.


2614695 THat's sadistic. Also, why do you appear to be doing this in short chapters?

I'm not trying to be sadistic. :pinkiesad2: I'm just adding tension to the story. In terms of chapter length, that usually just depends on what I want to happen in a chapter and such.


2621236 Sorry about that. I'm not really in, say, the right frame of mind? You see, absolutely everything about me is going bug fuck. I had to go into burn out mode multiple times to beat my ninth grade counter-part, Henry. I'm in 7th grade, so it is critical for me to beat him at every twist and turn.

No problem. Everybody gets stressed out every now and then, especially if it involves school or work. Here's a Derpy and a mustache to wish you the best of luck. :derpytongue2: :moustache:

Ahhh! Again with the endings! I like how these two stories are very epic in scope. Nothing less is fitting for Donna Noble's triumphant return! :pinkiehappy:

Why do I get the sense that something unexpected will happen with Donna and the fire beast? :derpytongue2:

Ah, yes, the Doctor being epic!

"...I will defend them to my last breath...or, in the worst case scenario, avenge their deaths."

Why does that sound very familiar?

What did Donna find behind the door?! :twilightoops: Ugh! Suspense.

NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why must you make us wait?!?!? :raritycry:

Ugh, I hate cliffhangers!!!! I wasn't expecting the baby changeling though, nice touch.

Well, that was indeed unexpected. :twilightoops:

I feel the climactic end of this epic story is coming soon. I await it gladly. :pinkiehappy:

Wow, I must say, I'm impressed with the way you resolved the situation in the castle, but now how are you going to resolve the issue of the poison? Or did the fire beast cauterize the wound leaving it poison free?

Hoo boy, another epic chapter. Where in your brain have you found the willpower to update this so quickly?

2701175 You think this is impressive. When I started reading these on Fanfiction.net, he used to update these like everyday.

Are you intentionally making this story as awesome as possible? Donna comes to save the day riding on a supersonic dragon! :derpyderp1:

There is something so My Little Pony about attempting to defeat an eldritch abomination bordering on the horrifying creatures of Doctor Who by throwing apples at it! :ajsmug:

Wow, that was a great conclusion to the story. Can't wait for the next one!

I'll admit the ending was a bit anticlimactic. I think I would have liked to have seen the awards ceremony instead of just being told about it. The ending might have deserved two chapters. Also, not to sure why the story is called "Angie the Great". To me, she doesn't really play that big a role in the story to merit the title. But that's just me.

Overall, a truly epic story that fits Donna Noble's epic return. It's maybe the only human in Equestria story worth reading! :rainbowlaugh: Probably why I expected more from the ending. It certainly had an epic cliffhanger. :twilightangry2: Introducing Colgate (or Minuette has she's officially called I believe) into your Doctor Whooves mythos. Interesting choice. Let's see where that goes. As always, keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I can admit that I rushed a bit on the ending but I guess a part of me just really wanted to get this story finished with so I could move onto other episodes and such. I can also understand your confusion with the title, but I can explain it.

The reason it's called "Angie the Great" isn't specifically based around Angie playing a completely central part in the story or becoming a great hero but is based around her rising past how she viewed herself in the previous episode. In "A Country at War" Angie was pretty content with the belief that she wouldn't amount to much or do anything beyond being a simple farmmare. In this episode, she goes beyond that role by helping move the Canterlot civilians to safety, gaining enough courage to face Esmeralda, and even save Princess Celestia's life (which definitely count as great feats compared to what she had originally expected of herself). In the end, she finally gets the chance to start her dream farm and, unknowingly, begin the chain of events that would eventually lead to the vast Apple family, Sweet Apple Acres, and, by extension, Ponyville's creation.

I'm glad that you enjoyed the story anyway and thanks for feedback. I'm always happy to hear constructive criticism as it helps me improve as a writer. I'll try not to rush through my endings in the future; but I had been working on this episode for a month and I guess I just wanted to get it done and over with so I could move onto other episodes and stories that I have been thinking about for a while now.

And, believe me, the remaining episodes of "Doctor Whooves: Season 1" are going to be quite an interesting ride.

2721282 That's makes more sense now. :ajsmug: You are welcome.

ok haven't read this page but u guys r giving me spoilers to them!!, yay!!!:yay:

ok haven't read anything yet but sounds like doctors gonna be AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

BABY CHANGELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiegasp: wow this page must be a really good one!:pinkiesmile: omg, so much SUSPENSE!!!!::derpytongue2:

right, what about the poison? :applejackunsure: and can't wait to read more!!!! :pinkiehappy:

ya everyday he would post something up this awesome, and I hope he keeps making them!!!:twilightsmile:

im guessing that this ending is going to great, right? :raritywink:

COLGATE!? I've heard about many stories of doctor and her traveling together, so now I'm going to read one!!! and this was the most amazingest story I have ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart: :yay: :moustache: :raritystarry: :rainbowwild: :pinkiehappy: :derpytongue2: :twilightsmile: :ajsmug:

oh no it ended now what will I read?!?!:raritycry:

Additional thought, cue Doctor Whooves theme:

Additional thought. I'm sorry but I feel I have to mention that Alec is also a stupid name for a pony. :applejackunsure: It sounds like how they nicknamed Flash Sentry from Equestria Girls "Brad".

2721282 You know after a second reading, I've come to realize that Angie is kind of awesome! :ajsmug: The title Angie the Great is pretty fitting.

Yeah. I am still kinda in that phase of giving some ponies human names. :twilightblush: But I'm making progress in breaking out of it and that link you sent me earlier has helped me out. Thanks for being bluntly honest about these things because it'll help me pick better OC names in the future! :pinkiehappy:

Well that little guy isn't going to go hungry anytime soon. :twilightsmile:

Alec... i think gold helmet is a better name for a pony bury okey allons-y! or better Geronimo!!

2621256 hey, if it makes you feel better, your not the only one who has someone to beat in terms of school, i am going to be a senior this year, and my cousin is going to be graduating with me...a year early! so i am going to force myself to do at minimum 230% during the school year. i will not half-ass things or screw around with video games during the day. heh, my dual credit class was Russian one of the hardest languages to learn, and i passed the class with an 82. oh, and my 12 year old brother is better than me at high school math, and he's going into 6th grade. i am very competitive so i need to show my true smarts now that i wont have to deal with an abusive father. (verbal, emotional, mental)

Just a friendly word of advice (and I hope I don't come off as offensive or insulting by saying this) but I wouldn't recommend talking much about your personal life online. I'm not trying to tell you about what to type and what not to type, I've just seen bad things happen in the past in relation to people spilling out a lot of info about their personal lives online.

Anyway, on a more positive note, you're a comment monster (and I mean that in a good way)! I've noticed you leaving a lot of comments on my stories and I really enjoy reading them. You have a very interesting mind and imagination, I must say. :eeyup: I'm also really glad that you enjoy my series. :pinkiehappy:

Here, have a mustache and a Rainbow Dash. :moustache::rainbowdetermined2:

here comes the changelings. doc, you and your companions stop them before I do. i will kill most of them, including the queen with a salvo from my dreadnaught.

Esmeralda. you made the worst mistake of you life. the doc will stop you, and if you dont die from the encounter, i will make sure you die personally.

2987058 lol, nah, it's all good, i know to to talk too much about myself in reality, but with how my mind works, there are certain things i can say that dont give out the exact location of where i live and yeah, i know i post a lot of comments, but that's because i like to comment on things i like. and i do rp a lot :derpytongue2: but that's the fun thing about being an odd person. except when i had to get my tonsils removed because i wouldn't stop licking random objects for fun. (objects like stone benches, or walls, or something inanimate like that) and why thank you for the mus-dash ^_^ here, have a basket of muffins, the basket is made with time-lord tech, bigger on the inside.

Nah more like Davy Jones from pirates of the Caribbean or voldimort in Harry Potter

Donna shook in terror as the beast of black fire entered the room.

And thats when the fire nation attacked

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